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[Daily Drama 2015/2016] Witch's Castle 마녀의 성


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In this episode HJ found out where GH was because he told her in the text message that he is in Daejeon and that they should move back their meeting time by an hour. SG confirmed that for HJ, saying that he sent GH to the distribution warehouse there because of some problem. I loved HJ's reaction, "Why did you send him to Daejeon of all places?" - that's the very place she sent DB earlier in the day. :D Thanks HJ!

@ina111,  Thanks chingu for the brief translation. I'm glad that obnoxious chic was furious after learning GH was at the same location that she sent DB and the expression on her face was indeed PRICELESS. I'll say no more :D
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@ina111, that's what I'm talking about! HJ is a nutter, and all her scheming and plotting is working against her!  I'm sooooo happy about that, cuz I'm sick and tired of these rich, narcissistic "Princesses" that are so ridiculously into themselves.  I like it when the poor, sweet girl prevails! Heehee

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Well, well, well, that dizzy broad HJ really thought GH brought her those books what a serious joke it was that had me lol. And had the nerve to tell DB her father owns the company while the director GH is her fiance (NEVER WILL BE) when and where did that delusional wench got engage and where is the ring. That insane din wit has that in her mind thinking GH is going to pop the question of asking her to marry him, where I'm actually smh at this dreadful looking fool ugh!!!

I was so irritated how DB was pleading with that crazy girl saying if she don't report or say anything about the CCTV will HJ leave her alone (hell no) that lunatic isn't going to leave u alone DB, and should take heed to everything her behind was throwing at her, including when she was mentioning that DB recipe will not be in the contest in other words she's going to stop it from happening.

I'm so tired of these lead females being bullied and pushed around that they can't stand up for themselves, as well as not even having a backbone when someone richard simmons it out by talking trash at least they can give it right back to them in so many words and keep it pushing.

And as for Soon Shim I sure would've told on that chic after she was getting smart, DB is just too gullible as well as too damn nice and easy worrying about someone else's feeling. They isn't worrying about DB state of mind that she's in, but only GH who intends to help her all the way besides HD who also start to show she cares for DB well being.

I wouldn't mind at all if they didn't show EJ brother and wife for the remainder of this drama, because they're certainly wasting my time by me watching them being so useless in their scenes :rolleyes:


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According to the written preview GH does find out that DB was the one who took him home the night he was drunk. 


Fate is working it's magic in keep throwing GH and DB into each other lives,  Little by little DB's presents in GH's life when he needed help is going to start revealing it's self to him. The more HJ pushes and tries to force things with GH the more DB is going to be let in. . 

DB and GH are the perfect match because what one lacks what the other one has. Life for both of them has turned them into who the are now. DB is soft and weak while GH is hard and cold. One needs the other one so that one becomes stronger and the other becomes softer. They both have it in them but they need each other to pull it out. HJ is just a fake at being both but she's going to try and put herself between the two, She will keep trying to force her way into GH's life but the door is going to continue to shut. . HJ will just be the buffer that keeps pushing them closer together.

On the other hand SG is going to wish he had left things alone and let nature take it's course. He interfered where he should not have. .Things do happen for a reason and SG sent GH where he was suppose to be and it was not with HJ.  

The only other drama I watched by this writer was Daring Women. The lead girl in that one was the same and so was the lead male. The same way the husband of the lead girl died it happen in this one. Hopefully HJ's grandmother won't totally become like the second female leads mother. 

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11 hours ago, ina111 said:


@suchadiva42 OMG chingu, this made me rofl. Good luck and let us know if you need help! B)

@tinatrix236, @Ldy Gmerm From what I remember, HJ didn't say anything about bringing GH home when he was drunk. She thought that GH had made it home on his own that night. I think the misunderstanding was all GH's doing. He knew that a woman brought him home and that HJ was the last person he called, so he drew the most obvious conclusion. I hope that DB enlightens him in the next episode. I'd love it if she showed him the photo too. :)

I think that while ranting at DB today HJ called herself the division director's (GH's) fiance. What a nutter. Did she forget that not that long ago DB saw her asking GH to date her and GH walking away? I'd be beyond embarrassed if I were her. 

