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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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the only thing that scared me is not So anger in eps 18 that Su and WW have an affair.. he never hurt Su no matter how mad he is and he will grant the permission to marry Jung out of his anger BUT in a way he did give what Su want.. to get away from palace and that's is why 4th crying when he watch RX gone.. no matter how mad or angry he is the love of his life is gone and he know it nothing can bring her back... So will do this out of anger just like 4th but he will be devastated seeing one person that can ease his problem and heart is gone.. the one that he loves to death is gone and his PERSON is gone...

but his reaction when she gone..... Su is the only thing that keep So on the ground and when she gone nothing held him back.. he will be ruthless cause nothing matter now.. at least when Su is in palace he minimize anything that he do cause he did't want Su to see the harsh reality of throne.. but now he don't have to protect anyone and did't care anymore... So yahhhhh...

also when he knew that Soo dies ...imagine knowing the women that you push away and knowing how much she loves you later on make me scared his reaction... when queen Yoo dies we all cried seeing that So still want her mother loves after what she done.. now Soo is the one who gives him love and happiness is dying and she truly loves him despite what he think... i tearing up thinking how So will react...


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I think I'm the only one here who wants the Goryeo part of the story ended exactly like the C-version. I want WS to suffer (what?!),regret everything that's been done,and realize just how he failed the only thing that has meaning to his life.and it's karma for him.he didn't let WJ see his loved one in death bed,now it's WS's turn to feel that.It will be LJK's hardest scene I think..hey,the Chinese actor felt so drained after that scene.I just need to see him pull it off and I want to see his take on WS in that situation.

As for the modern era ending,if I am the writer..I will make it Shutter Island style.all of these are only a fragmentation of GHJ's mind,a patient in a mental institution by the lake.WS is actually her doctor and all the other characters are actually other doctors,nurses,or hospital's staffs.ending scene will be GHJ sitting under a tree by the lake,reading a novel (BBJX of course),her doctor came and she greets him,"ah,you're here hwangjanim.." End.

Just shoot me now guys..

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I really hope the wrap of this drama really different from the C Version...it will be wise to end everything in Goryeo at episode 19. Please don't show us Ha Jin back in Seoul tracing about her existence in Goryeo in last 5 minutes like the C version had. 

Ha Jin have a lot to resolve, her cheating boyfriend and best friend, the debt that somehow become hers while its really not her fault....

Please end Hae Soo right away and create a beautiful wrapping. And give a beautiful karma for future So....loving mother...siblings that care about each other and meet him with Ha Jin again and re start everything again with all Hae Soo memory on Ha Jin when she find him.....

Please don't create that moment for 5 last minutes only...I need at least 1 whole episode for telling us the happy ending in present Seoul...As I already don't care on what about to happen in Goryeo anymore.


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I've said it to my self to stop opening this forum but here I am, back again to rant out my frustration.

My question for today is : Why can't Gwangjong marries both Soo and Yeon Hwa?? King Taejo marries 29 (CMIIW) equal footing queen! That's why Queen SMS always feel threatened by Queen Yoo, right? That's what the special episode said! All queen(s) of Tae Jo have the same equal footing and their first born have the same right to be crown prince. Why it's not the case here? Gwangjong can make Soo his first queen and let Yeon Hwa be is second (or third, I really don't care). All the clan want only for Yeon Hwa to be queen, it shouldn't bother them if she's not THE ONLY queen of Goryeo, right? This drama really messed up my mind!

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I don't think it's just the fact that HS had promise to marry someone else that angers GJ. It's the fact that that person is Wook. The person he is blaming for everything: HS seeing him as a monster, CP's death etc. He already has his mind set on destroying Wook and sticking it to him good.

But suddenly Wook appears in front of him to let him know that HS chose him first (might even tell him he kissed her on her forehead, held her hand and gave her a bracelet she cherished :D :D:DIt's so petty that i cant help but laugh). That whatever he does he will always be SECOND to him, even as king. Now that's got to sting LMAO. 

He wants to take everything from Wook but he knows she cares for Wook. And he cannot change that. 


After torturing my boyfriend by making him listen to me talk about the episode he thinks GJ is a maniac and HS should run far away from him. I have no idea how he came to this conclusion. 

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2 minutes ago, Mimi Suhaina said:

Hmmm.. Please dont make HS to get married with Jung... Please JEBAL.. IS A NOOOOO.... Just let HS get out from the palace and that's it... I cant accept it.. Please PD-Nim... 


in BBJX 4th never put RX name in 14th family... that's why the marriage is invalid and RX name don't appear in history even as 14th wife..

