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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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35 minutes ago, pass3rby said:


I found a way to repel YH. Ask Gwangjong not to put make up when she's 'into' him. Remember her reaction when she saw WangSo's scars in Eun's birthday? She looked like "What? That's horrible, gross!!"
Somebody please, tell Gwangjong!!! I can't bear to witness whatever will happen in that room between Gwangjong and YH.

Haha I don't think that will be enough to repel YH. She has already been overcome by her greed and ambition.. No matter what happens, even though she doesn't get loved, even though she needs to betray Wook... she is just going to stick around to her position as Queen and make sure her son(if there is any).. becomes the next king! 

Even the ghosts of Yo or Queen Dowager Yoo can't scare her off..

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48 minutes ago, antiherofans said:

Your most favorite So-Soo scene:  

Every time they have silly arguments and the prison scene when they act like nothing bad happens.


Your most heart breaking So-Soo scene  

When Wang So cries after telling Hae Soo she will always be his only queen                                                                            


The most favorite So moment: 

Wang So come to Evil Queen room after killing the monks. I can feel his pain. How can a mother hate her child that bad?


The most favorite Soo moment:

The back hug scene. She missed Wang So so bad.


Which scene that makes your heart flutter?  

Every time they stargazing and when Wang So try to kiss Soo without permission but failed :lol:


Which scene that makes you cry a river      

When lady OH and Eun dies                                                     


Which scene that makes you want to smack something near you? 

Wang So almost kiss YH (I scream so hard, I woke my daughter and possibly disturb my neighbors)


Which scene that makes you hooked forever for MLSHR? 

Wang So riding horse during eclipse. I am gone.


Which So scene that makes you want to watch over and over again?

Every scene with Wang So

Yes the eclipse scene! That gave me chills  "your highness your girlfriend is now being transported. Meet her in 2400 hours"

Also that scene with his mom, a few actors can manage to cry but still look smoldering hot while doing that, just like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise to name a few.

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44 minutes ago, pass3rby said:

I found a way to repel YH. Ask Gwangjong not to put make up when she's 'into' him. Remember her reaction when she saw WangSo's scars in Eun's birthday? She looked like "What? That's horrible, gross!!"


Somebody please, tell Gwangjong!!! I can't bear to witness whatever will happen in that room between Gwangjong and YH.

O wow!! This is such a brilliant idea! *bigroundofapplause* Now how do we tell So? :huh: Sigh, HS shouldn't have taught WS how to make that BB-cream himself. Or we pray that they will run out of the ingredient to make the cream.

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Your most favorite So-Soo scene:  

There are a lot but I have one that always glimps in my head whenever I think about SoSoo, its the early scene when they were still in Wook's place (I think) when Soo have to hike just to deliver food to So because others was like so scared of him. And when she have to take the heavy food containers and So was like trying to pick it up from her, ahh he is indeed a gentleman, but a shy one I must say. I mean hes not that scary and only Soo is the one who doesnt afraid (or she did but don't want to show). I just love that scene.

Your most heart breaking So-Soo scene  

The latest episode when So told her that she is his only queen and when Soo went to pray and talked to CR while So was there, watching them. Ahh the frustration.                                                                 

The most favorite So moment: 

Idk but may be during their dinner in EP18. I just love when So is happy! Happy So is happy me.

The most favorite Soo moment:

Damn, this qs is kinda hard because I just dont know when. I mean my favorite moment is always happy moment and I just dont remembers when is So happy moments. All about her was sad (how could writer did this to her?).

Which scene that makes your heart flutter?  

Teheeee. Idk but my heart swoons when Eun smile to Soonduk after she kissed them? And he was like offer his hand? 

Which scene that makes you cry a river      

Its when Eun and Soonduk dies. I just can't  :bawling: BUT there is one moment when Soo emerged from the water while So taking bath in the pool... the So eyes, you know like he wants to cry when Soo look at his face without mask, i just want to cry. I mean that scar is his insecurity and when someone has just discover what you really badly want to conceal is a just sad.

Which scene that makes you want to smack something near you? 

Moo dies and Yo cames to the palace. And CR was like running away, I just hate it. Did I say that I have a soft spot for Moo? Lol yeah.

Which scene that makes you hooked forever for MLSHR? 

When SoSoo met for the first time :blush:

Which So scene that makes you want to watch over and over again?

Early episod when things are not getting messy. You know the part when all brothers work and play together. 

