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[Daily Drama 2015/2016] Witch's Castle 마녀의 성


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I think GH will probably have much difficulty getting loose from HJ.  Right now she's flying high, thinks she got him right where she wants him. Hah! Fat chance! She really is delusional, no better word to describe her and her current mental state. Drives me crazy!  You can bet money on the fact that she'll totally FLIP OUT if and when GH dumps her and goes to DB!!!!  That HJ CANNOT HANDLE rejection, she's just going to make everyone's life miserable! 

Hopefully the real loveline will start moving along? Can't stand Sesil, I guess she's supposed to be the comic relief, but I only find her annoying right now.  Her scenes and her Dad with MR. Ugh!

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HJ will not want to let GH go when she realizes he is not that into her and that all that dating did nothing for him and he still does not like her the way she wants. He will have a hard time as this girl will pull out every dirty trick she can to hang on to him and force him to be with her. She will beg and plead and when that fails she will use tears and then when that fails as well she will do everything she can to force him until he ends up leaving or being forced to do it to protect someone (DB I bet) 

Once she realizes who he really likes she will really try anything to hold on to him even if he tells her it is not going to work. Once that fails she will then accuse him of leading her on and playing with her emotions when we know that is not true. After that she will delude herself into thinking that it is all DB's fault and that DB enticed him and made him look away from her. When we know GH never looked to HJ in the first place. But HJ will blame DB since she will not be able to face that another man just did not want her and that she is the problem as to why that is. 

She will go off the deep in and flip out just as we have all said she will since she can not handle rejection very well. 

This is why I said I thought this was a very bad idea along with the rest of you for GH to give this girl even a chance. We all knew she would not handle it well when he calls a halt and says it is not working for him. The funny thing is HJ keeps saying we can take it slow but she is the one that is moving a bit too fast in how familiar she is trying to be with GH. Her words and actions are contradictions. But then again she thinks she has him right where she wanted him and she will be very angry to see that is not true. 

Needless to say DB will get blamed by a whole bunch of people for taking this man when we all know that is not true. I looked to see dad, granny, MIL and others coming down on DB until they realize the truth about HJ. The one main thing they will all forget is GH has a mind of his own and he does not have to like her. But DB will get the blame because of HJ's lies to say she was chasing him and seducing him LOL.. 

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It'll be back to the drawing board for Halmoni of not liking GH especially when sees her precious granddaughter HJ in a Mental State more then she already is, due to being rejected by GH who really wasn't into her from the get go. But was just following orders from SG to get to know that delusional child, in which she also probably already has in her mind about going shopping for an engagement ring ( I wouldn't put anything pass this dizzy broad :rolleyes:) As Halmoni mentioned it to SG when he told her that GH has decided to give HJ a chance, First thing Halmoni said of them getting married and SG said no it's too soon for that. SG couldn't have said it any better then that because it's never gonna happen in this lifetime.

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From the written preview 30 as best I could make out.

DB uncovers the evil conduct that was done to her. SS seek HJ and request her help but HJ finds excuses. DB overhears the conversation and HJ lies it has nothing to do with her. 

It's GH's birthday and to celebrate HJ is committed to having a party with just the two of them. 

@Ldy Gmerm,

As you said the twit is moving to fast and wants to tie this man too her. . The problem for her is GH is moving to slow. He's not responding as he should be to her greatness and charms. Would not put it past this nut to setup a seduction in celebration of his birthday. If she does hopefully something will happen to nip that in the bud. 


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DB is a complete idiot and candy girl at the moment. Why? Because she is not going to rat out what SS did to her.DB is too much of a person who wants everyone to get along and she does not want to cause friction but the little idiot should realize all she is doing is allowing those people to be around to hurt her later. 

I hated the scene where HJ's dad gave GH a present and let out it was his birthday in front of HJ. GH did not like it either. Later GH is going to his office and HJ wants to have a party for him but he declines but she is going to do it anyway. You can see that GH has a slight cold and does not feel like going out but HJ is not going to take no for an answer. 

I think her dad should also stay out of HJ's dating life and leave that man alone. He should have nothing to do with trying to get a man to like her and want her. 

Now he has found out that HD is the driver perhaps and he can't say anything to her. She is going to feel very betrayed by him later when she finds out. 

