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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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7 minutes ago, hrkharis said:


I mean, the man is WS but in the 21st century. His name change to be (maybe) Lee Joong Ki or Kim Wang So, or whatever (like HS's name in the 21st century is Go Ha Jin). He is not the son of a king, but he is the heir of a Big Company. As I said previously that they feel "Deja Vu". They will meet by accident and feel the same feelings that they have ever fall in love. For HS, she is clearly aware that handsome man in the 21st century is WS, while for that handsome man (WS in the 21th century), she is the girl who have been present in his dreams. Forgive me, my imagination moves wildly .... lol ..



@hrkharis Like he is WS or WS reincarnation? because if he is WS then she won't be the girl present in his dreams but HS he knew.  My mind is going bonkers too haha

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14 minutes ago, hrkharis said:


I mean, the man is WS but in the 21st century. His name change to be (maybe) Lee Joon Gi or Kim Wang So, or whatever (like HS's name in the 21st century is Go Ha Jin). He is not the son of a king, but he is the heir of a Big Company. As I said previously that they feel "Deja Vu". They will meet by accident and feel the same feelings that they have ever fall in love. For HS, she is clearly aware that handsome man in the 21st century is WS, while for that handsome man (WS in the 21th century), she is the girl who have been present in his dreams. Forgive me, my imagination moves wildly .... lol ..


This is actually the plot for Scarlet Heart 2 (Chinese Version) though I haven't really watched it. :)


An unfortunate car accident caused Zhang Xiao to dream about her unforgettable love with “Fourth Prince”. One fateful day, she meets a man who looks just like the “Fourth Prince” in her dreams. He is Yin Zheng, the stepson of Zhen Tian Corporation’s chairman. To find out what his relationship is to “Fourth Prince”, she finds work as a designer at Zhen Tian. Like any other ordinary newcomer to the business industry, Zhang Xiao is ostracised by her colleagues. Luckily, her superior Yin Zheng sees her as a talented worker and helps her avoid difficult situations. However, fate plays with her again. Just as she’s about to solve this mysterious riddle, an accident occurs, causing Zhang Xiao to lose her memory. Now with no more worries, Zhang Xiao works diligently at Zheng Tian. She gets to know Lan Lan, Yin Zheng’s supermodel girlfriend who looks just like her. Slowly, Yin Zheng and Zhang Xiao develop unspoken feelings for each other, but before it can progress any further, a gentle and considerate Kang Si Han enter's Zhang Xiao's world. It turns out that Yin Zheng, Kang Si Han, and Kang Si Yu are all potential successors of Zhen Tian Corporation. Zhang Xiao suddenly finds herself in the center of a power struggle. (Wikipedia)


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OK in history we know that WS will marry YH and his niece (Mu daughter ) but he will have 5 children and they all YH children 

he was sure busy with YH but like he don't like his niece or why he has children only with YH hahaha this is very sad for me i know he must have but YH ...YH and five is not like one or two hahahha 


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10 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

That's what I am expecting too. In the episode 13, he even criticised Wang Wook for pretending to care about Hae Soo and turning his back on her each time!! He was already mad at him, when he was only thinking that Wang Wook was acting like a relative. Wang So is someone who can't forgive! This is the reason why Wang So will kill Wang Wook, but his decision will hurt Hae Soo because she is someone who is forgiving.


@bebebisous33 I love the way you think. :)  I'm actually waiting to see how this plays out. You're right that Wang So is someone who can't forgive, but he also knows that Soo doesn't want him to hurt anyone. Unfortunately, that also includes Wook.

That said, the confrontation Soo had with Wook may be a more of a game changer then it already was. Remember how shook up she was that Wook was using her to kill So. Soo having that knowledge now that Wook is intent on removing the obstacle that is So might just be the reason Soo will understand So's actions. Am thinking back to the words that So said to Soo before he confessed to stabbing/killing his hyung. "You may not forgive me, but you might understand".

EDIT: Just making this more clear so the rest of our chingu don't mistake what I'm trying to say. Soo knows that Wook wants to kill So. Even though So may not want to kill Wook (actually, he may want to after he finds out the extent of Wook's betrayal of Soo), he may end up killing Wook as he defends himself.