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48 minutes ago, virsvirs said:

Found this heartbreakingly beautiful gifs of SoSoo <3


NOBODY SAID IT WAS EASY, NO ONE EVER SAID IT WOULD BE SO HARD, OH TAKE ME BACK TO THE START.................. mouse-girl-emoticon-24.gif?1292795470

*coldplay - the scientist started playing and I sobbed 




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cr: elirian.tumblr.com


Thats home run to sepanx! I need a group hug in my life right now!  :'(

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1 hour ago, liddi said:

I do find Soo's name to be an unusual one... certainly not one that is typically given to females as far as I know. Strangely enough, in BBJX, Ruoxi refers to 4th Prince as the large tree that she might find protection and refuge. In this case, So's only friends in his growing up years were trees, and it's ironic that the woman he loves, is also named thus, perhaps symbolically representing his place of refuge as well, even if he ended up inadvertently destroying her despite his overwhelming love. What would So be without his emotional place of refuge in the end, the one place he can find rest and comfort for his weary heart?


And he had to sacrifice the tree because of the rabid wolves. So, the wolves = the greedy clans, YH, the traitor-brothers.

O god. my mind is messed up now

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48 minutes ago, tinniet said:

I'm always fascinated about Soo's premonition because I always feel they hold important role in this story. So now that I  have time to ponder, I realize that Soo actually has 2 DIFFERENT premonitions about So as Gwangjong.

I have no idea whether this last premonition will come true exactly the way it is or not. He looks so hateful here so maybe this will happen after he knows about Wook-Soo past relationship? Or after Jung-Soo marriage? I wish this won't come true but let's see. 


Sorry to cut your post. I agree with you that it will probably happen later on.  But I think he looks really more lonely, sad,  and resigned to me. I have been really drawn to these 2 images of him. I find him so beautiful in them. 

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just a random thought while waiting for the 19th ep, i do not know if these were already mentioned in past pages (you see i can't backread all 40+ pages yet huhuhu) the pain HS gone through and how she left the 2 princes after deciding that people she loved already lost to the curse of the throne..

Tragedies in HS/Ha Jin Life (just so i can see how far she already endured)

Pre-Goryeo: Left and betrayed both by BF and BFF, on top of debts by her BF.

in Goryeo: (i wont mention lady hae here since she was already sick at that time, and also the slicing her wrist since she did it to save herself)

Upon entering Palace:

1) Tortured because of poison incident

2) Left by Wook during rain scene 

3) Death of her Sanggung

     3.1) Missing for WW over a year - not waiting

4) Wook testing and using her to kill WS and usurp the throne

---- after this she decided to leave him (Wook)

5) Death of Mu

6) Death of Eun and SD

7) Break up and left by WS for 3 years

     7.1) Waiting and missing miserably on WS - missing really kills you inside, by the way..

8) Death of Yo

9) Marriage of WS to YH

10) Misunderstandings with WS

11) Death of CR

12) reason of WS to kill by learning the betrayal of CR and WW

--- after this she decided to leave the palace (Not WS, as i believe she was actually asking permission to live outside).

did it miss anything?

* it took her 2 heartbreaking (direct) incidents with WW to leave, and took 6 with WS, that's what she endured for him, compared to her (kind of puppy) love with WW..

* took (more than) 12 heartbreaking incidents for her to save her sanity by leaving the Palace and in addition from the next episode: taking the wrath of WS upon learning the past with WW (oh no)

* deaths as mentioned by the astrologer (and a few fans here) include or in/directly related to her.

* as much as i love her to stay with WS as she promised, i have to understand HS joy and sadness. it is heartbreaking for someone to leave (her love behind) but decisions have to be made because of circumstances...

Long story short, she have to leave so everyone can live according to History (as she maybe realized during CR letter she can do nothing to change things further, not even with her love, so she just have to accept the person.. but she cant accept that her WS was turning into someone she feared the most) Not even the happy moments with WS can save KGJ. This girl actually have a heart like steel to endure those (but already weakened along with her body as time goes by)

2 night to endure to watch ep 19 (and the editing, oh God please have them edit beautifully) and more than 2 nights to endure the sadness that will be left by MLSHR ending... only can be relieved by recognition awarded to the actors of this excellent (though not perfect) drama..

i'll keep tabs on the end of the year awards, SBS..:confused:




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1 hour ago, nightwitch said:

Hi eclipses! I'm new there, just reader, but I have to give my two cents... I beg pardon for errors in English.

In his fight against the father's marriage with Soo, So destroyed the Hae-clan completely, and so Soo stands alone since that. Now So needs the clan support to stay at throne and alive - und Soo cant help him! The short-term benefits ended in long-term, irreversible losses. :bawling:

If I were fic-author, I would have written, So offers himselves to clan Hae as a husband for Soo for their support. Marriage - yes, but not with the King, with the prince, who has a king star. 

