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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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19 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

HK I do not know what he was thinking but her father said that a rep would be coming and I do not know if it was just me or the subs I saw in the last episode but he told him to expect them and may have referenced DH. IF not and it was just whoever subbed its point of view then HK should not have seemed so shocked anyway

No, BDJ never said who, just 'she'. We, of course knew it was DH2 but HK was actually surprised. Not sure why.....

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Maybe HK thinks DH2 still her reporter instinct so was expecting someone else from Papa Baek company.

EB was looking for the earring which I believed with DH2 now since she cried for vengeance in the earlier 40's episodes.

SJ is like her dad, showing her goodness while all her evil deeds is pushes to others like the idea of layoff blame it on TJ.

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Anyone noticed the sign in Hwi Kyung's room "When one door closes, another door OPENS".

Se Jin is actually like her mother. She also bulldozes Tae Joon around. I think "Do Hee" will be fighting with Se Jin in business since she comes up with all the ideas but she wanted Tae Joon to look good by saying he came up with it. There will a battle of wills between Yoon Kyung and Se Jin later on. Yoon Kyung wants Se Jin to take over Baekdo while Se Jin is preparing that seat for Tae Joon.

Yoo Kyung suffered a shock in seeing "Do Hee". However, she spring to action and went off to see "Do Hee's" mother to destroy the marriage opportunity.

In the preview, you get to see Se Jin is all upset that Hwi Kyung managed to counter all her plans.

"Do Hee" appeared to Tae Joon full frontal in his bedroom.

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Did anyone notice the foreshadowing we got in the garage after SJ gave TJ the car she said "make sure no one rides in this car but us" hahahha I bet NY will be riding in that car;)

@Jackie1048 Yes. NY is kicking a ss and taking names, she has no mercy. I can't believe she was in their bedroom. I love that she just doesn't care, she is set to destroy them, there is no turning back now.

YK can spring into action but her plans will not amount to anything. I'm sure NY and HK will be married before episode 60. HK is truly falling for her, and DH's mom will still want them to get married so she can make her husband and HK's mother in laws.

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In Temptation of Wife, the heroine got Lady Min and son backing her up while helping her to fit in new identity.

Here it seems DH2 is going solo, of course DH dad is backing her up without realizing her real identity.. What DH2 plans?  Make Jangs lose all monies and status?  Hopefully the earring issue is closed, i mean what can it proves even if it is brought up?

TJ car? Please... DH2 should get over him and not bothered by him.. Within his looking distance should rattled him and just that would be good.

I do not favour HK/DH2 marriage, in her consious she should not covets her dead sister's man and that is it.. If her heart is touched, it will be painful when she is found out as NY and i think DH2 also realize that.

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Preview DH2 with TJ in bedroom. She used to enter before, could well give an excuse to TJ she thought it was still HK's room?

The HQ is doing things behind HK's back. Appointing a new Director with all necessary paperwork..and not notifying him of the additional Director? Mr President should be fully aware of this.

As I earlier commented on majority/controlling shares, hope MrBeaks investment is in the form of shares in AP Food.. ie HK's portion (left by exChairman as per his Will) plus MrBeak's > majority/controlling shares.. With these majority HK n DH2 will be able to run AP Food without interference from HQ, now as a minority shareholder.


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Now i'm seeing a different TJ. In last 2 episode he was like against SJ and her mum running down HK. But he changed after overhearing the conversation between SJ and her mum, in that SJ's mum wants her to take over Baekdo and that TJ is just a dog. TJ is trying desperately to get into YK good books but YK is not having any of it when she said in episode 51 'she is like oil and TJ is water' and water and oil don't mix. waaahaha. i can't imgine how TJ feels inside. Or maybe he has some ulterior motive like taking over Baekdo for himself. Yeah! i think that's it. He suffered a lot as a child living in poverty and mistreated by the aunt and now crushed by the mum in law. It can make one do desperate things. 

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Guest my2centsworth
11 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Oh man! A lot to say already even before subs!! Okay, live-streaming SUX today!