4th is a sneaky person he will never let RX belong to anybody except him...

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I think Hae Soo will die. But hope HS die with Wang Soo beside her so that Wang So will let go HS will a warm hearted. 

And hope that all the things that WS hate HS done the most will be slowly accepted by WS and WS realize that it is actually for WS benefit such as HS left WS coz HS realize that she cannot turn the history on other way. History is still history.  

And WS will deeply feel sorry towards HS for the rest of his life and slowly accepted YH in is life after HS died. Thats why WS and YH welcome their first child 6 years after their marriage. I think I have read somewhere in this forum about this. 

But nevertheless, please keep watching for the sake of LJG. And hope what the director mentioned about the happy ending on this drama will be real. 

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3 minutes ago, Para12012 said:

I don't think is just the fact that HS had promise to marry someone else that angers GJ. It's the fact that that person is Wook. The person he is blaming for everything: HS seeing him as a monster, CP's death etc. He already as his ind set to destroy Wook and stick it to him good.

But suddenly Wook appears in front of him to let him know that HS chose him first (might even tell him he kissed her on her forehead, held her hand and gave her a bracelet she cherish :D :D:DIt's so petty that i cant help but laugh). That want ever he does he will always be SECOND to him, even as king. Now that's got to sting LMAO. 

He wants to take everything from Wook but he knows she care for Wook. And he cannot change that. 


After torturing my boyfriend by making him listen to me talk about the episode he thinks GJ is a maniac and HS should run far away from him. I have no idea how he came to this conclusion. 


A King cannot marry a woman with scar...HS has it, despite all So effort to ruled out that rule but still it won't work. 


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1 hour ago, ldwon4 said:

Yes, it would've been nicer if the episodes were 15 minutes long or even 90 min/episode like variety shows......would've made ALL our live easier XD


Hello @ldwon4 thank you for your comment :)

Hehehehe...yeah, it would much better. Sometimes i little bit upset when i compared the international version with the SBS version because they cut the important part of the scene, like in yesterday episode, there is no story telling scene (the scene when Wang So had a bad dream and ask Hae Soo to stay in his chamber and ask for story telling) :(

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Just now, wanrozina said:

I think Hae Soo will die. But hope HS die with Wang Soo beside her so that Wang So will let go HS will a warm hearted. 

And hope that all the things that WS hate HS done the most will be slowly accepted by WS and WS realize that it is actually for WS benefit such as HS left WS coz HS realize that she cannot turn the history on other way. History is still history.  

And WS will deeply feel sorry towards HS for the rest of his life and slowly accepted YH in is life after HS died. Thats why WS and YH welcome their first child 6 years after their marriage. I think I have read somewhere in this forum about this. 

But nevertheless, please keep watching for the sake of LJG. And hope what the director mentioned about the happy ending on this drama will be real. 


She has to die...must die.....otherwise we're trapped in Goryeo forever and see everyone suffer.....we really need to get Ha Jin back to present Seoul

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17 minutes ago, violet90 said:

in BBJX 13TH did't know that the word 'i accept' from RX meaning that she will marry 14th in order to get out from palace.. he as shock as 4th when 14th bring out the royal decree from the previous king so for me BA did't know that the word 'i want' mean the marriage and he really want to make Su happy at that times.. my consolation is So is the one who order BA to taking care of Su cause now she hates him.... 

in BBJX the royal decree means nothing and 4th will find a way to make it invalid... this one RX know it and 14th know it.. this is where 8th step in and spill the beans making 4th grant the permission to RX get out from palace...

about WW how nice it could be that he spill the beans about YH too?? this can redeem himself i mean at least nobody get what they want in the end.. WW in prison and YH will get So cold shoulder for the rest of her life....

about the hairpin is the symbol from Su just like when Jung said lets just be like that butterflies and go from palace.. Su did't give to BA to give it away but to make sure Jung understand that she is the one who want that.. hairpin will be on Su hand later on in that damn box who So will find every single thing that he ever give to Su in there a long side the bunch of poem that he wrote...

the separation for me must happen cause now they entering the stage of unhealthy relationship.. So with the throne problem and Su with her hard to accept that So is changing.. no good thing will happen if they together now.. Su used to say that if So did't change she will not change too.. but now Su is given the harsh reality of everybody changing including So... if anything the separation at least will make Su peacefully waiting her death even if its mean missing So to death...

in BBJX when RX is gone that she start to love 4th without thinking of anything or anyone and just loving him every single day... her days is calm and peaceful so i think Su also will have that... living far away from that awful palace and just loving So as much as she can... and if fate have mercy on So and Soo they will meet the last time before she die..

that is what I rooting for too, Soo will meet So for the last time before she passed on and back to 21st century ....

