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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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10 hours ago, phikyl said:

I found it a little odd that DS’s mom called No-Eul’s school instead of DS’s. Why would she do that? She’s the parent so calling and needing to talk to her child shouldn’t be such a big deal.

does it because oma doesn't know the phone number? she is using JH house phone and using their phone book that's only listed JH phone school number,

and JH school is same with Noel right?

15 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:


Oh ok.

the source is from here :

응답하라 1988 남편찾기 풀가동 | 인스티즈

톰크루즈와 이름점을 해보는 덕선이
(Doeksoen trying compatible name game with Tom cruise)

응답하라 1988 남편찾기 풀가동 | 인스티즈

0화에도 소개되었던 톰크루즈가 제트기 조종사로 나오는 영화 탑건...

그리고 응답하라시리즈의 공식은 첫사랑=깨지지않음 공식이있어서 많은사람들이 선우로 궁예중




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I want to start something and I hope you guys will help me... We all know that R88 is one cryptic series and all throughout the series a lot of clues were given out who the hisband will be at the end. Now here's what I want you guys to help me with...

Can we find clues on the husband's (Taek) identity in ALL the episodes? Let's do it in chronological order starting with episode 1 until episode 18 (19 & 20 not included since Taek attacked the willing DS in his room).

Episode 1 - DS telling Taek to grow up fast and marry noona ( herself)

Episode 2 - Tom Cruise = Choi Taek

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7 minutes ago, cooleet said:

I want to start something and I hope you guys will help me... We all know that R88 is one cryptic series and all throughout the series a lot of clues were given out who the hisband will be at the end. Now here's what I want you guys to help me with...

Can we find clues on the husband's (Taek) identity in ALL the episodes? Let's do it in chronological order starting with episode 1 until episode 18 (19 & 20 not included since Taek attacked the willing DS in his room).

Episode 1 - DS telling Taek to grow up fast and marry noona ( herself)

Episode 2 - Tom Cruise = Choi Taek


For Episode 2 husband of older Duk Seon smokes.

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@cooleet i think you wrong mention episodes

Ep.1 old ds told us he meet him a couple decades. 

ep. 2

- ds asked to marry choi taek

- choi taek story flashback, ds carry taeki on her back

-the husband asking her about chocolate

- future scenes the husband smoke

-ds giving choco to someone.. (Its definetly not jh, dr)

I think ep 2 full of hint the real husband.



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1 hour ago, bebe1989 said:

@cooleet i think you wrong mention episodes

Ep.1 old ds told us he meet him a couple decades. 

ep. 2

- ds asked to marry choi taek

- choi taek story flashback, ds carry taeki on her back

-the husband asking her about chocolate

- future scenes the husband smoke

-ds giving choco to someone.. (Its definetly not jh, dr)

I think ep 2 full of hint the real husband.



I agree... Episode 2 has a lot... I will compile them while you guys are giving out clues... It's going to be a long post... Hehehehe

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After reading everyone’s comments on how they think Bora was a spoiled brat, I felt the need to speak up for her.

Sunwoo: Wow… that guy really knows nothing about you.
Bora: I don’t need your pity.
Sunwoo: You’re a warm person. And you’re a good person.

This was extracted from Lee Il-hwa’s interview which @kepogee mentioned:

You have a lot of children in the Answer Me series – which finger hurts the most (who is your favourite)?
There isn’t one finger that doesn’t hurt if it’s bitten, but amongst them, I have affection for Bora. At the beginning, the director said there was a reason why Bora was like that. It didn’t air in the drama, but there were hidden things that were neglected with her dad. That’s why when I think of Bora, I feel sad.

Credit: goonggeumhani

We don’t know for sure what was the reason that caused Bora and her dad’s relationship to be strained. But I’m guessing it could be because of her dream to be a prosecutor or a judge.

Sung omma: My daughter isn’t the one you’re looking for. You can’t take her away.
Policeman: Um… Madam…
Sung omma: Do you know what kind of daughter she is? She’s the smartest kid in the entire neighbourhood. She’s even smarter than the kids from rich families! She could have gone to Seoul University’s law school but she wanted to get a scholarship so she settled for the Education major. Her dream since she was young was to be a prosecutor or a judge but she didn’t want to burden her parents financially, and settled. You know Seoul University, right? It’s the university that only accepts the smartest kids in our country! She was never tutored or went to a cram school, but she got in on her first try! That’s the type of daughter that my daughter is.