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Amazing! YK was almost lost for words upon seeing DH2. That was pretty funny. As I said, all that SJ does will be blamed on TJ as he will be credited with the stupid suggestions from SJ. But I am glad that HK sees more and more that the Jangs, his sister and even TJ are NOT there to help him! ASJ will definitely be a problem going forward; however, I'm not worried about her. The more she protests because of YK and did we see 

I liked this episode simply because it was again a learning lesson for HK. He is STILL holding onto his family. He really needs to step back and smell the stink coming from them as they have and will continue to not be on his side. He hasn't learned the lesson yet. The real important part was what spurred the strike from the employees and what did DH2 say that seemed to defuse the situation. 

I totally agree with you over HK. His "peanut pair" has grown a little.....they are now pecans.....lol

6 hours ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

I really liked how determined NY is with her revenge but its not a messy revenge, she is very smart and calculating. Her business knowledge will take her far in the company, and her personable self i.e being nice to HK's mother, bringing HK lunch/saving his company, wanting to take over the company after her dad, she is indeed pleasing all her allies. YK, will at some point have an upper hand, if NY is humanized again but not with this new NY all she's seeing is blood.

YK doesn't have any dirt on HK's mom except that she knows she was DH's fathers first love. YK thinks that if she tells that info to DH's mother, she will be determined to stop a wedding between DH and HK, but what she doesn't know is DH's mother is already aware of their past. And in today's episode DH's father told her, she has his blessing's no matter who she chooses to be with, he supports her completely. I love that. I don't think NY will have any remorse about marrying HK, because her revenge comes before anything. She will realize she needs to marry HK to stay and torment YK,SJ,TJ,KW.

So tomorrow TJ see's NY, yes i've waited too long for this. I really hate the side stories with NY sisters and their love interests, I'm sick of seeing that chicken restaurant, and TJ's parents are beyond annoying. I find myself constantly fast forwarding through all those scenes:angry:.

@my2centsworth It seems that the pair of balls TJ is growing is going to be turing him to a villain without a doubt, he will use his powers for evil to gain the respect and recognition he craves from YK. TJ has really mommy issues!

LOL.....Yeah they are growing but the will never be a big as YK's....lol  Villain? Maybe....it's hard to tell what is going on in the airspace her calls a brain.

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Guest my2centsworth
7 hours ago, chickpea said:

@sherrrr - Woman With Twisted Mind and Hair (WWTMH) - my handle for the woman who bore TJ.  I absolutely refuse to use the honorable terms "mother", "grandmother" or "mother-in-law" for her.  Her greed has her mind as twisted as the curls that blanket her head...  But feel free to call her whatever you wish...

... and I won't use her given name since that would afford her a dignity she doesn't deserve...

MJ is the "greedy parasite" !  Someone gave her that name. Sorry I don't remember who said it first. Please let me know so I can burn you name in my memory.   It is such a great name and will start using it more often, but I need to give credit to the person who came up with it first.

5 hours ago, tulip06 said:

I'm a little surprised YK hasn't simply told HK and his mum to get out.  Why wouldn't she do that?  It was her mother's house and now hers, so it's nothing to do with HK and his mother once the father died.  

Is there some sort of squatter's right in SK?

She did ask them to move out, but YS refused and vowed that someday YK and her goons will walk out on their own two feet.

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My favorite moments:



No, DH2. It wouldn't be fun!!!

Two people that are totally in love with DH/DH2! I enjoyed this moment. And I loved how HK beat back that dig against DH2's mental stability! Cannot wait for SJ/TJ to see who DH (DH2) is!!!



Oh boy, TJ! You don't have a pray...until YK becomes very very, very, very desperate!




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First the business partnership and then the marriage partnership. Yes, I had issues at first about DH2/HK but I also like to think that DH would want her to take care of her parents as well as HK. But as I said, marrying HK is a ways to a means. It is necessary and it will happen!!


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Gotta admit I miss DH & her scenes with HK. DH was such a refreshing character in kdrama.

I hope DH2 in her revenge will not hurt innocent people like her adopted parents & HK. They are not even aware their beloved DH has died and no opportunity to mourn properly.

