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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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24 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

@cooleet @packmule3 I'm up for it.

@packmule3 I seriously need to watch the first two as well. Dunno when though. So many to watch, so little time...


The first one is better than Reply 1994. Yes, watch Reply 1998 then we can do a rewatch of that one, too. That guy there was so in love with Shi Won (or Eunji) but SW totally friend-zoned him. It was delicious to watch.

I was sick and tired of plots like Playful Kiss where the girl is always getting ignored by the tsundere male. So Reply 1998 was a refreshing take. It'll be interesting to hear your views on it, too. I know my brothers wouldn't have the patience to hang around. It'd have been "Sayonara, babe!"

I think we should wait till @phikyl wakes up or we'll never hear the end of this. ;) It's not even 6am where she is, and I know she hit the sack only 3 hours ago. Lol. 

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23 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


The first one is better than Reply 1994. Yes, watch Reply 1998 then we can do a rewatch of that one, too. That guy there was so in love with Shi Won (of Eunji) but SW totally friend-zoned him. It was delicious to watch.

After falling hard for Reply 1988 and our SunTaek, I finally convinced myself to watch the first two Reply Series.

I liked the main couple's great chemistry and their love plot  in Reply 1997 but as you well know, I detest physical fights and the OTP had a lot with Shi Won getting the upper hand! She reminds me of JH's Mom, Ra Mi Ran. Hard to understand why Seo In Guk's character fell in love with her.

I don't also know why but I couldn't even finish episode 1 of Reply 1994 and why I am not drawn to the female and two male leads and to their husband-hunt plot.

I have been watching Reply 1988 over and over again and I am have no intentions of letting up.  

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42 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

After falling hard for Reply 1988 and our SunTaek, I finally convinced myself to watch the first two Reply Series.

I liked the main couple's great chemistry and their love plot  in Reply 1997 but as you well know, I detest physical fights and the OTP had a lot with Shi Won getting the upper hand! She reminds me of JH's Mom, Ra Mi Ran. Hard to understand why Seo In Guk's character fell in love with her.

I don't also know why but I couldn't even finish episode 1 of Reply 1994 and why I am not drawn to the female and two male leads and to their husband-hunt plot.

I have been watching Reply 1988 over and over again and I am have no intentions of letting up.  


Yes, I agree with you. For me, too, Reply 1988 was the best. I thought R97 was the benchmark but R88 surpassed it.

And same here, I didn't finish R94. I had to force myself to go pass Episode 1 R94, as a matter of fact. I felt icky watching the way those two lead characters, because they interacted like siblings. That scene when she took off his underwear under the blanket? ugh!! nope!  Later on, I figured out that SHE had been in love with him all along and was using horseplay to channel her attraction for him who was raised like an older brother.  Same with him. But at that point, I had already lost interest in the kdrama because I preferred Chilbongie and I knew Chilbongie was going to be 2nd option anyway. kekeke. 


I stayed for R97 because of Seo In Guk's character. It was a nice experiment by the scriptwriter/director. Usually in kdramas, the female audience rooted for the female lead. But in R97, I thought the male lead was the more sympathetic character of the two. I was rooting for HIM to get HIS happy ending. Not so much Shi Won. lol. Yes, she's sassy but at times I found her abrasive and selfish.  She was the type to demand her own happiness anyway, and give anybody and everybody hell if she didn't get it. I wasn't worried about HER.  I was worried for Seo In Guk's character.  lol.


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Okay, since I got EVIL "Bora" in this soompi quiz: Which “Reply” Series Female Character Are You?, I'm obligated to defend her. lol. 

link to the game in case, there are people who want to try it: http://www.soompi.com/2016/04/28/quiz-which-reply-series-female-character-are-you/

Btw, the six known female options in this game are: From Reply 1997, Shi Won and her best GF, Mo Yoo-jung.  From Reply 1994, Na-Jung and the quiet girl, Jo Yoon-jin. From Reply 1988, DeokSun-ah, and her sister, Bora.