Hello.. welcome :D 

I have the same tought before... Unfortunately, YH is more powerful than Soo eventho Soo get support from her clan. YH is the daughter of King Taejo and her clan (if I'm not wrong) is more powerful right then (because Hae clan get punishment from King Taejo). So...... the conclusion is HS can't win against YH. :tears:

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45 minutes ago, hitomebore08 said:


  I noticed that too.

Can someone explain why in the world aren't we getting the same quality from the video? frustrated-cheetah-emoticon.gif?13027861

tumblr_m7yfau7G8M1qjkdh8.gif I thought it was because I am using a not so new pc but no! even in the bts it clearly shows that there is a huge different in color!






still cuts:


and in my pc:






It will be greatly appreciated to whoever can enlighten us with this issue..  wq_org.gif


They enhanced the exposure and color in the still cuts pictures :sweatingbullets: while the tone in the video was edited to suit the mood for the scene and whole film, thus sacrificing some of the details. I face this kind of dilemma all the time.

If they enhance the tone in film in all frames, it will end up like Tarsem Singh's movies. Maybe the director doesn't find it suitable.

I downloaded the 720 / 1080 HD files and played them with samsung LED tv. The quality was really good, details and colour were also very nice, I was amazed. Maybe you could try it.

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28 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop said:


Its easy to retouch still pictures in post production and amp up the colour artificially. However for moving pictures, the post production retouch has to be done more than 24 frames a sec which is almost impossible to do. It is however, possible to colour correct a motion picture by adding a universal filter to all the frames, but not all directors like that because it destroys the natural quality of visuals shot on film. although i think the drama is probably shot digitally, directors still like to pursue that original film quality, which i guess is an artistic preference. 

It is the same reason why the actors look more flawless in, lets say the cosmo shoot as compared to how they actually look like in the drama itself. 


photoshopped?..  haizz.gif

how can red turned into a pale (was it) maroon? wasn't it because of the type of film that they used? 

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My friend and I, we love ML so much. I meet her last night and we spent lost of time to talk about So - Soo love story. We cried a river after episode 18. My friend said that she had to watched Running Man after she seen ep 18, that make her mood better.

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6 minutes ago, whyo said:

Hello.. welcome :D 

I have the same tought before... Unfortunately, YH is more powerful than Soo eventho Soo get support from her clan. YH is the daughter of King Taejo and her clan (if I'm not wrong) is more powerful right then (because Hae clan get punishment from King Taejo). So...... the conclusion is HS can't win against YH. :tears:

if So did not turn against Hae clan, he might be able to be with Soo, since Hae clan is responsible why YH's clan was accepted again to the palace.. oh well, WS is loyal to the King and his father so he have to rat them out..

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I think Hae Soo is actually the reincarnation of Past Hae Soo. Modern Hae Soo is feisty and brave and outspoken, Past Hae Soo is quiet, obedient and bound by rules and conventions. Through the years and centuries, Modern Hae Soo has evolved into the antithesis of what her past self was. Either that, or Past Hae Soo was also feisty and brave and outspoken too, deep down inside, but she never allowed that secret part of herself to emerge. She kept it hidden.

When the eclipse happened, Modern Hae Soo fell into the water. At the same moment, in Ancient Goryeo, Past Hae Soo was seized by a sudden strange compulsion to go to the public bath area, and fell in. She died, and at the same moment, Modern Hae Soo's soul took over Past Hae Soo's body. In a split second, the quiet, obedient part of her died. The feisty, brave, outspoken part of her took over.

Another part that has always puzzled me was the Wook-Hae Soo chemistry. The way he looked at her in the library, the ironic words he spoke, "We...were not close.." and that look he gave her, always made me feel he was hiding something. I actually thought early on that Past Hae Soo was sneaking off to meet him at the cave, and somehow fell into the pool by accident. Otherwise, why was she there that exact moment Modern Hae Soo fell in the water? But now, coming to the end of the drama, I believe there was no rendevous that day, she was just compelled and drawn by an invisible force to venture into the bath area , and that was because of the pull of the eclipse.

I think Past Hae Soo and  Wook were attracted to each other; even though she was quiet and shy, and quite the opposite of the new Hae Soo, he was already attracted to her. When she woke up, she had lost her memory, she told everyone that, and Wook probaby never ever told her that there had been something between them because he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, and probably because he felt it was wrong. What I believe is that Wook was attracted to Past Hae Soo, and Modern Hae Soo: their attraction, and subsequent relationship was fated, it would have happened anyway even if Modern Hae Soo hadn't appeared in Goryeo.

