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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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2 hours ago, churasan said:

De-lurking myself again to fangirl about today's episode! :wub: Spoilers for episode 7 ahead...

After watching up to episode 7, I really have love and appreciation for the writing of the drama.  

I realized after watching today's episode how important the "scar" is to this WS and HS's storyline.  WS's scar was inflicted upon him - something he had no control over, and he views it as a symbol of all the negativity in his life.  In contrast, HS's scar was self-inflicted, and for her it can be viewed as almost something she could be proud of because it allowed her to save herself.  I think this really shook up WS because something he believed so hideous and no one would ever want (a scar), HS chose it over the wealth/glory of marrying a king.  Therefore, I feel that this situation might give WS hope that although most people would run away from him because of his appearance, there are some people (obviously HS) that will choose him (scars and all).

I think that's why the last scene was so heartbreaking. :tears:  Not because everyone turned away, but because he didn't want the one person he loved to see his deformity (especially since we all want to show our best to that person).  I think that's why he was so frustrated at the end.  Out of everyone in that room, WS actually realized that he cared about what HS thought of him because she is important to him.  He was afraid that when she saw it, she would run away from him like everyone else.

What I truly hope to watch in the next episode is how HS will show WS that she is always on his side.  Maybe she'll help him make his scar "disappear" through make up and when jerky Yoo flips So's mask off (as in the preview), they'll be shocked to see it gone! 

Together, HS and WS can put Yoo back in his place! :angry:



That's EXACTLY what I thought of this episode even before watching it subbed. Talking about the scars, kudos to the writer, who created a deep parallelism/contrast by using that narrative device.

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13 minutes ago, jerboa83 said:

Apparently, that cut on her neck wasn't deep, while the wrist cut was far worst (as the court lady said).


actually her scar was really deep at that scene and neck scars like that heal in a long time bc you always have to moved your neck and it gets thicken..and generally a mark stays, you know even some people have so many lines on neck, that skin can easily be scratched by neck moves!..but of course physic is for real life not for dramas :D 


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2 hours ago, KdramaSwimmer said:

Guys...as much  as SHR is addictive so is this thread. I watched episode raw and thought to sleep as its 2am but could not resist checking in here to check the aftermath of so mucj WS on screen and that close up done at end...* I am yet to come out of my SHRland*

Rest will be added onve I watch subs...but just one thing want to say...

WW putting the bracelet on HSs wrist covering the scar, is just like a mask  to cover it as WS has to cover his scar. So I'd say WW hasnt accepted her scar rather he is trying to hide it to make HS fit their society.  And I dint like that.  WS should kiss that scar of hers just as we wanted HS to kiss his scar to prove they have accepted each other completely with all flaws.

rest that preview WS looking up at her as she removes the mask...  and what was no shown was desperate hug scene....so waiting for next eposode now.

@bebebisous33 as yiu said how WW will treat WSwill have impact on WW-HS story.

Annyong everyone... m off to sleep to see my WS smiling today....

I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING. It was really obvious how much he was trying to hide it, especially with the way he was even adjusting and pressing it against the scar. Dude kissing the scar would be way more romantic and meaningful than giving her a pretty bracelet!


I heard the special episode is on tonight, right? Does anyone know what it's going to be about? Recap or some bonus goodies?

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2 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Very interesting for me - how comes he knows the StarGazer so well? He was not in the Palace for a long time... and then only briefly... So was JM at his former Place?


I guess he knew him when he was younger, before living the palace and being held hostage elsewhere...

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49 minutes ago, MadraRua said:


He will make her fall in love with him. I see Wook as an infatuation, whilst So will be her deep and lasting love. He's going to be possessive, passionate but most importantly HONEST. There won't be any surprises with him. He'll lay it all out straight with her which I figure she'll appreciate the most. Wang Wook and Hae Soo are going to hit crunch time soon.... he'll either have to choose between his family or her and the throne or her. I think he'll stick with his family and break his promise to her. His mother has ambitions of the throne for her son, she won't see him single for long. Also I think Wook himself may harbour ambitions.. if she asked him to choose I don't think he'll pick her. Just my opinion.