I have to defend Bora here -- not because I agree with her verbal bullying and physical abuse, but because she was a plot device in the jacket scene. I'm tagging @kentangbakar who's a SunBora fan because she might interested to hear this, too. :D 


Hey, kentangbakar, it's okay to lurk here but I don't mind if you join us. Really. Don't be shy now. lol. 


As @Grace1003 and the others have pointed out, I too find Bora's actions in the early episodes reprehensible. If I were watching this show as a documentary, I’d say that this family was dysfunctional and Bora was the abuser. She had anger management issues. Her mother’s fear, acceptance and tolerance of her uncontrolled outburst were typical behavioral patterns of victims of domestic violence. The victims feel helpless and they're terrified of provoking additional violence, so they opt out of the fights or turn a blind eye to the abuse. I swear, when I see or hear of something like this happening in real life, I’ll step in and refer them to family therapy. Or call child protective services.

However, in this story, and ESPECIALLY IN THIS SCENE, Bora was used as a plot device.  As I said before, this whole scene was rigged to emphasize THE jacket. 

Technically, what happened in this scene isn’t logical. 

One: DS couldn’t have reached home that quickly. It was impossible. She took a bus going to school, remember? Even if she was an Olympic long distance marathoner, she still wouldn’t be able to arrive home in less 10 minutes. Or even 20 minutes. If she could reach her school within reasonable time, then it would be economical sense for her to simply walk to school every day instead of taking the bus. Same thing with SW who cut his bus tickets carefully to gain an extra fare. 

Plus, if we added the time that the Dean [Father of DR] took to answer the phone and to summon NE to the office, AND the time NE needed to run to DS’ school in his slippers, then a significant amount of minutes elapsed between Bora’s search for her jacket and DS’ arrival with the jacket. At least 30 minutes. Bora wouldn’t have stayed in her room ranting for that long stretch of time. The plot didn’t make sense. 

Two: @phikyl's right. It was odd of DS’ mom to call NE’s school instead of DS' school. At first, I thought the mom was circumventing a school policy that parents couldn’t call their children at school, so she called up their family friend, the Dean/DR’s dad. But the Dean, who was a stickler for rules, didn’t even bother question the mom why she wanted to get in touch with NE. I doubt that there was school policy involved here. Also, Bora herself was able to get in touch with DS in school without problems later on when their grandmother passed away. 

For me, then, this whole A-to-B-to-C relay-the-message was just a set-up to show that Bora’s jacket created a lot of hassle for people. 
Furthermore, DS ran past the video arcade where JB was playing with a video game. This would serve as link to Episode 16 when DR explained to DS the infamous Galaga game connection between TK and JB. This scene when DS ran past the arcade would introduce to the viewers the infamous Ghana chocolate connection between TK and JB.   While DS was frantically running to return the jacket to Bora, JB was also furiously playing a video game to redeem his honor and pride which he lost by getting trounced by TK on Galaga. There was a parallelism between the two. 

You see, if the whole point of this jacket scene was simply to show how fierce and scary Bora was, then there wouldn’t be a need to waste film footage, production time, location settings, and computer-generated imagery for the arcade game JB was playing. It would have SUFFICED to show Bora hair-tugging, strangling, wrestling and punching DS. As it was, the ACTUAL confrontation between Bora and DS only took a few seconds, and the story moved on to the TK's party.  

For me, Bora was merely a plot-device here. She wasn't the point. The jacket was. The director and scriptwriter went through enormous trouble to highlight the importance of the jacket. And it actually started that morning. 

Since that morning, DS was excited about that day. She had tried to make herself pretty although this day was a Saturday. School was only half-day but she took an enormous amount of trouble making herself look good.  Unlike in Episode 3, when she hastily put on whatever outfit in her closet [white blouse and LONG denim skirt – which she never wore again, mind you. She wore the mini-skirt.], she took her sweet time dressing up that Saturday. She even borrowed Bora’s jacket.

