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[Daily Drama 2015/2016] Witch's Castle 마녀의 성


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Hello Guys,

I got to watch the last episode (24) with subs and I have to say I see a lot of interesting things happening now and in the future with these characters. Thank you guys for keeping up the discussion in this thread and @ina111 for keeping up with providing summaries or interesting trans bits when possible. Hopefully I will be able to participate more soon.

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*WAVES* @Ldy Gmerm, it's so nice to see you! I hope that you will have time to follow this one. :) (I have a feeling I'll be in trouble soon. There are already too many current dailies I want to follow, and the upcoming one from KBS, "Heaven's Promise" looks good too.) 

Subs are such wonderful news. I spent the last hour catching up with the parts I missed. I've been checking drama sites regularly, but I didn't have much hope. After the last two SBS dailies I followed, I really didn't think that we'd get subs for this one, and definitely not so soon. (I haven't found ep. 24 with English subs yet. If you get a chance, would you mind PMing me the link?)

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My theory on why HJ's father is so obsessed with that guy who is the hero: Gay.   Or bi, at least. He was gay for the former chairman, his father in law, and he's gay for this dude, and he wants him as a husband for his daughter and gets all excited when he sees hero get all tough on his daughter, because, in his fantasy life, he's a bottom and he wants rough treatment for himself.

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5 hours ago, ina111 said:

*WAVES* @Ldy Gmerm, it's so nice to see you! I hope that you will have time to follow this one. :) (I have a feeling I'll be in trouble soon. There are already too many current dailies I want to follow, and the upcoming one from KBS, "Heaven's Promise" looks good too.) 

Subs are such wonderful news. I spent the last hour catching up with the parts I missed. I've been checking drama sites regularly, but I didn't have much hope. After the last two SBS dailies I followed, I really didn't think that we'd get subs for this one, and definitely not so soon. (I haven't found ep. 24 with English subs yet. If you get a chance, would you mind PMing me the link?)

Please PM me the link for ep 24 with subs too because the sites I know haven't got it yet.

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After watching episode 23, HJ let GH know how she feels about him and he told her to take back what she says because he isn't interested whatsoever, but I can see GH being force to go out with HJ from Halmoni. While HJ is going to become very distraught when she sees GH/DB closeness and around each other's orbit a lot. I'm so glad that I can understand now since this drama is being subbed, but I would like to give credit where it's due @ina111, Our chingu was keeping us updated of what's going on and we've certainly appreciate her effort and taking the time out by doing so. 

I agree with the rest stating that MR will tell lies on HD to Halmoni so she won't work or be around her because MR will in fact be jealous of their friendship.

SG found HD a job and said he hope she'll accept it, but I want to see his reaction when HD is hired as Halmoni's driver but we might see this for starters (shocked mode) :o

I'm enjoying this drama and I can't wait to see the next episode where this saga continues :P

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@suchadiva42, @Ldy Gmerm

This drama was on my radar to watch and I finally watched all 24 eps raw this past week.. Thanks to @ina111 I did have some idea of what was going on. Now I've read there's subs for it. Can someone please PM me the link for the subs. 

I guess I would have to see the subs but was there ever any relationship between GY and HJ. She acts as if they had this great love affair and DB came along and stole her man. 


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@awsparkle, Well hello my chingu (waving)  I'm so glad your joining us as well as you caught up watching 24 episodes.

Here's the thing, HJ called herself liking JY who happens to be DB late husband and when he passed away HJ blames DB for JY's death. Now the little Heffa has forgotten about JY and seeking out GH, who she told to his face that she likes him but GH asked her to take back what she said about liking him, because he isn't interested in her but we all know she won't take no for an answer.


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Thanks for the link to the subs.

So the crazy girl waited for 5 years for a man who only saw her as nothing more then a junior. He never even encouraged her or made her think anything would be between them. Now she wants revenge on DB because the man she wanted didn't love her back and now he's dead. At the drop of a hat she has threw that great love she had for JY down fast and is setting her sights on GH. He has already told the twit he's not interested but again because she likes him and he should like her back. Men cannot be nice to HJ because she takes it to heart and deludes herself into believing their interested. She was right when she told JY there's much more to life then marriage bit not in the way she sees it..She thinks of it as what her status, money and background would afford him.. What she was really telling him was he would be sorry he didn't pick her. Now she has set her sights on GH who she thinks is pretending not to like her. What a delusion pampered spoiled self absorbed twit. 


