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Still hoping ep 10 will be aired within this week but oh well...please at least aired one episode next week..cancelling two episodes after what MBC did to us this week is just too much!


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SJ is sitting behind his desk, in the office. He opens a mail from fake HJ and reads.

"Sj-ah, mianhae. I am sorry but I have something really important to tell you. I don't have the confidence to tell you in person,

so I am letting you know here. Sorry for being a coward and I am also really sorry for what I did to you. I really am! Sorry!"

SJ's curiosity rises. What made his HJ-ie behave like that? Did something happen to her?

"The truth is I am not who you think I am. I am not the KHJ you were so desperately looking for when you arrive in Seoul. 

My real name is Min Ha Ri. I am KHJ's best friend. We've met before, SJ-ah. We met when we were kids, remember?"

SJ's expression is blank, he can't comprehend what he is reading. Was he too tired, perhaps? Is that why his mind was playing tricks on him right now.

"The real HJ you know is closer to you that you expect. She is working under you, in the same team - intern Kim Hye Jin, as you call her. 

That is all I can tell you. You should meet her and talk with her about the rest. Once again - I am really sorry! Please forget about me.

It would be best, if we stop meeting  in the future..."

SJ stares at the screen in disbelief. What kind of a sick joke was that? It hit him like a lightning bolt on a sunny day. 

Was what HJ-ie, no Ha Ri, told him really true? Was she indeed the Ha Ri he remembers, HJ-ie's best childhood friend?

He had to find out the truth immediately.

While trying to close his browser, he clicks on an ad, which directs him to a news agency site. A news article appears.

Just when he is about to close it, the picture of the article catches his attention. The title reads:

"Half an hour ago a car malfunctioned on a slippery road and overturned in the middle of a big crossroad in Mapo-gu (for example)"

SJ looks at the picture and sees paper bags with "The most" printed on them, scattered on the road, near the overturned white car.

He has seen this car before. This was HJ-ie, no Min Ha Ri's car.

He suddenly remembers that someone from the team sent intern HJ to transport James Taylor's dress to the 20th anniversary venue. 

SJ saw HJ enter the exact same car earlier today, in front of the office.

HJ: I have to take this dress to the venue right now. I will see you later, Director.

Hj entered the car. She entered the white car from the picture. She...

SJ starts panicking, his head spinning, blood rushing to his head. He takes his car keys and leaves his office in a hurry.

SJ enters his car, it's raining heavily outside. He drives towards the crossroad in Mapo-gu, described in the article.

Sudden intrusive thoughts enter his mind with the worst case scenario. SJ tries to push them to the back of his mind but to no avail. 

He arrives at the scene of the accident and sees an ambulance and people running around.

The car accident with his mother flashes before his eyes. He panics.

SJ runs towards the white car, his heart about to burst. But there is no one to be found near the car. His eyes, wide open from the shock. 

He suddenly hears a familiar voice calling him from behind.

HJ: Director.

He turns around and sees HJ. Her hair dripping wet from the rain, her jeans ripped & dirty on her knees. Her hands bruised, her face dirty.

SJ runs towards her and hugs her tightly.

HJ with a sad voice after the hug:

- Director, the dress got ruined from the accident. james Taylor's dress...

SJ: You, dummy! Is the dress important right now? You...are you alright? You are not hurt anywhere, are you?

HJ: I am okay, director.

SJ collapses on the ground, holding onto her sleeve.

SJ: Thank god! And that name...stop calling me Director , Hye Jin-ah! -pleading voice-

At that moment Hj realises he found out the truth and stares at him, surprised.

She makes a step back but SJ grabs her hand tightly, saying:

SJ: I am not letting go. No matter who you are, I am not letting go any more!

SJ stares at her intently.


Sori, somethg is wrong with my PC. Cannot come out fm this column if I don't ckick 'submit replies'






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  confession of hj will not happen, because hj love hr so much and pity her, she will give up sj instead he will tell hr and sj that she likes sh... we still have 7 episodes long way to go probably an additional 4 episodes :):wub:besides mbc owe us because of the cancellation of last night and coming wed they have to do something about it to make the viewer satisfy :)

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maybe mbc is just scaring us, seeing how upset audience were with the no-show.

lets pray the baseball matches just finish in their normal timings and we get our drama next week. There were previous instances of such preemptions and then after that the ratings drop, so I think MBC wouldnt want this to happen too.

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I have noticed that when dramas are preempted they sometimes lose their momentum, I hope that this does not happen with this drama.  I understand that baseball is very popular in South Korea, as it is in America; however, we usually know in advance that a show is going to be preempted for a game and in many cases the network will schedule the show to air at a different time or a different day. The downside of canceling a show,other than national disaster or emergency, is that the viewer may decide to look at something else during that time slot and get hooked on another show.  If that happens, then the network can lose viewers.  I hope that MBC plans better in the future.