Why? Because she knew there was going to be a celebration party for Taec.  She wanted to look coordinated and pretty. She was going to meet up with Taec after he’d been gone for a couple of days on a tournament. She was excited to meet him again. :D

Moreover, because DS was rattled and discombobulated by the whole incident of Bora’s jacket, she wasn't thinking clearly again when she confused SW and TK's jackets. lol. She had carbon-monoxide poisoning anyway. There had been a forewarning earlier about her “doomed” love life when her pencil broke in school when she was doing the heart game.   

DS: My first love depends on this. [began shading in the heart]
Bora’s voiceover: I’m going on a club trip today. 
DS: [pencil snapped]
Bora’s voiceover: I’m going to go as soon as I packed my bag. 

It was bad omen that DS broke her pencil at the same time that Bora had returned home to pack clothes --and her JACKET -- for an overnight trip. Again, this is just a literary device or trope to show that fate would intervene and throw a spanner in the works so DS wouldn’t reach her destined First Love that day. This trope is actually the reverse of deus ex machina in literature. It’s called DIABOLUS ex machina. Lol. And in this story, the "diabolus," or the devil, was in the form of she-witch, Bora. ;)

That's why don't feel so much hatred for Bora here. She was being used to advance the story about the chocolate here and the first love narrative.  

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20 minutes ago, hushhh said:

I got Joey Wang. 

I know myself well enough that I don't need a random test to tell me who I am, so hushhh.


You got Joey Wang? lol. Howwwww??? 

So there are more than 6 options? Wait. Let me edit my work.

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On 4/28/2016 at 5:01 AM, deeand said:

does we still have score board ?

1. when JH see DS in the morning look what he did :

JH : "get lost"

2. when DS see SW

SW only cares about the fact that the jacket is BR's

3. when DS see CT :

they have a nice chit chat fill with smile. and 

DS :"marry me"


For @bebe1989.  I might as well mention this now because I’ll forget later on. [I’m always worried about early onset Alzheimer’s] :D

In this episode, if you listen to DS' voice when she talked to the boys this morning, you’d hear no audible difference when she addressed JH and SW, “how do I look?”  She wasn't doing aegyo or cutesy. And she had the same disgusted reaction with their reply. 

Remember: this happened on Sept 23rd. She’d already known that SW had a crush on her. Yet she didn’t show any signs of returning any feelings for him or currying favors. 

Now, fastforward to Oct 13th, Episode 3. And compare her natural, friendly voice when talking to SW in Episode 2 to her cutesy, sing voice when talking to SW in Episode 3 (at 21:40). This scene was after she had given the chocolate and gotten no a response from TY [because TY didn’t receive the chocolate].

Hear the difference between the two?  She was being cutesy to SW in October 13th ;) because she thought she had an unrequited love with TK. 

Now, I have to clarify this because this is a sticky part: Many of the anti-DS/TK accuse her of being flighty, flirty, richard simmons.ty, promiscuous, cheap, or whatever because they think she transferred her feelings easily from one guy to another

One, this is sexist. I can’t tell you how I angry I become when I hear this kind of remark. I can easily turn the tables and argue that what caused this confusion was SW’s “friendliness” with DS. If he really was in love with Bora as he said he was, then he shouldn’t have been “singling out” DS or giving her special favors or being nice to her. He should have been “exclusive” HA! So there!

Two, after she thought that she was going to be “forever lonely” with an unrequited love for Mr. National Treasure, it was just common sense for her to move on. Like what? Do we expect her to have an arrested emotional development and enter the nunnery just because she thought TK didn’t return her feelings?  Pffffttt. She’s a free agent. As I can said, she’s a young teenager, she can explore her options. She SHOULD explore her options. 

Three, despite consciously transferring her to somebody else, in this case SW, her preference for TK was always there. TK has always “bothered” DS, as Hyeri pointed out in an interview. What the actress Hyeri meant by that comment was TK was never far from her character DS' thoughts. Here are some examples: 

in Episode 4: During her tutoring session, she expressed her worry about TK’s slump. Also, she knew TK’s whereabouts when JB went looking for him. 
in Episode 5: When she met TK and JH early in the morning, she only had eyes for TK and she greeted him. 
in Episode 6: She offered to seduce TK. And at the pizza party after TK’s win, she was definitely avoiding that hug from him. If she no longer had feelings for him, physical contact shouldn’t have bothered her.  