Video for Episode 30:



What was the point in this?DB is very foolish in to want to have everyone get along when we know that it is not going to happen and her going to confront her accomplishes nothing for her as that girl is not going to change her nasty view.  She should have told on her that was the only way to make her stop being that way. Because she did not this girl can talk to her that way angry that DB has a chance and is better than her. DB forgets that if  SS did that to the flame to get her thrown out then it stands to reason her friend is correct and she gave her something to make her stomach sick so that she could not show up to help DB. Hello the who reason she went to look at the CCTV in the first place was to try to make her friend see it could be wrong and not distrust co-workers only her friend was correct. She needs to remember it could have been anyone that could have taken that station or been checking it and could have been burned by how high that fire went. Trying to keep the peace is going to get her fired again. 

GH gets a delivery of the books and of course HJ asks about them and sees the title of one and asks GH but he does not really respond and we can see her wondering about those books. GH goes into his office where DB is waiting and says something and hands over the books to her. I find it funny he goes in to give them to GH and then HJ comes in and sees the books and has the nerve to stop DB and asks about them until GH tells DB to go out and then she has the nerve to call out to GH like she is hurt and he gave a woman a diamond ring or something. (This man has told her to keep to business at work. HJ is over stepping her boundaries again.) Questioning what GH is doing is not helping HJ at all not that he wanted to in the first place. 

HJ again thinks she really has a right to say anything about what GH does. Again moving too fast and not listening to what GH says or his actions. GH shuts her down and had it not been for a call from SS she would have still tried to talk about why he did that and how could he help DB. (Her blatant disrespect over the fact that DB has a real fear of fire for a legitimate reason is also a turn off too for GH. )

SS going to HJ means nothing because HJ will cover her a** first if it means that girl goes down. SS was foolish to do HJ's dirty work and should have known that would happen. It serves that girl right to find that out. 

DB again is foolish to even go busting up in HJ's office to asks her what is it about. And SS giving her hateful looks is her own fault for listening to and doing HJ's dirty work. Why is she asking HJ about it as DB knows HJ hates her. So very foolish and I would never trust anyone who has said the things HJ has or is picking on me the way HJ is at work. 

HJ later comes out to send DB off to do some busy work at the warehouse I think. This girl is so petty. We have a long way to do before others see her as she really is. Crazy, petty, selfish, spoiled, bratty, and jealous.

DB is taking GH home from the warehouse as he does not feel well and we can see HJ is trying to call him but she can't reach him after planning some intimate affair for his birthday after he told her he did not want it. The man had a cold earlier but again HJ did not listen and did what she wanted so that means she will be angry when she can't reach him. DB puts her scarf around GH to keep him warm as he seems to be really uncomfy and cold as she drives him home. (Where is his coat?)

Again GH called and told her he can't make it and was perhaps working but HJ had the nerve to ask her father about what he could be doing possibly (your dad will not know all that GH does in the course of his day!)but HJ  still went to the restaurant and is waiting with her cake and mess and keeps calling GH after he told her he could not make it (this girl is what I call crazy dense). DB is nervous as she drives him home or to the hospital one. Does DB not drive well ?


So it seems that Homewrecker wife sees HD meet with HJ's dad and has something to say to herself about HD meeting a man.(I guess she does not know what the CEO looks like of the company that her hubby is trying to get in good with.)  She makes sure to mention it to ex hubby about HD meeting another man (as the idiot thinks he is seeing HD. Like HD would want to see that cheater again after all he did to her.) HJ comes in to give DB a hard time at the office calling her into her office to ask her things and DB replies. DB decides not to sit with GH or really talk to him after HJ prolly tried to stake claim on him. WE have comic relief from HD's other daughter and the trainer. Either GH goes home and sees DB's scarf around his neck and wonders about it. The next day DB is talking to him prolly about how does he feel and we see her perhaps tell him about all the calls maybe to his phone as she holds the return scarf and looks at the phone and GH asks about it prolly out of it from being sick and the med and of course HJ bust in at that point mad that he did not show or answer her calls last night and over hears it which sets her off. 

Video credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

It serves HJ right since GH told her not to do a party or plan anything for him. Again she did not pay attention to anything the man said or his actions. Also why would someone want to go out if they were perhaps not feeling well even if he said he was fine. Again would you want HJ to take care of you? HECK NO! I would have said I was fine too as HJ would have been trying to show up at his house wanting to play nurse maid or been all over him buying him meds or getting him hot drinks. (The girl is so creepy) HJ is so desperate in her actions to him (or any man that shows her a bit of kindness or friendship) that all she is doing is being a nuisance to GH. Clinging to him and assuming she has the right to question anything he does is only hurting herself. Next will be even more tantrums that she will take out on DB as she sees she is the one in the way when it GH who does not want her. 