In this episode HJ found out where GH was because he told her in the text message that he is in Daejeon and that they should move back their meeting time by an hour. SG confirmed that for HJ, saying that he sent GH to the distribution warehouse there because of some problem. I loved HJ's reaction, "Why did you send him to Daejeon of all places?" - that's the very place she sent DB earlier in the day. :D Thanks HJ!


Watching this episode with subs have been very enlightening.  First HJ sees the books that GH bought for DB and immediately though the was buying them for her---what trauma is she dealing with? You can tell she thinks the world revolves around her. Then she tells DB that she's GH's fiancee....:huh:! I had to rewind that a couple of times because I thought I was reading something wrong.  Yes, GH is going to have a hard time getting rid of her.

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There is no doubt that GH will have a hard time getting rid of this delusional twit. In HJ's mind she has this whole fantasy played out on how she is going to marry GH and just like she told DB she is his fiancee. GH has just started dating her and is in no way EVER thinking of marring this crazy twit. You can best believe when HJ either notices his interest or feelings for DB or GH just breaks it off from her due to her possessiveness and mis-truths about an engagement. HJ will have a melt down and accuse him of leading her own when we all know it was her that was jumping the gun. Now that she has told that lie to DB she will eventually get around to hinting or tell her father and Halmoni making them also jump the gun and not check the facts. So that when GH calls it quits they will be angry too all because of HJ and her delusion that GH is that into her and wants her enough to marry her. 


I thought the same thing what trauma does HJ have and why would she think that GH would buy her books for it. This girl tries to use the fact she is not her fathers daughter and her mother had and affair as a crutch. There are other people out there whose traumas and childhoods are worse such as GH 's and DB's her past is not even worth mentioning but she keeps trying to use it. 

I was very happy for her to see those books were not for her and she had to shut up at GH's logic on why he got the books for DB. 

Now in today's episode it was just too funny that she is left alone while DB and GH ended up together. Fate is really working hard to push this twit out the way.


Fate is indeed conspiring to put DB and GH where they need to be and HJ is helping them. Her nasty spiteful actions keep biting her and she is only making it so GH and DB get to know each other better. Both are seeing each other outside of what is presented at work and that gives them a deeper understanding of one another and will foster feelings. 

Going to be very interesting in the next episode. 

Video Episode 31:



Whew , I just can't deal with the SS's voice it is irritating on so many levels. Geez her character is over the top and I can't take her serious. The nerve of her to want to tell DB to get up to get something for the kid or more for them. I am glad HD put her foot down on this. smh..I do think little Leo is a cutie to be helping out his Noona that way.. so sweet to tell her fighting when he watches her not be able to turn on the electric stove (so this is not related to only gas stoves and actual flames anything heat related that could cause a fire it seems)and comes over to do it for her. Such a sweet kid. Although he should not be handling the stove either.

It was eating this girl up to find out that DB was possibly with GH last night and took him home.. She can't keep personal issues out of the office. The nerve to call her into her office to question her. OF course DB and her naive self just answers innocently. Of course this witch is mad. But DB did not have to answer his phone it was rude and she is not you HJ who would have answered the phone to be messy. 

Today HJ was so rude to come into GH's office when DB was talking to him after DB having just sent him the pictures from when he was drunk the other time and she took him home. Her pushing up next to DB was so rude and she should have left so they could finish talking. Her saying she was the man's fiancee is ridiculous and I see HJ being embarrassed as someone will see her and GH get into it and break up perhaps and her words on an engagement will make her look silly as I see someone over hearing GH say he was only dating her not planning on marrying her. It will serve HJ right because she will have told people her and GH were a done deal planning to marry and then she will be angry wanting to blame him for making her look foolish when he never told that crazy twit to go around making people think they were a couple. 

I do not know why she keeps trying to talk to this foolish girl. This woman will continue to do what HJ wants of her because she is desperate to be in that company. 