Lastly, I know many of the posters are from the young generation so I think the adult people should step up and take up the responsibility of countering this madonna vs wh.ore stigma. It annoys me when I read posts which shame real young women or brand fictional characters as slu.tt.y just because those females don’t fit the accepted norms of behavior. Just because DS was showing interests in guys didn't make her a hooker, tramp, or scarlet woman. She was being normal; she was acting her age. :D

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On 4/28/2016 at 5:03 AM, Grace1003 said:

Episode 2  Rewatch

By the way, I was horrified when JH's Omma did this!



Thanks for this gif. I'll look at it every time I want to diet because it definitely helps me lose my appetite. kekeke. 


To be honest, I shouldn’t be laughing at her blunder because I too have committed one. I didn’t know that rice MUST BE RINSED first before cooking.  Did you? :blink:

Who would have thought rice needed to be rinsed? I don’t ever rinse my rice when cooking risotto. And Uncle Ben’s rice is coated with some vitamins and minerals so rinsing it will get rid of those add-ons which make its rice brands more expensive in the market. I even checked the instruction label. Neither box of Uncle Ben’s Basmati rice nor the bag of Thai Jasmine rice I bought from the Asian mart mentioned anything about pre-washing the rice.

But we had this great To Rinse or Not to Rinse debate in soompi and I had to defer to my Asian friends. I figured I’m not a big rice eater while they eat rice twice a day so they should know better. 

Nowadays, I've been washing rice, too, except when cooking risotto. Lol. 

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30 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

Lastly, I know many of the posters are from the young generation so I think the adult people should step up and take up the responsibility of countering this madonna vs richard simmons stigma. It annoys me when I read posts which shame real young women or brand fictional characters as slu.tt.y just because those females don’t fit the accepted norms of behavior. Just because DS was showing interests in guys didn't make her a hooker, tramp, or scarlet woman. She was being normal; she was acting her age. :D

The young generation really thinks that DS is slutty? DS was 18 (korean age) / 17 (general age), so she's still young. Crushing on someone is only normal to girls this age. Crushing from one guy then transfer that interest to another guy is not slutty, why? Because she was NEVER IN LOVE WITH SW AND JH. It was just a passing crush coz if it was love, she'd be more devastated than when she knew that SW is in love with BR. And speaking of this, I, cooleet, believe that in terms of the "depth" of her feelings between SW and JH, it's more deeper with SW. She at least cried when she learned the truth about SW's feelings. Compare this to the time she saw the pink shirt on JB, there were no tears, only disappointment that no one likes her, that she thinks that she's unlikeable. It's more of a self pity than sadness. Then Taek came with the pizza, look how she smiled that time. Then Taek confessed that he likes someone and he's going to confess, notice now the expression in DS face and compare that again to the time she saw the pink shirt on JB.

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1 hour ago, packmule3 said:


You got Joey Wang? lol. Howwwww??? 


So there are more than 6 options? Wait. Let me edit my work.

I chart my own path.

I will not be define by the criteria of others.

I will not submit to the test of others.

I will test myself and come to my own conclusion.;)

[it is that attitude that makes chickenhearted/narrowminded uncreative thinkers call for my destruction but I survive]

and make up my own answers!!! :P

ha ha ha

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39 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


Thanks for this gif. I'll look at it every time I want to diet because it definitely helps me lose my appetite. kekeke. 


To be honest, I shouldn’t be laughing at her blunder because I too have committed one. I didn’t know that rice MUST BE RINSED first before cooking.  Did you? :blink:

Who would have thought rice needed to be rinsed? I don’t ever rinse my rice when cooking risotto. And Uncle Ben’s rice is coated with some vitamins and minerals so rinsing it will get rid of those add-ons which make its rice brands more expensive in the market. I even checked the instruction label. Neither box of Uncle Ben’s Basmati rice nor the bag of Thai Jasmine rice I bought from the Asian mart mentioned anything about pre-washing the rice.

