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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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Fell asleep waiting for the Ep13 english subs to come out last night, and am just now getting to watch the episode this morning.  :tears:

Did anyone else notice during that brief scene while SooHyun and HaeYoung were talking after JaeHan's memorial service, the camera cut to KBJ?!  I thought it was kind of ominous foreshadowing to have SooHyun narrating about what a weasel KBJ is rumored to be as his car pulls up to the building where I presume JaeHan's father is still presiding over the service.  Who knows, nothing may come of it, but it pinged my radar. 

And as saddening as this episode was, what with absolutely no one attending JaeHan's funeral, it was kind of lovely to see that the Cold Case team really does believe in their profiler, unlike the rest of the detectives.  I was worried that the fight to get HaeYoung off the hook as a suspect was just going to be HaeYoung and SooHyun. 

And now back to rewatching!! B)

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5 hours ago, Tinkiebell said:


Good question. I haven't watched the latest episode, so I don't know if there's a new information that proves otherwise, but the reason PHY became a cop is mainly because of what happened to his brother in the Injoo case. If they managed to sort out the wrongs of that case in the "past", would he still be who he is now in the present? 


I doubt it... most of what seems to drive HaeYoung is a need for justice/revenge and an angry streak a mile wide.  If his hyung was alive and well, I'm thinking that all that brainpower and inquisitive nature would be channeled toward something else.  A doctor? A scientist of some sort, who knows.

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2 hours ago, kaqueski said:

Be prepared for big elevations in episode 14.... totally insane...

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Sunwoo did not commit suicide, he was killed.

PHY told LJH to protect his hyung... so LJH runs out with a wound in his stomach.

CSH learned about walkie talkie for real now...

And the past will be changed for sure now. Next week is the final week :dissapointed_relieved:


Yeah i have doubt he did that, after watched his scene with the girl who wanted to jump at the school roof

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4 hours ago, liddi said:

I was absolutely prepared for this episode.

How could I not be, having already known what was coming, and had the time to prepare myself mentally for it a week in advance. Yet I was so wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for what unfolded, as I sobbed along with LJH's father as he mourned the son who finally came home, while thanking them for bringing him home to him. The devastation as we canvas the funeral parlour to see the lonely figure of LJH's father and realise that not a single person came. CSH describing how terribly she missed him, wished for him to walk through the door once more and call her name, even when she knew deep inside that he was dead. Finding out that while she regretted not having a photo of them together, he had, even before that, secretly kept their photo from the police magazine... and in doing so, given her what she so desperately wanted.

Then came the realisation that there was so much more to what meets the eye. That LJH put two and two together and figured out who PHY was, and his interest in the Injoo case. Watching over the shattered, lonely boy from afar... quietly providing what little comfort he could in the form of omurice in a pork rind place. His kindness finding an unlikely, equally gruff successor, as the proprietor continued to provide for the boy, long after LJH no longer could... through his rough growing up years.

Then their exchange after the revelations... utterly poignant and aching, with so much behind those simple words "I want you to be happy". For the man he has come to care for, whose remains he discovered, whose death devastated the father and woman who waited and yearned for him for so long, and now he realised, his benefactor as well... PHY was willing to let go of his brother's case, so that he may live. For the boy whom he watched over, whose brother's life, indeed his entire family's, was destroyed by the abuse of power and corruption that withheld justice and framed an innocent person, the same boy who had the same passion and heart as him even when they didn't know who each was to the other's life... LJH would go to the ends for him, to ensure he can have his family back, and enjoy the simple joys of being with his loved ones.

And all I could do was mourn along with each and every one of them with tears that would not stop flowing and gut-wrenching sobs.

Back to the case. In the midst of the devastation of the present, there is still hope. While convicted, PSW is still alive, serving his sentence in juvenile detention. LJH is still doggedly pursuing the case, determined to get down to the truth of the matter. Will he manage to reveal the real principal offender in time, before PSW dies? With the backing of investigative prowess from the Cold Case team, can our team find a way to save both LJH in the end, knowing what cages he has to have been rattling, to have warranted a hit? I am desperately hoping that we get see our trio together in the pork rind place one day... having put everything right. Will this hope come true?