@jerboa83 sent you a link

I agree ..... Soo has modern sensibilities, she is also new to all the political machination. Honesty, loyalty will be big deal to her.

I think there is also an additional dimension to this - What she sees both her suitors as and what are her expectations from them

If you look from Soo's perspective, She sees Wook as a sweet gentle person and ideal husband material. I would say she has no understanding of Wook, his past life, his troubles or his ambitions. He never shows his true self to anyone. He will be forced to be ruthless and cunning at some point. Soo will be caught unaware and see it as betrayal and ambition which will break her heart. It will be the end of her fairytale. In the original story too....she leaves him when she realizes that he values throne more than her and is willing to plot against his brothers.

So on the other hand is considered to be ruthless but Soo is seeing the kinder, sweeter and angsty side of his personality. They often talk on his and her world view. She has a much better understanding of who So is, what his life is like and what he wants. From her perspective he is someone who is forced into that ruthlessness and it is not his choice. She has seen him cry when he murdered the monks.If the show follows the original storyline- 4th prince ends up fighting for throne because he is forced into it when he is accused unjustly by 8th prince faction and 13th prince takes the fall for him.

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What I like about episode 7 is it's clearly highlighting haesoo growth as a character and showing her willingness to change by adapting herself better to fit in better in goryeo times and by doing so making her survival chance in palace goes higher. And fitting Princes interaction towards her stay in line with this main theme, because of that the transition between scene felt more natural and the story flows better. Such a leap improvement in quality compared to the choppy episode 6.

And I also like that this episode in parallel also showed us 4th Princes gradually adapting to the life in palace. It's like showing more common traits between these two as both is out of their elements and trying to adapt in order to survive in complicated palace life. 

Until now, 4th Prince only interact with other Princes during formal meetings related to family discussion, education, ritual, or other formal events. Other than that he still prefers to be alone. It's what he used to and more comfortable done. Haesoo is the first person he warms up with, breaking his icy exterior and making him believed that maybe the world is not as bad as he thinks. There're warm-hearted people that means no harm to him. Even if in previous episodes he didn't quite figure out yet what kind of feeling he has towards her, he still unconsciously opens up with her telling her story that even his family don't know. She probably the first person he make a normal conversation with, not as a basic courtesy or because of his status, but as himself. That is why it's kinda sweet and saddening at the same time that he mimics her every word commenting on prince's duty (when he scolding 14th prince) , talking about goryeo stars to jimong, and when he said home is where father, mother and siblings stays. Like haesoo is his benchmark of everything. Lol. He's like a cute little puppy cosplaying as Wolf in self-defence mechanism finally found his buddy that showering him with kindness, something he utterly crave all his life. 

That's why is so heartbreaking to see his first step seeking warmness in crowd, encourage by baekah his other ally that he finally learns to warms up with, ended with such a humiliation. 

I want to preserve his innocent relationship with soo a little longer. Not because I support wook, but I want their relationship to develop slower and stronger with time. Love comes with jealousy and angsty feeling, and if haesoo jump into another love so fast after wook it will make her character weird. Haesoo and So will be the end game for sure,  I don't mind if So only thought his feeling as unrequited for now it will be more interesting to see when haesoo realised his significance in her heart. 

Wook is like instant attractions to her, but So is like slow-burning love that last in a lifetime. 