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6 hours ago, awsparkle said:


Thanks for the link to the subs.

So the crazy girl waited for 5 years for a man who only saw her as nothing more then a junior. He never even encouraged her or made her think anything would be between them. Now she wants revenge on DB because the man she wanted didn't love her back and now he's dead. At the drop of a hat she has threw that great love she had for JY down fast and is setting her sights on GH. He has already told the twit he's not interested but again because she likes him and he should like her back. Men cannot be nice to HJ because she takes it to heart and deludes herself into believing their interested. She was right when she told JY there's much more to life then marriage bit not in the way she sees it..She thinks of it as what her status, money and background would afford him.. What she was really telling him was he would be sorry he didn't pick her. Now she has set her sights on GH who she thinks is pretending not to like her. What a delusion pampered spoiled self absorbed twit. 


@awsparkle  Chingu that sums it up for me, U actually said it all about that little din wit HJ. I love how you and the rest gives your Insights as well as your Opinions in regards to this drama ;)

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Yes.....finally caught up! Wow...HJ is as delusional as ever. Why doesn't this woman accept that GH isn't interested in her? She knows her halmoni's objection to a relationship with him and still insists that he's the one for her even when GH himself has told her it's a no go. Not even halmoni's verbal abuse of GH is enough to make her back off and she insists on having him even though he keeps being embarrassed due to a misunderstanding. If we think she's delusional now, wait until she realizes her father's wishes for the both of them. Then, she will be out there screaming like the crazy delusional over pampered witch she is that he is hers and has always been hers...heheheh. 

So MR sees HD going into HJ's home in the preview and it shouldn't be long until she figures out HD's connection to the family. As predicted, she will poison the old lady's mind against HD...which by the way I find ridiculous considering MR is an outsider who halmoni shouldn't even be taking advice from. I wonder how long it will take for halmoni to realize that MR broke up HD's family.

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13 hours ago, awsparkle said:


Thanks for the link to the subs.

So the crazy girl waited for 5 years for a man who only saw her as nothing more then a junior. He never even encouraged her or made her think anything would be between them. Now she wants revenge on DB because the man she wanted didn't love her back and now he's dead. At the drop of a hat she has threw that great love she had for JY down fast and is setting her sights on GH. He has already told the twit he's not interested but again because she likes him and he should like her back. Men cannot be nice to HJ because she takes it to heart and deludes herself into believing their interested. She was right when she told JY there's much more to life then marriage bit not in the way she sees it..She thinks of it as what her status, money and background would afford him.. What she was really telling him was he would be sorry he didn't pick her. Now she has set her sights on GH who she thinks is pretending not to like her. What a delusion pampered spoiled self absorbed twit. 


We can all see where this is going. Poor little rich girl is again going to latch on to another man. It will only get worse as she notices that the second man she has fixated on is now in love with the same woman that married the 1st man she waited for. She will continue to do things until someone gets hurt from her actions or DB ends up going to jail or being force out of the company due to her actions. No way will she loose another man to DB when DB is not responsible at all for the men's feelings.

It is just as you pointed out (and we have all seen before from other drama's) she likes him and wants him and only her feelings matter. It does not matter that he has tried time and time again to tell her or has told her he does not like her in that way to give up or to not set her sights on him she wants him so she will do what she can to get him and get irrationally mad because he is either spending time with another woman innocently or starts to like that woman and she still had not one chance as he never saw her as anything more than a friend, or little sis. At that point she will not care if she ruins that business as long as she gets back at them for what she sees as her humiliation and she will claim he led her on and at some point I bet we will see her try to force a marriage with the help of her grandmother.

I have to wait on subs for Episode 25 but did I see in the preview that her minion has found out possibly about DB's fear of fire and her not being able to cook? I see her using this but I think it will backfire on her at least I hope so.


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After seeing the next episode, Halmoni has gone too far throwing water in GH face (what) because her precious granddaughter HJ is so desperate to be with a man and will do anything that's possible/unthinkable to have him. I can't wait for subs on episode 25 to know what was said.

