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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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A quick mention Of Scarlet Heart Ryeo in this site:
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MLSHREp5PrevheaderI haven’t seen Episode 4 yet but the preview for Episode 5 is up and it looks like hottie Prince #8’s wife might be dying very soon. She asks Hae Soo (IU) to please take care of Wang Wook (Kang Ha Neul) at the same time asking Wang Wook to make Hae Soo his bride. WUT? (LOL) As long as Prince #4, Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  is wandering around being all mysterious yet smexy-as-hell, I seriously doubt that’s going to happen. Enjoy!


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2 hours ago, evok said:

guys don't care ratings...at same time spot at same days in a two rival channel there is a two historical drama and actually this kind of rivalry always brings one side playing dirty and try to drop other drama ratings by negative articles. A lot of people also think this "bad acting" article was unnecessary and unrealistic, ıt happened at 1st ep!.. everyone knows there was no real public reaction behind it... you write "public reacted to this and that artist acting skills and suddenly public really react after reading that! they show their reaction with losing their interest!.. I saw this so many times. After the news Scarlet Heart ratings dropped and Lovers in the moonlight ratings increased! 

but again I always say  5-6-7-9%... this are not really bad ratings! ıf you are old drama lover, you also have to know most of the very popular korean drama took bad ratings at korea. for ex now a teenage drama Cinderella and four Knights is in everywhere...people keep talking about it but ıts ratings are 2-3%...Pinoccho was very popular drama for i-fans..ıts rating was 5-6%...Healer was very popular drama..ıts ratings was again 5-6%...there is so many like this...

so don't be sad, just watch and have fun. 


To some of SH fans here, please refrain yourselves from discrediting MDBC. Its high rating is not undeserved. The actors & actresses are doing great jobs.

And are you trying to say that MDBC is playing dirty media tricks just to bring SHR down? You are being ridiculous! MDBC was only 8% on its first episode. It only increased to 16% after Doctors ended. So when did they play dirty? If you wanna say play dirty, it was SBS who moved SHR earlier than its original air date to compete with MDBC. They think the popularity of BBJX will help with the rating. But apparently not. Bad directing and bad editing will never help. So stop discrediting MDBC! It deserves its popularity and rating. 

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It was Wang So that said it but I think it was lost in translation. I think what he meant was "I don't need someone who is high value." By that I think he means he doesn't need a woman who holds a lot of power but rather one who will cherish him which is something he has wanted for a very long time.

Hope this helps :)


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19 minutes ago, kentangbakar said:

i want to said that...even-though the rating is drop...but we got soooooo much positive feedback!!!! so dont be sad with the numbers. at least the team got positive feedback. so that will ease their burden a bit... =))))))))) lets send lovessssssssssss to the team~~~ :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

at least SH still got so much positive freedback even the rating drop

that means international fans really2 like this drama so much. it's good for SH

i hope also ... we didn't drag MDBC in SH thread. for me, the other drama was awesome too especially chemistry between male & female lead (Bogum & Kim Yoo Jung). KYJ won lots of award from sageuk drama. 

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39 minutes ago, solelylurking said:


I agree with you totally.

Wook's step is always a careful analyzed one. He successfully restrain his instinct when it come to Soo for now. Taking step forward but then freeze as he remember what he will lose. But I don't know in the future. It seems to me he slowly losing his mind when it comes to Soo. He even kind of scold his wife at dinner in last night ep. Madam Hae looked a bit taken back. It's the first time perfect prince doing this, I guess. Imagine the pain and joy he might have when he saw Soo walking trough that door. But he choose to walked away. I think because he knows to be in the same place with Soo without touching her is a pain or he need time to think and gather his thoughts again. My guess it's both. Hehehe. 

WS in the other hand is really a soft hearted kind of person. He can bear to think Soo get beating because she wants to give back the hair pin. It's not necessarily he falling for Soo at this poin. But he is fond of her and begin to see her as his people (hence the claim she's mine). As we all know So is very protective of his people :wub: and he is living outside the palace norm all his life so he don't really care about hierarchy. I think rather than falling so hard so fast like Wook, So and Soo will begin their journey as a friend first. 