I am not upset about the separation we will be seeing in episode 19, I totally agree the separation is a must now..but I am upset that So tell Soo, from today onward, he will not want to see her again...like 4th telling Rouxi in BBJX...Soo will leave the palace heart broken and So will be seeing her leaving heart broken as well...this damn misunderstanding is sticking too close to BBJX...my hope for Soo dying in So arm is getting slimmer and slimmer...and So...getting the whole damn box of "行到水窮處 坐看雲起時", I notice that, Soo had asked So to write many copies of that as well..she mentioned that it will be of a use later..but that use that she was saying...doesnt come true, end up I guess, he will get it back in the end...and the hairpin + the arrow...Soo had keep the arrow as well...

I believe wook confess to so will not be as touching as 8th confess 4th in BBJX, wook is confessing in the bad way, yet 8th is confessing to let Rouxi go...and I hope, Baek Ah will send Soo off like 13th send Rouxi off too..at least, Soo will not be too lonely...Rouxi have the QiaoHui with her, but CR in k version have double identity of Qiao Hui and Yutang, so there is no Qiao Hui accompanying Soo at her last day..or will Woo Hee be the one who is accompanying Soo? 

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2 hours ago, Isabella Noir said:


  1. Chae Ryung’s words about having only done these things for the sake of her first love, and that Soo would understand she has no regrets clearly disturbed her when she read the letter. And later on, she tells Baek Ah that Chae Ryung was only a girl in love; something that got her a lot of flak because everyone was like what the richard simmons she killed someone for that blind love. But here’s the thing; when Soo explains to Baek Ah why she is so devastated, she doesn’t call So by his personal name or even as the king. She refers to him as the man she loves, and I think this is the root of her decision to leave the palace, if this ends up being the last straw that sends her out of the palace, instead of a miscarriage as it was in C-BBJX: she realised that like Chae Ryung was, she’s in love with someone so much so that if he went too far, she could very well end up complicit in actions that she cannot stomach. In fact, her decision to lie and legitimise So’s claim is something very unlike what we would imagine an idealistic Soo to stand by, so perhaps these little concessions that she has already made only highlights to her that this is a slippery slope she could very well end up sliding down, and by then she will be in a situation where she hates herself for doing these things and hates So for making her do them and to her utmost misery, she can’t stop because she loves him too much to leave him. 



C-BBJX : miscarriage was not the last straw. The sequence of events unfolded :

* RX's pregnancy was diagnosed after she fainted upon YuTan's 玉檀 (friend who was spy) death. 
* 8th's wife confronted RX and accused her of being the catalyst of 8th's earlier hostile action to 4th which consequently caused 4th to go hard on 8th when he ascended the throne.
* RX went into major self-guilt and miscarried. {This was EPIC emotional scene with RX,4th&13th all heart-wrentched}
* RX was diagnosed as unable to ever conceive but 4th and 13th kept the news from her. 4th still intend to keep RX by his side and did his best to console her
* But 4th was of course furious with 8th's wife so he summoned 8th and forced him to divorce her.
* 8th was in deep agony and furious with RX because he thought she bad-mouthed his wife infront of 4th.
* 8th's wife persuaded 8th to divorce him in order to save himself and their son {ie. self-sacrifice} 
* 8th eventually did....painfully. After that 8th's wife committed suicide by burning herself. {another emotional scene which totally redeemed the unpopular 8th wife character for many viewers.}
* RX rushed to 8th's house upon hearing 8th has divorced his wife as she knew her deep love for 8th and that divorce from him would render life meaningless for her. She arrived just when 8th was weeping outside the burning house. 13th also came. 8th was reprimanding RX and 13th defended her. The news of RX being barren was disclosed during this confrontation.

RX decided to leave because she was physically and emotionally drained from the series of conflict of interests which were beyond her control AND she believed she was the catalyst as she warned 8th about 4th right at the start. It wasn't her miscarriage. 


For Scarlet Heart, there was not enough interaction between Chae Ryung and HS to convince me that their relation was so deep that her death alone would cause HS to make the drastic decision to leave WS. (but I guess it was due to lack of "time" as we're already near the end of the drama; pacing problem)

Scarlet Heart is really a different story with different personalities of parallel characters.