SG as well should not be trying to encourage a relationship. IF it happens then it will with out his interference. His actions to GH and possibly DB due to HJ's lies and delusions will make him seem very foolish when he finds out the truth about HJ and what she had been up to. HE will have his own problems with trying to date and be with HD later on. I have a feeling that his feelings for HD are not new and I want to bet she could have been his first love when they were younger. (They both came from the same town right?) I want to think he was just as shy an unassuming as he is today when he was younger and loved her from afar not getting the chance to confess to her. His actions for some reason scream first love and she has always been in his heart even with the distance of years and age. 

HJ later when GH was taken her home tries to act all demure and pitiful but all I can see is crazy and creepy. It is all an act and she is indeed just too fake. I feel like GH is making himself be around her. 

Her mannerisms are way over the top for me I see her as comic relief. Perhaps this guy will settle her down eventually. This guy is full of mystery.. Let's hope he is able to have a serious relationship with SS if it becomes possible.

What is it with GH and DB that they are now trapped in the elevator just as she was going to take up her chicken recipe. Will this be another missed chance for her? Did someone shut down the elevator on purpose? And if so why do I feel it was on HJ's orders. Only problem is if someone did do it on purpose no one anticipated GH being in there with her as they wanted DB to get in trouble I bet and get fired. But GH being trapped with her shows it was not DB's fault they did not show up. Only it helped to give these two time together. I would really like all the recipe's that are tasted to not pass and due to possible HJ's interference their entry could have wowed the judges had the elevator not shut down and possibly kept DB from coming in with the recipe (note to DB.. from now on take the stairs..) 


Now is it me or did GH act a bit jealous at seeing the co-worker that close to DB's face? OF course it was innocent but GH seemed to get an attitude lol.. (I see him as the type that has no idea he has fallen in love with someone and will be completely shocked to realize it later. ) I suspect all the time they will end up around each other will foster feelings for one another and they will either fight it or not recognize what it is until it is too late.

Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube. 

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As with yesterday's episode, can't wait to watch today's episode with subs. Sadly, I find Se Sil so irritating to watch. When her child asked her for some water, she tells DB to go get the water. DB like a fool stands up to get the water as if she's the maid in her own house. I was thankful when Se Sil's mother told her to get the water instead. @suchadiva42, I agree with you about these lead females needing a backbone. 

I have to wonder what MR is up to. Why was she so happy to tell NS about DH possibly dating? Was it to make him jealous?

Also, does DB not take her job seriously? Why in the world is she the last one to bring her sample up to the boardroom? Then she gets stuck in the elevator with GH---not complaining about that because HJ will have a stroke!  @Ldy Gmerm, I was wondering the same thing. Did HJ order them to shutdown the elevator. I think she probably did, not realizing that GH would be in there with DB.  And the exciting thing I saw for the next episode is GH getting jealous after seeing DB's co-worker extremely close in her face.  Yes, the love bug is beginning to bit GH. In all honesty, how long can he continue to put up with HJ's possessiveness?  How can SG try to put this spoiled child on GH?

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I just have to face the facts that HJ has a loose crew in her brain that needs to be tightened the hell up, Now who'll be in their right mind and tell another person that the guy she just STARTED DATING or trying to get to know each other is her fiancee. That crazy wild child really does thinks the world revolves around her, and because she's rich every man will want her (LIES) GH doesn't even want her or be around her and only doing it because he was asked. So that delusional din wit won't move out and away from daddy/Halmoni. But I see a change of that is coming soon for them to part ways before they get too deep in this so called relationship, and especially the way that wench is being a busy body including asking too many questions where GH is concern. As i also see GH is that type he'll shut that dizzy broad HJ completely down if she pushes him to the limit. But what gets me about HJ why was the need to tell SG that she's having dinner with GH after she knew he wasn't feeling well, as he mentioned it to GH and said how did SG know, while SG replied as saying they know everything that's going on with that delusional twit HJ life when she's coming or going, oh please give me a break like she Miss Prima Donna or something :rolleyes:

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@Ldy Gmerm,

Unknowing to SG and HD they put these two together. DB gave up and  walked away from her dream but HD set things back in motion. To make HJ happy SG interfered in what was already fated. It was not meant for HJ to spend GH's birthday with him. Something happening at the warehouse and GH getting sick set things right back on track. HJ is trying to step all over DB's dreams and stake her claim of a man that's not for her to have and where do they end up but stuck in an elevator together. 