Btw I'm a Wook's fan so if I blabber too much about him, ignore me. Nice to meet you. :)


1 hour ago, theseasasleep said:

I was less annoyed with Wook about his slow reaction than I was with his deliberate psychological undercutting of So, a thing that completely bewildered and hurt So because he defused the situation yet here he was being kicked yet again. Wook's phrasing was chosen for maximum damage to both discourage So and remind him of his place, which is nowhere. It had no root except in jealousy and (self-directed) anger unlike his slow reaction that was bound up in a lot of hierarchical stuff.

I compare it to the scene where we met the flower princes for the first time. 3rd Prince (one day I'll remember his name and that's the day he'll die, lol) was about to hit a servant for spilling wine on him but Wook *immediately* halts/distracts his brother and the servant is given a reprieve. It was nothing for Wook to instantly interfere because there was a clear-cut way to handle it without having the higher rank/his brother lose face to the lower rank/the servant. This is not the case between Soo and Wook's sister (I will learn her name, someday). Not disciplining a servant could be seen as magnanimous but with his sister, Wook would be undercutting her authority and social ranking for a social "inferior". This leaves Wook caught between upholding social/cultural norms and the right thing because choosing Soo in this instance runs a bit deeper than the matter of his feelings. Soo is someone who 1) is righteous enough to take a beating in place of her servant and 2) is under his household's protection. No wonder the perfect Prince who everyone thinks should be the Crown Prince freezes, his actions stuttered. He instinctively moves forward but deliberately stops himself and it takes a couple of strikes before he makes a serious move to stop it. This isn't the only time he's been slow to react when Soo has tangled with a social "better" - there was also her fight with Eun. The fight was already in session by the time he arrived and everyone watching was amused or surprised but also knew her fate was sealed the moment she laid hands on a Prince. Only So bothered to stop her as soon as he saw the situation because it was better to do something than nothing. We're likely to repeat this theme throughout the drama: Wook's inaction versus So's action which will likely lead to a situation where Wook overreacts to compensate.

Now for So, who arrives later than everyone else, the decision is easier because he's been set outside of society for all his life. He quickly assesses the situation, understands the costs of stopping Wook's sister and still chooses to do so. Why? Probably partially because societal/cultural norms have done him few favors in his life. Protecting the Princess's pride is not (should not be) worth more than protecting a person from being beaten over a mistake/misunderstanding. So doesn't completely throw away the norms because he does explicitly apologize to the Princess afterwards. The other reason to stop it is he's growing to like this strange Soo girl and while it's not at the depth of Wook yet, it is enough for him to put himself out there.

I'm not sure how much Wook stood to "lose" if he had stepped in sooner and really, he could have stopped it before it all began because nearly all the Princes were there long before Soo exchanged herself for her servant. On the surface, it doesn't seem as if So loses too much because he's already on the outs but Wook's sister is one of the very few people who seem genuinely on his side. Disrespecting her could cost him a rare ally and friend (?), so he might have less face to lose but more to lose personally. My take on the dynamics of the situation as I await the next episode.

I agree with both of my chingu's @theseasasleep and @solelylurking  So had nothing to lose and just wanted to clear things up befor eit got worst. Wook took So's help as a declaration of war. Wook sister has some kind of vendetta againd Hae Soo becuase she suspects somethin is going on Hae Soo and her bother. I think what bothers her is the fact that Hae Soo is not following the norm of the Palace life. hate onion head hate onion head   She is not actling like the Lady she is supposed to be. Hae Soo almost got her brother hurt because he went after her when he hard she was in danger. When he took his anger out on So, he lost an ally because So will never become his person. Wook only chose to let him stay in his home so So can become his person. We all saw some scenes where Wook was helping So clean up after killing all those people. Wook has always had his eyes on the throne because that is what his mother expected him to do, Both Wook and his Sister were taught to be perfect, smart and do what is right so their family can look good. His sister has never liked his wife or had any respecect for her. SHe is like so ready to get rid of that woman because she think he wasn't good enough for her brother. I believe that Wook has always done what is expected of him so that he has the perfect image. Everything he did was seen by the servants , his brothers, his cousin in law but he has never warmed up to her at all. I don't he even tried to warm up to her.  depressed1 onion headdepressed1 onion head

