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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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10 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:


yeah but yet taj is considered as epitome of love!!!!!its wrong and i am not trying to justify So's action or viewpoint. i am stating that this was what was considered "macho man/alpha male(as someone rightly pointed out)". yeah it is wrong,i agree. so was polygamy wrong.and many other things. but they were norm those times.


btw are u indian?


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I agree with my whole heart that the current situation of Wang So - Hae Su - Wook triangle is bizarre and suffers from ambiguity. I thought that Hae Su's growing feelings for Wang So and her unease which she has actively shown in subtle ways will bring out the obsession in Wang So. But so far we have a heroine whose primary motivation behind encouraging Wang So is fear. I watched Secret so I no how obsession can be a starting point for love and with proper character sketch it's possible. Here it's all over the place. If this is what the writers had intended, I'm disappointed. Highly disappointed. I thought there would be tiny moments here and there to strengthen those moments. But even today all I saw during the makeup scene was a guy in love, I was hoping to see a woman conflicted by the proximity, the attraction mixed with unease and What I saw was a girl scared to be around a psychopath. And can you blame her, she still is sticking to those premonition and accepts them as whole truth. I hate those premonitions. I wish instead they had made them as flashbacks or dreams to actual history classes, that would lessen the severity of his crimes and would allow for some possible growth. And what is frustrating even more is those premonitions are wrong. They don't happen. He didn't kill all the brothers. 

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39 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:



Wook takes Hae Soo in a cave. Closed. Confined. Nightime.

So takes Hae Soo at the sea shore. Open. Free flowing.Daylight. *insert diligent 948 Ferrari* here.

I just need to note those contrasts. I am just amused on how the productiom highlighted those with the beautiful scenery specially in the beach.




Excellent observation. Now I have a teaser for you..... what about the beautiful wintry pure snow where WW and HS are so poetically flowing with each other ?  ( I'm thinking Frozen Love ) hahaha...... I need some comic relief.

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5 minutes ago, sriskaddict said:

wow what a nice analysis!couldnot have said it better.

btw do u really feel so kind of have an idea that the person she likes is wook?


No, sadly no. Her feeling is not the same from the beginning. Wook feeling towards her is a grown up kind. It can be a beautiful gentle kind of love but also an obsessive possesive one, because he wouldn't want to share her with anybody. HS's feeling to Wook is like a fan's love to her idol. I doubt she can deal with Wook's darkness. Through out eps 1-10, all Wook presenting to her is his pink and baby blue side. He trying hard to supress his black and crimson red side specially in front of her. So she loves the illusion not the real person. But my bet is Wook will be willing to put on that persona all his life if it means he can be with Soo. That's how deep his love for her is for me at least.

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34 minutes ago, angelangie said:

damn u know this look practically had my nobility to keep it clean out the window?


did u see the way when he slowly pull his hands away and it is way more obvious with the gif you make :D:D:D

okie ***HANDBREAK***


oh yeah.. finally i did it happy-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?12928649... remember mam.. behave Lol...

Ikr the whole scene looks so sensual for me, i actually wanna make one when he try to kiss her. but it turn out bad. so i not include it. 

39 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

"HS, you have poison me." First, I thought maybe he suspected HS was involved voluntarily. But then again, I thought he was right. His love for her indeed has poison him. He was changing, for better or worse, because of her. And therefore for whatever reason, good or bad, he knew even death can't make him separate from her. 

you too.. are you tryin to make a novel there. i love how you describe it.. yes indeed, HS become his deadly poison yet his vitamin too. shy-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292864935

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I'm convinced that she doesn't love Wang Wook as much as she could love Wang So when the time comes. When Hae Soo arrived to Goryeo, she came from a terrible heartbreak and betrayal, the person who approached her at the time she was confused not knowing what was happening was Wang Wook. He was gentle and considerate with her, quite the opposite of Wang So, so it is not difficult that she developed an infatuation with him. But love is more than sweet words, you get to the point where you know that person better than you know yourself, and as things are going it seems that Hae Soo doesn't know Wang Wook completely, he seems more ambitious and willing to take the throne than Wang So who defends her risking of losing everything what he has won.

