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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Am I a masochist?

I've been re-watching all SoSoo moments in Episodes 17 and 18 for the 4th time (ok, it's more like 6, sue me :sweatingbullets:) and I've come to the conclusion that my favorite moments were the marriage proposal and when she woke up after she passed out from seeing CR's dead body. Basically, the moments that the SoSoo ship was sinking faster than that one watch-guard on the Titanic was able to see the iceberg on time were my absolute favorites. The sheer emotions of these two scenes made me breathless.

And when he says to Baek Ah afterwards that he only has Soo and Baek Ah, all I'm thinking is, "Soon you won't have Soo and if you have anything to do with Woohee's death, you won't even have Baek Ah..."

After re-watching so many times, I'm so conflicted. Soo clearly has had enough and I feel so bad for her (her heart. Gawd, stahp it!!) but...So's going to be devastated and alone now...Soo...So...:bawling::bawling:

I'll say it again. I'm soooo looking forward to So finding out Soo died. Or if he manages to see her before she dies, then I'm looking forward to him finding out she's dying.

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8 hours ago, briseis said:

A Dying Flower


Wang So chose the lotus hairpin for HS because it reminded him of her, of her will to live, her innocence and perseverance to survive in his terrible world while remaining untainted by its evil. But in reality she is not a lotus, SHE IS A HUMAN brought to a world so hostile that she cannot survive in it for long, no matter how hard she tries; no matter how much she strives and fight that world will always defeat her. She DOES NOT BELONG THERE, SHE NEVER DID. This world in which even the air itself is toxic that each breath Soo takes is slowly killing her, but WANG SO IS DIFFERENT - HE WAS BORN IN THIS WORLD, IT’S HIS WORLD - the poison is literally and figuratively coursing through his veins which makes him virtually immune to it; it can hurt him, but not kill him, because it’s just another dosage that wil make him even stronger and more resililent (just like the poison incident). He is like a diamond - undestroyable and shining brightly, so hard it doesn’t even crack. Unlike her, he can strive there.  They are two star-crossed lovers coming from different worlds and his world is lethal for her. SHE TRULY IS HIS SUN, SUN THAT SHONE SO BRIGHTLY THAT IT’S BURNING OUT NOW.


Soo’s presence, her mere existence in that world is a miracle. But miracles are rare and short-lived and just like the eclipse that brought them together, even this miracle must come to an end. The fact that HS’s managed to survive in it for so long already is a miracle alone, and it’s all thanks to Lady Oh and Wang So - without them she would have died long ago - he saved her so many times in so many ways.

“I can’t go back anymore. And I can’t change the way things are now. Then, I want to live! I want to do whatever I can to survive and live. I want to live. - HS (EP01)

“I am only in my twenties. 10 years is too severe. I will live a bit longer. With him… I want to be with him a little longer. - HS (EP17)

The story is truly coming to its end, just like HS’s life in the Goryeo Era, and it’s coming full circle, as well. 10 years ago, HS wanted to survive in this Era for her own sake, to simply survive, but now she is praying to have more than 10 years with Wang So, BECAUSE SHE HAS SOMEONE TO LIFE FOR, she decides to fight once more and prolong her life because a long time ago HE BECAME HER SOLE REASON FOR LIVING.


@briseis Welll said chingu,  Hae Soo being Wang So's Sun  and soulmate is why their love for each other is so strong. No matter what horrible crimes he commits, she understands it but is still frightened by those deeds. I think Hae Soo was there to be his light until his life become more harsher than it is. I think Gwangjong changed because of all those people trying to control him and gain more power through him which just made him more harsher. The more harsher he became the more people wanted to over throw him. These people who greeed knows no boundary are the reason he was harsh because they were opposed of change and wanted to gain more power.  

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39 minutes ago, ilovecoffeeandbooks said:

So uh... anyone have a copy of this leaked kiss? Asking for a friend.

That IS the leaked kiss.  Just a picture, no video.


Finally caught up! 

