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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Saw this and yes, they both have the same hobby and skills when they were young (for newbies here, just in case u didn't know!)! Figure skating for SHK and short track skating for SJK! Are they compatible or what!? Match made in heaven indeed!!!

Can somebody please make a better video of them smoothly gliding across the ice! Side by side! Gaaaaaah! (There were BTS vids of SHK skating for FH, for other reference if someone needs extra clip!)



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2 hours ago, missandrea said:

SJK, there's no doubt why our SHK will fall for you. You are drop dead gorgeous!! And I am only talking about your physical appearance here, your  brains, personality and good manners etc, etc, etc. An extremely rare package! You are definitely quite a catch!!! *drools all over*

SHK, it's not a wonder that SJK along with so many guys falls hard on you! You are radiantly beautiful and stunning! Your presence can stop anything, even a speeding bullet! You have great elegance that you bear and carry with you wherever you go. You are thoughtful and kind hearted too! You are every girls beauty icon & idol and every boys/men's crush & dreams! You are definitely quite a catch, too!!! *gushing*

You guys are really meant for each other! 

Old video - APAN

hi @missandrea, I totally agree with you that they are really meant for each other :)

That video of SHK is not from the APAN awards, it's from the 2014 Shanghai Film Festival.  All SHK fans that day were extremely proud of her because not only was she invited to the event, she was there as "Asia's Representative Actress".  She went on stage second, after Jackie Chan, and gave the opening announcement for the festival.  Here is the video of her opening speech:


"To me films are like traveling. A beautiful destination is always waiting for me. Every time we travel we can discover new and various landscapes and feel unexpected happiness. The process is difficult, but through tears and sweat I believe we can find our confidence and our own selves. If we have some courage and try our best, we will be able to see a proud miracle in Asia’s film industry."  (translations from the SHK thread)

She looked absolutely beautiful at the event





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5 hours ago, SeGafanlady said:

As a child she never experience a normal childhood like us, she start working and model since age 12 and never resting until this moment.. for her.. her mom is everything and her mom is the most important person in her life..  

the Goddess of Fortune seems to pity this beautiful person with her fragile heart and sensitive soul.. money is like growing from the trees in her house.. that's her karma. 

Song Joong Ki is not just a man.. he has ALL that Kyo needs, wants and hopes in a man. And the guy is not a fangirls service giver with SNS profiles or using his fame to enjoy the errupting fandom mountain.. he is still pretty much holding his ground and humble. PERFECTLY MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. I can truely see mommy Kyo nursing her baby at home and can't get happier than that.. 


Damn, I love your post and how you have beautifully written it.  Thank you so much for giving a closer look into her life. I can imagine how hard it must be for her to be the man of the family at such a young age and it just shows how strong she is as a person. Like I said before, as each chapter of her life unfolds before me, my respect and love for her grows stronger and stronger. I am so happy to know her better from this forum and through this drama. She is an inspiration. 

Regarding SHK and SJK, I also have this intuitive feeling that something big is coming on our way  (like wedding :P ). After reading updates and reading shippers analysis of SHK's cute baby wedding pic, I think their relationship is deeper than mere attraction. SHK said that she is aware of impact of her public posts and hence she is very careful about what she shares with her fans. Yet she goes on to post that pic. It shows how confident and assured she is. ( Pardon me, for my this statement is pure based on assumption that she is implying wedding from that pic. I am aware of the fact that  I could be over thinking and there are more possible less delusional interpretations for her IG activities)

I have to admit that sometimes I feel like they are at the beginning stage of a relationship. The excitements and glow in their eyes are like the early signs of blooming relationship. If this is the case, she may not be implying anything from that post. However, my delusional mind is not ready to accept it. I argue that may be the glow is from the joy of finding the "THE ONE"  and the happiness of finally settling down with someone who truly loves you the way you are.  It appears to me( from your posts of course) that both SJK and SHK have been longing to find the REAL LOVE ( for a long time). Someone who could give them as much love as they give. I feel like nobody fits better than each other.  For me they "Complete each other" in all aspects. It will be so hard to see them not be with each other. For me as a shipper, they are on the way to take the next step. I just can't and don't want to think of them being anything else than a couple anymore.( in my mind, i have married them and gave my blessings already.... simply waiting for cute Kikyo babies :P ) 

sorry for long  post, I have no class today. 