*Crazy Dense- A person or persons who deliberately refuse to see the true meaning or actions of a person because they either a. are in love with them one sided or b. are so jealous and ate up over the fact they can't have the person or object of their obsession that they refuse to want to see the reality of the situation or realize that they will never have the person they want. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, Thanks chingu for the recaps/videos as well as the hard work I deeply appreciated.

@awsparkle, Thanks chingu for the Written Preview as u made it possible for me to understand what will happen in episode 30 I appreciate your effort as well.

We said that wench HJ can't seem to take no for an answer. Now GH told that twit it wasn't no need to give him a party but still took it upon herself to do so, somebody like that delusional broad don't need no man in her life. Hell u see where I think she was asking GH about those books, and when she seen them in DB hand that din wit was totally upset and probably went on to question GH of why he brought them for DB. I can tell u right now GH/HJ so called relationship isn't going to last with that spoiled brat clinging to his side, but wait until she gets a load that DB was indeed GH chauffeur the night he wasn't feeling well. That's when we'll all see those inner demons/split personalities start coming out of that self centered chic.

Yes I have to agree with @Ldy Gmerm, that HD is going to be upset with SG for lying about his lifestyle and probably end up quitting her job being Halmoni's chauffeur. 

The next episode looks intense surrounding GH/DB/HJ and to a fact that I think she figured out that GH/DB was together on his Birthday. I'm so loving this drama so far and I'm also waiting to see when will that insane grit HJ start loosing contol of reality.

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I don't think this dating is going to last long as well between GH and HJ. HJ is going to flip her lid either at finding out that DB was with GH the night of his birthday even if it was innocent and because he was sick and say something to GH who will then tell her she has no right to question who he was with or anything and break it off. Or she will take it out on DB (well we know she will do this anyway) and keep her comments to GH to herself. Either way if she does not spaz out from this incident it is only a matter of time before she does over something else and GH calls a halt to the dating letting her know that she does not own him and dating does not mean anything more then just that.

Her being to clingy and possessive and obsessive over him questioning his decisions in and out of the office are going to set GH off to tell her that he is done. Being to inquisitive about his personal life and time will also do it. Then we have her attitude and behavior towards DB as well as she is just too petty and can't keep personal issues out of the office. 

As I said above HJ is crazy dense and she ill never see the truth of the situation because she is too busy going along with the make believe scenario in her head that has no bases in reality at all. To Her GH must want her too since he said to date and to her they are moving towards more (when he has said to take it slow) and to her he is her man and she can question and say anything to him. As we have seen GH said lets try and that is all he has really said. He is not making any in roads to go faster then the pace they are. But HJ continues to be the one to constantly wants to go past the speed bumps and when she gets the brakes put on her by GH says right we have plenty of time we can take things slow. Knowing she wants to try to speed things up to seal the deal and have him as her man for good. LOL, only problem is I see GH biding his time or waiting on this twit to make the wrong move (and she will) giving him a reason to call it quits and no one should be able to say anything. (although we know her father SG, HJ and her Halmoni will all want him to give this girl another chance.) 

As for SG I am not sure why he is so hesitant to tell HD the truth except she has the misconception that he is not wealthy I think. When ever he tried to let her know something and correct her assumptions she jump to her own conclusions and he lost the chance. It is only a matter of time before he is outed at either being scene coming out of the house (I take he she is not aware he is HJ's father on paper either) or someone outs who he is to her shocking her. AT that point she will be very hurt and angry that he kept the truth from her. 

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I forgot to mention/add as you @Ldy Gmerm , pointed out that SG really does need to stay out of GH well beings and let him decide who he should be with. I can see it from miles away that it's going to be a serious problem when GH kick HJ to the curb. SG and Halmoni will have some harsh words for GH, but I'm hoping by that time he'll stand the hell up and tell them to kiss where the sun don't shine and leave that company behind as well as that crazy, lunatic, delusional, twit HJ who needs to look that word (NO) up and find out what it really stands for and means :rolleyes:

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SG is going to have a major problem when GH calls a halt to the dating because HJ will go running to everyone crying and carrying on like her world is at an end and she could threaten to harm herself or move out again. These people would want GH to sacrifice himself for that crazy manipulative twit and will be angry if he says no. Then they will want to take it out on him for not liking this twit.

