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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Guest wizengamot
1 minute ago, debieg said:


I think what you mean is the ribbon in JH gloves gift to DS have green ribbon (ep 7) and DS pink t-shirt gift have yellow ribbon on it (ep 14).



yes, that's what i mean. the ribbons on the gift boxes. someone posted the pics too :)

when JH gifted DS with the pink gloves on Christmas, its box has a green ribbon.

and when DS gave JH pink shirt for his birthday, its box has yellow ribbon. 



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19 hours ago, madametimah said:

Happy New Year everyone! 

I have a news here and for me it is kind of on the good side lol. while i was lurking on naver, i found an article saying that a new OST for Reply 1988 is going to be released on the 2nd Jan. at first i freaked out because the cover was a picture of DS and TK but after i searched for the song and its lyrics, I feel relieved. because the trans is a richard simmons sad story between a broken couple LOL

the troublemaker photo



and the original song with the translation at the comment section


The mv clearly depicts TK and DS relationship ( broken hearted) lol

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I still believe with the clues that were presented during the earlier episodes...the later clues are to confuse the viewers...

The first ever clue to me....

Junghwan and mom Mi Ran convo in the 1st episode

JH told mom that he got 1st place in the exam


Mom screen capture

She get 1 (Green)

then returned it after 

so tell me...what the heLl did the writer is thinking ....lol (stop me chingus....i Had a heated convo with my twin...pls note...she is From team #otherSideofthePlanet...hahaha


WHy The pictures were not attached?....huhu..sorry chingus TT TT

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Guest wizengamot
3 minutes ago, uricouplefan said:

I still believe with the clues that were presented during the earlier episodes...the later clues are to confuse the viewers...

The first ever clue to me....

Junghwan and mom Mi Ran convo in the 1st episode

JH told mom that he got 1st place in the exam



Mom screen capture

She get 1 (Green)


then returned it after 


so tell me...what the heLl did the writer is thinking ....lol (stop me chingus....i Had a heated convo with my twin...pls note...she is From team #otherSideofthePlanet...hahaha


WHy The pictures were not attached?....huhu..sorry chingus TT TT


lol you and your twin are shipping different teams? uh... why did she think that it is not JH? 

anyway, i can't really tell if Mom Mi Ran taking that green toy is a clue, it could, be if we're going to consider how meticulous the team up to the last detail. But I would not really rely on that because when your nervous talking, or dilly dallying, some people had mannerism of playing with their hair or anything near them. It could be a reminder or a hint of some sort but again, i'm not sure. 

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49 minutes ago, junghwanxdeoksunforevvs said:

I came across this theory while I was scrolling through junghwanx deokseon moments and it said maybe the colour theory is different. Maybe the colour of the ribbon on the dress rather than the dress itself represents the characters? Maybe the director tries to trick us using the dress colours but the real representation of our love triangle is all in the colour of the ribbon?  I dunno just a theory I came across. But when you see the facial expression on the red doll with a green ribbon it resembles jh. And same goes for the other two?

I'm HORRIBLE at analyzing stuff hahaha, but here's what I've caught onto so far.

There are two sets of dolls that are frequently shown in the series: the one in DS's room, and the one in TK's room.


(sorry for the bad quality TT) this is the set of dolls in DS's room. Here, Sunwoo = Red, Bora = Purple (a play on her name, which literally means purple haha), Junghwan = Green, Deoksun = Yellow, Taek = Blue, Dongryong = Pink. I think this picture was in episode 11-12? Which explains why SW-BR dolls are kissing, JH-DS dolls are looking at each other (signifying their crushes on each other) and TK doll is staring at DS doll's back.

