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My thought of YuZhou based on uncut ep15


I don't remember since when but I would turn away and roll my eyes when a hetero couple kiss on screen. Tho the starting was sweet and all that cliche stuff that I personally like, I would cringe when they started kissing, slowly or rushing.

I am this sappy person where my fav HaiYin kissing scene is the one in the car because eventho Yin already accepted his feeling towards Hai by initiating 1st the kiss that was released just now, he was drunk. He knew he likes Hai but the fact that he needed alchohol to make the move means there was still a little bit unsure about it himself.

But during the car scene, both he and Hai were sober. They were talking and were staring right into each other's eyes and he let Hai kissed him without any resistance. He didn't push Hai away or trying to avoid the kiss. It was really small and short but he lifted his head just ever so slightly, reaching for Hai's lips when Hai pulled away and broke the kiss. And that small movement really the sweetest thing to me. I could repeat that over and over again and get swoon over it every time.

Tho Hai was practically threatened him, he did it with love. He was so sweet towards Yin that I totally overlook his threat. He just love Yin that much that I'm melted just at the thought of it.

There are many hetero couple on screen become real off screen. I don't know what kind of scenes they had that they were able to develop feeling for each other but the one that YuZhou had on the uncut scene probably one of them. I know a Korean celebrity couple like that and the drama they met from isn't as 'steamy' as Addicted. They got together even without those intense scenes so YuZhou that did that scene where I couldn't watch it without fingers covering my eyes is more likely to have that feeling than the hetero couple.

Adding the fact that they are not hetero would make those intense scenes more intense than it should be. Thus, resulting a feeling that familiar to them but in the same time totally new. It took them some time to assort this new feeling but they finally accepted it and MadameFigaro and Weibo update happened.

And it led to sunglasses and necklace and eye drop and white shirt and vows and church bells and flower petals being tossed and cake multiple tier being cut and kids playing around a happy couple.

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Can anybody translate the new uncut scene?

Did I fail to find the full uncut or the scene end when GH is saying something when he tries to top BLY? 

Based on the BTS, I thought the scene would go a little bit further. Is there an extended version of the uncut or they leaked only this? Do you think the scene goes beyond?

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On 4 June 2016 at 7:50 AM, André Sá said:

Can anybody translate the new uncut scene?

GH: Who is calling at this hour?
BLY: A harassing phone call.
BLY: You bastard!
GH: Yinzi, what are you afraid of?

I think there should be more beyond these four lines but the full uncut version for this scene would be released later so we just have to wait till somebody uploads it on IG, Twitter, Tumblr or YouTube.

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17 hours ago, xix19xix said:

@Franz Grant, Sounds like you are really angry with JY as well as BL fans. As gay myself, I can understand the frustration. 

I think we need to remind ourselves that this show is ahead of its time in China. Most people are still very conservative when it comes to the notion of love. Even in Hong Kong, most people do not support gay marriage. 

I don't think it is reasonable to expect them to become martyrs. After all, they are not gay rights activists. They are just young entertainers who just started out in the industry. They have a team of people who they need to be responsible for too. We should also be reminded that even Hollywood stars establish themselves first before coming out. 

As for BL fans, I would say most hold on to the ideal that love has no boundaries. But when the two men come under direct fire from the authorities, it is natural to have different responses based on our own perspection of whether the stars are really gay or not, how submissive we personally are to authorities and how vested we are in our ideology of love.

I would say that both JY and ZZ are not homophobic. They had mentioned a couple of times on this. Do they like each other? They had publicly said so a few times. Are they still in contact? Yes they stick together (privately) due to the situation they faced as many members including @gayyoxx and @jnnx had pointed out. I don't think we can decide how JY is treating ZZ based on a single event. There are so many other instances where he shows and hints his care and love for ZZ. In fact, leaving for Shanghai may be a way to protect ZZ. If he is at the concert, news will spread and it may result in even stricter censorship. They are just starting out. It is not even a year!

I don't know if their friendship will last but I see them hanging in. But what more do we and should we ask given the circumstances given who and where they are? The way I see it, giving up on them does nothing to reverse the situation. I still think that supporting them is the best way. Support ZZ concert to be a success. Let JY shows be huge hits. Let their business be a success. This way they can be who they want to be in the future.

