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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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phikyl already posting about chocolate things, she said, ds give that chocolate and placing on "sw" jacket, while thinking it was Taek jacket (since we all know taeki and sw have similiar jacket)

but its true taek already wore cotton jacket that time. He will not wear double jacket, lol.. Its confuse me too.

sometimes i feel its just to mislead us. 

But if Ds give to sw, it look like impossible, since we saw ds feeling after her gf told her sw likes her. Lol. Ds seems like confuse.. Absolutely her action not like someones who falling in love.. 

Because we already heard bora speak loudly about her diary. Diary scenes happened first. So if ds truly wrote Sw on her diary.. Isnt ds should be happy? 

Ds only said to her friends " i guess im fall in love" (with straight face) 

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referring to choclate.. wasn;t that obvious that choc was for taek... 

at least my interpretation is that the choc was for CT.. must have gone to SW by mistake.


a) She ain't the type to lie..and if had to lie..will lie to her husband..not to self when hubby has left and she is trying to convince herself that she did put it in his bag

b)she really had no reason to give choc to anyone but CT..he had come back after the match... JH she doesn't have that kind of a relationship.. SW..she is not even infatuated with anyone at that point in time..


Either way..i too want a choclate now..damn these cravings..

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@bebe1989 I c you mentioned my point of four years....


Well your beliefs are yours.. I still stand by my four years bit.. platonic love has always been there..but the woman to man - romantic love..4/ 5 years... only

1. Choclate - I agree is for CT but from my perspective none of it spells love.. he had won the compt a big one at that..because everyone is discussing..it was like a milestone compt not a usual normal one..and had just come back..and again the way they have set up DS's relationship with CT..very natural for her to give him a choc../ or any gift...

2. Bora calling out DS likes a boy - she says in the diary its written she gave choclate to a boy.. DS keeps a diary..and its not a diary only for CT..but tends to write everything..the usual maintaining diary habit where people have their daily/frequent entries.... so i don't find it extraordinary that she mentioned giving choc to someone...and it doesn't feel odd when she is flabbergasted to fiighting with bora to take the diary back...anyone would..those are personal thoughts..even if it says that i didn't feel like taking shower..and anyone would be hesitant of letting another person read it..

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thank you everyone for your warm welcome :) now, eventhought i have to use alien languange or ds body languange i will spread love for suntaek couple.

thx u @packmule3 for explaining and sharing the video and here's the link that i was reffering to http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/346174-drama-2015-answer-me-1988-응답하라-1988/?do=findComment&comment=19526986  that is similiar to @babyviolets link (thank you for sharing :)) with a little bit different. btw its called "meolchi" :D:D


about the chocolate thing, i think ds expression after the husband leave is really certain that she gave the choco to taek. she think a little bit and answer that the choco indeed for taek. she could be forgot but she didnt lie.

i want to share interesting part about song that used in ep 7. someone has mentioned before (sorry i couldnt remember who she is ><) its interesting that ds linked pink mitten with love (my thought: ds actually want love, love is taek). here is the song's translation about that scane (before "i wil buy you everything" scane). i think the song described us about ds feeling.




sorry if this has been mentioned before

glow worm by shin hyeong won, eng sub by outsider the maestro p

full translation

I insisted, but what should I do?

My home is over there, dog poo tomb

I open my heart, but I don’t have friends

Singing birds going to fly and fly away

Don’t go away, don’t go away, please don’t go away

Would you please sing for me, just once of time?

Na na ~~ nananana.. I hold my pained heart

Tonight, I cry and cry, and sleep again..

I gave my heart sour for all, but I still don’t have friend

I wanna love with someone, but  its just my imagination

I am firefly, now what should I do?

I wanna hold someone’s hand, but everyone leave me

Don’t go away, don’t go away, please don’t go away

Would you please hold my hand, just once of time?

A~ah.. so lonely night, I hold my pained heart

Tonight, I cry and cry, and sleep again..

Don’t go away, don’t go away, please don’t go away

Would you please hold my hand, just once of time?

A~ah.. so lonely night, I hold my pained heart

Tonight, I cry and cry, and sleep again..

Cry and sleep again

(just tonight I am cry and cry)


The red color is a part of the song that played on the scane. If PD nim used the other line of the song, of course there is no husband game XD

if you want to watch, this is the video of that scane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsAciswsPuI






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“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat,  in a single flashing,  throbbing moment.” - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

This is a popular view of love, and the meme fits perfectly if you believe that the bridal/princess carry was the moment that did it for DS.

I believe that TaekSun's love started with DS offering a candy fish and developed through a myriad of exchanges and blossomed to the point where Taek gave  DS the golden turtle. 

Therefore for me TaekSun's love is not a sudden thing but a steady growth from acorn to unshakeable oak.