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You know what is the worst thing we will probably have to go through? Yeon Hwa actually getting everything she wanted, So, the throne, BUT writer forbids we see their children otherwise I will smash my screen. Nothing is worse than seeing the bad girl getting all her satisfaction. She will be the next Queen Yoo. At least we know that So will never love her.


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5 minutes ago, aypopa said:

OK in history we know that WS will marry YH and his niece (Mu daughter ) but he will have 5 children and they all YH children 

he was sure busy with YH but like he don't like his niece or why he has children only with YH hahaha this is very sad for me i know he must have but YH ...YH and five is not like one or two hahahha 



@aypopa I know right it's not one or two it's not even because he needed more heirs the first child was a son that was well and alive so why go all the way to five haha... maybe he found solace with her after HS death even though he never completely gave her his heart

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9 minutes ago, dwookie said:


This is actually the plot for Scarlet Heart 2 (Chinese Version) though I haven't really watched it. :)



Oh really? .... Surprise me .... I never read novel and watch the Scarlet Heart 1 and 2 Chinese version. I only watch "Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart  until episode 13,  Korean version". My imagination is probably because the story is common in Kdrama, where a simple girl meets a handsome man rich.

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14 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Love all the fan illustrations:)

But in order to protect myself, I am preparing myself for anything ep 12 was a rude shock to me.


Me too, I love fan illustrations, can't help imagining the scenes playing out like that in the drama but as you I am also a bit spent from hoping and not getting what I expected that I don't dare have high expectations anymore even now that we know we'll be getting the much awaited scenes.

You know, the funny thing is until I see Hae Soo returning the bracelet to Wook (it will probably be shown next week) and be absolutely resolute about rejecting him I won't enjoy the lovey/dovey scenes between our couple, I need her be over with him and I need to see it happening because yes we've been shown her losing the trust in him but I need to see her say "I won't ever get back to you" or something along those lines because I thought after the rain scene it was all over but we still had her somehow pinning for whatever reason, be it her needing closure or something else and her saying it will hurt her if WS hurts him and her asking WW to get away with her if he wants to (I know maybe it was to test him but still).

Maybe it's silly but I've had this WW-HS romance for so many episodes and they made seem it won't ever end so I need to see it end already and need to see it happen.

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3 hours ago, hrkharis said:


I think positively about what PD said about "the journey will be sad, but there will be a happy ending".

Yes, HS's journey in the palace was very unpleasant for her. She got to experience the fear, the betrayal, the sadness and struggled to survive. She saw how the princes brothers, respectively, fought to seize the throne. She might see the death of one of the prince and her love story ended sadly. But the Writer Nim will bring this plot into a happy ending because HS will back into the 21st century and meet with her destiny, a handsome man who resembles Prince Wang-so. They are attracted to each other because they feel "Deja Vu".


Im sorry but how is that a happy ending?? if this drama ends like you've said and as it did like the cversion then I'll be flipping tables. I fell for the character of WS not the look-a-like WS of the present time whom I dont know and would I guess have to assume that not only his looks are like WS but his personality too. How can that be possible? I guess that's the drama aspect in believing that it will be possible because of "deja vu" but to me I would feel that Ive been fooled (again) or that Im kidding myself that such a possibility can ever happen. That aside, most importantly what about the real WS in that time period. Not to see HS ever again and like the c-version knowing that she died in such a sad state, he would/ did/ will be (see Im not sure which tense to use) living a life of regret - how is that a happy ending especially for him? My take is that 4th Prince found peace in assuming that she lived on in her time....maybe its me being wishful thinking but Im willing to do so to keep sane of what BBJX did to me. 

But I know, you cant change history. *sigh*- what have I got myself into? I shouldnt be as naive thinking/ hoping that this drama would be any different depressed1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928 and GOSH! I still enjoy this drama and still unsure how far my curiosity of the plot will lead me to or if my weak heart can take another rip. ARGHHHHH!!!! the joys of dramas. hell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

EDIT_ wow you posted this comment in p 976 and now its 3 pages up..... mian if I posted old news hahaha!

