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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] 传奇大亨 | The Legendary Tycoon


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15 Nov 2015: Han # #legendary tycoon 's drama "Legend Tycoon" Gu Yan plays pieces of @ Han said: "This is my first appeared in the role of such a large age span, from 18 to 60 years, this role for me is also a turning point, people can feel the real sense of presence. "The play will be the history of a generation growing media mogul show gorgeous epitome of an era, and with good benefits, Joe Chen, Song Yi, and many other large coffee, such high color value line-up, you can expect? ~translated google



credit Weibo Zhang Han official fan club

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[News]02.12.15 ~by google translation~

《传奇大亨》横店热拍 揭秘张翰钉子户历程
["Legend Tycoon" Hengdian hot shot & nbsp; Han householders Secret History]

  网易娱乐12月2日报道 由华策影视出品,张翰、具惠善、宋轶等主演的年度超级IP大剧《传奇大亨》目前正在横店紧锣密鼓拍摄中。该剧自初秋在横店开机后,如今正经历横店一年中最冷的季节。而对于今年酷暑和寒冬都在横店度过的张翰来说,可谓2015最强钉子户,承包了横店的春夏秋冬。
  [Netease Entertainment on December 2 reported  by the Huace produced, Zhang Han, with good benefits, Song Yi and other stars of the annual super IP big drama "Legend Tycoon" is currently filming in Hengdian in full swing. Since the autumn drama in Hengdian boot, now we are going through Hengdian coldest season. For this year, both summer and winter spent in Hengdian Han, the 2015 can be described as the strongest nail households, contracted Hengdian seasons.]


张翰片约不断戏赶戏     承包横店四季
[Han drama about constantly play catch      seasons Hengdian contract]

  2015年可谓是张翰的成长年、丰收年,无论是大银幕还是小荧屏,皆收获了高人气和好口碑。 从接演《女汉子之真爱公式》开始,便启动开挂模式。一口气完成《锦衣夜行》《三体》的拍摄,如今正首次挑战年代戏,演绎一代传媒大亨的传奇人生。从电视剧到电影,从现代戏到古装戏,从霸气“草根”锦衣卫夏浔到民国先生顾延枚,演绎角色穿越变换,张翰却在横店一扎根就是大半年,看遍“大横国”四季风景。对此,张翰自己时常打趣说道“我都成半个横店人了”。枯燥的剧组生活对演员的耐力是极大的挑战,而张翰常常一呆就是数月,故常有粉丝称张翰为“横店钉子户”。据工作人员透露,到目前为止,张翰的假期加起来都不过2周,剧组无休性质的拍摄工作,同时还要配合作品全国各地的路演宣传,其中的艰辛很难被外人所体会。
  [2015 can be described as Han's growth, the harvest year, both the big screen or small screen, are the harvest of high popularity and good reputation. From then play "formula female man's love" began, they start hanging open mode. Complete breath "silk Night" shoot "three-body" the challenge now is for the first time age drama, interpretation generation media tycoon legendary life. From TV shows to movies, from modern drama to costume drama, from domineering "grassroots" Guard Xia Xun to Mr. Republican Gu Yan medals, deductive role through the transformation, Han was in Hengdian a grounded most of the year, looking around "a large cross-country" four seasons. In this regard, Han himself often jokingly said, "I have become half Hengdian people." Boring life cast of actor's endurance is a great challenge, but Han often stay for several months, it is often called Han fans as "Hengdian nail house." According to staff revealed that so far, all add up to the holiday, but Han's two weeks, the filming crew round nature, but also with the roadshow to promote its work across the country, which is difficult to be keenly aware of the hardships outsiders.]


多部佳作赚足正能量     张翰《传奇大亨》接班再蓄
[Masterpiece pocketed more than positive energy      Han "Legend Tycoon" succession Recharge]

  [September this year, Han with "Shanshan coming" and in one fell swoop gains high popularity tenth Seoul International Television Festival Asia Star Performer Award, and recently with "The Four" won the festival's most East Asian influence Welcome to the Mainland actor award, indeed he pocketed the positive energy. Today is hot shot "Legend Tycoon" is popular attention and expectations. Han interpretation of the media tycoon in the play, from scratch, in the rolling war generation film achievements dominance, which reflects the gorgeous epitome of an era. Han admitted that this is a challenging role, will often directed against the script and discuss details. Even the film crew staff also said that Han is an actor on the show demanding excellence, very own ideas]

source; http://www.weibo.com/p/230418686209c70102we7n?from=page_100206_profile&wvr=6&mod=wenzhangmod

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On 07/12/2015 at 2:18 PM, gayu312 said:

Some interview of Zhang Hans where he talks about TLT and his co-star Koo..




