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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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11 minutes ago, nearsea said:

@onlysb1 But considering her age the pain has to be larger than life for her to cry  that way.I felt like it has something to do with jh again rejecting her or neglecting her,the same way he has been doing all these weeks.Maybe this time he gave her a hard indication or just stood her up,as we see her waiting by the stairs.Then there is that scene where jh is taking a step forward but then halts seeing something.Maybe he witness the scene when taek is with deok sun by the stairs.I somehow can't think that deok sun would be matured overnight,she is not built that way mentally right.

-- Also from the preview it seemed like she was already crying when taek had his head over her shoulder.

maybe that crying scene could be after she fight with JH or another misunderstanding or she fed up with his cold shoulder and cry her heart out..seem JH going back to his house but seem to change his mind and want to go back to DS but seeing Taek on her shoulder instead..maybe just Taek come back tired at that timing and just automatically or instictly going directly to his source of comfort DS shoulder and another misunderstanding from JH again lol..

but there also that part seem same night JH walk back talking with super tired and sleepy looking Taek which might be after he lean on DS part? maybe he wanna confess he also like ds at that moment and stop hiding..

sound like fic but we can only continue making assumption like usual with the typical trolling misleading preview before it aired ..usually my prediction always wrong big time when it come to reply since they pd troll always throw totally different happening than the scenario i imagine just like that time Taek cry i thought cos he know jh feel but end up because he heard about his dad panic lol...most of time i wanna slap the preview XD

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Taekting hill...awww.. I'm a big fan of notting hill. One of ma fav classics. And the love story is to die for. 

I love how creative DC peeps are. Thanks for sharing it with us @syaiira. I feel so old lol.

As for the preview,I can't say anything about it cuz we end up being wrong(all the time). So I will just watch.

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@salz Yeah we don't need no misleading previews,lol.As you said we can make hundreds of assumptions but it could end up being the most common situation,maybe that's where the pd power lies..=/.We're always coming up with the most innovative solutions but writer here has his own game in mind.Well for taek to happen jh has to confess to deok sun on the next episode,and taek has to hear the hearbreak of his own,so that by the time deok sun is confronted by taek and he talks about the girl he was going to confess,maybe deok sun would be teared up and telling him how she's already taeken? So after the time leap happens,taek would be whole another person who has already dated the so-in-mention baduk player and deok sun would be bummed about it? =/ =/.Or the ending is as we've already guessed,and no telling is needed for that.

-- Someone mentioned about misaeng,and jang gu rae,and how he's so strong because of baduk. I loved misaeng,and how baduk made the introverted boy center of attention,and how he kind of climbed all the obstacles because of his willpower and silent mind.Maybe it was someone from the main thread,who so wonderfully mentioned this that maybe taek has his own strength no matter how vulnerable he looks,that maybe he won't be heartbroken at all even if deok sun rejects her,so I think I won't be seeing him in the same light as chilbong.Because taek does not have that loser vibe at all.He has this aura around him lol,which kind of makes him strong as he is,there is more to his courage than he can think of.So even if he says he will die without deok sun,I think he would be the one to come out of all this push and pull of heart strings,learning the most.I just felt that way whenever he had this 'look' at deok sun,or whenever he put his head on deok sun's shoulder,as if he was taking a bit more portion of willpower from the magic bottle that deok sun is.Err sorry for the rant girls =S.It's just effect of  the song of 'december' talking maybe.

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@nearsea Yes, I quite agree that Taek seems to be growing stronger than he appears. This might've been the writers' intent for the past few episodes considering all of the development in his character vs. JH's development coming to a temporary standstill. When he was first introduced, many viewers felt apprehensive/dreading about how poor Taek would deal with rejection and hurt. But as the show progressed, we've come to see that there's more to him than meets the eye.

Who knows? He may be the strongest one yet out of all three kids in the love triangle, able to handle a straight rejection with the most maturity and grace for his age in spite of how deeply he can love. If this is the case, the writers would have done well by his character, to let him grow to a point where he becomes just as strong and viable a contender for DS' heart as JH, and by the viewers, as they would feel much more satisfied by the ending if no one is 'left behind' with a broken heart. I'm fairly confident now that he won't be Chilbonged, and look forward to seeing his growth as "he would be the one to come out of all this push and pull of heart strings, learning the most" :)

No matter what, I think he'll always hold a special place in DS' life. His presence itself has highlighted her nature and potential as a capable loving caretaker type (with regards to future career--not that she isn't capable of more in life ^^). We see this now through the epilepsy scene but the way he has been looking at her and especially during Noeul's banana-eating scene definitely displays his full affection for this long-standing aspect of her character. Even if she continues to view him as a brother after discovering his feelings, I think it is Taek--the one who has almost always been on the receiving end of her care--who will show DS that she is, indeed, deserving of receiving love in turn.