And referring to liddi's post about her unusual name, Soo, which means 'tree' and the significance of it in the context of So, and her as his refuge, Soo is equally connected to So, and by Soo, I mean Past Hae Soo. Even if Modern Hae Soo hadn't appeared, Past Hae Soo would have become entwined with So as well. So, with or without Han Ga Jin, the fates of Hae Soo, Wook and So are entwined together.

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11 minutes ago, whyo said:

Hello.. welcome :D 

I have the same tought before... Unfortunately, YH is more powerful than Soo eventho Soo get support from her clan. YH is the daughter of King Taejo and her clan (if I'm not wrong) is more powerful right then (because Hae clan get punishment from King Taejo). So...... the conclusion is HS can't win against YH. :tears:


Actually if the Hae clan wasn't completely destroyed then Hae's would have been more powerful than the Hwangbo clan I guess because remember, Wook needed to marry Lady Hae to regain their standing in society so I doubt they are any less powerful than Hwangbo but yes, YH has the added advantage of being the Kings daughter.


There's something I'm confused about, during the first half we saw how Wook and his family despite being a part of the royal family and a part of a powerful clan were still kicked out of the palace and pushed under the thumb of Queen Yoo most of the time. We also got to know that Wook had to marry for the sake of gaining support from a more powerful clan like the Hae's? (I'm not sure but I think Lady Hae and his mom did say that it's because of the Hae clan support that they could get back into the palace) but in the second half, like the current episodes, it seems that Hwangbo clan is the most powerful seeing how much power Wook held in court and also YH opening the gates, etc. which was weird considering Queen Yoo is still around and her clan, despite it all was more powerful than any others according to how they were trying to show it. Now that Yoo is out, it seems the second most powerful is Hwangbo which is leaving me quite confused as to how did they gain that much control after losing the support of the Hae's who had been their ticket back into the palace in the first place. Wook didn't remarry so... What happened?

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18 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:


Actually if the Hae clan wasn't completely destroyed then Hae's would have been more powerful than the Hwangbo clan I guess because remember, Wook needed to marry Lady Hae to regain their standing in society so I doubt they are any less powerful than Hwangbo but yes, YH has the added advantage of being the Kings daughter.


There's something I'm confused about, during the first half we saw how Wook and his family despite being a part of the royal family and a part of a powerful clan were still kicked out of the palace and pushed under the thumb of Queen Yoo most of the time. We also got to know that Wook had to marry for the sake of gaining support from a more powerful clan like the Hae's? (I'm not sure but I think Lady Hae and his mom did say that it's because of the Hae clan support that they could get back into the palace) but in the second half, like the current episodes, it seems that Hwangbo clan is the most powerful seeing how much power Wook held in court and also YH opening the gates, etc. which was weird considering Queen Yoo is still around and her clan, despite it all was more powerful than any others according to how they were trying to show it. Now that Yoo is out, it seems the second most powerful is Hwangbo which is leaving me quite confused as to how did they gain that much control after losing the support of the Hae's who had been their ticket back into the palace in the first place. Wook didn't remarry so... What happened?

Wook got to do jobs more than what he should to do as a right hand man of the Kings from Mu to Yo.. i guess in their (king) backs he was already trying to make ties with other powerful clans by doing "bargains" (remember CR said that many believed WW should be the crown prince- as he was a straight A and Humble *cough* at the same time and not Mu - having a not so powerful clan), so in the end, he became the representative of the clans against So.. Always remember Wook is a scheming person, living always under the pretense of a upright man..

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6 hours ago, itzibitzispider said:

My dear fellow inmates 

I know you might dislike me in a few seconds:

I don't want a second season .... the second season from the c-version was s**i and I don't think I could cope with our cast going thru another hard season.
Thru the fan-project some of us participate in and thru millions of comments we know MLSHR was not received in Korea as we feel about it and so they might as well say "No way"

And I am good with that.

I am still not sure if I can cope with Moonday and Tuesday ... *sigh*

I don't want a full second season but I'd like at least one or two full episodes of them in the future... like a Montage of them actually being happy (because I refuse to believe they aren't)  with all the good princes/people around them.


I need happy for closure. GIVE ME HAPPY! *heavy breathing*

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I'm wondering who everyone's top 3 most hated characters currently are, in descending order. These characters can be evil or they might not be, they might have reasons for their actions but their actions are detestable and quite frankly disgusting and appalling.

My Top 3:

  1. Wook
  2. Won
  3. Queen SMSS/Yeonhwa



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