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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Never has a drama ruined me as much as this one, not even cheese in the trap or bridal mask did this to me, Ithink I'm gonna take some time out for like a year before I start another drama again, but I will still love you MLSHR, you're just painfully good.

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14 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


Maybe Wook want to cheat death by ratting her sister to Gwangjong.

oooohhhhhh if this happen, I will really enjoy it :wub:

Maybe that will be the reason why he will just be imprisoned instead of executed.

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1 hour ago, riuenu said:

I can totally accept this "queen"...kudos to the fan edit...

credit to #YunGnan via suisuimjg IG


Ahhh so sweet marrying himself :wub:

I laugh spontaneously and everybody in the train was look at me... "is she crazy??" :P

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9 minutes ago, AryRa said:

Ahhh so sweet marrying himself :wub:

I laugh spontaneously and everybody in the train was look at me... "is she crazy??" :P

That's the problem, if everyone around the world was watching MLSHR, we wouldn't seem so crazy after all.

Happy 1600 pages! Guess all we needed was an episode full of angst to get us here!

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45 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:

i fear that might happen too, that jung might withhold HS seeing WS (or vice versa) akin to what he did to QYoo and Jung..

PDnim, where's the satisfying ending if youre going to do that?


i wouldn't worry too much about it, Jung respects Soo too much to be able to defy her wish of seeing Wangso for the last time. 

even if he dares to do that, be rest assured that Wangso's rage will be no joke.

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@liddi just wanna share a few things I found from this Game of Thrones: Goryeo :sweatingbullets: glad you like my post, thank you!

I wanna include the evil queen as well, but I still didn't know what the reason of her death.

She seems in a rush and full energy when she told our eyeliner sexy king to ascend the throne to stupid jeong, and after sweet cinnamon roll so bethroned as a new king she suddenly just dropdead?! :blink:

It doesn't make sense. Please, somebody enlighten me!

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1 hour ago, Yeekrfan2 said:


Awesome @kdramawriter ! Maybe in Ep 19, HS will let WS know she's from the future and after her death, WS will write a message to her in this Hangul diary of her like in the ending of the Korean drama "Queen In Hyun's Man" hoping she will read it in the future somehow? :w00t:  Ohh so excited with this idea, what does WS wishes to say?


So: "Our destiny that we are unable to complete here(Goryeo).. Let's us finish it in another timeline.."

And when Soo turned around after reading this from the diary in the future, she sees So standing there and smiling back to her :)

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7 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

That's the problem, if everyone around the world was watching MLSHR, we wouldn't seem so crazy after all.

Happy 1600 pages! Guess all we needed was an episode full of angst to get us here!

I didnt log in for 3 hours and we have 1600 pages already. You guys seriously have no life including myself. kekekeke!!

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Moon Lovers Ep 18




Sports Seoul - Naver: 'Moon Lovers', Lee Jun Ki becomes a violent monarch...grows apart from Lee Jieun 

1. [+5,113, -131] Can't wait for next week. Hae Soo leaves, I wanna see Wang So in the present time-- The story is frustrating.. What 'dongsaeng'?

2. [+3,775, -140] Why is it that when one becomes a monarch, they become violent too?

3. [+2,874, -75] Will it be a sad ending? ㅠㅠ

4. [+2,791, -61] Seems like it's going to end similar to history

5. [+1,482, -67] Hae Soo is damn frustrating. Wang So didn't receive love from his mother, the people he loves died because of Chae Ryung. Why can't she understand So for killing Chae Ryung?

6. [+1,305, -44] Am I the only one who thinks Hae Soo is frustrating?

7. [+1,078, -14] I understand Wang So. Chae Ryung did help in Eun's death, it would be strange if she herself doesn't get killed too. Hae Soo has every right to be mad but she shouldn't be turning her back on Wang So



Osen- Naver: 'Moon Lovers', Lee Jun Ki hand in hand with Kang Hana, preview to blood bath... Will Lee Jieun leave? 

1. [+111, -6] Really sad.. I can't help but fall for Lee Jun Ki

2. [+65, -3] Seems like it'll end sadly after all ㅠㅠ

3. [+77, -6] "I want it"... I forgot the rest because of how sadly the episode ended

4. [+70, -7] It's so sad.. So is pitiful

5. [+31, -1] I feel bad for Wang So. Would been nice if she took his side and trusted him

6. [+28, -2] Next ones on the killing list are Wang Wook and Wang Won

cr. kkuljaem blogspot

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I've practically lost interest over this show. I was many time excited to wait for FantastiC, but this one is just bleargh... Not only has HS's doubt contributed to the loss of opportunity at saving Eun and SD, it has also caused Jung to severely mistargeted So as Eun's murderer. CR has repeatedly betrayed HS's friendship. She practically poisoned CP who was probably the brother that valued and genuinely cared for So the most. CR leaked the information about Eun's and SD's position that led towards their tragic ending. She took HS's writing to Wook's mom and worst she has played HS since at Wook's when claiming she cannot read. And HS is defending her like the loony lady that she is?? I'm ironically cheering for the OTP to not be the OTP!!! That is how I'm monstrously pissed of at this messed up version of BBJX.

In C-BBJX, Yutan leaked info. She poisoned no one, her boyfriend did not caused anyone's death and she was with RX since the beginning of RX's time in palace. You can see their friendship that even I was sad at her ending. It even softened me (a bit) against 9th. Don't even bet for my sympathies for Won. C-9th was sly but K-9th is just plain disgusting.

So, Wook, Jung, Eun even BA are all stupid. HS is unworthy of any of them. Maybe the conclusion of this drama is "...knowing how HS was his largest mistake, Gwangjong swore off against all women and ended up redirecting all his efforts towards his initially evil queen YH, that to make up for loss of time, ended up making some 6 thousand babies with her and never marrying anyone else. Except for his child bride concubine. The end...."

I'm also disappointed with BA. C-13th was just awesome. He was loyal, laidback, cool, protective and all things awesome. Yuan Hong played him very well. K-13th is just empty.

Probably my favourite character right now is YH. She's more awesome than the rest of them, that's for sure.

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11 minutes ago, ShaiKeun said:

Wow! 1600 pages now! :scream: am so proud! Am not so sad now because of this..


LOL this is messed up in the sense that more people tuned in when the plot darkens.

As much as this is good for the cast and crew, I hope it doesn't give producers too much incentive to darken most future shows just to get viewership.

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32 minutes ago, hiluna said:

I don't know why most of you don't like the ruthless Gwangjong. I love it that he is meting out justice for himself, his brothers Mu and Eun and also for her.  He is furious at all the betrayals, do you blame him for seeing her attitude as yet another betrayal? He has never been abusive and it is in character that he gets jealous and possessive but that is how he loves and Soo knew that when she fell in love with him. He did try to push her away but once she clung to him, you can't blame him for loving her completely.  For me, So and GJ are one and the same, his character hasn't changed. Soo could have tempered his vengeance but with her rejection once again, he will be in full rampage mode next week and I am looking forward to it.  I love Wang So and will stand by him even if Soo doesn't :wub:


I am with you. I can't wait to see Gwangjong destroys his enemies.

But, I kinda miss the mask and the side bangs tho :wub:

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