About Wang So is not for justified his possessive and obsessive behavior, but all this come from all the abuse and rejection he has suffered his whole life. He is man who has never had love from anyone and whose only friend was a tree, so it is clear why he acts so. But as well as he can be selfish, also he is willing to sacrifice everything for the person he loves most, and that's Hae Soo. It is not that he is better than Wang Wook, but I wonder why in tomorrow's episode is Wang So who is beside her, protecting her in the rain scene and not Wang Wook.

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1 minute ago, solelylurking said:


No, sadly no. Her feeling is not the same from the beginning. Wook feeling towards her is a grown up kind. It can be a beautiful gentle kind of love but also an obsessive possesive one, because he wouldn't want to share her with anybody. HS's feeling to Wook is like a fan's love to her idol. I doubt she can deal with Wook's darkness. Through out eps 1-10, all Wook presenting to her is his pink and baby blue side. He trying hard to supress his black and crimson red side specially in front of her. So she loves the illusion not the real person. But my bet is Wook will be willing to put on that persona all his life if it means he can be with Soo. That's how deep his love for her is for me at least.

sorry i meant do u think "SO" kind of have an idea about "wook" being su love interest.

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Okay so I haven't actually calmed down yet ( I am waiting for all the insights from our resident analysts to help me with that :D ) but there are a few things I could appreciate about this episode even without subs (and no they don't involve Hae Su :P ).

This episode really made Queen Yu up her game. I didn't think she had it in her to be able to make a very effective plot and yet today she check mated her biggest opponent, her own son Wang So. Wang So gets caught in a very good and elaborate trap from which he couldn't get out. He wants to save Wang Mu, remain in the palace, be in the King's good graces and also foster a relationship with HS, and Queen Yu trumped him on all these counts. If he wants to remain in the palace and protect Mu then on the flip side he looses Su, but if he wants to save Su then the CP gets murdered, so the only option left open is to sacrifice himself, which is what he did. Queen Yu on the other hand gets to be in a win-win situation any which way you look at it. If So didn't do anything then CP would be removed and also as a consequence of  conspiracy So would be belated punished. On the other hand, So sacrificing himself is like giving an early boon to the Queen cause her biggest obstacle removed himself from the game (I no longer believe she sees him as anything but the obstacle in her quest for the throne). So, its a pretty fruitful day for the Queen I must say :angry: And to think that she accomplished this critical victory as of now with the help of YH. Way to go YH!!!!!!

It has also occurred to me that if the throne/ ultimate power be the goal, then it should have been YH who should have been the son of the family instead of Wook, because boy can she make things happen. She has the brains and the boldness to be able to get at what she wants. I love to hate her but I loved her action nonetheless, better than her brother's apparent inaction. Now what I wonder is how does she feel.....if she feels anything at all....at being responsible for Wang So's possible death (remember we know he lives to stand in the rain, they don't yet), the only guy I feel that held some place in her heart.

Lastly, today I just suddenly lost patience with all the waiting for Hae Su to realise her heart and stuff :P Honestly, the more I think the less I am beginning to care whether Hae Su ever feels the kind of deep feelings for So that I was hoping she would, till a few hours ago. I am fine if she never feels more than friendship or charity for him as long as she does him no harm knowingly or inadvertently. I am just more excited to get to that part of the story where Wang So will come back stronger and start a revenge plan......cause you know watching a revenge unfold is way more interesting. I wanna see Wang So give it back to all these all these people in the same coin or worse and in the process claim the throne as his. I would be truly excited to see a dark and diabolical Wang So after this :w00t: Alas! I don't have hope its gonna that way :( but I can always dream B)

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13 minutes ago, solelylurking said:

What get my intention was when he said, "HS, you have poison me." First, I thought maybe he suspected HS was involved voluntarily. But then again, I thought he was right. His love for her indeed has poison him. He was changing, for better or worse, because of her. And therefore for whatever reason, good or bad, he knew even death can't make him separate from her. 