Ep13 truly gives grief its proper place... not rushing through them, going through the motions, nor trivialising them. In taking us deliberately through the very real devastation of loss, we walk in the shoes of the victims and their bereaved families, absorbing their pain, it becoming very much our own, if only for a while. From there, hopefully, this ignites the beginnings of empathy and awareness for those who live with such grief possibly their whole lives. And perhaps, this was the whole purpose of this episode after all.

I love everything that you wrote. It captured everything that I felt while watching episode 13. 

Also, as much as I hope for the trio to be happy, I can't help but wonder, if Lee Jae Han was successful in convicting the real perpetrators and keeping Sun Woo alive, Park Hae Young would never be a profiler and he would never have found the radio.

Time paradox aside, let's say Lee Jae Han managed to convict the perpetrators, and along the way successfully unveil a whole web of police corruption, putting Kim Bum Joo and whoever that is backing him behind bars, therefore ridding him of any threat and he won't die. Park Hae Young is reunited with his family, Sun Woo's name is cleared, and they're live happily ever after. Meanwhile, Soo Hyun gets her answer from Lee Jae Han, and his answer is yes, and 15 years later they are married.

And while all three have their own happy endings, Lee Jae Han would never have came into contact with Park Hae Young, and Park Hae Young would never have met Cha Soo Hyun. This is so bittersweet. Us, as the audiences, will be the only ones aware that these people had met before, cared and sacrificed for each other, while now they live blissful lives having never met Park Hae Young and vice versa.

On the other hand, I believe that life works in certain ways. If you were meant to die, you will still die. If Lee Jae Han had to die, he will still die no matter how many times they try to save him. This is just a feeling I get from this drama.

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Despite all the comments I read last night and knowing what to expect  in episode 13, I could not stop crying and crying and again crying.

I cried with the father who after 15 years sees finds his son , I cried with the pain in Kim Hye Soo's eyes for the loss of the love that she never had a chance to live, I cried with young PHS eating alone his rice omelet . I cried thinking how different their lives would be if only the world was different.....

Without overdoing it director of Signal can give to viewers  everything he wants.

another excellent episode with superb acting.


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Hi, not sure if anyone has already shared info about the odaeyang case but here's an article about it:


& from Wikipedia:

Odaeyang mass suicideEdit

In 1987 South Korean police were investigating accusations against a 48-year-old woman, Park Soon-ja, saying that she had swindled 8.9 billion (US$8.7 million) from about 220 people.[17][18] Her company Odaeyang Trading Co. was a firm that fronted for a religious sect led by Park, which was a splinter group from Yoo Byung-eun's Evangelical Baptist Church.[19] On 29 August, thirty-two members of the sect who believed in doomsday, including Park Soon-ja and her three children, were found dead, bound and gagged.[20][21] The case became known as the Odaeyang mass suicide. Police assumed the event was a murder–suicide pact, and the prosecution initially suspected that Yoo Byung-eun was linked to the case;[22][11] but he was never charged, and the police closed the case as a mass suicide.[23][24][25][26] When the case was re-opened in 1991, investigation into Odaeyang Trading Co. revealed a money trail to the company Semo Corp. run by Yoo,[9][27][28] he was arrested and, in 1992, convicted of "habitual fraud under the mask of religion" for his role in colluding with one of his employees to collect donations from church members in the amount of 1.2 billion (US$1.15 million) and invest them in his businesses. He served a 4-year prison term.[15][29][30][31][32][33] In November 2014, report says Incheon District Prosecutor's Office confirm in May there was no connection between Evangelical Baptist Church and Odaeyang incident.[34][35]


