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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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Can you please tell m ? Is the singer for the ost played when lady Hae and lady Oh died is she the same singer who sang fox rain and fate ? Two very iconic Ost songs? I forgot the singer's name but her voice is just so unique and I want to confirm this. Thank you for answering m :) 

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23 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

I think she will be never punished (the way she deserved)... not even by Wang So while being the King because of her status. :confused: 

EDIT: She is Queen Yoo # 2


Aah I think she will be. She loves a man who loves another woman so deep that he won't even bother to look YH, no matter how hard she tries hor how beautiful she is.

That kind of punishment is the best. 

In a sense, she is Queen Yoo mini me. Even their destiny is the same. 

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23 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:


Wow! Annyeong @LoveSG! How long has it been since we were last in the same thread? Haha. IU and Lee Joon Gi were equal parts the main reason I started watching and was anticipating this drama. This being an adaptation of Bu Bu Jing Xin was the second reason. Nam Joo Hyuk was the third reason. lol. Kang Ha Neul was someone I only knew from Angel Eyes, but I'm very annoyed with looking at him as Wook right now. LOL.

It's great to see you here, by the way! ^^


20 pages since the last time I checked the thread. Completely expected given there was an awesome and intense episode today, so I'll be slowly making my way through the pages and catching up.

Opinion question for fellow Eclipses: We know Yeon Hwa hates the Heo clan in general, even though they are the reason why her family was able to return from exile. Yeon Hwa hated Myung Hee even though she was only gentle and king to everyone. She hated Hae Soo before just because of who she was. She hates Hae Soo even more now because Wang So came to her defense and called her "his." The hatred strengthened now that Wook is willing to give up the fight for the throne to live a quiet, happy life with Hae Soo as his new wife.

If Hae Soo HAD to end up with either Wook or So and Yeon Hwa was able to control who Hae Soo ends up with, who do you think Yeon Hwa will "allow" Hae Soo to be with? Would it be Wook, even if it means he'll give up the throne and Hae Soo will be her sister-in-law? Or would it be So, the only man she seems to have a little bit of feelings for? Why?

YH will want HS to end up with WW. This will allow her brother to be happy and satisfied with just being a prince, having a wife smiling while making soap, who also hangs on to every word he says. Aside from the fact that she finds WS interesting whether to be tamed or not, he is the only prince within her age group who is not married and is next in line after WY, enhancing the possibility of her becoming queen.

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50 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@Diana Blanche  Chingu, his performance was DAEBAK!!! Especially when he tried to reach for Hae Soo to comfort him when no one would ever comfort the way she would. She saw him dying and her expression was on point. It was sad The way Wang So wanted to die in Hae Soo's arms and it really breaks my heart that the only people who cared for him was CP and Baek Ah. I love the way Baek Ah ran really fast when everyone realized that someone tried to poison the CP and Wang So drunk most of it. What was most surprising that Yeonhwa brought everyone to that attention.  So question everyone . DOES Yeonhwa loves or care for Wang So??????

The scene moved me a lot, I cry. Unfortunately I don't understand Korean. I will see this ep .tonight with sub. The more LJG makes me cry the more I love him.:D

About Yeon Hwa I already wrote in one of my previous post that I pity her (PITY not LIKE). If she will loves him she will suffer a lot. Like Lady Hae suffered and maybe more because Wang So is not the person to hide behind sweet words (like WW). He can be very rough. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she will become a good person.

I'm a little angry at Hae Soo. She left herself seduced by the sweet and promising words of the bright knight without seeing that his sword is glued to it's sheath by family and obligations and that the blade will never be raised in her defense. 

For her Wang So is still the dark knight with bloody sword (even she knew that the blood on his sword is guilty). I hope that after the incidents in this episode she will appreciate more Wang So's feelings towards her. She was fooled twice. In the modern era by her boyfriend, and in the Goryeo period by the one in which she puts her hopes and trust.

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i don't think WS will ever forgive his mum about this one.....

WS always endure hardship and its not new to him... but his face looking at HS when he visited him just crushing and devastating also anger... HS the one who not used to being palace maid and now being beaten up like that.. and he have nothing to help her pain and that's just a blow to his heart... what i love about this scene is WS and HS both of them not playing a victim card and not showing any pity to each other.. they bicker with each other while HS have tears running down her face and WS choking up..

they give strength to each other in their own way.. no need a consolidation or anything every single line that they speak saying what they really want to say... also i cried when HS once again act as his family told him to take rest and get treated like he just a child.. with her beaten body she still care for WS... i think this is why he stand up not looking at her cause he will break down in front of her....

but his face after this scene is just pure darkness..... now his mom messing with the wrong person.. HS is someone that he love and messing with her just make thing worse for evil queen...

