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54 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

This is a beautifully clear video from the HC-wrestling match.

i'm screaming at this perfect bgm. it looked so much like bedroom horseplay towards the end with jy teasingly tapping zz's chest and the teammates are like "yo get off him already lmao"

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2 hours ago, akira1221oor said:

@hailouyin17 and @fuyuko 

I don't think it's a good idea to compare XWZ and HJY. And I don't think XWZ is in better situation than HJY either. 

You guys seem to see less HJY now a day is only expected and it's not really a bad thing atm. He's going home, taking a break, spending time with his family and it's not the end of his career in anyway. Talking about scheduled shows cutting him off, besides shows that featuring both XWZ and HJY (HC, RFT - both just in rumors), any other cuts him off? If you say TAR then give me credible source that says his partner for this show isn't supposed to be XWZ and that makes 1, only 1. Is it that bad for a newbie? 

I don't know if you're HJY's fan or HJY-bias or not, and don't take it personal when I say this, majority of HJY's fans is overprotective and likes to victimize him, don't know why. He's a grown up man who started working at a very young age, don't you think he'll be that vulnerable and fragile? What happens to him due to his role in Addicted is unfortunate, but it also brought him many opportunities in the industry, so don't complain. And he's not the only one who has to take that blow from the ban, why go blaming it on his colleagues? even bashing them? or saying bitter things? Many magazines featuring him still go on sale, many other jobs he got from his popularity from Addicted still hold,... why bitter?  

Actually, XWZ has it worse. But well, shouldn't drag the mood down any further. Sorry for my long rant, but I checked info on XWZ&HJY and HJY's fandom (not here, I don't mean you guys) irked me and drowned me in so much negativity that I had to let it out of my system somehow. Then coming here, I saw some victimization in the making, I had to have a word. Thanks for bearing with me. 



I just want to clarify that I never thought of HJY as being vulnerable or fragile. As I stated before, I'm older than both of them but I still admire HJY. I don't admire "little kids" (well maybe the kids' innocence but that is beside the point) And what I meant when I wrote I'm not as worried about Zhouzhou because I saw how he dealt with scandals before and they were great. I believe he can overcome future obstacles whatever they are. To me they are independent young men who know how to decide for themselves and can protect themselves. I'm actually CP shipper, HJY bias, not only fan. And to me it doesn't matter which type of fan we are, it's our attitude and respect (or none) towards others that in part define us. I don't have anything against other fans because I believe in what I believe and that has nothing to do with other fans. My love for YuZhou is just between me and them, not the fans. And I have never thought HJY or XWZ was brought down because of each other. Like HJY said, they went through this together and experienced all these together. How can the downfall be blame on either of them.

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10 minutes ago, winterday said:

Please check this out, I found it quite interesting. This is today's post.

Several days ago I saw China Huace Film&TV posted the pictures of Johnny and Timmy, and today this channel page post this. I don't know why but I feel that it is a good sign for us.



Anyone who can translate this? Hoping for a great news about them. :) 

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Is he trying to be a photographer now? hihihi I love his passion for photography, I hope he can talk about his passion in a show and talk to us about it. Is anyone here remember how he took ZZ pictures in the BTS? I wonder how many ZZ pictures in his camera ^_^
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10 minutes ago, winterday said:

Please check this out, I found it quite interesting. This is today's post.

Several days ago I saw China Huace Film&TV posted the pictures of Johnny and Timmy, and today this channel page post this. I don't know why but I feel that it is a good sign for us.