In that sentiments, Wook already lost the battle and he even doesn't know it yet. How sad. Because for me, no matter how other might look at it, his love is great and pure too. 


sorry to cut your post but i read it all and this one i need to just highlight it......

when i know he saying that i immediately thinking about WS love for her.. cause WS knew HS enough to know that she don't know about the poison also when he saw HS bringing the poison to CP he look at his mom and evil queen face is like i did well choosing the person who bringing the poison... (i never hate any villain so much and this one happen to be lead mother... )

what HS did to him is really make him feel and care for her in a way that he even did't know he capable to do... i think in a way WS embrace in his heart that his love will make he do anything even die in her stance.. to see WS glance at HS acknowledge that this women right here is his love when he alive and even when he die is just heartbreaking... WS love for me is the epitome of the purest love that a guy can have to a women..

a selfless love with a vow that he will hold to the end..... 

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Remember, she gave him the recipe and told him how to do it alone (episode 9).

However, when he will be fighting, he will wear his mask because he will have no time to apply the make-up. Moreover the mask can be used in order to induce fear among the troups of his enemies. He looks much more intimidating with his mask. That's why I have come to the conclusion that the scene where he says, he missed her will happen much later, when she is a simple servant working at the laundry under Yo's reign. Her hair looks so messed up there too. Her hair looks similar to this picture. Look at her clothes then. 



Totally out of topic, but the idea of the mask being used as fear for enemies reminded me of another Chinese Drama called "Prince of Lan Ling". The main guy, Lan Ling Wang also uses a mask to make his enemies scared during battle (however its to hide is beauty...) Thats a good drama too if anyone is interested LOL.

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7 minutes ago, leekyuphii said:

bow down to LJK acting....i just love the detailed of his micro facial expression...the smirk...the pupil moves...eyes,lips moves...every muscle on his face really support his micro expression and its expressed so well with the zooming in this drama..

when he is acting alone on the screen...wow, i keep impressed when see him...over and over again...when no dialogue in the scene, he just speak so much with his eyes...his gaze..his staring at camera kill me...kill me...it just so awesome...god junki good job...look at the last scene...he really a king on that scene...the detailed...the expression...all nailed it well..its makes me feel hurt with him too and its such a heart breaking scene...superb and excellent acting by LJK really shown up at tonight episode...standing ovation for him...i never wrong to choose his drama to watch...no matter what, he is alone is enough reason for me to survive watching his drama *even when many ppl said his drama wasnt good*

i cant get enough when see the last scene....its sad...heart breaking...but really show how excellent LJK acting

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and when he is in the scene with HS....all of their entire body speak high volume.. like we can see the intensity on every of their scenes..the body language of two of them speak so much words than the dialogue that their mouth speaks though maybe at this time the body language for WS already love but HS still havent show it yet...but yeah i love their scene so much after WS scenes..yeah in my mind i focus on WS so much, (because for me this drama is WS drama..WS story). IU maybe not as excellent as LJK in facial expression terms but for me its still okay, she still needs many acting lesson..yeah experience speak a lot in this drama.

For me WS-HS scene is way better than WW-HS (im not bias but...i cant feel the intensity...the love that must be spark on WW-HS scenes).I am as viewers sometimes keep holding breath (and my heart beat faster than before) when watch WS-HS scene because their physical tension is being shown so much in their scenes...while, on WW-HS scene i cant feel anything, at first it looks like oppa-dongsaeng relationship (i never fast forward their scene..their scenes never making me worried about our OTP future love line...its still bearable for me after my ugly and cruel experience in triangle love at other kdramas..their scene still OK )  and i still believe HS can convince me that she really love WS in future and said bye to WW.. (when i see Cvers cut on yt, because i dont watch the Cvers, i feel that ruoxi and HS really has same expression...dunno why the feel that i give when see both of them is same, so it bad or good then?)

cant get enough of every WS-HS make up scene...ah if only this make up scene like a kiss scene on other drama, we got ton of kiss scene already *ah mian...im just so impatient..hahahahahaha*

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he kill me with his gace in this scene...seriously HS....you dont fall in love with this kind of gaze...gaze from man who already fall in love to you???oh girl....if i were you maybe the grim ripper already beside me right now...oh that eyes shoot many love bullet to my heart...dying dying




i like the simple mind of WS...friends of lover its the same for him...lemme sign up to be your friends too WS wangjanim...kekekekekekekekekekeke...