But we had this great To Rinse or Not to Rinse debate in soompi and I had to defer to my Asian friends. I figured I’m not a big rice eater while they eat rice twice a day so they should know better. 

Nowadays, I've been washing rice, too, except when cooking risotto. Lol. 

 I come from a family that rinse everything.

If she could figure out how my mom would rinse ground meat. She hasn't. Maybe that's why she rarely cooks it.

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4 minutes ago, hushhh said:

I chart my own path.

I will not be define by the criteria of others.

I will not submit to the test of others.

I will test myself and come to my own conclusion.;)

[it is that attitude that makes others chickenhearted/narrowminded uncreative thinkers call for my destruction but I survive]

and make up my own answers!!! :P

ha ha ha


I don't think there's Joey Wang. I tried different combinations and I couldn't come up with a Joey Wang. GRRRR... Screenshot or it didn't happen. :D

I had fun doing the test because I was testing the test-creator. As in, how did the test creator perceive the characters. And sure enough, the test creator viewed DS as a malleable, easy child. :D Pick those options that reflect an easy-going person, and you'll get DS. 

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43 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

Who would have thought rice needed to be rinsed? I don’t ever rinse my rice when cooking risotto. And Uncle Ben’s rice is coated with some vitamins and minerals so rinsing it will get rid of those add-ons which make its rice brands more expensive in the market. I even checked the instruction label. Neither box of Uncle Ben’s Basmati rice nor the bag of Thai Jasmine rice I bought from the Asian mart mentioned anything about pre-washing the rice.

But we had this great To Rinse or Not to Rinse debate in soompi and I had to defer to my Asian friends. I figured I’m not a big rice eater while they eat rice twice a day so they should know better. 

Nowadays, I've been washing rice, too, except when cooking risotto. Lol. 

We rinse rice before we cook it. I honestly don't know why but we do. At least once.

Just want to share this video of uri Taekie again... hehehehe...


I think the reason why a scene like this was not included in the R88 coz it would definitely reveal who the future husband is, coz DS would swoon and fangirl over Taek to no end. hehehehehehe

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On April 29, 2016 at 0:37 AM, tiendoank said:



This is Bogummy doing J.Estina CF,

but I'm just going to think this hottie with a wedding band on his finger is Choi Taek... presumably waiting for his wifey Sung Deok Sun getting off of the plane.

 Thank you. That's beautiful. ChoiTaek is the husband, so it is nice to see him with a ring that marks his status as DS's lifelover. 

Of course PGB isn't anyone's husband so folks are free to make him their lover in their minds.


I'm glad to see images that continue Choi Taek and Sung Seok Sun's story instead of fantasizing about two actors whose love life we can't know [and I for one care nothing about].

I know this is an unpopular opinion and that  even sane people ship actors they don't really know but it always strike me as a perverse invasion of privacy.


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6 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


I don't think there's Joey Wang. I tried different combinations and I couldn't come up with a Joey Wang. GRRRR... Screenshot or it didn't happen. :D

I had fun doing the test because I was testing the test-creator. As in, how did the test creator perceive the characters. And sure enough, the test creator viewed DS as a malleable, easy child. :D Pick those options that reflect an easy-going person, and you'll get DS. 

Sorry for causing you to waste your time.

There is no Joey Wang result as far as I know. 

I just decide that of all the characters I'd be Joey Wang and then like Napolean crowning himself emperor I declared myself Joey Wang.


I got Sung Bora.  Which is fine, but I really am no where near as focused as Sung Bora.  To lump me and Bora together is doing Bora a disservice. :phew:


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@packmule3 i just rewatch ep 20, its said on her diary " i send post card to sw" (i dont know the whole page of her diary,did ds mention about being rejected by sw?) 

and TK suddenly hit sw after read that note from ds diary, did tk only know about " ds send post card?" Or her diary also mention about being rejected?

i dont know which ep, the future husband said to ds something like " when you got rejected by sw?"...

the future husband didnt mention about post card.. Since he just read one pages of her diary?