Anyone who can translate this? Hoping for a great news about them. :) 

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3 hours ago, savekaya said:

Here's the full trans of the BLY and BHQ(BLY's dad convo) during the coming out 

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BHQ(BLY’s dad): Say, what happened?
BLY : …
BHQ : Why are you stuttering? Aren’t you usually pretty tough? Caught up with trouble? No worries dad’s here! Just tell me how much you need?
BLY : It’s more serious than that, you need to be mentally prepared.
BHQ: *Change of facial expression* You got someone’s daughter pregnant, then killed her?
BLY: …
GH who’s beside just wants to cry and laugh listening to his guesses.
BLY: Dad, I’ll just get straight to the point. I fell in love with a guy.
BHQ’s body stiffened and after some time..
GH: The guy he’s talking about is me.
Then BHQ brought BLY into his room. GH called out BHQ but he just told him to wait outside and that he wouldn’t explode at BLY, just wanna have a talk with him. And even BLY asked GH to stay outside. At this point BLY looks like a child who made a mistake and its a look BHQ has not seen on BLY for a long time given the type of person he is.
BHQ: Alright already, don’t need to feel bad, I’ve actually noticed it already.
BLY: You could tell?
BHQ: I only suspected, that the relationship between the two of you was quite unusual. But I kept telling myself that you two are not like that. In the end, you still came out to me. At least, now I know.
BLY: Dad, are you disappointed in me?
BHQ: No! In my heart, you’re the most outstanding one! No others!
GH tries to listen to what is happening inside, but there were no commotions. He just hopes that BHQ is not covering BLY’s mouth while beating him.
BHQ: Yinzi, let me ask you. Is the reason why you got together with GH because you lack of a father’s love?
BLY: …. *Inner thought: GH’s not that old right.*
BHQ: Dad just wants to know how do you look at dad’s second marriage? Is it a big blow to you?
BLY knows that there’s nothing to hide from his dad at this point thus spoke the truth.
BLY:  When you first got married again, I felt like there’s a part of me missing. But because GH was there, he filled up the gap. Dad, he treats me really well. He never got me to do any work, and if you’ve eaten his meals, you’ll be able to see his sincerity, other than you, no one treats me better than him.
BHQ: Dad knows, I see them. But if I get a divorce again for you this time, and promise to take good care of you, will you two be able to go back to being just friends?
BLY felt like a jerk. He wasn't able to look at BHQ with pride, and could see BHQ's slight hope in his eyes. He broke down and shouted dad. BHQ understood what's the answer.
BLY: Dad, I really can’t leave him, please don’t be angry with me.
BHQ: *Teary eyes* Son, don’t cry. Dad won’t blame you. You gave up so much for me, I should be understanding of you. I don’t wish for anything in this life, except that you’ll be well. If you really love me, treat yourself better.

GH knocked on the door when he heard BLY’s shout, but then no one opened thus he broke in, And saw the father and son hugging each other while crying.
GH: Uncle…
BHQ stood up, walked towards GH, gave a pat on his shoulder then walked off.
GH:Did he beat you? Where? Was it harsh?
BLY: I really hoped that he would give me a beating.
GH: Why are you crying then?
BLY: I like it. *Cries harder*
GH: *Wipes off tears gently.* Stop crying. Everything’s fine. I’m here.



I cried. Papa Bai is the best.


A bit emotional right now. Skip this, I just needed to write this somewhere lol



Just went through this yesterday with my mom (I've always been closer to her compared to my dad) and she didn't say much, she hugged me and cried saying "You know how tough it will be for you if you were to be like this, but I didn't raise you to be afraid of being who you are. I am glad you've finally come to terms with your own feelings and decided to tell me. Live well, and I'll support you regardless of your decision." 

That's the only thing I needed to hear. 

Sucks isn't it, to care so much about someone yet you can't publicly show how much you care.




Thank you for actually looking this far to read.



thank you @savekaya you're a gem :heart: I'm slacking resting a bit at work after a long briefing with my manager and I can't help but to smile.  

On a happier note, seriously ZZ looks so adorable (he's like the cutesy little brother, how can someone so tall look so cute and adorable :sweatingbullets: and he's like so pretty!)