It is wrong of them to keep coming to him as he is not responsible for HJ's emotional well being and if she can't take rejection or that two people are not meant to be then GH is not responsible for that. But we have all seen that no one tries to make this girl see reality and to respect that GH may not care for her. GH is not the only man in the darn city. Match her with someone and let him be nice to her maybe she will turn away (I doubt it because her obsession has taken root just like with JY) and GH can move on although I am not betting on it. 

Like you I hope GH tells them to go take a hike and leaves the company too rather then deal with them trying to force a personal relationship with HJ all because she wants it. 

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@Ldy Gmerm,

Your recaps always help a lot thanks


The twit doesn't even know what reality is to even lose it. As @tinatrix236 said the girl lives in a bubble and no one is in it but her. Even with trying to have a relationship with GH she's the only one in it. GH is just along for the ride and hopefully will jump out soon. What she did by going on with that party when he said no the girl just proved to GH once again she's a total fake. The man wasn't feeling well and she didn't even notice. The one thing GH will remember from his birthday is who took care of him and made sure he got home safe.  That small jester of DB putting that scarf on him is what he will remember.. HJ going against his wishes will be another strike for her because she showed no considerate for what he wanted.

When she's dumped and going crazy SG can't blame no one but himself. He took advantage of GH's respect and regard for him and used it to get his daughter what she wanted.  The man said he wasn't interested and he should have left it alone. He pushed GH to HJ and didn't respect GH's choice of not wanting to get involved with her. GH did it out of respect for him and nothing changed because GH will be more not interested. 

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@Ldy Gmerm Thank you for the recap.

I'm calling it now....crazy witch will slap DB in front of GH and will be shocked when GH sides with DB. It will be one more reason added to an already long list of reasons why he never fell for her in the first place and never considered her as an ideal partner even though her father basically forced him into this situation. I absolutely loved watching the twit wait for him and couldn't help laughing at her sitting there with that cake in front of her. If we thought the twit was nasty, well we need to brace ourselves for what's coming because she will get worse after the next episode. Of course, we can expect her to assume that DB seduced GH and is once again trying to steal her man smh.

At the end of the preview, did DB tell GH that she took him home, letting him know that it wasn't her first time at his place? I haven't watched the episodes subbed yet but did the twit give GH the impression that she was the one who took him home when he was drunk or does he still think that she did and never asked? Either way, the twit definitely heard what DB said about helping him while he was ill and she will be out to make her pay. 

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@suchadiva42, @Ldy Gmerm, @auntyem, @awsparkle, I loved reading your comments after watching today's episode. It is very obvious that HJ will not let GH go easily. She is too nosy in his business already and they are just trying to get to know each other--not officially dating. He purchased some books for DB to helper overcome her trauma (I think), when DB is leaving GH's office with the books, HJ stops her as if she has a right and questions GH about giving the books to DB.  Also, the way she kept calling his phone for him to meet her with her "surprise" 2-people party, made her appear overly possessive. 

@Ldy Gmerm, I agree that DB is a complete idiot and candy girl at the moment, by keeping SS' action a secret. Although SS' actions were to show that DB was afraid of fire, she could have caused physical harm to DB's friend by putting the laxatives in her drink.

I can't wait to watch this episode with subs. I have to say that GH kept his cool even though they were drinking on the job.  In most companies that's a no, no. ...LOL.  You can also see him softening towards DB, smiling at her actions. Yes, HJ is going to go crazy. Her evil actions are just beginning.

@tinatrix236, LOL!!!  Yes I can see HJ slapping DB or trying to and being caught by GH. In regards to the preview, I was wondering the same thing. Loving this drama.

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 @awsparkle, @suchadiva42, @lclarakl


It is going to serve HJ right to get caught in her lie of taking him home safely before. I can see GH asking how DB would know where her lives and DB in he innocence (not knowing that HJ has lied in the past and took credit for something DB did out of kindness.) will tell him because she took him home once before and that is how she knows where he lives. GH being as stoic as he normally is will not say much but he will again be thinking about how shady and just underhanded HJ is in her lies. 