Though I really hate Wook's conniving character, KHN just seems like such a normal, boy next door type in real life!   He's hardly active on his IG but he updated it earlier and his smile is just so sweet :)



(To Kang Ha Neul, thank you for coming today.  Let's grab a beer soon).  He seems to really admire this musical actor, Kim Shin Eui 

cr: galpos3




cr: d.hye1019

Ha for a second I was like dang, he seems tall then I realized he's on his toes LOL

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15 hours ago, glacial said:

its cute how the king gwangjong is only 25 years old lmao. when his mom died he said "in 25 years of my life blah blah" In that case Soo must only be 23? oh to be so young. So I guess IN the beginning wang so was only 18?? :lol:

I think HS is 1 year younger than WS. In the beginning of the drama, she was 16 and WS was 17. 

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3 minutes ago, Mimi Suhaina said:

About the leaked scene... I believe it was the deleted scene for their first kiss... Remember 'THE FORCE KISS" between WS and HS..... I make an analysis on the kiss and the leaked scene...  I am 95% sure it was the "FORCE KISS" 

can you post your analysis chingu? I'm so eager to know ><

Ahhhh if that's just from deleted scene, it really break my heart </3 then we won't be sure if HS and WS will meet again after they separate :bawling:

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I finally caught up with 40+ pages in 12 hours. ugh. So many good opinions/analysis but I couldn't read everything. Mianhae. 

Here's my take on a few things...

1. I know that HS loves WS. no doubt after all they've been through. Plus those tears when she had to decline his last proposal...if that doesn't scream love I don't know what would. But has HS ever actually told WS "I love you??" Even when she was with WW i don't think she said it either. Imagine what those actual words would do to WS to heal some of the hurt. But dang, he proposed/talked about marriage 3 times throughout the drama and she turned him down every time. I'd go crazy too after a while.

2. HS told WS she'd always be by his side and wouldn't leave...and then at the end of Ep18 (not even that much long after she said it) she's planning her escape! Aigoo...I get that she's hurt over CR, but after all the years of hurt/trials you've been through with WS you're going to let this and palace life break you? And consider how CR hurt you too. Sure she was in love and she was your dongsaeng, but look at the balance. CR had her reasons but so did WS. I'm mad about this one. Don't give up so easily! See! That's why you were told you can't be WS's strength. Aish!

3. WTH WS?! Why you treat HS this way? I get that you have mom issues, but why get mad at HS and push her away when she tried to touch your face. She was one of the only ones who has ever touched you there!  WS definitely has a hand in the downfall of this relationship too. I feel like since he became king his emotions are too extreme, but I guess that's what can happen with all the stress of a king. I just wish WS would TALK to HS about everything! When BA told HS at the end of 18 that WS was trying to get CR out of the palace because he suspected some things, why didn't he say anything about it when HS requested/begged for CR to stay with her in the palace? That part didn't make sense to me. TALKING/COMMUNICATION IS KEY TO ANY RELATIONSHIP!!

4. Why CR only get beaten? why not Won? I think its because HS asked WS not to kill any more of his brothers (did she ask that in Ep16 or 17? before he became king). I really wish he would just kill that slime ball. ugh But I think that's why Won won't die, and neither will Wook. Probably just torture or jail? But I really really want both of them to suffer and die. PLEASE!!

5. When I was reading recaps and opinions, people kept mentioning Jung's side burns and I was like ..ung?? And then I was watching the episode and I just busted out laughing when I saw them. omo...Jung-ah...please stop and shave those things please!!


Then I have some thoughts on what's to come...

1. Based on the preview we can see that WW is confessing something. I would hope he's outing YH's participation with the poison incident, but I doubt anything will happen to YH since the writers seem to still stick to the main parts of history (just tweak parts "creative license" and all) and YH still has to live to bear 5 kids. (*shudder* at the thought). So WW will probably confess about his past relationship with HS. ugh!

2. BUT! this will enrage WS because WW is the one person who is behind all the scheming that brought them to this point with all the death of the loved ones. I mean, he had what...at least 5 years of loving HS and he didn't ask for a specific name in all that time? After all the time and trials together does he not understand that HS is his and the past is the past and doesn't matter anymore? Ugh, men and their jealousy. But I really think the extreme reaction is mainly because of how conniving Wook has been.

3. Jung will probably present Yo's previous permission for Jung to marry HS to get HS out. I think I read someone say that old king's proclamations still stand and must be honored??

4. At this point, I doubt there will be a miscarriage/pregnancy. There just isn't time. I'm kind of glad. I don't think my heart can take any more.