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I still didn't watch the entire episode, but in the entire series, I've never felt this frustrated. WS's turn into ruthless is not to my liking cause it came all too suddenly (I've already talked about this before ) and HS? I don't know what to say of her. She just justified CR's betrayal because " she was just a woman in love ". Seriously? It makes no fricking sense !! Even when she was in love with WW she couldn't accept his wrongdoings, him wanting to kill WS and other things which made her leave him, where did she come up with this illogical stupid thinking ? And what's worse is that she seems like she can't forgive her lover for punishing a criminal, I don't known what she was expecting from him, BA even told her that WS knew and wanted to send CR away to keep her from more wrongdoings, and she just overlooks it, forgets her million times repeated promises that she trusts WS, she loves him, she understands, she won't leave him. I know that she loves him, I can feel that she loves him, but her idealism about him specifically can only get her this far with him, she wants him to be like this perfect picture of a king and a man, only she seems to forget that she's living in tough times, and desperate times always call for desperate measures.

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22 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I cheered for him too even if I didn't think there was anything new about this So that we're seeing. ;) It's Old So remixed. Except now he has a mate for life and he's retaliating big time because the political wheelers and dealers of his time are trying to keep them apart.

So aka King Gwangjong is playing politics at the highest levels. It definitely isn't for the faint-hearted. He may have started off wanting to be loved as a King but after being relentless attacked from all sides (his mother and brother, Hwangbos, Jungju clan), he's realizing that the best way to herd cats is to show his fangs.

Tell them @40somethingahjumma Nobody understands So but us that have deeply analyzed his character from episode one politics have always played a crucial part of his wellbeing and for what he fights to have he's living in a time of kill or be killed be it mother brother or anyone else for as that matters goes.. If thosde politicalmonster knows that Hs is his weakness they will use her until she's dried up and can't be used anymore and forget about what little happiness they shared because of it's innocents it's self is enough for them to cook up some grand treasons scheme just to kill her and hurt So.

 So yes people try and understand him, who he is and just what he really stands for.. You can't blame him for wanting to kill them all nip the crap in the bud it wil give fair warnings to the others to think before they speak or act on some elaborate scheme

28 minutes ago, violet90 said:


agree!! they loved each other too much in a wrong time and place... the only thing that will happen if they stay together is that they going to hurt each other cause they are different.. So can't make Su understand what he'd doing simply because Su don't accept it.. its against her life values and thinking... 

nothing good will come out if they stay together as right now... maybe a 1000 years later???

@violet90  This is why were hoping for a seasons two after they meet in reality from season one.. A thousand years later yes it could happen it's not so easily to go around killing people like it was back then..    

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Hi everyone... im a silent readers from day 1... thank you for all your recap... n even just from all your comment.. i can imagine what's going on n feel the roller coaster of emotion ... what are they going through scene by scene. :dissapointed_relieved::angry:




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Falling in Love:heart:

Many know that falling in love is a beautiful experience but can become heartbreaking:

  • Falling For:
    • Someone that is already in a relationship or married
    • Someone that doesn't see you as a love interest
    • Someone that is out of reach: position or ranking
    • Etc. (You get the picture) 

And is there a lot of these romantic challenges that many of Scarlet Heart: Ryeo characters come across. The hard part of falling love with someone that can't or doesn't want to be yours is Letting Go... It's like that First Crush or Love that you may or may not have experienced, and 90% of the time we have to let go of that Love. Sadly, I can't say from experience on how that feels but seeing and being a part of that heartbreaking challenge is very, very painful. Exceptionally, if you really care about the person that is rejected or rejecting. Been there and done that, and I never want to personally experience any of that ever again. That is why I have been Single my entire life, even though I know that it may end in a Flash or out of nowhere but not too soon....Please, God above let me enjoy a little bit more time being single. I fear the thought of me in Love... Shiver....

This Drama shows that Love can be:

  • Wonderful
  • Sad
  • Dangerous
  • Scary 
  • Weakness
  • Heartbreaking
  • And Happy

Let's pray that our So & Soo couple receive the love that the deserve.


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I feel lost and heartbroken..depressed.. angry..sad after watching this episode..It's just a drama and i'm 40years old ahjumma who just been through and watched a lot of kdrama since winter sonata era.Never been affected like this before.. Poor my heart:tears:

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