The Sung family had financial issues because Sung appa was the guarantor of his friend’s bad debt. Because of that, they couldn’t afford all three children’s university fees. In ep 1, Sung omma said Deoksun placed 999th in school while Noeul got 1000th place. Bora was the only one who could possibly get a university scholarship. And thus Bora had to give up her prosecutor dream and become a teacher instead.

Bora sacrificed her dream in hope that Deoksun, who evidently wasn’t cut out for school and hadn’t got a clue what her dream was, would somehow be accepted into any university. It was only natural that she would be frustrated by Deoksun’s bad grades and her inability to grasp simple Math principles.

Sung appa: I’m so sorry for telling you this now. Anyway, it’s not too late. We can support you now. So, study what you’ve always wanted to. Prepare for the civil service exam. As parents, it breaks our hearts that we can’t help our child fulfil her dream. I’m truly sorry. Every time we think about that… we’re too ashamed to face you. So, don’t worry about money, because we’re debt-free now. Be at ease, and prepare for the exam. Even if it takes several years, I’m going to support you. Okay?

While Sung appa clearly doted on Noeul, it seemed that the Sung parents gave in to Bora out of guilt. They felt ashamed for depriving their daughter of her dream. Thus, they make it up to her by giving her whatever they can afford – fried egg, chicken drumstick or a new pair of spectacles.

Being the eldest child in the family comes with much responsibility. When their grandma passed away, Bora had to remain calm and take care of her younger siblings. This added responsibility made her more mature and sensible. Taek offered his condolences to Sung appa in ep 2. In the same way, Bora comforted Sunwoo when his mother passed away.

Sunwoo: Noona, why are your hands so cold?
Bora: Because my heart is warm. People with warm hearts have cold hands.

When we think of spoiled brats, we think of self-centred children who make unreasonable requests and refuse to budge until their requests are met. Bora wasn’t unreasonable. Instead, she had a deep sense of righteousness, which explained why she joined student protests and wanted to become a prosecutor or a judge. She scolded Deoksun because she was disrespectful and used things that didn’t belong to her.

She was never self-centred either. She gave up her dream for her siblings. Instead of going to her boyfriend’s party, she chose to drive Sunwoo’s mom to Gimhae.

Jungbong: The star I want to introduce today is someone who lives downstairs from me. Her name is Sung Bo Ra. Bo Ra is the smartest person in our neighbourhood. She always had the highest grades in school and made 80th percentile in the entire nation. She was able to attend Seoul University for Math Education due to her stellar grades. She’s a genius among geniuses. Adults look at Ms. Sung and say that she’s off-putting and scary and even say that she makes them want to richard simmons their pants. But the Sung Bo Ra that I know just has a rough exterior. Otherwise, she has a heart of gold.

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7 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

Episode 2  Rewatch

By the way, I was horrified when JH's Omma did this!




I don't know how many here are familiar with Korean culture, but this is the way Koreans make food.  For instance, this is the right way to make bibim gooksu (korean spicy noodle).  In Korean, there is an expression "sohn mat" which means "the taste of one's hand."  There is a well known expression, "omma sohn mat" (the taste of mom's hand) or mom's cooking.  It is believed that each person has his or her own "sohn mat" which lends its unique flavor to dishes.  Different people cooking the same dish with the same exact ingredients and method will still produce distinctly tasting dishes.  Hence the expression "omma sohn mat."  There's no cooking like mom's cooking.  Traditionalists would claim that you need to use your hands to mix or else the dish simply will not taste the same.  Of course, nowadays most people use thin plastic gloves to do this.  You will see them sold in Korean grocery stores for this purpose.

What is really funny about this scene though (from a Korean's perspective) is not the fact that she is mixing the spaghetti with hands, it's the fact that she has no clue that spaghetti is not to be mixed and served like Korean bibim gooksu.  That is what is hilarious about this scene.  She thinks she's all sophisticated because she is serving "supagetti" and yet she prepares it like Korean gooksu.  