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My shift at the hospital ended just now and I missed the episode :tears::tears::tears: Will catch up now and come to stalk here soon and thank you so much to the people who did the recaps, you seriously are life saviors :D  

Just happened to see the precap and to me it looked like WW is still not letting HS go, when he mentions HS as the servant/laundry maid to WS, it seems more like him reminding WS where the ranks stand and how he can't possibly have her, like he is trying to prevent WS from getting HS by saying that rather than insulting HS with the term : laundry maid. It seems more like if I can't have her, neither can you.

Sorry if I got it all wrong...I haven't seen the episode and just am assuming based on the little part that I saw.

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For the first time in 11 episodes, I actually feel sorry for Wang Wook. He's a man backed into a corner and faced with an impossible choice - the woman he loves or his family. How can anyone make a choice like that? As flabbergasted as I was when I first watched him turn his back on Hae-soo, I understood that being faced with that situation, he made a decision that he could live with. 

He's not like Wang So in the sense that he can afford to take risks and boldly defend the people he cares for, consequences be damned. Wook has more at stake and therefore a lot more to lose (and I'm not even talking about his position here). He's the boy who picked up a sword at a young age and defended his mother and sister from enemies. He simply could not leave his family at the mercy of Queen Yoo for a girl, even if he loves her more than anything. 

Choosing to forsake Hae-soo was by no means an easy decision for him, and he will have to live with the guilt for as long as he loves her (which will be a very very long time, from the looks of it).

I couldn't help but wonder if she will ever know what that decision cost him. 

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Image result for moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo episode 8Image result for moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo episode 11

After posting myself and reading some posts here I truly am sorry if my words in the heat of my feelings seemed harsh in calling WW  a coward or traitor towards HS.  Maybe I should explain myself in hopes that I might be better understood.  I think WW had me at hello truly I adored him  and loved the tender and caring scenes and his treatment of HS.  I even defended him a few times and as crazy as it may sound I still think in his mind he loves HS just not enough...

But by those words I wasn't only talking about his failure in being there for HS but also at the moment he discovered it was his own sister that was behind the poison and could see that she had no regrets none at all. Her evil ways and selfish nature are nothing new to him for he has seen it many times and so have we. I understand the love of family believe me, but it doesn't replace the knowledge of right & wrong or the difference between good & evil...

Life is about the choices we make and he quickly in one throw killing a servant in order to protect his evil sister made a choice. Don't get me wrong the queen is the master of evil I will give you that!!!  If you think about it, just by knowing and staying silent they all allowed another death this time an innocent one Lady Oh's whose only crime was loving one man all her life and caring for others just like HS as if they were her own. Not to mention him in knowing that HS was tortured and laying there before him not for herself but for another. WW placed a valley between them even if HS doesn't realize it yet.  You see that's how evil works one bad thing leads to another and it just goes on and on.  Until bad things don't mean anything because you become numb to them and it becomes normal to you...

The only thing that stops those who are evil,  filled with greed and the love of power.   Are those who are willing to take up the courage to do the right and noble things believe in truth & honor and justice and believe that rich or poor every life matters and no life has less value than another...  Just my thoughts and I should say I do understand this time era and there was a lot of evil and little justice to be found...


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3 hours ago, Immortal_Angel said:

I really wonder if the king knew all this time what the evil queen was doing then why didn't he put a stop to it? What kind of king he is when he can't even control his own wife from harming others?!? :angry: He knew she was behind the attacks on his concubines and his children and yet he cannot find any evidence to sentence her to death? like really what the crap king is he?!?! Why can't he touch her or dispose of her?? Is she blackmailing him or he's afraid of something that she has? 

As for Wook we can finally see that he draw the line between family and his love. If he love her as much as he claim to do, he would have tried to plead for her or tried saving her but nope didn't do any of that and he didn't bother come to talk to her face to face when she was pleading in the rain cause the king said whoever joins HS will be punished and I guess he's one afraid or two afraid for his family cause knowing what his beloved sister did to create chaos. To him if he doesn't become king there is no way for his family to defeat the evil queen. To me, he believes that HS will "understand him" and that she will forgive him but hey, thanks to him for turning his back to HS she sees what kind of person he is and that she sees 4th who always stood by her thru her dark period. WS live up to his promise but WW his promises are all empty. 

I cannot wait for her to give him the bracelet back and cut ties with him

Hello everyone~ I've been silently following for a couple of weeks now. Thank you for the all the spoilers and insights (especially the little details of history)!!! <3

Btw, side note to the above comment~ the king knows what's going on (he knowingly sent his loved Lady Oh to death after much persuasion). The king didn't have power back then in those times, that's why he married so many women to get support from their powerful clans. The throne is a seat for one who's willing to bear it. It's not all that glamorous. If you're willing to sit on it, you must put the weight of the country on your shoulders. 

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