The dolls in TK's room is the one you posted :D DS is still yellow, JH is red, and TK is green.. Someone explained earlier in the thread, but I don't remember how they came to their conclusion hahaha

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Guest wizengamot

i don;t know guys if i have gone really crazy. i think that argument (i was mentioning for days now on page 357) was really irking me to give a reply haha!!! i can;t keep still or be at peace until i can explain to her. it'll sound more like an argument to them but more than debating i'd like to at least answer her post so that those who read it on the main thread will not be swayed with twisted deductions. I'm still working on my wording so that it will not sound like i'm asking for a heated argument. Tell me? would i be inviting war if i do that? 

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Hello Chingus!!

How are you all this first day of 2016? :)

Oh I love that cigarette analysis! Honestly, I don't think JH is wmoking in 1988. He said it himself: bad people smoke... He is quite siple-minded when it comes to that. But let's keep in mind that a lot can happen between 1988 and 2015! If he does go to medical school, I can see how he would take it up because of the stress of it all. It can also be an habit he takes up later in life.

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15 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

i don;t know guys if i have gone really crazy. i think that argument (i was mentioning for days now on page 357) was really irking me to give a reply haha!!! i can;t keep still or be at peace until i can explain to her. it'll sound more like an argument to them but more than debating i'd like to at least answer her post so that those who read it on the main thread will not be swayed with twisted deductions. I'm still working on my wording so that it will not sound like i'm asking for a heated argument. Tell me? would i be inviting war if i do that? 


What did she/he say? I just don't want to go to the main thread. Its so gloomy back there.

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20 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

i don;t know guys if i have gone really crazy. i think that argument (i was mentioning for days now on page 357) was really irking me to give a reply haha!!! i can;t keep still or be at peace until i can explain to her. it'll sound more like an argument to them but more than debating i'd like to at least answer her post so that those who read it on the main thread will not be swayed with twisted deductions. I'm still working on my wording so that it will not sound like i'm asking for a heated argument. Tell me? would i be inviting war if i do that? 


Well, actually i didn't pay attention to her post :D . IMHO, debating is OK as long using nice word. Choose your word wisely. Fighting! ^^

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While everyone was shouting "happy new year" I bet we were the only ones shouting "only one more week for reply1988" haha (clearly the new year is not as important pffft)

We are the most obsessive and craziest shippers to exist on earth 


One moe week my dear chingus! Deokhwan shippers HWAITTTIIIINNNGG tumblr_inline_o00d9kFzzE1twmrsn_540.gif

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News Article :- http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/
160101 -”The letter from Ssangmundong" New year’s message from the Reply 1988 casts to their fans Trans: Kim Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol)I am filming Reply earnestly during the winter and also filming at the beginning of this year. Because I got this warm project, I will work hard until the end as much as I am thankful (for Reply 1988) and I want to convey its warmth. I received so much love and support from many people during 2015 and for 2016, I wish to do various projects to repay the love I received.source: TVDaily

160101 -”The letter from Ssangmundong" 
New year’s message from the Reply 1988 casts to their fans 


Kim Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol)

I am filming Reply earnestly during the winter and also filming at the beginning of this year. Because I got this warm project, I will work hard until the end as much as I am thankful (for Reply 1988) and I want to convey its warmth. I received so much love and support from many people during 2015 and for 2016, I wish to do various projects to repay the love I received.

source: TVDaily




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43 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


lol you and your twin are shipping different teams? uh... why did she think that it is not JH? 

anyway, i can't really tell if Mom Mi Ran taking that green toy is a clue, it could, be if we're going to consider how meticulous the team up to the last detail. But I would not really rely on that because when your nervous talking, or dilly dallying, some people had mannerism of playing with their hair or anything near them. It could be a reminder or a hint of some sort but again, i'm not sure. 