( i know ep 7, we felt something weird with tk on manitto games, his face look down and thinking, while everyone happy, seems like taeki was there alongside sw jh ds ((the night sw confess to bora, and ds realize sw like bora not her)) but the scenes kinda like deleted <- this is just our opinion, no prove given)

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6 hours ago, packmule3 said:

There was a male test, right? Didnt we post it here? Was it from Dramafever? 

Pretty sure it was from Dramafever. I remember I wanted to take it but couldn't because of my popups being blocked. 

6 hours ago, packmule3 said:

We didn't set anything. @phikyl is probably still in Dreamland. [That lady never sleeps. I thought I was bad but she's worse.] 

I sleep! A whole 5 hours every night! I usually try to force myself to sleep more during the weekend but I'll still end up waking up after 5 hours, max. I don't mind if you guys go ahead without me in cases like this. I can always come back and add my thoughts when I wake up! :)

5 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

I seriously need to watch the first two as well. Dunno when though. So many to watch, so little time...

I'm with @packmule3, Reply 97 is the better of the two and it's shorter. The entire series takes 9 hours to watch because with the exception of the last two episodes, they're only a half hour each. Reply 88 is absolutely the best of the franchise so far. I don't know if they can top it, honestly. 

5 hours ago, packmule3 said:

It's not even 6am where she is, and I know she hit the sack only 3 hours ago.

:lol: Less than that. I logged off Soompi then but I was watching a movie until around 5. The night owl in me really loves weekends. :phew:

5 hours ago, Grace1003 said:

I liked the main couple's great chemistry and their love plot  in Reply 1997 but as you well know, I detest physical fights and the OTP had a lot with Shi Won getting the upper hand! She reminds me of JH's Mom, Ra Mi Ran. Hard to understand why Seo In Guk's character fell in love with her.

I don't also know why but I couldn't even finish episode 1 of Reply 1994 and why I am not drawn to the female and two male leads and to their husband-hunt plot.

Warning @CamelKnight skip this part. R97 spoilers. I actually don't mind that SW got the upper hand in the physical fights because it's not that YJ couldn't get the upper hand but that he chooses not to. YJ and SW grew up together so I think that's part of why YJ fell in love with her. It's hard not to love someone that you spend that much time with, only it's hard to tell the difference between whether it's platonic love or romantic love. For me, I think SW and YJ's personalities mesh really well in that he knows how to handle her even if he chooses to let her do what she wants. They may fight like cats and dogs about the problems that mean nothing but when it comes to the bigger issues, they're each other's support system. But I am Shi Won [minus the physical fights] so take my opinion with a grain of salt. :P

Safe now CamelKnight!

I tried to force myself to finish R94 a few times but I've never been able to get past episode 11. I could see where they were going with the story from day 1, and I wasn't invested in the rest of it. If it hadn't been for the fact that it's a reply series, I wouldn't have even made it that far!

2 hours ago, packmule3 said:

It annoys me when I read posts which shame real young women or brand fictional characters as slu.tt.y just because those females don’t fit the accepted norms of behavior.

Are these on the main thread? I haven't seen any like that and we all know I lurk here a lot! Granted I only lurk/participate in three threads but still!


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@phikyl thanks for the heads up! That actually made me skip it lol :D 

I'm amazed by the thorough analysis by some of you guys. I'm watching and thinking "lol" or "that's cute/sweet/nice/whatever" and I move on. Reading your posts makes me think you guys stop the tape, rewind and watch that last 5 seconds again for hidden meaning. Impressive!

And completely bonkers, ofcourse :D:P 

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@CamelKnight I thought giant red letters would make it more likely for you to actually skip that part. Lol!

It's fun to find the hidden clues and link them to meanings/other parts of the series. I don't know if you've backread the thread or not but there's a lot of analyses on everything from the color of the house gates to why certain props were used and their meaning in the script to what actually happened to that dang chocolate!

Maybe I'm just crazy but I enjoy re-watching shows that have hidden depth. It's a lot of fun to find new things you missed before and the "eureka!" moments are addicting. :D

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