HJ has been given too much all her life and never appreciated the blessing she was given of SG as a father. She turned her bio parents death into a way of getting what she wanted from SG and her grandmother. HJ has done this for so long she has deluded herself into believing she is an orphan.  When needed she pulls it out and uses it to get her way and it's what she's trying to do with GH. The two people who have suffered real traumas HJ has turned it around to be about herself. This time around no one will be able to help her get her way. I think every time she tries to push her way into GH's life and stomp on DB she'll get kicked in the butt. 

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There's another thing that gets me is when GH/DB will hold a conversation and be interrupted, by this crazy lunatic HJ who'll then ask GH what was they talking about with GH responding not giving her any information. Like in today's episode since GH I guess didn't tell HJ anything about what went on the night of his Birthday, her behind end up going to the other source (DB) who I believe told what happened that GH was too sick to drive so she took him home. I would like for DB to get boulder with this eroctic delusional wench when she start talking that non sense of being GH's fiancee and for DB to stay away from her man. Oh I had to lol typing this sentence (stay away from her man) :D but hasn't seen anything yet because it's going to get worst and become a freaking nightmare for that insane grit :rolleyes:

I'm also glad HD sat DB back down and told Se Sil to get her own son some waterl ike DB is her slave. She's annoying me day by day with her silly talk, but I'm hoping EY will break that childish out of her and into a woman's zone.

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The problem with DB is she is too naive. She may also have a bit of guilt for HJ too. As she was aware that HJ loved YJ (was obsessed with too.) and she could feel bad that the man did not want her and she was hurt by that. Also for DB she is just too sweet and nice. For her since everything was innocent and the only reason why she was with GH was because he was ill and he had mistakenly drank the SoJu and then had cold medicine it was only right for her to get him home safely. She does not see anything wrong with telling HJ what happen because to her she was doing the right thing. At this moment she has no attraction for GH so for her answering the question was just being honest about what happen because she is not aware of how HJ pushed GH into trying to meet for his birthday. Not even aware that it was his birthday for that matter. And DB would see no reason to hide what happen last night. 

Any other person would have taken offense at being questioned and seeing as how she saw GH decline to date HJ when she came begging him before would have told her to check with the General Manager. Or just said nothing went on. Hell if it was me I would have said did something happen? And if asked if I saw the GM said was I suppose to? Did he come to the warehouse too? Drive that witch right up the darn wall for daring to asks that type of questions. 

If GH wanted HJ to know he would have told her what happen and how he got home. His not going into detail or mentioning only showed he did not want her to know or that it was not her business at all to wonder about what happen. The scary creepy thing for me was she went to the office and was looking up DB's contact information to see if they were together or if she saw him. Honestly, no one has the time to be answering her calls. He had already told her that the day meant nothing to him and she over ruled that saying it has to mean something. She failed to see that not everyone wants to celebrate their birthday and that he could have a legitimate reason as to why that is. But for her she wanted to act like they were a. a couple and out together to be seen and b. that she was such a good girlfriend to do this for him. Well all of that was dashed!

I sincerely hope we have more moments where her little plans to get GH alone are dashed and we see her actions pushing DB and GH together more. 

I had  a thought that SG may end up leaving that family at some point if there is a big stink about him remarrying and marrying HD at that. Why, because I am sure there will be a problem when it is found out that HD is the MIL of the woman who HJ claims stole her man.

As for why the homewrecker wanted to tell hubby HD had a man, because the idiot thinks he is seeing or in contact with HD and wants to a. bust him for it. b. push the fact that she has a new man to break it up if he is thinking of going back with the money. The sad thing is she nor her nasty daughter realize what they have done. Hubby either for that matter. When the truth comes out that those women were the cause of his son dying he will be on his knees and they will be running scared of going to jail. Either way ex will try to come crawling back but it will be way too late after they find out that his new woman and her friends killed his son all because of him and his need to cheat and give all his money to these gold diggers. 