A bit pessimistic, but any thoughts on this quote in relation to TK-DS?

"But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave."


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Wow @.crestfallen. Really loved your post. Can't be described better than your epilogue on taek.Yes he's slowly and steadily becoming as strong a contender as JH,isn't he.And why do I feel like he lets deok sun to abuse him as she does or let her make a fool of him,like a mature person does.And I love how taek has been expressing his admiration for DS indirectly and to different persons,while JH has been stayed shut off till this day.

About the quote,it's sadly beautiful... and I can see why you've quoted here,it fits in well somewhat for taek,but more than taek here,I would really wish that this applies for deok sun? Because taek is so sure of his love for her since forever,as we don't really get to see when he started loving her,but deok sun needs to know who's her soulmate,instead of relying for counsellors or skillful friends to know her chances.Because right now though JH has been here with us for long with his crush,but it's not soulmate worthy,the feeling that is there for each other.And I really want to believe out of all the seasons eighties should shine the most in case of love,because people were more bare/ honest in case of love and reasons of love with more depth,something totally opposite from the world we live in now.

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4 hours ago, lyonesse said:

I'm still confused about the chocolate. As we know that DS and his husband argue about this chocolate because the husband wanted to know for whom did DS give that chocolate to. But DS insist that she put that chocolate in his husband's bag.

On that scene, i remember our taekkie didnt bring bag to JH house. So there's no way DS put that chocolate into taek's bag. And moreover, DS who claims that she knows everything about taek must have known that taek wouldnt bring his bag to JH house, because he didnt go to school like the others. This means DS never intends to put that chocolate into taek's bag right?

Please enlighten me. I'm sooo bugged by this chocolate-thing

As fas as I know, she didn't said that she puts the chocolate in his husband bag, she just insists that she gave him the chocolate.. Imo, since she was so sure that she gave it to him, I was thinking whom the person that she used to gave or share anything that she had? JH? No, she almost never care about him, only when she knows that he likes her then she starts to cares and during that times, she didn't like JH.. The strongest candidate is TK and also, JH knew about DS's crush to SW during that time so he shouldn't be surprised about the chocolate..but the husband is angry and wants to smoke because of that which leads to TK's behaviour 

Edited by minibunny
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14 minutes ago, nicola_nikka said:

wait hold up? the dolls are in 3 houses? sunwoon too?



Pardon my delulu mind ... 

But lately, with Taek so *in* on the BR-SW romance (lol @ his sass when he catches them smooching a second time), and with SW-TK sharing so many scenes ga-ga-ing over the Sung sisters, doesn't it make sense that the dolls would be in TK, SW, and the the sisters' rooms?


Guys-- a question: have the dolls ever showed up in Jung Hwan's room? Like ever? 

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1 hour ago, Meliere said:



Pardon my delulu mind ... 

But lately, with Taek so *in* on the BR-SW romance (lol @ his sass when he catches them smooching a second time), and with SW-TK sharing so many scenes ga-ga-ing over the Sung sisters, doesn't it make sense that the dolls would be in TK, SW, and the the sisters' rooms?


Guys-- a question: have the dolls ever showed up in Jung Hwan's room? Like ever? 


To be exact, it was in SW's mom's room, not SW's room so I don't know if it hints toward her relationship or SW's.

And no, at least I haven't seen the dolls in JH's room or house (is that a good thing? lol). Someone also mentioned seeing the dolls in Man Ok's hospital room too (I think towards the end of ep 13 when she receive JB's letter from the nurse)





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Video Cr: Bolumiere 

Just when you think PBG can't possibly be cuter  than he already is...you see this expression lol


(whisper...I think the fan was crying at the moment kekeke what a shame seeing this via blurry vision)

Fangirl mission completed ^^   





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6 minutes ago, mangachickava said:

yall in the dramafever subs the scene of TK and SW is translated as

"when she smiles I almost feel like I could die"

thats different from "when I am not with her I feel like I could die"


Think Dramafever subs are wrong here. Dramabeans also has it as "I think I might die without her".