I guess HK deep down feels sorry to YK becoz even tho she is the first born, being the only son he got to be the heir to the company. He understood how it must gall YK to see Dad fell in love with her own best friend and left her own mom. On top of that she also lost her position as the heiress of the company.

I like that he value his family over company shares and inheritance. It means he is not consume with greed. Greed makes you do crazy bad things.

We have 3 women in this dama who "steal" somebody else men.

YS got the Chairman.

YK got KW.

SJ got TJ.


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The part i liked in the episode, YK asking KW to straight come back home.. Then asking SJ/KW whether they seen DH before and yet remains elusive as in why.. Cant believed it, she went to Baek's house to confirm it herself... 

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, Tang Soon said:

In Temptation of Wife, the heroine got Lady Min and son backing her up while helping her to fit in new identity.

Here it seems DH2 is going solo, of course DH dad is backing her up without realizing her real identity.. What DH2 plans?  Make Jangs lose all monies and status?  Hopefully the earring issue is closed, i mean what can it proves even if it is brought up?

TJ car? Please... DH2 should get over him and not bothered by him.. Within his looking distance should rattled him and just that would be good.

I do not favour HK/DH2 marriage, in her consious she should not covets her dead sister's man and that is it.. If her heart is touched, it will be painful when she is found out as NY and i think DH2 also realize that.

The earring !   YK's downfall.  She see great importance in it.  She knows it a connection to her and the death of LYA even if it won't stand up in a court of law.   NY aka  DH2 also knows that earring has great importance regarding her mother death too.  When YN was 12 years old, she left that house clutching that earring so tight that her hand was bleeding.  KW will remember how she was holding something so tight.  He will remember that "funny feeling" he has when ever he looks at her.   And the fact that YK still has the other earring.   All these things will come into play when by some chance  KW finds that earring in  YK's  jewelry box and later he will probably see the other one in DH2's possession   Who knows there may even be a flashback of him actually seeing the earring the day he took the young NY to the orphanage.

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Guest my2centsworth

@Ldy Gmerm Love your comment.  You mention that there could be a possibility that someone from the construction side could have messed with AP Foods or took money from it to start a slush fund?  I thought that way too.  And only one person would do that.   KW !   He comes across patient, understanding with a good heart.......BULL _HIT ! ! !  He is patient.....patient in waiting to take over. Way back when the Chairman put HK at AP foods, KW wanted to sell it.   HK pitch for it saying "you wouldn't throw out a sick child because it is sick, so why throw out a sick company."  That was when KW knew his time was limited at that company and the Chairman was planning to leave the company to HK.  But before that, I think KW has been planning to take over and could have possibly using AP Foods to his advantage.  When DH2 was being tutored by the finance director of Baekdo there was a scene when they talked about the fact that AP Foods had a different profit from the rest of Baekdo and the graph was different too.  DH2 said that is look like the parent company and the subsidiary weren't one, like it was a "parasite". She ask why but the scene ended there. 

You also talked about DH2's mom. The more I see her the less and less I like her. Never really liked her anyway because she stole a child to hang on to a man. Did love it when DH2 came home and she was at the door waiting and starting questioning her before she could even sit down.    Then BDJ spoke and and told her to 'let her breathe".    The marriage between DH2 and HK. I see is good for DH2 in two ways.   1. Gets HD2 into that house to continue her revenge and 2. Gets her away from that mother of hers.

What did EB find missing in NY and SB burial place. ( is that what you call it? ) Think it was the pic of SB and NY. The one that use to be on NY's dresser.

I think when all is done and said and when BDJ finds out that neither the real DH nor the DH@ are the bio daughters of BDJ, he will still love and care for her.  He had to know their mother, LYA.  He knew YS from high school and YS were friends with YK and LYA, so he would know a lot about them.  If he cared for LYA as a friend, I think he will welcome DH2 as his daughter.  DH2 is going to need a great father figure.  Especially since KW doesn't deserve to be anyone's father.  Hoping that DH2 will tell him where to go when she finds out the truth.

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