Off-topic but just found it really intriguing



that Yoo Byung-eun, the founder of the Evangelical Baptist Church involved in the Odaeyang case, was also linked to the 2014 Sewol ferry sinking incident. (Sewol was operated by the company Chonghaejin Marine, for which Yoo Byung-eun was former chairman, and supposedly the defacto leader behind the scenes... It was said that "the company spent just $521 on crew training, including evacuation drills."* ) In fact his entire backstory sounds equally fascinating as it is shady, having been a billionaire tycoon-turned-most-wanted-fugitive-in-South-Korea, a cult leader, embezzler and fraudster, an inventor, a photographer/artist who went by the name of Ahae (Korean word for child)... No kidding, he had an artist bio that stated that he was :"an inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, environmental activist, martial artist, painter, sculptor, poet, and photographer"* who had a "seventh degree black belt in Taekwondo, is highly trained in Judo, and he has even developed his own style of exercise and self-defense." What a self-proclaimed renaissance man!

It's a super long read, considering how dramatic and complicated his life was, but you can read more about it here:


Even the circumstances surrounding his death were as sensational as his life was:

"According to the AP, he was found face up in an apricot orchard, dressed in expensive Italian clothing, decomposing. Spreadaround him was a bottle of squalene, a shark liver oil derivative sometimes used as moisturizer. Two bottles of Soju rice wine. A bottle of “peasant wine.” A magnifying glass. And an extra shirt."

You can read more about his eventual death and the controversies he was involved in in this article here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/07/22/the-strange-saga-of-now-dead-billionaire-south-korean-ferry-owner-yoo-byung-un/ (This one bit illustrates the kind of sway he must have had over his followers: "When thousands police arrived in June at his church compound, several members reportedly refused to grant them entry and threatened to die as martyrs. More than 200 others protested the police, chanted hymns and thrust their fists in the air. Others, meanwhile, dispensed organic ice cream, a widely known church-produced treat.")

Crazy stuff. I guess it's true when they say that truth is stranger than fiction. o.O



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This drama just kills me T_T , so many feels every ep !! I sincerely and utterly hope JH manages to save SW I don't want him to die he is such a kind young guy (even though I have a feeling SW will die)

 :(The child actors are just wow , all are gonna be such big stars in few years .



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Watched Ep 13 earlier this morning.

Looked up omurice and fixed some for breakfast. Loved it. It will be a fixture for weekend breakfasts.

So many thoughts, but most have been covered by others. The one scene that quietly stands out to me is when the older PHY is looking down the alley at LJH who is looking further down they alley at the younger PHY. Such a haunting scene. Such an amazing relationship between the two. Frankly, it's one of the most fascinating relationships I've encountered in any drama/movie/novel .... ever. And to have such a deep relationship form over a couple of handfuls of 1 minute conversations engaged in by two men separated by time. Anyone who has not seen Signal would look at what I just said and go :crazy: and wonder how on earth that could make for great drama. But it does. Wow.

On a lighter note, what coroner on earth wears high heels to work? There, I found a nit to pick. Took 13 episodes, but there it is.

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Just finished watched episode 13 subbed, and gosh darn, this drama gets better and better with each episode!!!

I was literally sobbing with young Park Hae Young eating the omelette rice. The writing, directing & acting are so far above & beyond other dramas right now or even the past few years. The plots & characterizations are so detailed. I hope they save Lee Jae Han, arrest the rapists and next week we get a happy ending for the three.

I also hope that many people in high places watches this drama and starts the process of re-opening the Miryang rape case (in which this crime is based on) and bring justice to that poor victim. I've read netizens comments that the real rapists never were arrested and are living without remorse.

Does anyone know the song title & singer at the end of ep 13?


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6 minutes ago, Ginaaaa said:

On a lighter note, what coroner on earth wears high heels to work? There, I found a nit to pick. Took 13 episodes, but there it is.

Lol it's the Jurassic World effect.  :D 

On another note, I'm really hoping that all the OSTs and background songs are released in one big album once the drama finishes, because half of the awesomeness of this drama is the amazing music. 

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by the way, how much rating for rep 1988 on their last episode? i hope signal can hit the higher rating on their last episode too.

ps: i keep refreshing subscene & few websitte to watch drama with the subs.. like a crazy..

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