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7 minutes ago, mangachickava said:

yall in the dramafever subs the scene of TK and SW is translated as

"when she smiles I almost feel like I could die"

thats different from "when I am not with her I feel like I could die"


dramabeans translated it like, "A slow smile spreads across Taek’s face as he answers, “I just like her. I like being with her.” And then he gets all serious as he adds, “I think I might die without her.”" and i personally believe theirs more because a lot of this ep sub was worded weirdly

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Finally finished watching the latest two subbed episodes and man oh man I can't wait for the next episodes! I've been lurking in here for the past week or so...Hiiii :] I've enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts! Since the beginning, I never thought that Taek would even be in the running to be the husband. After Reply 1994, I wasn't going to give this new series a try because I got so mad at the end with how the writers treated Chilbong. I refused to give my heart away again. But somehow, though it happened slowly because I fought it so much, I've given my heart away again. This time to our Taek! I really thought he was just a secondary character with not much to offer. But, as the series progressed, the writers have definitely been developing him as a character. We're getting to see more sides of him. With so much more focus on Taek now, I just hope that it's not for nothing. I feel like I'm just rambling but I really hope that in the coming episodes we'll get to see Duk Seon really try to understand her own feelings. She never saw Jung Hwan as anything more than a friend until her friends brought it to her attention that he might like her. I hope that she will come to realize who the person she can't live without is (which I hope is Taek). I'm still not holding out much hope because I don't want to feel the same way I felt with the Reply 1994 ending, but I will say that this series has done such a great job in depicting the families and their dynamics with one another. Ok that's all for now :sweatingbullets:

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So since its the longest night of the year and I had time, I decided to "map" out the possible scenarios for next ep. Some assumptions I made was that the whole gang (including siblings) will be going to the MBC singing contest in dec 1989. Therefore, no one will die or move ( I do feel Bora will move soon after to states) I also think DS will be rejecting anyone that confesses to her because it has been hinted she needs to majorly study and she now has the class president to tutor her ( also JH mentioned how could JB date, when he needs to study. I am assuming everyone will be studying as much as Bora and Taek intensity. Also I noticed that it was in 1990 that Lee Chang Ho started really majorly winning, so I could see Taek just starting to go up the hill to the top baduk player. The only character I dont know about is DR, which will be answered finally)

Both guys confess:

BR in the preview hints at this scenario when she says "everyone likes DS", if both boys confess to DS ( and assuming she rejects both to study) then she really needs to think about who she likes. However, I think BR's lines are misleading, and this scenario unlikely, because of the dramatic situation it would set up. It would also again not make sense because I doubt JH would confess before talking to TK , which he has been putting off since ep 10....which brings the secound scenario

JH confess and TK doesn't:

The preview has TK and JH talking ( both wearing different outfits from the one of TK resting his head, and JH seeming to look at the alley), this could mean that JH finally confesses to TK about his dilemma, (shown again by him looking at the pizza box and the pink shirt). TK knowing this information that DS has given JH a shirt, and went on date, will not confess in fear of rejection, his friendship with both individuals. Now, going by my theory that DS will not date *anyone*, this means that she finally will be validated by JH that someone likes her, but this is now after her talk with DR, that at the end of the day that doesnt matter in the bigger picture, it is who she likes. If JH had confessed before DR speech, DS would have said yes and the story would have been very different....timing y'all. 

TK confess and JH doesn't:

Hinted by the head rest, TK finally gets the courage to confess, and DS rejects. Again I really hope that TK and JH have a conversation, so I just dont see this possibility happening tbh... but if it does, TK had to learn to move one. This for me sounds like how Reply 1997 went before the time jump and tbh I just dont think they will repeat it...

Both dont confess:

everyone focuses on their own lives, and we will need to deal with everything after the time jump T.T 

Now it was interesting that TK head was on the opposite side of DS shoulder, and it can be mainly the greater impact on there being an observer ( JH) however, the previews are sooooo misleading that I dont think JH saw. 

~please include further thoughts~


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Guest ngocdpb

I thought that maybe TK just like DS, still not enough for being in love or else for one second but after watching "might die w/o her" scene, I wonder if the husband's not TK, how the writer will deal abt that "might die". Tsk. Will she make TK really die because of those pills? My classmate, who was a mathematical genius, committed suicide after taking too much pills. (Because of that death, everyone in my class stopped taking sedatives). Arggg!!! Hope that there wont be any stupid death scene.

As far as I know, there are nothing like dolls in JH's room, and no picture of the squad too. I saw 2 3 pictures of JB and JH and (maybe) their parents'.

HARRY POTTAEK! I'm a huge fan of Hermione, lol. It was the story I grew up with.

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