Credits : hey! Sun@twitter


[Han "Legend Tycoon" encounter Han "lady" to further cooperation Korean actress]

 [摘要]《传奇大亨》是张翰与韩国女星具惠善的首次合作,两人强强联合,演绎高颜值民国CP。张翰直言和具惠善搭档很有默契,称赞对方是一位敬业有才华的女演员。 [ Abstract ] "Legend Tycoon" is the Han and Korean actress Ku Hye Sun's first collaboration, the two powerful alliances, the interpretation of high color values of the Republic CP. Han bluntly and with good benefits partner is very understanding, praise each other is a dedicated and talented actress.


腾讯娱乐讯 近日,由华策影视出品,张翰、具惠善、宋轶等主演的2015年度IP大剧《传奇大亨》正在横店紧张拍摄中。该剧是张翰与韩国女星具惠善的首次合作,两人强强联合,演绎高颜值民国CP。张翰直言和具惠善搭档很有默契,称赞对方是一位敬业有才华的女演员。[ LOS ANGELES Recently, the Huace produced, Zhang Han, with good benefits ,Song Yi and other stars of the 2015 annual large IP drama "Legend Tycoon" is being shot in Hengdian nervous. The play is with South Korean actress Han Hye Sun's first collaboration with the two powerful alliances, high color value interpretation Republic CP. Han bluntly and with good benefits partner is very understanding, praise each other is a dedicated and talented actress. ]

电视剧《传奇大亨》作为2015年备受瞩目的年代大戏,自开机以来就吸引多方关注。此次张翰在剧中独挑大梁,演绎一代传媒大亨跌宕起伏的传奇历程。除人物年龄跨度之大,将从青春年少演到白发苍苍以外。穿插于大时代背景与人物命运间的情感纠葛也是该剧的一大看点。特别是张翰饰演的顾延枚与具惠善饰演的胡碧玉才子遇佳人的感情走向也成为观众关注的焦点所在。[ TV drama "Legend Tycoon" as 2015's highly anticipated drama, since the power to attract much attention. The Han-alone play the leading role in the play, the interpretation of a generation media tycoon legendary history of ups and downs. In addition to people age span large, it will be too young to play outside the white-haired. Interspersed in the background and a large emotional entanglements between the fate of the characters also play a major part. Especially Gu Yan Han played pieces and played with good benefits胡碧玉wit encounter beauty feelings toward the audience has become the focus of attention lies.]

值得一提的是,《传奇大亨》此次汇集了张翰和具惠善中韩两位人气偶像,是今年张翰继《锦衣夜行》与朴敏英搭档后再度合作韩国高人气女艺人,故有粉丝调侃称张翰为“韩国妹纸收割机”。谈到和具惠善的合作,张翰表示,尽管语言上存在着差异,但是并没有影响彼此的沟通,称对方是一个非常随和和专业的女演员,对具惠善大加赞赏。而两人在片场对戏时也发生了不少趣闻,私下里张翰也会学用韩语与对方交流,配合越来越有默契。[ It is worth mentioning is that the "legendary tycoon" This brings together the Han and with good benefits and South Korea two popular idol is Zhang Han following the "silk Night" and this year's Pu Minying cooperation partner again after the high popularity of Korean female artist, so there are fans ridicule Han called the "Korean sister paper harvester." It comes with good benefits and cooperation, Han said that although there are differences of language, but does not affect communication with each other, call each other is a very easy-going and professional actress, with good benefits for much appreciated. The two men in the studio of the play has also undergone a lot of anecdotes, privately Han will learn to communicate with each other in Korean, with more and more understanding. ]

据了解,张翰在《传奇大亨》中的戏份将在12月中下旬杀青。作为此次突破性出演的年代大剧,能否给观众带来不一样的感觉,非常值得期待。[ It is understood that Zhang Han in "Legend tycoon" in the scenes will crank up in 12 months late.  As the era of the big breakthrough starred in drama, it can give the audience a different feeling, well worth the wait ]


Translation credit khs7 at GHS soompi


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[INFO]08.12.15 "The LegendaryTycoon" filming location will moves from Hengdian to Shanghai in mid-December


Wai Shin "Legendary tycoon" moved to Shanghai Television Paradise Shek Library door shooting
Ku Hye Sun "The legendary tycoon" moving Shanghai film and television paradise Shikumen shooting

This week the television disneylands filming: Movie (a) Aaron, Zhao Li Ying, Zhang-Hon, MR YAM TAT-wah, processing, smoking; movie (smiled. Very Qingcheng) Envoy: No China, Wells Park Natural, South door smoking processing; movie (Spy. ) holes yòu, han chi mín yan filming road; TV Series (two generations of gutters) old street, taking filming a TV series; the legendary tycoon) Zhang-Hon, wai shin shek library door shooting; TV Series (daughter red) Mr power can be processed.