EDIT: There has been a lot of discussion around when DS say Taek "as a man". Not a phrasing I relate to but I accept it because it seems to be related to the culture that created the drama. 

The way I hear the phrase often resonates "sexually" with me, when I actually don't think that is what it means when used.  I think it term is often used to mean "romantic" and not always "sexual" potential. I also think it is legitmate to uncouple the idea of romantic and sexual in this context. For instance a seven year old might have a prefernce for a friend that is vaguely romantic, but not the least bit sexual. 

One of the things I notice about children is that they can be very possessive about people they view as belonging to them,  "MY mother" "MY father" etc.  I think in the way young children can claim another child as "MY friend" "MY boyfriend" DS claimed Taek as belonging to her. Their friendship was different from the other friendships in the group.  Another thing is that children often show love the way love is shown to them. If you see young children playing, often you can tell how they have been parented by how they parent their dolls. Therefore what people claim to be "motherly" or "sisterly" love towards Taek by DS to me is a reflection of how DS herself has been loved and thereby taught to express love. 

So I don't think a seven year old DS saw TAek as "a man" in anyway vaguely sexual, but it quite possible her ownership of him had a childlike romantic element that was unexamined by her for a while. THis is why I believe TaekSun began with the fish candy.

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3 hours ago, hushhh said:

“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat,  in a single flashing,  throbbing moment.” - Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever


This is an popular view of love, and the meme fits perfectly if you believe that the bridal/princess carry was the moment that did it for DS.

I believe that TaekSun's love started with DS offering a candy fish and developed through a myriad of exchanges and blossomed tothe point where Taek gave  DS the golden turtle. 

Therefore  for me TaekSun's love is not a sudden thing but a steady growth from acorn to unshakeable oak.



i'm not disagreeing. SunTaek's love always there from the start - whatever definition or variation of love it maybe. When i made this gif set, (i) I was thinking this scene was the sudden, full on impact realisation for Deoksun that this is not the young boy she knew all her life. (ii) in a viewer's perspective this is the scene that we were finally shown the POV of the heroine as chooses taek wholeheartedly, so we can say that this is one of the turning points in a "narrative and visual" perspective. 

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9 hours ago, kepogee said:


i'm not disagreeing. SunTaek's love always there from the start - whatever definition or variation of love it maybe. When i made this gif set, (i) I was thinking this scene was the sudden, full on impact realisation for Deoksun that this is not the young boy she knew all her life. (ii) in a viewer's perspective this is the scene that we were finally shown the POV of the heroine as chooses taek wholeheartedly, so we can say that this is one of the turning points in a "narrative and visual" perspective. 

Yup. real true

I think @packmule3 said she suspected DS was an unreliable narrator early. She may well be right. Whether DS was an unreliable narrator because she didn't know or she was lying to herself is up for grabs.

DS's love of Taek was there but she was also suckered by Taek to believe in some of the Taek-myths, his need to be taken care of, etc. [he didn't need to be taken care of he just need DS to hover in his orbit.] 

DS was constantly re-learning that Taek was a man, and then backing away from the knowledge.


1- Taek as volleyball shield.

2- Taek in full battle gear in China.

3- Taek to the rescue on the soccer field. 

In many ways the knowledge was there for DS, but she didn't know what to do with it so she constantly pushed it aside and thereby was always surprised when she came in contact with it again.

As the risk of offending folks shipping other pairs--When DS was old enough to be seriously interested in men, she never saw Taek as a teenage crush like she did SW and others.  When the blinder came off she saw Taek as a man.

Additionally DS was always speaking her heart's truth, thinking she was making fun instead of prophecizing the future.

1- Grow up quickly and marry me.

2- Should I seduce Taek? (to her Mom)

3- I'll take responsibility and I've gotten the best of the deal.

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I also believe chocolate was meant to confuse viewers  and I'm glad it remained as mystery because it perfectly explains DS's attitude towards Taek back then  :D I'm sure at the end of episode 6 most of the viewers felt challenged even uneasy. As if Taek felt same way that's why he decided to take the shortcut . Knowing his personality that's how he responds whenever someone underestimated him. Just like how he declared he loved Deok Sun as a woman or that she has no idea. Same goes for ep18 DS was really acting up the way Taek could not possibly ignore. 

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I saw that this thread has gone to the second page of the shipper thread and that is a NO NO.  So I am writing to make it pop back up.  

No, really I wanted to say I am enjoying all your posts and wonder how you guys do it.  When I start watching this show, I get all wrapped up and ADDICTED that I can't stop with one episode.  Then, I get behind at home and work.  My hubby thinks I am sick because I am not acting like myself.  ...  All that to say, I can't join you in rewatching.  