the ship that first firmly sailing in this drama is WS-BA....ah i love BA since bath scene (love the aura that given by NJH on that scene..oh thanks NJH played likeable character again), cant believe i dump Jung and Wook (kang sky and jisoo is my other reason to watch this drama) because of him...he is my number 2 after WS. and love him more when i know him on team WS, close to WS and supporter of WS-HS too....kyaaaaaaa, i choose the right person to take a side

hope it will be my last post from me today....will be silent lurk until i sleep tonight...keep posting eclipses!!!! night~~~


Wow! We think the same! The only couples I support here are WS-HS and BA-WS! The latter couples scenes are just simply not enough :'( NJH totally captured my attention first with his bath scene then his drawing then his music... :wub::wub::wub:

I see why you will like Kang too as he is good in here as well. Able to act alongside his acting idol must bring out the best in him :) For Jisoo's character I hope to see more of him  but this is hard as the main focus are on WS, HS and WW. The rest pales in comparison :( 

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@qwenli I am very grateful to you, for your wonderful recaps, each and every time a new episode airs. Thank you for transcribing dialogues as you watch; I know it must be hard, and distracting... I really thank you for it. :)

@fidda868 Wow, you actually managed to film & upload scenes from the actual subtitled episode! There are no words... except that you are a HERO, and I bow to your greatness.

There are so many other people I want to thank... but I'll just say this: 

I really really love that we have so many kind, dedicated fans from all over the world coming together in our little "Scarlet Heart: Ryeo" community here and soompi, and I'm awed at all your contributions: whether translations, subtitles, pictures, videos, opinions... Just everything. You guys are the greatest.


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Ok so after all that build up I couldn't actually make it to watch it live today...blacko-emoticon-22.gif GRRRRR..... oh how I wish it showed at night time here. But I'm not missing tomorrow live no matter what dong-onion-head-emoticon.gif

I'm going to go watch the raw now.. I hope it doesn't differ much from the sub version later on. From skimming the thread I take it the poison scene was intense. What a man Wang So is.... and Wook managed to propose to Hae Soo... not sure how I feel about that - I'm glad she didn't gush and give him an answer there and then. For surely he'll never be able to go through with it. I wonder what he'll say when he finds out Yeon Hwa was involved in setting up Hae Soo - the witch. The cane is too good for her. I have a feeling he'll grin and bear his family's involvement and slowly back away from Hae Soo citing noble reasons - my richard simmons. 

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2 hours ago, iliketoeatsoap said:

Well I see how this scene would also directly prove Hae Soo's fears wrong about him killing his brothers. Since in this case he is literally killing himself to avoid killing his brothers.... Maybe she can get over herself now lol

Even if she do get over her fears of him it still won't lay any effects to her hanging on WW every word and his promise to marry her so she believes.. With the King wanting WS to leace to keep conflicts down between the CP and WS this must have made both HS and WW very happy and maybe use this chance to ask her hand in marriage but now with this poisioning thing going on and HS is at the hub of it will he step up to the plate being a man and try and save her..

2 hours ago, lavender2love said:

WHY.. OH WHY  ????? THIS SHOULD NOT BE SCRIPTED.... !! 4 th has to make such a supreme sacrifice ? With his life ?

This is just to sad he's always used as the sacrificial lamb to the palace.. 

2 hours ago, tessieroo said:


I'm wondering if Wang So is going to put it together that YH helped in this plot to kill the Crown Prince. I hope so, I want him to make her life a living hell. :angry: Evil, nasty wench. 

@tessieroo  I don't think WS will put it together that YH was involved because WW is going to cover for his sister so he won't find out If it's found out she's involved this could affect him have him being exile away from the palace like WY..

Well I know this was a heartwenching episode but I'll save if for subs, But I bet LJK pull off and amazing scene while drinking that poision betting it was epic to see KUDOS LJK..

Queen Yoo Still Manage To Get Rid Of A Thorn In Her Side The Hanging Of Court Lady Oh.. Will This Open HS Eyes 

BTW could someone please msgs me the SBS sub version link..

Off to go shopping take it easy on me today

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