Very well put.

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I really want to hug both of them.. suddenly miss seeing them together.

Anyway, this is for you https://www.wattpad.com/265929066-yuzhou-fan-fics-parent-1



Zhouzhou is driving alone. He’s decided to meet Jingyu’s parent. He still couldn’t believe his silly boyfriend just went ahead and told his parent. He couldn’t understand wether Jingyu is just silly and foolish, or just too optimistic, or brave. One thing for sure, that guy is just out of his mind.
He’s cursing Jingyu along the way even though that guy couldn’t hear it. He called Jingyu an idiot after he found out about what he has done behind Zhouzhou’s back. 
Jingyu will arrive first before Zhouzhou. They couldn’t be seen together in public. And he certainly won’t like people find out he’s going to meet Jingyu’s parent. He could imagine what people will talk about and right now is really not the time to get themselves into a storm of scandal. Not when the ban is still on.
Zhouzhou keep mumbling to himself. He’s still so nervous about meeting his future parent in law. Or is it too soon to call them that? His head is a mess because of his proud boyfriend right now. It’s more nerve wrecking than meeting his ex’s parent. He doesn’t know how Jingyu’s parent will treat him. He’s still not sure even though Jingyu said they accepted them already. 
And he still can’t bring himself to tell his parent about Jingyu. He wanted to enjoy their moment of loving together, alone. But because of that guy, he just needed to think about their future already. He’s still young, they both are, and they just met. It’s not like Zhouzhou isn’t sure about his feeling, but he knows it will be more difficult than normal relationship he once had. They might eventually part ways. That possibility is still exist. 
“Jingyu, you idiot!!!!”
He hopes they could always be together. Until the end of time. But there’s still some stuff that scare Zhouzhou and that’s why he’s so cautious and careful about their relationship. But he starts to think Jingyu has no fear.
Now, because of this, Zhouzhou tried to think some ways to divert people attention. He won’t let people find out his whereabouts. He mustn’t be seen with Jingyu’s family. But Jingyu is not helping at all. Zhouzhou kinda miss the coward Jingyu, the guy who tried to leave him. At least, that time Jingyu thought about a lot of things that needed to think about. Not like now where he could care less about everything else. 

— — —

Jingyu is already home with his family. His parents and grandparents are glad to meet him after a while. They couldn’t believe how famous Jingyu is. But they are glad when they found out Jingyu is still the same old Jingyu. 
Jingyu’s mom already prepared a lot of meals. Jingyu’s favourite. The family eat together and they are just so happy seeing Jingyu. They feed Jingyu a lot and that guy just loves being pampered. 
After the meal, Jingyu’s grandparents rest in their room while Jingyu talks with his parent.
“Why didn’t Zhouzhou come with you?” Jingyu’s mom starts asking about his son’s boyfriend.
Jingyu said he already told his family about Zhouzhou, but it’s only to his parent. He didn’t tell his grandparents since he thought they are old already. He won’t burden them with this kind of stuff. He just want them to be happy and healthy for the rest of their life. And seeing him happy is enough for them. He doesn’t need to tell them everything.
“I told you already, he’s too cautious. He’s too serious about this stuff. Not to mention his schedule. I’m worried he’ll get sick.”
“You should be cautious. Not everyone can accept your relationship,” Jingyu’s father reminds his son.
“I know that already. It’s just… I want him to feel accepted. I want him to feel safe. I want to show him that everything will be alright.”
Jingyu got teary eyes. For some time, he feels that his existence is not enough for Zhouzhou. No matter what he said, he knows he can’t erase Zhouzhou’s fear. That’s the fear he also had before. 
Zhouzhou is the one who made him face his fear. He’s always thankful to the fact that Zhouzhou cling onto him. Stoping him from running away. From that moment on, he only thought about what he could do for his boyfriend. That time, he got his confidence back and he’s ready to face his fears. But it’s different with Zhouzhou.
He knows that Zhouzhou’s love for him is not less than his love. But back then, Zhouzhou’s only trying to stop him from leaving. He’s scared of losing him. Now that they are together, Jingyu knows Zhouzhou also thinks about a lot of things. Even though Zhouzhou acts strong, Jingyu knows how worried and nervous Zhouzhou is. Trying to hide their relationship. Being extra cautious in public. It’s already hard for Zhouzhou. Jingyu’s scared Zhouzhou will break down sooner or later.
Unlike him who chose to run away, Jingyu knows that Zhouzhou is not the type of person who will run. He will face everything head on. And that’s why it’s scarier for Jingyu. Zhouzhou will push himself. He won’t give up. But he also thinks too much about it. He’s being too careful and stress over it. He won’t even talk about it with Jingyu. It’s really not good for his health.
“You really love him, huh?” Jingyu’s mom hugs him. “I was surprised at first. I thought you were just acting. But if you really love him and happy with him, there’s nothing else I could say.”
“You two will always welcome here,” Jingyu’s dad adds in.
“Mom, Dad, thank you so much. Please love him as much as you love me.”
“Don’t worry. He’s a good kid. I liked him already.”
Jingyu hugs his mom tighter. He’s glad he told his parent sooner. He didn’t expect them to accept it so soon and easily. He was just being confidence that he could make them accept Zhouzhou. He’d do everything it takes and told Zhouzhou only when he got the good news.
Now, he can confidently give Zhouzhou a place to belong to. Even if the whole world is against them, there is this home that will accept and love them. At least, they will be safe here. At least, Zhouzhou can relax here.