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5 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Both Wook and his Sister were taught to be perfect, smart and do what is right so their family can look good. His sister has never liked his wife or had any respecect for her. SHe is like so ready to get rid of that woman because she think he wasn't good enough for her brother. I believe that Wook has always done what is expected of him so that he has the perfect image. Everything he did was seen by the servants , his brothers, his cousin in law but he has never warmed up to her at all. I don't he even tried to warm up to her. 

I think despite all that, I still feel with recent revelations, YH is completely ungrateful to what her sister in law has done for her and her family. The Queen said that it was this marriage that allowed them back into the palace. It was her that even allowed her and her brother a fighting chance against Queen Yoo. He wouldn't even have a shot at the throne if he didn't marry her and came out of exile or whatever. She doesn't factor that into her treatment of his wife. She just demeans everyone. In that way, I believe it's not just the way she was raised to be perfect, it is just her attitude, her personality and the self importance she gets from her Princess status. I think she feels that now they are back in the palace, they've gotten what they need from her brother's wife, and so she's no longer useful. She's tossing her brother's wife aside, just like Queen Yoo tossed her So aside based on their worth. 

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one of my favorite lines "Then tell me why you killed them" - wow !!! is this not something?!

and this from a girl who till now we see she cannot stand crime, injustice or violence, who lecture anyone who do bad things,  - she has such an incredible understanding of So in that moment; and such a great relating to his most inner self, that she is letting apart all the fear, judgement, prejudice, morality; she is not loving So but she really can see who he is!!!! she can be shaked by Woong, maybe erotised by him, but I wonder if she has on Woong such a deep view of who he really is, as she can do with So! (even compare her talk with Wook about his selfdefence crime, when she figure out that even was in selfdefence that act let a scar in his heart)

I liked the fact that she is happening to talked about her different inner feelings only to So - also now she has an erotic moment with the 8th price, her most important talking about her thoughts aned feelings are with So 

but I wonder: if the 8th prince wound't be married, if he was free, what would then happen? would she still end up loving So? I would like to be another reason why she will not fall in love with 8th price, more profound then the fact that he is married or the fact that she like/pitty his wife - something that will make her fall in love with So even if he would be married; of course being married could be a great reason not to show your felling or not to let the love consume; in my opinion you can choose not to be with someone because he is married, but can not choose not to fall in love; so - will she not love Wook only beacuse he is married? or will be inevitable to fall in love with So?

and my last thought: will ever So find out that she is from the future? 


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If Soo know that Wang wook married her wife because of politic. I think Haesoo didn't want to be with him.. its remembering her with her cheating boyfriend. He was good to her but suddenly cheat behind her. Because she knows that lady hae so in love with her husband.. 

Maybe its another reason Haesoo start in love with Wang so. Because she know, who is Wang wook reall personality. Even thouhg he didn't * too bad person.. but he is to unpredictable person..

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Wang so love to Haesoo is pure.. he didn't anyome else just her.. but Wang wook still had a dream he will be a king. Because of his familly

He hiden his paint. So ppl can't predictable his move. Didn't know his weakness. 

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26 minutes ago, skxz said:

Re-watching Ep 4 and OMG I didn't pick this up when initially but Wook said Yo is married? Since when? To who? Am I the only slow one here :flushed:

i dont know he married to who all i know he is married. base on the topknot. =))..3rd, 8th n 9th is married...i believe CP too, already married.

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