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29 minutes ago, loveandpeace09 said:

But, I don't understand why WS says 'the look in your eyes...I hate it like crazy'.... why is he not happy that she is accepting the scar and not looking away like the others...im sorry but can someone please explain :(



Yes. Can someone please explain this? We need enlightenment. :(

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@loveandpeace09 Regarding the scar, it's basically the bane of WS's existence and he's deeply ashamed of it. When everyone looks away, it's because they're uncomfortable with it and it's a constant reminder that he indeed is different to the rest of them. He's used to being ostracised from the group and shunned, so when someone (like HS) isn't afraid to look away, he feels overwhelmed as he's never met anyone that has accepted him and his scar. So in a sense, he's scared of the emotions that he's feeling :) 

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I have a favour to ask: People on my blog keep asking me about the differences between the SBS version and the Dramafever/original/international/orwhateveryouwanttocallit version of EPISODE 7; and since I only watched the SBS version I can't really help them. Anyone knows the differences? THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ANSWERS AND HELP :)

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5 hours ago, matchacake said:

Youku view count 1 hour before ep 7: 763,727,597

Youku view count now (5 hours later): 774,845,591


I hope this week does well on youku too, Scarlet Heart fighting!


Current Youku view count: 488,005,510


(what happened, where did 300 million views suddenly go?!

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I swear, Jun Ki taking off his mask was so intimate my heartbeat accelerated. I loved the fact that only HS was able to look him in the eyes, that's what he hates. He isn't used to people looking him directly in the eye. That was such a hot scene, and everytime he comes onscreen I get excited LOL. He is just that perfect, and this character is so sexy and charming, it's a lethal combination. 

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7 hours ago, ElleSor said:

I think he feels much closer to Hae Soo with regards to the removal of the mask because she has already seen the scar in the bath.

I feel that he was seeking her support when he looked at her...just my opinion!

Many thanks to the recappers by the way...you guys are daebak! 

Thanks for reminding that hs has already seen him without a mask. I forgot about that, she even saw more than his face :P

I am wondering what did So expect? What would you guys do too in that situation? Naturally everyone will be quiet and abit stun. 

As much as i think, there is no way to defuse the situation. They shouldn't have ask to remove his mask in the first place and So shouldn't have feel the peer pressure to remove it.

I think it shows in some ways So in experience in a social situation. He should have said No. 

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7 hours ago, Mau_Cherry said:


Wrong Prince - wrong Weather - but it reminds me on the Original Drama Scene...


Wow they better not start giving scenes of the otp to wook!

This reminds me of my bitter taste of watching Cheese in the Trap, where several scenes of the hero was given to the 2nd lead:crazy:

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@bingewatcherinsomniac Your analysis of Episode 7 is so so so so good and I feel like it needs to be framed and put up on a wall somewhere haha

I looooove your bit about his mimicking her phrases and words. It's so true, and shows that he is slowly adopting her values and ideas towards the world. It's a really sweet and subtle way of doing it, and shows that he actually remembers and values every word that Soo says - even though she probably doesn't think that they are that important. 

And lol @ that "cute little puppy cosplaying as Wolf in self-defence mechanism". I was telling my friend about this drama, and I was basically like "I mean he kills a monastery of monks BUT BELIEVE ME HE'S ADORABLE" lololol

It's his gradual opening up to the world (via HS, BA) and later to his brothers... And it's sad that they didn't respond with understanding and love :( But at the same time, it still shows how vulnerable he is and how the words and stares actually genuinely affect him.

I also want to... I don't know. I'm fully invested in the Wook side of things as well (but know it's So endgame), but like... She just promised to never take the bracelet off ever, and she's still thinking and clutching onto that piece of paper that has Wook's name on it. For her to abruptly turn to So would break my heart, and I really don't want that to happen asjkdfksdfsl

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1 hour ago, loveandpeace09 said:

But, I don't understand why WS says 'the look in your eyes...I hate it like crazy'.... why is he not happy that she is accepting the scar and not looking away like the others...im sorry but can someone please explain :(


I dont think thats what he mean.. i think he mean he love the way she look at him ( she just look at him when the rest turn away .. )..in other word maybe he want to say that the way she look at him make him fall in love... kekekkek

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