We are discussing...so to justify her side I asked her...( you know...we need to know both sides of the story...lol)

When the husband hunt clues was not yet started...i mean before the drama aired or the first episodes...why you want or why did you whatched R88? She said....of course it's pBG ( need to emphasized this one....she said " of course it's PARK BO GUM...PARK BO GUM!!!!) hahaha


mE: oh I See....i think You ( need to emphasize this also....hihi...) and your team Mates from #otherSideOfthePlanets...doesN't really cares who is the real husband...whoever is paired up with PBG you will support...so if the main leads are PBG, JB and Mi Ok...you will whole heartedly supports Mi Ok with PBG...lol

Edited by uricouplefan
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I think the undisputable truth about Junghwan being the husband is that he knows DS was rejected by Sun Woo during the first snow.. Even adult Deoksun seem surprised that her husband KNOWS that detail.. to me, It just wasnt possible for Taek to know that. Especially since Sunwoo wouldnt even telling that  to anyone (but Junghwan) when he's still dating Bora years later. Why would he tell that embarassing story to his friends?

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Since October 2015....today is my first Friday without reply88....huhuhuhuhuhu...miss read live recaps, miss looking for spoiler here and every where. arrrrgggggghhhhh, ottohke if this drama ended later?in next 2 weeks?? (its like a nightmare just by imagining it...huhuhu)

5 hours ago, hailaft said:


dance of appreciation from Ra Eomoni. Gomawo chinguya. I too spent most of my time imagining new scene about them to write LOL. Thank God I'm on holiday now. I won't be able to concentrate at work for sure. I'll have to endure 1 weekdays before new episode though. :cry:

huwaaaa...you are welcome chinguyaaaa....hahaha, ra yeosanim dancing....my favorite ahjumma..Yeah, i am on holiday too...but i think it will become worse if im not in holiday..hahahahahaha. (imagining new scene as an escape from stress at work..its fun though i wont be able to concentrate at work but really cant helping....)


3 hours ago, wizengamot said:

@junghwana yes @debieg is right, everyone here knows or at least had been advised not to take the clues seriously because this production team likes to give red herrings plus, some clues can be edited or changed because they're not so obvious or properly shown (like the picture future hubby and DS are holding). if you follow the flow of the story, you should be fine. i mean, with so much parallelism with DS and JH and the story focusing to JH growing crush to love, and the dynamics of the Sung and Kim family, I don't see why JH would not be the husband. Lol you came to their thread, and what kind of clues are there, like the one they post on the main thread? tsss.. that post makes my head hurt, i don;t even know if that person is watching the series.

@leekyuphii wua! chingu where have you been? i thought you've been quiet these past few days. so that's what it is? you've been away to somewhere.

@einYoshiChan you change your avatar! :D no, not that superior english-speaking "neutral" on the main thread, but a TK shipper post on the main thread. like, i know right? what nothing is she talking about? i could make her up a list of all the JH-DS scenes completed with pics just so she will see lol

they can say all they want. JH is still the husband lol.

Making his character inferior to TK will not make TK as DS husband nor will make DS love him romantically nor it will make the viewers think of JH character less. 


i miss this thread...i miss all people here...i miss you too chingu....hahahahaha..yeah i went to my mom's hometown for holiday but yeah that small village didnt has strong internet connection so i drifted apart from my laptop and this thread for awhile (cant comment or post or join discussion for those 5 days just read and read) ..I am ready to camp here until next week!!!! (i miss this drama...i miss JH...i miss JH DS...next week, dont disappointed me show...my 2 weeks waiting TT,TT )

yeah....my head hurt every time i visiting main thread, its fun to see the other perspective but my biased mind just too strong every time i watched a drama. Sometimes i want to defend and debating too but yeah i wont ever cant give a fair statement about shippers matters. and in the end i will lost my words, i cant control my emotion too and i will explode for sure.. So i give my standing ovation, my big hug to everyone that still can give a fair statement and not biased opinion on main thread ..You all are the best..choigoo...jjang jjang jjang.. two thumbs up for you guys,,,,

and i love all new discovery things and theory when i was away like about smoking and about green-yellow ribbon... wow,i never noticed that ribbon.. and i wont even if i watched that episode over and over again.. (my head hurt just try too pay too much attention to  that matters though i just fo it for fun)//hahahahaha

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