5. I know people mentioned the PD or LJG saying there would be a happy ending, but if the "happy" ending isn't in Goryeo, but projected into the 21st century then it really isn't a "happy ending." How can you say reincarnated people meeting 1000 years later who know nothing about each other in the current day would be a happy ending? They are just strangers!!  If HS dies in Goryeo and doesn't reconcile with WS before then I will count that as a sad ending. dang Korean dramas! No wonder my hubby doesn't want to watch any with me anymore. lol

6. No to a sequel. Just NO. the same cast probably wouldn't do it and it wouldn't be set in Goryeo anyway so what's the point? that's the main appeal of this drama! Like I said, meeting in 2016 is not going to be the same.


MLSHR definitely has me obsessed at this point. My life can't move on until this is done. No drama has done this too me since Goong...TEN YEARS AGO!! Apparently that was the last time I was active in the Soompi forums and last posted. :lol:

Thank you everyone for helping me to get more insight into the drama, time period, actor lives, etc.

And I'm so glad I'm not alone in my obsession. 



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Oh dear @millie10468 you're not alone! that's how we keep ourselves sane till the fallout arrive at our door next week.

If they want to have a spin off of this particular plot where King So and Soo spend their palace life with all the cute and silly hijinks I'm in! :D They're too adorable with all those interactions!

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17 minutes ago, clarissasan said:

can you post your analysis chingu? I'm so eager to know ><

Ahhhh if that's just from deleted scene, it really break my heart </3 then we won't be sure if HS and WS will meet again after they separate :bawling:

It was just from the deleted scene... You can see from WS and HS hair... I believe it was from their first kiss remember?? Try to watch that ep again.. Nahhhh there will be no more lovey dovey for uri WS and HS... It really break my heart......

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very good analysis by many here.. i'm a happy reader.. thank you for your excellent posts. now i think the story and characters all make sense and do not contradict each other. this drama is so much more than all the other kdramas i've watched. it gives very deep feelings in the characters and extreme plots in the story while weaving smoothly into the actual history of goryeo monarchy. each ep has so much to tell, it requires me to watch each ep multiple times just so i can understand what it wants to deliver. and all your analysis here supplement and support my thoughts exactly.

now my heart can rest after i understand what the drama wants to deliver up to ep 18.. i can be in peace waiting for next monday. 

on another note, i think all casts are awesome esp of course LJK. the writer is extremely brilliant i keep getting amazed at how fact and fiction is embroidered together such that it becomes a beautiful picture with interesting stories.

this drama will be one of my all time favourites and will be rewatched for many years to come.

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10 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

I don't know if these were posted yet..


In the second one she apologised...IG translation not reliable though.Anyone knows what she commented exactly?

 she apologised to HS and Wang Won. 

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44 minutes ago, AryRa said:

just lovely to see it in slow motion :wub:


I didn't cry all day long... and i was so determined not to do it because i wanted to wakeup tomorrow with normal eyes... and then i watched this video and cried tons.. i think i can relate with HS when she feels suffocated...

i dind't cry but i spent all day thinking of episode 18... after all it was a great episode, there was so much in it that in my last comment i forgot to mention YH, how right she was when talking to Soo at the beggining and how hateful when she was masked trying to seduce So. 

I can't wait for next week but i'm so nervous about it...

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On 25/10/2016 at 3:59 PM, zi4r said:

(Okay, I am taking a break from doom-and-gloom posts. Let me write some posts using less critical brain and more hormones. :D)

The one saving grace out of last night's depressing and underwhelming episode:

Gwangjong is hot!

I sure am gonna miss WS's gorgeousness in a ponytail, but hey! I can get behind this form of hotness too.

And my favourite scene of last night? Actually not the OTP.

It is this "Family Dinner" scene...

... because that's what it is. THIS is WS's true family.

Look at Baek-ah's little pout & glare. Adorable!

Gonna try and focus my energy on the good parts of the episode..... as few and far between as they are.

Yes positively! thanks @zi4r move our energy & minds to more healthier brighter lovelier side of the drama.... watching 4 eps back to back this weekend will be a very tiresome day :sweatingbullets: Should I call in sick on Mon & Tues or maybe on Wed :huh: Dear Hub.. please understand my mood swing craziness this weekend :):w00t::tears::angry:

Btw, just to understand better.... the one with SBS logo (under MyAsian TV) is local/Korean version & the one shown on One HD is an international version right?

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