I just want to make a quick (weird)remark on the money growing for her. This may sound crazy <BE ALERT> Do any of you have picture of her Palm. I am not much into detail predictions of palmistry but one thing that really amazes me about palmistry is that.. person with letter M on their Palm are considered very lucky(in terms of money, fame and love) and compassionate person. It is RARE to find person with letter M on their  palm. I googled a lot of famous people and most of them have M. OBAMA, Steve Jobs, Dalai Lama, Einstein etc. I tried to google SHK's but her palm picture are not clear on the google pictures. Please share if you have one.  (APOLOGIES if reading this weird portion wasted your time ) I did warn you though.. hee hee :)  :P  




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^This reminds me I can't wait for Awards season to start ... Songs dedicating Awards to each other ... I'm imagining some things which I don't think will be possible at the event(s) ... lol ... Him helping her on the stage etc etc! Hope both of em win plenty of Awards! :wub:

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On 3/28/2016 at 0:17 PM, oetoria15 said:
On 3/27/2016 at 4:02 AM, gangurhar said:

Y'all are some Sherlock Holmes type of detectives here :) Keep up the good work chingus 

Dispatch-nim I'm sure you guys have some thing about these two that you will unleash upon us soon...they may be waiting for the show to end and give it to us as surprise gift *prays*

Yeah...let me pray with you! & i have to salute @joongkyo for her sharpness. There must be something going on between them :D

Can I be one of those lovingly wishing detectives? :D

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@hclover96  Yesyesyes!!! They are for sure meant to be with each other! Love her speech too (thanks for quoting/translating it) and she definitely waved the flags for all Asian people and actors/actresses included! This is definitely one of many beautiful pictures of her in any events and appearances she went to, she looks soooo darn flawless in any angle! SJK looks sooo handsome too in any pictorials and videos with or without make up! LOL! Gaaaaah! They will make beautiful babies!!! They need to pass their genes and repopulate!!!! Haha. 

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@hclover96 thanks for gracing my morning with goddess kyo omg!!!! That simple white dress and her smile is so damn stunning and radiant! Even in simple styles, her beauty in and out simply outshines all that's there! :wub: 

I read too that the makeup artist for SJK's harper's bazaar is also related to kyo hehehe more than 2 related and close people to SHK are tending to him, if this doesn't scream domesticity and serious r/s, idk what does! 

G'morning from here! Happy news yet again :)

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Righto, I've posed my question to K-Pop Herald about how SJK is coping with the excessive media attention. 

Is it correct that in the caption for their fist-bump (on her instagram), SHK had written "Loyalty!!" after "Comrades!"?

To me it seems like a stamp of approval: ie this guy is the real deal.

I agree, Ms Song. Yay!

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6 hours ago, SamTat said:

The 4th part is out. Check it out guys :D.

Can't wait for the translation B).

Credit: andywong1986



Ok , quick translation the interviewers questions.. Need someone with Korean to translate responses

1st besides working with each other, you work with Jin Goo and Kim Ji won, what sparks were there working these actors.

2nd question

You worked with Others actors such the medical teams, what was a memorable experience working with them?


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8 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

this is already posted in drama thread.. but re-share it here, to those who hasn't seen it yet...


cr to OSEN

what will she hear from snoopy? I hope snoopy will just tell her that her captain wait for her to go camping... and he was asked to pick her up and escort her to the campsite.. yeah... I prefer to think this way.... :D to make me lees worries and stop scaring myself with the worst scenario in my head...

lol I totally think it's something like that and she gets scared thinking it's something bad.  Snoopy isn't there to deliver any bad news.  Her sweater also looks like camping sweater too, but hard to tell. 

SHK HAS THE BEST CRYING FACE THOUGH.  Her eyes just look so sad already. 

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@stargazer187 and considering how dots has been trolling with the scenes sometimes and YSJ doing things to "scare" KMY, that's unsurprising! So yeah maybe! :D

And I was doing some thinking otw to work! And how that line "love compels us to do things the other can do themselves" and I can't help but think how this is so applicable to SJK and SHK in real life. So, SJK could obviously have his own hair stylist and makeup artist and photographer etc but as we saw recently, they have been those who work closely with SHK! And then we've SHK, who is a true master at ninjaness on her own yet we saw SJK elaborately going out of his way for the 007 mission and making sure she gets in all the way to the boarding gate in an unscathed manner, away from the flashing lights. I'm sure there are many examples of how they've been doing things for each other that they can do themselves but those examples came to mind! They're really their characters in real life :wub: (it might as well be close to 100% now instead of just 80-90%)

/it feels like a long day already waiting another 14 hours to ep 15! 