The airport video -- how cute, he was trying to grab all the presents by the fans even if he definitely looked like he couldn't carry all of that (oh bless him, so kind and appreciative)



XWZ and HJY both are having a hard time - we need to support both of them. The part where HJY asked "for how long...?" *sorry cba to quote from above conversation, something about the interview where he asked a fan how long would you be fans of him or something*  it didn't occur to me at that time, but it really brought a whole new meaning.



I hope this mess will all be over soon. They cannot be just a one-hit-wonder kind of thing, like "oh they're the boys from the banned webseries" -- they are way too talented for that.

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25 minutes ago, Soohee ssi said:
Is he trying to be a photographer now? hihihi I love his passion for photography, I hope he can talk about his passion in a show and talk to us about it. Is anyone here remember how he took ZZ pictures in the BTS? I wonder how many ZZ pictures in his camera ^_^

He needs the skill to take more artsy picture of ZZ, that one in BKK where we catch ZZ's rehearsal pic with the lights around him, has quite dramatic effect. That was you, right, JY-ah? who took that picture? Laalaa laa laa. Can't get out of my own fantasy

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20 hours ago, Soohee ssi said:

Introducing the touchy touchy couple that not care about the third wheel *drum playing* YUZHOU!!! LMAO I kinda feel for Wei Long because of the left out, but he's so cute tho, it's okay at least you are cutie HAHAHA

But ZZ and JY though why so touchy touchy??It's not that I'm complaining :w00t:

OMG that pissed glance that JY gave when ZZ touched WL. Don't touch my baobei!!!!

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6 hours ago, Lucy Vaganova said:

Dear fellow fans!

We, the Russian-speaking admirers of the web series "Heroin", are inviting you to visit our page on a social network VKontakte. So far we have 3 months of boiling discussions, text translations, video creations, photo posting and things like that. We adore Huang Jing Yu & Xu Wei Zhou and we love Chen Wei & Lin Feng Song. We want to fully support these guys as well as all the creators of the series .
Sign up, arm yourself with the help of Google translator and read our thoughts, watch our videos and photos, share with us the tears and smiles to give even more support to 'Heroin" !!!

Here is the link: https://vk.com/heroin_web_series

Здрaвствуй Lucy! Could you say HI! to your group? Привет, pусские друзья! С наилучшими пожеланиями от международных последователей 上瘾. 

(tr: Greetings, Russian friends! Best wishes from the ShangYin international fandom).

Btw, there are 2.400 registered participants, and many posts match Soompi ones in lenght (beside the perennial "when is the Season 2")

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17 minutes ago, izziehudson said:


I cried. Papa Bai is the best.

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A bit emotional right now. Skip this, I just needed to write this somewhere lol

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Just went through this yesterday with my mom (I've always been closer to her compared to my dad) and she didn't say much, she hugged me and cried saying "You know how tough it will be for you if you were to be like this, but I didn't raise you to be afraid of being who you are. I am glad you've finally come to terms with your own feelings and decided to tell me. Live well, and I'll support you regardless of your decision." 

That's the only thing I needed to hear. 

Sucks isn't it, to care so much about someone yet you can't publicly show how much you care.




Thank you for actually looking this far to read.



thank you @savekaya you're a gem :heart: I'm slacking resting a bit at work after a long briefing with my manager and I can't help but to smile.  

On a happier note, seriously ZZ looks so adorable (he's like the cutesy little brother, how can someone so tall look so cute and adorable :sweatingbullets: and he's like so pretty!)

The airport video -- how cute, he was trying to grab all the presents by the fans even if he definitely looked like he couldn't carry all of that (oh bless him, so kind and appreciative)



XWZ and HJY both are having a hard time - we need to support both of them. The part where HJY asked "for how long...?" *sorry cba to quote from above conversation, something about the interview where he asked a fan how long would you be fans of him or something*  it didn't occur to me at that time, but it really brought a whole new meaning.



I hope this mess will all be over soon. They cannot be just a one-hit-wonder kind of thing, like "oh they're the boys from the banned webseries" -- they are way too talented for that.

Things will get better, stay cheerful!!:>

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