He spent years with HD and was wealthy. He cheats, gets caught, takes all the money from his wife and divorces and he is struggling to keep up with the lifestyle they live because they are so greedy. I can't wait until the realize that HD is driving for the Chairwoman and has told what happen to her and her marriage. And when ex hubby and his gold digging wife realize that the man she saw was none other than the Chairman of the company he was trying to get a deal with or did. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, chingu I agree and certainly can't wait to see NS reaction that his greedy wife was the cause of his son JY dying. I can't stand that Heffa or her obnoxious bratty daughter walking around thinking they have it all using up someone else's money, while NS should've stayed right with his previous wife HD (hell) at least she cooked and made sure NS ate. That conceited wench doesn't do a thing but take his credit card and shop til she drop. I'm also waiting to see some begging from that homewrecker and would like to see her including daughter in a 1 room/shack and might not be able to afford that, I think the spa/sauna will fit their description more better :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

If GH wanted HJ to know he would have told her what happen and how he got home. His not going into detail or mentioning only showed he did not want her to know or that it was not her business at all to wonder about what happen. The scary creepy thing for me was she went to the office and was looking up DB's contact information to see if they were together or if she saw him. Honestly, no one has the time to be answering her calls. He had already told her that the day meant nothing to him and she over ruled that saying it has to mean something. She failed to see that not everyone wants to celebrate their birthday and that he could have a legitimate reason as to why that is. But for her she wanted to act like they were a. a couple and out together to be seen and b. that she was such a good girlfriend to do this for him. Well all of that was dashed!


@Ldy Gmerm Thank you for the recap and videos. That screencap on the preview video is perfect. :) It definitely looks like jealousy. I'm really looking forward to the next episode. 

I'm so glad you brought up the birthday. I was wondering about that too. Maybe the reason GH doesn't care is because it is not his real birthday, and maybe it it reminds him of things he doesn't like to remember. I wonder how this date was chosen anyway. Supposedly GH did not know his name or age when he was found. (This is according to the character descriptions. I mentioned some of those details before in this post.)

(Just an aside, GH did explain to HJ what happened and how he got home, but we weren't shown that conversation, only the very end (scene around 12:00) where HJ says "I guess I should say thank you to DB...since she drove you back safely" with a very sour face. :D)

Speaking of GH's childhood, I think that the psychiatrist told DB that he was raised by the same pastor as GH. He seemed surprised that DB didn't know this about GH, perhaps because GH kept calling and asking if DB had come in, and he assumed that the two were close.@awsparkle I love how you described the match between DB and GH. It does look like DB is slowly bringing out GH's soft side. 

I think it's kind of funny that all of us are cheering for HJ to get what she wants - for GH to get to know her well. :lol: I cannot wait until GH overhears one of these conversations between DB and HJ, preferably one where DB's husband is brought up. There is so much venom in that girl - where does it come from?

This drama would be so much easier for me to watch if HJ's character had something I liked or could sympathize with. I concede that living with that big secret would be traumatic for a child, but she is not a child any more. She should be pitying her father more than herself at this point. If she is so convinced that she has a problem that needs fixing, she should buy herself some books and see a therapist. She can afford it, that's for sure. 
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the poor SG already suspected or even knew that HJ was not his child. We know that it is very likely he knew that his wife was having an affair, and he is the kind of guy that would love HJ regardless. I'm not sure that halmoni knows that secret yet. (Or does she? I might have missed it.)

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Thank you for providing that link to the descriptions of the characters and the relationship chart. I missed it and it was very informative. Yes, GH looked jealous to me as well in the preview. But at this stage and the way his personality is I doubt he even realizes that is what it is. I'm sure given his personality he will just think something wrong about how close they are or their behavior at work then to examine why he reacted that way in the first place.  Although it did not look it, I am sure it was very innocent. But I think that guy has a crush on DB. Let's hope he does not become a nuisance. 

Given his past I am sure whatever happen to him as a child may have happened on a birthday. Although he may not recall it right now I think that is more than likely why he does not care for the day. And like you  and others have mentioned with no memory of his name or date of birth as well he may not want to think about it. 

I honestly hope as well that MR does not turn out to be his mother but I have a sneaky feeling she will. 