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8 hours ago, songsquare said:

@bluedolphin81 HAHAHAHAHA omg joongki's face in the 3rd frame got me real good, he legit looks like a deflated balloon! Is this the moment SHK said he's a reliable dongsaeng? :lol:

Haha...I believe it is. A Chinese reporter was curious about his expression and went to look at the video with chinese translation (looks like it was from iQiyi which only viewers from China can see).  She claims that this is the part where SHK says he is a reliable dongsaeng...this is simply too hilarious! This shows how important her comments meant to him...:lol:

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This thread is very positive, with major contributions from the sunbaes, the very keen detectives, the very imaginative observers, and very humorous pics and gif makers. Plenty of thanks to all of you friends. just wanna share my opinion (since we need more fuel to keep our ship steady and sali smoothly, hehe) : 
In my theory, it is highly likely that SJK was the first to initiate the rapport between them. Based on SHK's Elle interview, she first (officially) met SJK during the filming of TWTB early in 2013 (Feb-March?) when he visited the set thanks to JIS connection. He was said to greet her as his sunbae, and he left good impression on SHK. She said that she had previously noticed SJK's good acting quality as well as good looks during the NG with MCW (her reason to watch the drama at first was MCW). After that, she mentioned that they sort of bump into each other several times when they hang out with their respective friends, probably in cafe or the like. 
? Maybe SJK "innocently" tried to be at the same place with her? As she is quite reserved person who unlikely hang out at different places from time to time. I think her choice would be pretty much the same. Ones like studio concrete or the likes? And if they did met before TWTB, I think she'd mentioned it first. But to her the first meeting was in TWTB set, and only after that they 'coincidentally' met and greeted each other at cafes. Maybe, just maybe, the first meeting also left a deep impact to SJK? Why was it only after the TWTB meeting that they met several times, mind you, not just once, but several times, although from Kyo's perspective, it was coincidental? 
SJK's army enlistment began in August 2013, and ended in May 2015 (CMIIW). During the time period, he was reported having brief vacation with family and friends. 6 months prior to his discharge, he confirmed DOTS, and before the discharge date, he had met the writers and SHK to discuss about the characters and drama. 
? Prior or during this period, SJK might have developed greater curiosity towards her, or people around her, since they met and discussed things more intensely due to the prospect of working together. Since if I'm not mistaken, one of SJK ardent fans in this forum commented that he wasn't that into art before, and although he was a friend of YAI, they were not that close like his friendship with JIS, LKS, IJH -YAI was closer to SHK-. Thus, it invokes my curiosity as to why....
Several days after he was discharged, our great detectives in this forum revealed that he was seen visiting the Studio Concerete and reportedly bought some paintings from the artist. In one of the pic s where he posed, SHK gave a quick, amused response. At this rate, in the interview, he called her "SHK noona". 
At that time, it is highly likely that they were already acquaintained with each other, but I think its just casual acquantaince, not yet real friend, like, one who you talk and hang out with frequently. But he was slowly becoming one of the studio's circle of friends, which including SHK of course. He was frequently seen with the studio people. 
Then the filming began, it took about 6-7 months, preceded by a retreat bonding that helped to melt the ice among the casts and staffs. During which, according to BTS etc, they got to share many scenes together, often without other OTP, and thus have many opportunities to know and interact with each other freely. His and her true personality became apparent, not only to each other, but to other casts and staffs to, hence the never ending gushes and praises from co-stars in their interviews and IGs. The level of comfort between them became very high, to the extent that they could playfully touch/'punch' each other (see what SJK did to SHK in BTS). I think SJK is doing very good in approaching her cautiously but still playfully, bringing his true self to her and thus, appreciating and bringing her confidence to show her true, carefree self to the surface. I think he taught her indirectly to trust other and let her guard down at times, to embrace her freedom and focus on her own happiness. 
After the wrap, the NYC rendezvouz. I thought he began to show a new level of effort to pursue her, to the place that she treasured. It might show that he is serious with their 'friendship'. And somehing that may come more than that. He showed her that he was not afraid to meet time to time, not afraid to what people might say if they happen to see them. But at that time, I don't think they are officially dating yet. But the deep attraction was there. Otherwise, why would she agree to the meeting? (Sst...and shopping together, and holding hands...it the rumor was true^^).
During the 1st PC until the 2nd PC, with several meetings between, I think he still showed his persistence to have a chance to date her - with serious intention, as other intention wont match his personality - and her responses were keep getting better, as he started to loosen and act more playfully with her (the mid-series PC). She was comfortable enough to joke about the confession, to keep meeting him, and arrange the co-hosting party. The national interview, hinted majorly about his feelings regarding her. He takes into consideration A LOT of her feelings. The EW interview also hinted something deeper was going on between them. If not already. 