— — —

Zhouzhou finally arrives at Jingyu’s home. It’s already late at night. He’s still nervous as hell when he sees Jingyu welcomes him with his parent. He prepared his heart for hours already, but it’s still can’t calm down.
“Welcome,” Jingyu’s mom give Zhouzhou a big warm welcome.
It took Zhouzhou by surprise. He can’t believe Jingyu’s family really accepted him. They met each other before, but he’s now their son’s boyfriend. He expect them to act not so friendly. 
“Jingyu, hurry and take his luggage. Zhouzhou, come on in.”
Jingyu’s parent tell him to come in and they lead the way. Jingyu takes the backpack on Zhouzhou’s shoulder. Zhouzhou is still in daze.
“See. They really love you,” Jingyu put his arm around Zhouzhou’s neck and his warmth makes Zhouzhou feels loved.
Zhouzhou immediately hugs Jingyu tightly. Jingyu is shock to see Zhouzhou is so bold with his parent around when he’s the one who called him idiot when they talked on the phone earlier.
“They are fine with us?” Zhouzhou asks quietly.
Jingyu hold Zhouzhou and kisses his cheek. “I told you, didn’t I?”
“I’m so happy. So relief. They are really fine with us.”
Zhouzhou is smiling happily. All of his nervousness, anxiety, everything that’s been weighing in his mind disappear that instant. He can see a new hope of being together with Jingyu. Even when the whole world go against them, he now has a shred of hope that he can still live happily with Jingyu. Their acceptance is such a great strength for him.
“That’s why, don’t worry too much. Your family will also accept us. Your friends too. They will accept us and be happy for us. Just like my parent.”
Zhouzhou nods. He’s so happy tonight. Jingyu smiles seeing his love is so happy and that’s because of him. He’s so proud of himself. He once again thanks heaven that he got such a nice and understanding parent.



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5 hours ago, Lê Anh said:

Engsub vid yuesai 02.06.2016 of zhou zhou





Don't worry, it's just a movie. He only loves JY. Look the same shirt! Exactly their situation.  OMG!
YuZhou forever!

She is ugly, it's just a movie! We support you!

Boring movie. JY would do much better.

Let's do this movie. It will pay off better in the long run.

Hi bro. Long time no see. Did she like your leghair?

She is quite nice. We had a good time making this movie.


No offence intended!

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5 hours ago, André Sá said:

Can anybody translate the new uncut scene?

Did I fail to find the full uncut or the scene end when GH is saying something when he tries to top BLY? 

Based on the BTS, I thought the scene would go a little bit further. Is there an extended version of the uncut or they leaked only this? Do you think the scene goes beyond?

Like you @André Sá, I'm dying because of curiosity :tears: 

 the one that i watched was in black and white by the way :bawling: is it the right one, or there is any other video which is not in black and white... 

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