As for HJ I bet she found out about her birth and that she is perhaps not SG's daughter. Maybe Granny did a DNA test with out his knowledge or SG did one and HJ as a child found it and realized the truth. Of course someone could have talked about the woman being with another man at the time of her death and HJ over heard it. IF SG is the only one who may know it could have been him who was talking to someone on the phone.  Either way she acts like she is the only one in the world who went through something. I think she needs therapy as well but let's not just stop with her childhood issues she needs a full mental work up since I think the twit is completely off her rocker! Yes,  she lost her mother (and bio dad I bet it turns out.) but she still had a caring father who tried to give her all the love and support he could. She had an uncle and a Halmoni too family related by blood.  

But GH has no memory of his past and is having dreams about events that happen form his childhood tormented. He was raised by someone other then family. DB as well had to watch her family burn in a fire that she accidentally started and then had to go live with other people as well not family. Had to endure a MIL from heck and blame over the death of her hubby  too. 

HJ may have had to deal with being hidden and loosing a mother but both GH and DB have lost both parents and they did not have family there to fall back on then. DB has made a new family with her MIL and mothers friend but she would have liked to have her mother and father back. 

GH has to deal with the fact he does not either remember who real parents or that he knows his mother abandoned him/gave him up to a new family who later left without him. Either way he would wish for family too. 

I like that idea that DB and GH are compliments to one another. DB needs someone tough in her corner to give her softness a firmness and GH need someone rough out his rough and cold edges and soften them. 

We do not even know if GH has not heard any of the conversations she has had. HE could very well have and it was part of the reason he did not want to date this woman. But it would be awesome if he walked up on HJ running her mouth to DB being rude and vicious. 

As for why HJ has so much nastiness in her its because she is spoiled and she is angry and looking for something or someone to love her and see the true person she is. Problem with this is no one will want her the way she is at the moment. Rude, spiteful, petty, crazy, obsessive, possessive, fake and jealous. HJ will have to grow up a lot more and work on her own issues before someone can look at her and like her. (DB does not count, she wants to like everyone.. smdh!) 

HJ will also have to realize that what she went through may have been a bit traumatizing for a child but she was very lucky compared to GH and DB. I doubt that GH will share it with HJ though. I see him doing that with DB of course as situations work to put them together. 

I can't find one thing to like about HJ. It's like seeing her wearing two faces and then she has the snobby air about her. Do you know who I am? IM the daughter of the CEO!" (yeah ,yeah, sit down and shut up so what!) Like most spoiled rich kids who turn out to be the bad guy in these things the adults in her life over compensated for her not having a mother (and the woman being out with another man when she died) and spoiled her rotten instead of giving her lots of love and support for her loss of her mother and showing her she was still important to them and teaching her right from wrong. So now she is just unruly and thinks she can say and do anything to anyone and not get into trouble due to her family and money. HJ also feels she has a right to choose the man she wants and be darn if that man does not want or like her that way. What she wants goes (only again she is going to get a lesson in no it does not!) 

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Thanks for providing us with the link to read the descriptions.

@Ldy Gmerm, @suchadiva42, @tinatrix236, @lclarakl, @ina111

I I read in another  translated descriptions that HJ's mother's affair was with a married man.  Here's a thought that came to me while reading the character descriptions. It probably will turn out that MR is GH's mother. What would really be a wild turn of  events is that HJ and GH are half siblings. It's been 23 years since SG's wife died and 24 years since MR gave her son away. That would send the twit straight out into traffic and throw herself in front of that big white truck. 

What made me think of this was from the writers other drama Daring Women. HJ's birth secret is not a secret to us. In Daring Women the child being adopted was no secret. The twist to the birth secret of the adoptive daughter of the lead  was the little girl was actually her sister in laws child. 



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Time will tell and is definitely at hand when HJ starts running off at the mouth to DB, while GH will be right there listening in on how deceitful, conniving, that crazy broad is and has been saying as well as doing a lot of things to DB out of jealousy. There's a saying what you do/done in the dark will come to the light and it doesn't matter how long it takes GH will no doubt see that shadowy figure of HJ and her schemes that she's been doing for awhile. Yes I also know she lost her mother but so did DB, so why go around trying to hurt someone else who's been traumatized almost all her life (but wait a minute) I'm talking about this crazy lunatic HJ who doesn't care about anyone as long as she gets what she wants. 