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19 minutes ago, dwookie said:


This is actually the plot for Scarlet Heart 2 (Chinese Version) though I haven't really watched it. :)



Dont watch that Scarlet Heart 2, it is just running on its original gravy train but not living up to its expectation.

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16 minutes ago, ruizaio said:

I guess I'm glad to see that people here are still optimistic. Korean fans not so much. It's not just Wang So's character that's suffering from the director/writer's focus on Wang Wook. Other princes' stories have also been neglected or rushed. The actress of Chaeryung was sad to see many of her scenes were cut. The actor of the Crown Prince had said he would only appear for a short time and yet he's just become king. Wang Yo was supposed to be So's main rival in the fight for the throne, but now Wook is sharing that role as well. The stories of 10th-PSD and 13-WH could have been more spread out in the earlier episodes in conjunction with the Wook-Soo relationship, but were minimally added like an afterthought. While promotional materials and press release info display LJG as the male lead, the actual story shows more about the development of Wang Wook's character. What he's thinking, why he's changing, why he's reacting that way, etc., etc. K fans joke that this is Wook Lover instead of Moon Lovers. Wang So gets very few scenes that explain why he is the way he is (and even those scenes were later added in the Korean version because fans were angry), and the significance of his character derives mostly from LJG's superb acting performance. His important scenes don't have very many lines and even the few lines he has are... often cringeworthy in raw Korean. But then again, that problem isn't limited to just his lines, and this is something that doesn't really get translated over anyway. Then there are also inaccuracies in translations.

It reminds me of how I was disappointed when I ordered a Korean dish at a Chinese restaurant in the middle of podunk US. I was just happy to see it on the menu, but when it came out, I didn't recognize it. It was a good dish of its own right, but it was not what I expected. I guess the chef wasn't Korean and just made an adaptation of a Korean recipe with ingredients that were available to him already. Some ingredients were the same but prepared differently, while some of the spices used were totally different. If I had thought it was a new dish, I would have enjoyed it more, but because it was labeled as a favorite dish of mine, I felt something similar to being betrayed, offended, and cheated.

I never watched the C-version, and I don't think it should be a pre-requisite for watching MLSHR. While it is understandable that Wook-Soo relationship had to happen early in the show (and Morean fans familiar with the C-version did wait patiently at first), the Korean version also advertised that it would feature an intense fight for the throne among the princes, and at least Wang So's character (as well as other princes besides Wook) could have been given more screentime and development in that sense. Given the fact that Korean history has to go through 3 kings before Wang So finally becomes king, this side of the plot should have developed sooner than it did in the current version as it was hinted in the leaked scripts and synopsis. But instead, we saw an extensive love story between Wook and Soo (with an episode devoted to the departure of his wife) in the first half of the drama, and now things are rushed and explained through dialogues instead of actually showing things on screen. 

I will still keep watching because I want to see So and Soo together, even for a fleeting moment. I will probably still bring over news of the DVD/Blu-ray efforts, but at this point I'm not sure it will happen as not many people have volunteered and no one has come forward to lead the effort. Some Korean fans of LJG don't want the release because they think it would just be another ploy to use his name value to make more money for the production without actually delivering anything for his fans. I personally am hanging onto what IU said about shooting with LJG the most. 


Well said, chingu. Those are the things I've been complaining about. The wook-soo relationship had taken almost 3/4 of the show like there are nothing important beside their story. Lee jun ki was the one that turned me into a Moon Lovers addict because of his outstanding acting. He's just that great. Really really great 

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16 minutes ago, leejoongi1trash said:

@aypopa I know right it's not one or two it's not even because he needed more heirs the first child was a son that was well and alive so why go all the way to five haha... maybe he found solace with her after HS death even though he never completely gave her his heart

but hi give her his body a lot of times :) 

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@qwenli i read it first from instagram and yet i asked the owner of the ig account and they said they get it from wikipedia. and i check there they are pretty sure written on wikipedia. do you think it's confirmed or they just put those information as if it's normal now every drama always has special edition? but then i read wikipedia again, those information about mlshr are up to date because they already put the newest ost on the list. how i really hope that those special edition is confirmed. 

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