Song appa:            "What?  'pagetti'?  How do you eat it?"

Cheetah ajumma:  "Like you would eat anything else, how else."  Mix, mix.

They didn't show it, but I bet they ate the pasta with chopsticks too.  Hilarious.

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6 hours ago, deeand said:

she is using JH house phone and using their phone book that's only listed JH phone school number,

It looked like she was using an actual phone book, not one where the family writes down the numbers they need. So in theory, it should have had the number for the girls' school too. And because the scorekeeper [myself] has finally awoken...:D



TK: 20

JH: 4

SW: 4

DR: 1

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7 hours ago, deeand said:

LOL... but what make it more horror the others seem fine with it, and just eat casually. 

 Isn't it cultural norms.

I was horrified when I saw that, because I knew differnt (not better) but then I remember all those Kimchi mixing scenes and it seems less aberrant. Yes, I am aware Korean dont grab kimchi with their hands to eat, but still . . . .

It's like when NYorkers see someone eat pizza with a knife and fork.

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21 hours ago, phikyl said:

I found it a little odd that DS’s mom called No-Eul’s school instead of DS’s. Why would she do that? She’s the parent so calling and needing to talk to her child shouldn’t be such a big deal.

It's because she knows the headmaster of No Euls school personally and she can tell him to get No Eul out of class for no apparent reason. It would be much more difficult to get DS out of her class and running home. No Eul, understanding the severity of the situation, immediately springs into action and runs as fast as his flip flops can carry him :)

19 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

2. One question I always had was this : Why is it that only Taek and Jung Hwan's birthdays would be celebrated by the group? 

Good point. You could argue that this was done so they didn't have to show all the birthdays. Where would it end? Jin-Jo? The parents? DS' friends?
It could also be that there are several grades in friendship in the group. Just like there's always the popular girl/guy in a group, the same could be true for our 5 friends. Taek is appreciated because of his adventures, DS is, sort of, one of the main characters. The rest is filling, to some extend.

15 hours ago, hushhh said:

Yes BR comes off as a crazy rage-o-holic in this episode. I'm amaze that her parents allow her to terrorize her siblings that way. 

Yet as awful as BR is to DS, I'm not sure that DS would be any better were she the eldest. Her treatment of NL in this episode is not better than BR treatment of her younger siblings. haha.

JH is not really a wimp, he's emotionally slow.

See, I told you. He get there . . . slow. but he gets there. LOL

Just because I gobble your birthday cake doesn't mean I don't love YOU. It just means the cake is a treat for me.  Remember DS meltdown over not having her own cake. The food is a treat for the high-schoolers and the high-schoolers are a treat for the internationally travelling baduk schooled Taek.


Monkey see, monkey do. Bo Ra has taught DS the life of a younger sibling. DS doesn't know any better so she teaches No Eul the same rules she has been brought up with. I don't know if DS would act the same as BR if she had been the eldest. It seems something about BR has been edited out according to some of our posters. If that's the truth, that missing part should have explained why BR is the way she is and acts the way she acts.
In any case, her mom shouldn't have allowed it.

Nah, he's still a wimp for getting his behind handed to him even when he knocked Crazy Mut down. In fact, notice how JH get's home with his face in bruises while SW and DR don't have a scratch on them. What happened? Another friendship failure of them not stepping up to the plate?

Lol, you can have my cake and gobble it :) Ofcourse after I'm done with it, not sooner. But I get your point! I think you're spot on (eventhough it's still bad manners).

11 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

Episode 2  Rewatch

By the way, I was horrified when JH's Omma did this!

I lolled so hard because of this! Ofcourse, it's a new dish for them so she prepares it like she prepares the normal food they eat. But as a European, this is just hilarious :)

Its nice to see so many others have joined our little re-watch :D I love it!

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5 minutes ago, melissala said:

Oh we are back.  Pretty badges! 

Yeah I'm just over here admiring this page full of badges too. Lol

Only @CamelKnight is breaking the streak with his fuschia. :P

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