@Ldy Gmerm, chingu I also have to agree with u that I can't seem to find one thing I like about HJ not even down to her wearing nice clothes/outfits smh.

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@ina111, Thanks chingu for the descriptions of each character's as I read it ove again.

@awsparkle, chingu after reading HJ description u probably right that GH/HJ might be half siblings since you mentioned it. And as it stated that HJ Mother died in a car accident, but how about the man that was with her who died as well was actually GH father. When I seen GH having a nightmare about his mother holding his hand then letting go leaving GH alone, but maybe GH mother (MR) found out that her husband was having an affair before he died and took it out on GH by giving him up for an adoption. Just a thought!

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Hi everyone! I slept in this morning and just finished watching the episode. Wow....HJ needs a padded room immediately! She is acting as if GH is her husband when they have only been on one date. GH should be worried about this woman's mental state as she is certainly not normal. Why is it so hard for her to separate work from personal business? It will be disappointing if GH continues to tolerate this woman for more than 5 more episodes smh. As for the elevator incident, you can be sure that the twit is behind it. How convenient for her that DB gets stuck in an elevator just when she was due to deliver her dish. Scratch that.....how convenient is it for us that the OTP get stuck in an elevator together? What can i say...thank you for being a crazy, petty and jealous twit HJ. You just set the ball rolling!! :D


MR just made a very stupid mistake. By informing her husband about HD's supposed new man, she has only ensured that his thoughts will shift to HD. You see, everyday this woman reminds him about the family he left and the woman who took care of him. HD stood by him when he had nothing and when he got rich, he abandoned her. MR does not love him and isn't willing to do anything for him. Anything she does is to serve herself and ensure that the gravy train doesn't end. I keep wondering why she is still by his side and the only reason I can come up with is that she just wants to hurt HD and make her jealous(yeah right!). Her husband asked her to help scratch his back..something HD would have done without hesitation but MR only complained about her nails getting damaged. We can expect to see a jealous and possessive ex husband trying to stop her from seeing HJ's dad and of course MR trying to stop him from leaving her. Those two are a mess!


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1 hour ago, awsparkle said:


Thanks for providing us with the link to read the descriptions.

@Ldy Gmerm, @suchadiva42, @tinatrix236, @lclarakl, @ina111

I I read in another  translated descriptions that HJ's mother's affair was with a married man.  Here's a thought that came to me while reading the character descriptions. It probably will turn out that MR is GH's mother. What would really be a wild turn of  events is that HJ and GH are half siblings. It's been 23 years since SG's wife died and 24 years since MR gave her son away. That would send the twit straight out into traffic and throw herself in front of that big white truck. 

What made me think of this was from the writers other drama Daring Women. HJ's birth secret is not a secret to us. In Daring Women the child being adopted was no secret. The twist to the birth secret of the adoptive daughter of the lead  was the little girl was actually her sister in laws child. 




@awsparkle I would love that as a twist!  The timelines definitely match up. Do you happen to have a link or remember where you read this?

My understanding of the character descriptions was that MR was the one who lived with a married man. This is a sentence from her character description:

멀쩡한 유부남이 이혼남이라 속이고 그녀와 동거했던 남자가 그녀를 끝내 아이 둘 딸린 미혼모로 만들고 병으로 세상을 떠나버린 그날의 절망을 그녀는 뼈에 새기고 있다.

I understood that to mean that MR was fooled by a married man who said he was divorced, that they lived together and then he left, making her a single mother with two kids, and that he passed away due to illness. I'm not sure if this is correct. 

The only thing I remember about HJ's father is that he and HJ's mother dated before she married SG, that the two were in the car accident together and that they also died together. 

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@tinatrix236, Well chingu that delusional dizzy broad HJ didn't hide the simple fact that she said it right in DB face that her recipe won't be in the tasting contest. So in other words the conniving twit probably had someone to turn off the elevator switch, and end up getting GH stuck on it as well as to where it definitely wasn't a smart move on din wit part smh.

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