HJ of course will be the one who will want to talk about it I bet if GH finds out the truth and she will make excuses as to why she lied. All of them will be centered around because she likes him so much etc.. crazy witch. Not seeing that the fact she had to lie about something so minor and take credit for someone else kind gesture shows she is a selfish and awful person. It also proves once again this girl has no clue how to do anything even related to selfless for another person. 

I look forward to HJ finding out where GH was or not on his birthday. That man does not want to go around with her everyday and he did not want to celebrate the birthday with her. Had she listened to him she would not have been sitting there looking foolish. But then again it was her own fault because he told her no in the first place and then again sent her a text or all to say he could not make it. Why go ahead with something or still go to the restaurant. She wanted to try to force him to come and I bet it was near a hotel or something and try to get him alone after he has been pushing her away for the last few dates. Only that plan failed.. (LMAO)  As if he wanted her wrapped in a bow as his present (:crazy::vicx::sweatingbullets::tears::fearful:) I would have called security since someone obviously delivered  a present to the wrong location and it looks like a dud. 

As for DB and her naivety will not learn her lesson about giving people passes who are trying to ruin her chances for happiness and success until something else happens and someone gets hurt and still she will not want to believe that they want to do her harm. (SMH) DB wants to keep the peace and not have conflict at work but if others come at her she should be defending and protecting herself and her right to work there. 

I look forward to the slap from HJ because perhaps it will wake up DB to realize that HJ will do anything to hurt her and get her out the way. Mostly I want HJ busted by GH so he can use it to break it off with her. 

As for SG again as a father he should stay out of HJ's personal affairs as he did a disservice and used the respect that GH had for him just like you guys mentioned to get him to date his daughter which is wrong. 

I see him having a hard time later with his budding romance with HD and HJ will definitely be in the middle trying to stop it. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, @lclarakl, @tinatrix236

I also agree DB is a idiot and a naive one at that. The way her mother in law acted about her son she should know there are nasty hateful people in the world. She sees the world through rose colored glasses and everybody is not good and nice like because she is. Well she's going to have to find out the hard way when she's knocked down a couple of times by HJ. 

Another thing is DB does not think or is her memory blocked.  She saw YJ having that argument with HJ on the day of their wedding. I'm wondering if she even over heard it. Still she hasn't put the pieces together that she knows this woman and something was wrong that day. Then we have GH who knows all the pieces involving the two. HJ's whole attitude with DB is so obvious. He also knows HJ can't separate business from personal matters so some alarms should be going off in his head. 

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@awsparkle, @Ldy Gmerm, @lclarakl, @ina111, @tinatrix236, @thegoldbug, @rikimaiu, @auntyem, @ObsessiveCompulsive, @thunderman1, @Anne41, Listen chingu's I know that delusional HJ and have seen her previous work on The Tale Of Two Sister Drama where she was so nutty that she actually flew over the cuckoo's nest, and also loved the ending of that drama where her character ended up dying after being run over by a car (but guess what) I was the damn driver :D I killed that delusional twit and hoping I succeed in this drama as well :P

Yes I also see HJ taking the credit in which she doesn't deserve when GH was drunk that night at the bar, fell outside and being helped by DB who happens to have proof in her phone as she took a picture of GH lying there on the ground, as DB was saying it would be a reduction off for breaking his watch but then decided to escorted GH home. So that's bound to come out along with his dream about his mother in his office that it was DB who put his coat around him and held his hand. 

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2 hours ago, awsparkle said:

@Ldy Gmerm, @lclarakl, @tinatrix236

I also agree DB is a idiot and a naive one at that. The way her mother in law acted about her son she should know there are nasty hateful people in the world. She sees the world through rose colored glasses and everybody is not good and nice like because she is. Well she's going to have to find out the hard way when she's knocked down a couple of times by HJ. 

Another thing is DB does not think or is her memory blocked.  She saw YJ having that argument with HJ on the day of their wedding. I'm wondering if she even over heard it. Still she hasn't put the pieces together that she knows this woman and something was wrong that day. Then we have GH who knows all the pieces involving the two. HJ's whole attitude with DB is so obvious. He also knows HJ can't separate business from personal matters so some alarms should be going off in his head. 