? Regarding the pic from the 1st PC, when SHK answered how he was a very reliable dongsaeng, I found his response quite intriguing. Why such a deflated face, when in the next/other questions, or interviews, he likely to listen solemnly, smiled along, or nodded to her answers? He spaced out? Thats out if character from him, as that was the 1st PC of their project, and he was the leading man who was supposed to sell the drama properly? I personally take it as, he took the comment quite personally. (Did someone want to be seen MORE than just a reliable dongsaeng?)
And at last, the HK conference and what surrounds it. I think, there was a major thing happened during the flight to HK presscon. It might be the revelation between them, it might be them officiating their date, or something else, which, I believe, let them to be true to their feelings to themselves and to each other. And they decided to let it be. Hence the very happy, blushing appearances of the two. While SJK wasn't shy anymore to show that he regards her differently from her past co-stars (refer to her as Hye-Kyo ssi, but Kim Ji Won got Kim Ji Won-ssi, as well as her past co-stars noona got labeled ....-noona/sunbae, EXCEPT SHK) act as what he would like to do with his hands, and very actively find the opportunity to look for her and express his opinion of her, very pretty. I think once or twice will be enough to praise a co-star, but to make it THRICE, the last one even the most superlative and said with an even smaller voice, followed with adorable blushing and the need to drink some water to diffuse the flustered feeling, thats......just.....very telling..... Not to mention the interview after, how he praised her outer and inner beauty altogether, as to emphasize how beautiful he perceived her inside out to the world. 
And her saying of wanting to take time to get to know him better? She definitely likes him back, if not love and fall for him hard yet, and she definitely aim for something more serious and long lasting, and believe that he has the major potential to be her last man. They might be already dating and spending time at this point, but I think for the time being, they want to explore and take their new relationship to a higher level, more serious one, with marriage at the end thought. I think SJK has done a very good job in approaching her, let her down her guarded self, enjoying the moment, be herself in front of public, as well as supporting and protecting her at the same time. I think she feels loved right now. And she steadily embraced the idea of having him all the time in her life. SJK has shown his maturity, his humbleness, caring, attentive, protective, and in the mean time, hardworking, professional, and talented. I believe SHK, being with the same traits, highly regarded those qualities of him. He might be perceived as a good hoobae and dongsaeng to her at first, not to mention his prettiness, but he had shown her that he has so much more than that. And she acknowledged that and liked that. 
He values her perception and opinion of him and his actions. From his body language, it is very clear that he is attracted to her, but the time and occurences showed that he is being serious with the attraction and clearly want to make it work by the time he spent to get to know her and got immersed in her inner circle of friends and staffs. 
No, friends, we're not (that) delulu. Just trying to read more between the lines. Now lets Just wait for another clues and hopefully, wedding announcement (or dating confirmation  if any media could catch them beforehand, hopefully not). Hehe. 
Be happy, SHK, SJK. 
Sidenote: I've just got the chance to view SJK's past PCs in past projects and its BTS, to check how he interacted with his co-stars. And indeed, this time is different. One of the key element of how often he tried to see/look at his co-star, although he praised them, happily leaned towards them, linked arms with them, holding hands, he didn't try to look at them very often. But with SHK, the skinship was minimal, yet he frequently looked at her/glanced at her. Smiled at her. Thought that the minimal skinship was because of post-army enlistment, he probably became more mature and guarded around girls? Think again. He met Song Ji Hyo as special guest for RM after his discharge, and he hugged her and touched her cheeks, a gesture that I perceived as brotherly gestures. So...SHK is indeed different to him. From SHK sunbae, to HK noona, to SHK-sshi, and last HK-sshi....you sure are closing the gap switfly, Mr. SJK. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT! Happy DoTS day everyone! 
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On 4/12/2016 at 6:41 PM, stargazer187 said:

this is already posted in drama thread.. but re-share it here, to those who hasn't seen it yet...


what will she hear from snoopy? I hope snoopy will just tell her that her captain wait for her to go camping... and he was asked to pick her up and escort her to the campsite.. yeah... I prefer to think this way.... :D to make me lees worries and stop scaring myself with the worst scenario in my head...



Credit to :  RUHENS photoshoot BTS photos

Totally random...but doesn't it look like the similar sweater / top?  It must be popular if we can see it in 3 different occasions.  :P  

EDIT : After watching the scene in ep 15, I see that KMY's sweater is slightly different from these two.  Hers had buttons on the shoulders or at least one shoulder.

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2 hours ago, jakey09 said:

^This reminds me I can't wait for Awards season to start ... Songs dedicating Awards to each other ... I'm imagining some things which I don't think will be possible at the event(s) ... lol ... Him helping her on the stage etc etc! Hope both of em win plenty of Awards! :wub:

This is also one thing I am so looking forward too...after DOTS finished airing, will anticipate fan meets of SJK and awarding ceremonies, hoping we can see them walk together in the red carpet, sit together in one table along with other DOTS casts and can't wait to hear their speeches once they receive their awards..will they acknowledge each other??? awwwwww December come fast!

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