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1 hour ago, suchadiva42 said:

After seeing the next episode, Halmoni has gone too far throwing water in GH face (what) because her precious granddaughter HJ is so desperate to be with a man and will do anything that's possible/unthinkable to have him. I can't wait for subs on episode 25 to know what was said.


I have been marathoning "The Stars are Shining", now I am ready to sit back and marathon Witch's Castle. I have to go back and see what I may have missed.  Thanks to @ina111, we were able to follow this drama without subs; now with subs we can dig into the other smaller, but key nuggets of information.

@suchadiva42, I will have to keep my cool tomorrow when I see halmoni throw water in GH's face. I'm trying to figure out how long is it going to take before he leaves the company.  A man can only take so dumping on his pride. It may not bother him too much in front of HJ, but I don't think he will tolerate it in front of DB.

@awsparkle and @tinatrix236, LOL!  Yes, HJ is definitely delusional and apparently full of herself.

@Ldy Gmerm, so glad you are here. Thank you and @ina111 for the links....I can't say that enough!!!  @hot_hot1975, I sent you a PM with the links.  

I'm down right giddy that we have subs for this drama!!!


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HJ is a slick cunning one. This witch knows GH doesn't like her but she's using the sympathy card to try and reel him in. It would not surprise me if she played the same card with JY. Her woes of being born from an affair and her father is not her father is a pathetic thing to try and use to gain a man's attention.  After pulling that move on GH she thought he would bite because he felt sorry for her. Now she's going to take it out on DB because she over heard her begging GH to give her a chance and he walked away.. I wonder did DB over hear her saying the same thing to JY. and it's why DB had that sympathetic look on her face towards HJ. 


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11 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

Watching this drama with subs made me realize how hateful/mean DB's mother in law was to her--especially considering that she practically raised her.


I think that's the guilt HD is carrying around now and has humbled her.  She treated DB so badly and now it has come back and sliced her down. The mistress and her daughter treat her and her daughter like the scum of the earth. The one woman who she treated so badly is the only one who cared to take them in. This is a lesson HJ and her grandmother are going to have to learn. Their snobbish is going to cut them down. They have no idea the pain GH and DB have suffered. because they were orphans. Even though her father is not her father she still had a parent and a grandmother who provided her with a charmed life. Her pity party can't begin to compare to GH and DB's life. I think her selfishness and jealousy is going to put that company in danger. 

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@lclarakl chingu I'm marathoning this drama as well and what we've missed tells me a lot about Halmoni being so snobbish towards GH, who had the audacity to tell GH about being discipline of not having his parents, I was smh at the words coming out of Halmoni's mouth. 

GH had it rough being around Halmoni and if it takes him to tell her behind off then so be it because she needs every bit of it then some.

SG had it hard living with Halmoni as he were telling GH not to feel bad of what she be saying to him. And I also believe if and when SG tells Halmoni that he wants to get married again, all hell is going to break loose with Halmoni of showing her true colors.

I couldn't believe how hateful HD was towards DB after watching it with subs, HD was one heartless woman, but she never realized she'll have to end up staying at the same person house who she said she couldn't stand looking at her face. HD, HJ, both have in the back of their minds that DB killed JY which is not so, they just wait and see how JY really died and why all behind MR due to owing thugs money.

JY didn't hide the fact that he wasn't in love with that ready to crack delusional HJ, he told her that he loves DB in which she couldn't accept that JY wanted someone like DB then her who has it all fame/fortune, and to me it was indeed a one-sided love if u ask me. 

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Now after I watched episode 25 subbed, Halmoni thinks just because GH stayed the night out with HJ but only to watch over her that he likes her. GH was being a friend that's all it was and for him to be humiliated having water thrown in his face like that wasn't right either.

First of all" Don't no man want someone like HJ who's a spoiled brat and thinking she can have/take whenever she feels like it, Halmoni already said she gives her heart away too fast in which I totally agree. And saying she likes GH because he comforts her, he also holds her hand (eyes rolling) :rolleyes: when was this and where and if she was talking about when her ex was at the company and GH came to bail her out, she put her arms around GH telling the ex he was her fiance. 

I liked what SG told GH that he still will like him if he and HJ won't end up together. That's why I can't wait until SG find a woman (HD) who's going to make him happy in which he deserves it.



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