Chingu, let me help you here. No DB doesn't think and even if she does remember the events of that day, all she'll do is shake her head and say "Aniya aniya...it can't be possible(sigh..it drives me nuts when character do that)". How and why isn't it possible?! The villains have slapped her, screamed at her, sabotaged her career and still she won't do a thing about it and just move on smh. GH will soon put the pieces together because the twit will do or say something that triggers his memories.  GH and possibly HD will end up saving and protecting DB's interests. Goodness, HD already had to help get her job back by speaking to GH while DB just gave up and was moving on.

After the next episode's events, HJ will have no other choice but to ask her minion to help her once again. She needs someone who works closely with DB in order to bring her down. I just hope that DB has learned from past experience and reports any incidences especially if caught on CCTV without mentioning her findings to the villains first.*sigh*.

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OMG!!!! I can't believe that Soon Shim hasn't been fired! And that GH didn't check out the CCTV tapes with DB...,hello, he should know that DB is not the type to "out" anybody! But of course, that was the writer's call....just to add to the drama of what's going on.  Lately I haven't been so enthused about watching these kdramas, cuz I'm so tired of watching the female leads portrayed as "candy girls" and how they're always being victimized by the female antagonists in the story.  Let's get DB feeling empowered and watch her kick some butt!!! I would TOTALLY want to see her doing that!  But of course that's not going to happen....now I'm being delusional! Lol

However, it's such a pleasure watching HJ being disappointed. The girl brings all her drama onto herself......all her scheming and manipulation, she's so shameless! So happy to see her NOT get her way, especially where GH is concerned.  It's so obvious that he is seeing DB as a woman more than HJ! Yes, yes, yes!!!  

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28 minutes ago, auntyem said:

OMG!!!! I can't believe that Soon Shim hasn't been fired! And that GH didn't check out the CCTV tapes with DB...,hello, he should know that DB is not the type to "out" anybody! But of course, that was the writer's call....just to add to the drama of what's going on.  Lately I haven't been so enthused about watching these kdramas, cuz I'm so tired of watching the female leads portrayed as "candy girls" and how they're always being victimized by the female antagonists in the story.  Let's get DB feeling empowered and watch her kick some butt!!! I would TOTALLY want to see her doing that!  But of course that's not going to happen....now I'm being delusional! Lol

However, it's such a pleasure watching HJ being disappointed. The girl brings all her drama onto herself......all her scheming and manipulation, she's so shameless! So happy to see her NOT get her way, especially where GH is concerned.  It's so obvious that he is seeing DB as a woman more than HJ! Yes, yes, yes!!!  


@auntyem, I was surprised that GH didn't check the video. Usually if there is any type of investigation, management usually views the video first, not the employees.  Any hoo, I hope the writer does make DB a little more empowered. Her confused expression is wearing on me. I will say though that I did like the change of scenario at the warehouse.

Side note: I thought the office that HJ is occupying was GH's office?

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4 hours ago, suchadiva42 said:

@awsparkle, @Ldy Gmerm, @lclarakl, @ina111, @tinatrix236, @thegoldbug, @rikimaiu, @auntyem, @ObsessiveCompulsive, @thunderman1, @Anne41, Listen chingu's I know that delusional HJ and have seen her previous work on The Tale Of Two Sister Drama where she was so nutty that she actually flew over the cuckoo's nest, and also loved the ending of that drama where her character ended up dying after being run over by a car (but guess what) I was the damn driver :D I killed that delusional twit and hoping I succeed in this drama as well :P


@suchadiva42 OMG chingu, this made me rofl. Good luck and let us know if you need help! B)

@tinatrix236, @Ldy Gmerm From what I remember, HJ didn't say anything about bringing GH home when he was drunk. She thought that GH had made it home on his own that night. I think the misunderstanding was all GH's doing. He knew that a woman brought him home and that HJ was the last person he called, so he drew the most obvious conclusion. I hope that DB enlightens him in the next episode. I'd love it if she showed him the photo too. :)

I think that while ranting at DB today HJ called herself the division director's (GH's) fiance. What a nutter. Did she forget that not that long ago DB saw her asking GH to date her and GH walking away? I'd be beyond embarrassed if I were her. 

In this episode HJ found out where GH was because he told her in the text message that he is in Daejeon and that they should move back their meeting time by an hour. SG confirmed that for HJ, saying that he sent GH to the distribution warehouse there because of some problem. I loved HJ's reaction, "Why did you send him to Daejeon of all places?" - that's the very place she sent DB earlier in the day. :D Thanks HJ!

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