 R88 is not like other shows, especially variety, where I am done in 20 minutes.  I envy you guys and admire from far.

I do hope some or many of you are working on the fanvideo for the shipping contest.  I loved all your entries thus far and know how talented you are.  FIGHTING. 

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22 minutes ago, miri13 said:

I saw that this thread has gone to the second page of the shipper thread and that is a NO NO.  So I am writing to make it pop back up.  

No, really I wanted to say I am enjoying all your posts and wonder how you guys do it.  When I start watching this show, I get all wrapped up and ADDICTED that I can't stop with one episode.  Then, I get behind at home and work.  My hubby thinks I am sick because I am not acting like myself.  ...  All that to say, I can't join you in rewatching.  

 R88 is not like other shows, especially variety, where I am done in 20 minutes.  I envy you guys and admire from far.

I do hope some or many of you are working on the fanvideo for the shipping contest.  I loved all your entries thus far and know how talented you are.  FIGHTING. 


3 hours ago, rarararrarara said:

guuys, how about fanvideo in soompi shipper contest ?



Some behind-the-scene chaos ensued at the very last minute and our videomaker had to sadly bow out... so i'm sorry if i disappoint you guys with my amateur skills... This is, for real, my first time editing a video, let alone make a fanvid. HAHAHA. EDITED TO ADD: @miri13 hahahaha i'm on my 6th day of the free 30-day trial for the video editing software... and 1 tub of eye cream and coffee cups later... i have gained a newfound respect for all those who make fanvids or edit any kinds of videos on the regular... thank youuu! <3


@mangachickava and @kepogee and @ladyfriday and @cooleet and @nuckertuck THANKS FOR THE HELP behind the scene!~ SO GLAD TO HAVE U ALL AMAZING PEOPLE IN THIS SHIP! 


Attaching the video here too (do watch in HD!)


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7 minutes ago, hafunohane said:




Some behind-the-scene chaos ensued at the very last minute and our videomaker had to sadly bow out... so i'm sorry if i disappoint you guys with my amateur skills... This is, for real, my first time editing a video, let alone make a fanvid. HAHAHA. 

Attaching the video here too (do watch in HD!)


Are you sure this is your first time making a video? It's really good. Since you our captain knows uri couple very well, you were able to capture their story in its truest form, no delusions and no additions (since we don't need it). I'm so proud of you girl. What you did for this whole contest is beyond anybody can do for this ship. Your effort and time invested in these projects is no joke. No one could've done better than you. It's also a good thing that you are supported with a very talented bunch of people. Though we had our ups and downs, still we were able to hang on until the end. Thank you dear captain for making these entries possible.

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OMO OMONA !!! Dears,,, :w00t::tears: You've worked hard.
Kamsahada for our Cap @hafunohane and TheChosenOnes team, who have worked hard on preparing and finishing our entry for the contest.. :wub: 
I was nervous when I didn't see our entry half an hour before the end time, and keep refreshed the thread every minutes. Then baam ! What a great compilation of SunTaek moments. 
Now, I am full of feelings after seeing the video :heart: And once again, I'm happy that I suntaek the right ship.

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Wow. Understated, elegant, true to form.

Like how it builds upon prior entries to capture the essence of the writer's romantic vision, while paying tribute to the special moments/theories discussed here--true to the script, the ship, and the contest.

SunTaek's story has finally come full circle in this last leg of the race <3 Thank you to the team for all your hard work, and GOOD LUCK! :)


P.S. Totally gonna bookmark for future fangirling~ hehe

Edit: You're kidding--that can NOT be the first vid you've ever made! :D Seriously, though, just when I thought I couldn't be more impressed by the dedication...just, WOW :wub:

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@hafunohane You did an absolutely amazing job on that video! If that's your first, you should definitely make more! Just...Wow!

I award you all the internet points and a special spot on my youtube favorites list! :D

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On 4/14/2016 at 9:32 AM, hafunohane said:




Some behind-the-scene chaos ensued at the very last minute and our videomaker had to sadly bow out... so i'm sorry if i disappoint you guys with my amateur skills... This is, for real, my first time editing a video, let alone make a fanvid. HAHAHA. EDITED TO ADD: @miri13 hahahaha i'm on my 6th day of the free 30-day trial for the video editing software... and 1 tub of eye cream and coffee cups later... i have gained a newfound respect for all those who make fanvids or edit any kinds of videos on the regular... thank youuu! <3

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@mangachickava and @kepogee and @ladyfriday and @cooleet and @nuckertuck THANKS FOR THE HELP behind the scene!~ SO GLAD TO HAVE U ALL AMAZING PEOPLE IN THIS SHIP! 


Attaching the video here too (do watch in HD!)




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