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Good evening YuZhouYu shippers :). I felt like dropping a reflective post before hitting bed. I'll have to catch up on what I've missed tomorrow.


"Deliberate prolonged eye contact is not only a great way to build intimacy, but it also will tell you where both you and your partner are at in your connection. The eyes don’t lie. Despite any attempts to conceal your emotional state of mind, your eyes will reveal exactly where you are at and manifest that emotion physically. This is especially true when it comes to intimacy." ~ Brandon T.  

Peace and Love,


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1 hour ago, Petrova said:

This is what actually happened....

*The ideal type of girl question*

JingYu: I will try describe Zhou's personality but not in so obvious way  


ZhouZHou: Oh, it's easy. I will talk about myself to see how much it match with his answer..


ZhouZhou: It's matched!! Let me try one more time.


ZhouZhou: Well, I think it's still me because like i said on the first question. I am beautiful.


JingYu: His turn!! his turn!! *waiting*


JingYu: *listen carefully*


JingYu: *thinking* Kind, Sensible and Cute? 

Kind *checked* I help my fans who fell to the ground one by one and when I can't help them, I even update on my weibo to show that I care.

Sensible *WTH is sensible?*

Cute *checked* you guys can see it for yourself


JingYu: Let me ask him about this sensible thing...


ZhouZhou: OMG!!  This guy is so slow!! All I talk about is him and now he's asking about sensible??!! I will make this crystal clear for you....


JingYu: Well I get it now *relieved* *smile shyly*





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13 hours ago, nouveaux said:



ZZ: Hello everybody! I am Xu Wei Zhou,

JY: I am Huang Jin Yu

ZZ: The next segment is our ELLE Men rapid question interview

JY: We will be answering the questions provided ELLE Men fans.


ZZ: Receiving all those fan mail, which messages gave you the deepest impression?

JY: I'm handsome

(ZZ pretends to puke)

JY: Everyday I get praised thousands of times about my handsome-ness... seriously... the only reason I can be so handsome is the result of all their praises

ZZ: Oh, so it's because of their praises is it? It's because of their praises...

JY: What about you?

ZZ: They say I'm pretty *sniggers*

JY: ....


JY: In the future, what kind of roles would you like to act in the most? I'd like to act as a hero, an ambassador of justice, or maybe some big pervert.

ZZ: Big pervert? Oh, this one is like you. This is a natural role for you. *sniggers*

JY (looks at ZZ and places arm over ZZ) : Is it?

(Both of them break into laughter.)

ZZ: For my next project, I will take up a big...

JY: A big pervert!

ZZ: A big movie! It's teenage, school-based, hot-blooded

JY (acting cute): So looking forward!


JY: What are your hobbies in your usual routine?

ZZ: Singing, dancing, eating, sleeping... and then...

JY (he interrupts): Exercising, I especially like to sing. My singing is super good.


JY: Please use three adjectives to describe your ideal girlfriend. The first one...

(ZZ makes a big boobies gesture)

JY: What are you doing?

(ZZ laughs sheepishly)

JY: External beauty. The second one...

ZZ: Internal beauty...

JY: Internal beauty...

JY: Thirdly...

ZZ: Good heart

JY: Proportionate beauty

ZZ: As for the type of girls I like...  Kind. Understanding. And cute.

JY: What do you mean by understanding?

ZZ: Understanding... just like you! Just like you! (laughs)


ZZ: In your private life, what kind of cloths do you prefer?

JY: Comfort. Fat.

ZZ interrupts: Holes, All sorts of holes (probably referring to JY since he always like to wear jeans with holes).

JY: Big.

JY: I don't have many decent clothes... basically most of them have holes.

ZZ: Me too. I prefer to wear comfortable clothes.


JY and ZZ: Lastly, please show us your special talents.

ZZ: Then let me showcase my beat box.

(ZZ spits into his hands)

ZZ: Should I... should I continue?

(JY claps and proceeds to hold ZZ's hands and fling them)

JY: Fling off the saliva! Ir's all saliva!

ZZ: Ok ok! Let me fling! (ZZ tries to wipe them onto JY)

JY: I will teach you guys a technique in the event you meet a thief or a hooligan...

ZZ: Just like when you meet a thief who looks like that (points at JY)

JY: .... what can you do? Ok?


ZZ: Beautiful, give me your phone number!

JY: Not giving!

ZZ: Not giving? Not giving also must give!

JY: What do you do this at point? First of all, don't panic!

(They proceed to do a demo)

JY: So at this point, his hand will come to hit you. Just throw away the card!

ZZ: I won't hit you!

JY: You will hit me...

(JY proceeds to give very technical instructions. ZZ looks so cute here. Like he's gone through this too many times with JY)


After the demo...

ZZ: Thank you everybody! Till the next time we meet! Good bye!








Whatever you say guys, I still feel they are just bromancing with really deep straight male friends bond. If you see the part where Zhou says Johnny likes 'holes', you know that it is nothing but a double meaning word, and he also makes spontaneous 'boob' gesture when Johnny was about to answer what he likes. That shows not only Johnny is straight, but Zhou is his straight male buddy and nothing more. 

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5 hours ago, swong2330 said:

Whatever you say guys, I still feel they are just bromancing with really deep straight male friends bond. If you see the part where Zhou says Johnny likes 'holes', you know that it is nothing but a double meaning word, and he also makes spontaneous 'boob' gesture when Johnny was about to answer what he likes. That shows not only Johnny is straight, but Zhou is his straight male buddy and nothing more. 

So, you are here again. What the hell is your problem? You know, I or we don't care if Johnny and Zhou are straight. We love them and we will ship them as long as we want to and as long as they are BROMANCING.

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@alvinboi Yes, all of these exposure are good, I just hope that he and his management balanced work and rest more. He is looking good today, so last night was only tiredness. Hopefully he can get more rest after Sunday. The filming on Demon Girl is finished on Sunday, right?

@Petrova LOL! That is cute!!! XD

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Nope, no one is bullying you. The poster is just aggravated and vexed much like several of the other posters here.

BTW, if you have your own ship then wouldn't it be more efficient for you to focus on your ship?

6 minutes ago, swong2330 said:

I never bid this forum adieu, I have an active thread of my own ship. And we love everyone there, and don't bully anyone. @mctmy8 


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7 minutes ago, swong2330 said:

I never bid this forum adieu, I have an active thread of my own ship. And we love everyone there, and don't bully anyone

hmmm No one deserves or asks to be bullied. I don't think any of us bullying anyone in this thread :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:.

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Swong is just an immature fan. Is he/she just insecure to our boys? Or an attention seeker who wants some attention to notice his/her idols? Btw, I'm done. I swear this is will be the last time I will reply back. I will focus on the thread and love our husbands. :heart:

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So, I got this pic from Instagram. Some were saying that the man in the building was Johnny, looking at Zhouzhou. I squinted hard but not too sure about that. Oh well, the other two photos are enough #glareoflove #YuZhouConspiracy


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my recommendation would be to ignore her. Its not that hard lol. Just pretend she doesnt exist, and dont forget to "flag/ report" her too. :)

10 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

So, I got this pic from Instagram. Some were saying that the man in the building was Johnny, looking at Zhouzhou. I squinted hard but not too sure about that. Oh well, the other two photos are enough #glareoflove #YuZhouConspiracy


*sorry MOD im on my phone idk how to delete quote. EDIT: i accidentally managed to delete the image, LOL great*

i think thats johnny on the left corner of the window. And if im not mistaken, weizhou/ johnny updated this in weibo or something, that someone was watching him from the second floor? Hahahaha

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