Source http://www.shfilmpark.com/index.aspx

shared & translated by Renajaney

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone :P @macaronsandsakuratea @Ldy Gmerm As of now, there is no firm schedule or broadcasting info. From cnews reports, the filming has completed and wrapped up in early/mid Jan 2016. I believe the post-production work is in process and shouldn't be long before we hear of more.

M/w, here's info pertaining to Goo Hye Sun and Zhang Han...

QQ.com News: 'The Legendary Tycoon' - 3 Women 3 Fateful Relationships. Zhang Han Bears It All.

Highlight of article:
This is the first time Zhang Han is partnering korean multi-talented actress Goo Hye Sun. Goo Hye Sun portrays Hu Bi Yu, a warm, loving and moving woman, also smart and understanding, who is the one true love of The Legendary Tycoon. Together with Zhang Han, a love story between a beauty and a talented man will unfold.

三个女人三段姻缘 张翰《传奇大亨》一概承包_娱乐_腾讯网


CR: http://ent.qq.com/a/20151218/042294.htm


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Chingu! I've only just realised that you started this forum, xiexie! I'm so excited for TLT for besides it stars my bias, Ku Hye Sun, TLT would be my first Chinese drama. On a different note, I've just read your analysis on the other forum that I'll be upvoting in a minute. How keen and comprehensive! Kommawo again. See you around!

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18 hours ago, macaronsandsakuratea said:


Chingu! I've only just realised that you started this forum, xiexie! I'm so excited for TLT for besides it stars my bias, Ku Hye Sun, TLT would be my first Chinese drama. On a different note, I've just read your analysis on the other forum that I'll be upvoting in a minute. How keen and comprehensive! Kommawo again. See you around!

@macaronsandsakuratea Oh? your first cdrama? there are actually quite a few good ones on offer :) TBH,  uri princess and the plot theme are the only two factors that drew me to even want to watch it. Bias for uri princess aside, I'm not too excited about the other cast, least of all ZH who'll portray the subject tycoon. I hope ZH will surprise me/us, and that his pairing with uri princess will bring out the best that this special legendary tycoon deserved to be remembered by. *cross our fingers*

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Apologies!; I should qualify then, chingu – TLT is the first C-drama that I’m certain I’d be seeing until the end because of uri princess. I’m a fan of historical dramas and as one who has special interest in or is a lifelong student of imperial Chinese history, I’m drawn to dramas like The Virtuous Queen of Han and The Empress of China, but after a couple of episodes I dropped them because I’m both enervated and intimidated by their extreme longishness. In fact, I’m tempted at present to watch The Imperial Doctress.

Back to TLT, wow, chingu. Do you possess some telepathic power or something? Because I’ve been meaning to ask you every time I chance upon you on the IHAL thread as to what kind of actor Hans Zhang is. The reason for my apprehension was his aura during the PC for TLT---he somewhat looked discomfited or unhappy. Anyway, as you say, let’s cross our fingers, chingu. Again, thanks so much for the info and it’s really a pleasure to have come across you in Soompi world. Cheerio!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Legendary Tycoon has wrapped up filming on 010716. They've filmed from 2015 09 18—2016 01 07. Still no idea when it will air, but here are some pics...

Wrap-up Party...


Wordings on cake:

Congratulate 'TLT' For Beautiful Completion of Filming 2015-9-18 - 2016-01-07




Some spoilers from ending and BTS...not in chrono order...culled from weibo :) 














CR: As tagged

@macaronsandsakuratea hey chingu...sorry for the late reply. Or did I already respond in IHAL? :crazy: I thought The Empress of China was a very good prodn! The canto/HKG version is good too, though watching the original chinese version would be best. Anyway, if you can make time, you do need to watch The Imperial Doctress. I highly recommend it :P The best scene for me thus far...  Warm Scene In The Blizzard ... http://weibo.com/p/23044469e305d0e06a82c1124650713834aed7 (cr: Wallace Huo weibo)

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Chingu, I'm still feeling woozy as I'm typing this---so elated by the great news that my AhnGoo ship has finally sailed. :w00t: Kidding aside, guess what, I have started watching The Imperial Doctress to quell my IHAL withdrawal symptoms and I kept seeing Kim Hyun-joo in Liu Shi Shi. l thought it was a nasty case of IHAL withdrawal, but a fellow Soompier told me that they both indeed have some semblance with each other along with Son Ye-jin. Thanks again for the recommendation and thanks to you, too bec. I checked its viki site and saw you as one TID's editor. I'm in love with it. I'm currently on ep. 18. Back to TLT, thanks for sharing these additional pictures. I really can't wait to watch uri princess on the small screen. Cheerio. :)

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