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My favorite part of the episode was that SJ wasn't surprised or shocked to see HJ change...WHICH MEANS... that he doesn't care if she's dolled up or without makeup he just sees the person. This was satisfying. :) 

Agree @km3!  It adds depth to their love story and shows that his feelings didn't change just because HJ became prettier.  Yes, you're right... he sees the person.. he sees her heart, sincerity and generosity. It's like his heart is seeing much more than his eyes can. Sigh! We'll that's the romantic in me speaking... :wub: :D

Anyway, I just hope he won't be super mad for too long when he discovers who she really is.


my guess maybe only two eps. Hopefully SH can smack some sense to him when Jerk Joon is back because of the revelation. or who knows, maybe that's when HyeJin's sister might come in handy: she could tell him her family's story and how hard their life has been all these years.. how HJ must work hard to pay their bills and losing her beauty in the process, I'm sure SJ wont be mad at HJ for too long, because HJ is his everything, to say the least. But at first, I think he'll be upset at how shallow HJ thinks he is, to judge her based on appearance and success, how she belittle her worth to him. Then after a while, he'll realize their memories together are more precious than his pride that's been hurt by her lies.

Then I get sad whenever I heard SJ is only in Korea for two more months. Another separation? :(

Oh no!  I forgot that he's only in Korean for two months!  Maybe he'll decide to stay just to be close to HJ.  Or maybe he and The Most team can turn the magazine around and he won't need to leave country!


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Cool!! I think the online rating is higher than The Moon That Embrace The Sun's record.. *if im not mistaken*

online is a part of fans these dayy

Maybe, we count, but online ratings don't count or make a difference since there is no ad revenue for online watching unless we watch commercials paid by Korean stores and products, produced and sold in Korea and we as consumers buy them, we make no difference to advertisers.

Haha yeah i knew.. but knowing that online rating is high, it proves that the anticipation of this drama is also high moreover from international fans who only watch it online.. :)

perfectly said!

Totally agree plus I believe the Koreans are watching it online too.. think about all the commercials they'll miss plus not to mention they are constantly on their mobile devices too and working late hours thus missing the eps too.

But do we want to watch commercials online too? or better yet do we want them to start showing commercials too, I would go crazy I got a dvr just so I can pause a show for half an hour and then skip the commercials, imagine if I have to do it online too, reason why I volunteer at Viki so I don't have to watch all those commercials on the dramas...


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I don't know stil it's necessary to you yet?


From popgasa

I feel your presence so much
That I can see you even when I close my eyes

The words I miss you overflow in my heart
But I can’t say anything

Because your heart is walking way behind my heart

You still don’t know, you’ll never know
How my love is by your side

It’s alright if you think of me sometimes
If you draw me out sometimes, if you smile for me sometimes
Even this yearning heart feels like love
So I can’t let you go

Just like how your height stops growing when you become an adult
I thought love would be the same
But it’s different every day and without you knowing
My love grows every day

It’s alright if you think of me sometimes
If you draw me out sometimes, if you smile for me sometimes
Even this yearning heart feels like love
So I can’t let you go

I get through my days
Just by looking at you from far away at least

Do you know? Have I told you?
You’re the one person who always lives in my heart
Because even if you can’t see me today, in case you see me tomorrow
I can’t let you go

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Sorrie, didn't manage to catch the live streaming so I haven't watched Ep 9 yet. @Bonki, if you don't mind, I'll just add on the details to your preview translation.

Preview for Ep 10...

Sung-Joon confronts Shin-Hyuk and asks him : What is this?! Are you Kim Hye-Jin's guardian? Why do  you keep chasing after Kim Hye-Jin?
Shin-Hyuk tells Hye-Jin : Hey Jackson! Now that you're back at your own position, are you still going to return to Deputy Chief Editor's side?
Hye-JIn tells Shin-Hyuk : I've spoken to my dad about it....
Shin-Hyuk : Jackson, so you wanna go out with me? (So you wanna date?)
Ha-Ri : When tomorrow comes, everything will return to what it used to be...
Shin-Hyuk to Hye-Jin : Really?! Wow! Congrats!
Sung-Joon tells Hye-Jin as he caresses her hand saying : I am running towards Kim Hye-Jin. At first, I thought you were kinda intrusive but from yesterday on wards, I firmly believe that I really care about you, Kim Hye-Jin.
Hye-Jin : I like Sung-Joon...
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To me, it doesn't really matter anymore if Hari confess or not.  She is now an outsider.  We know from previous episodes that Sung Joon, when he has made a decision, he will fold up his sleeves.  In the preview, we see that he was folding up the sleeves of his shirt that is on HJ while confessing to her.  Yes, like someone said, it feels so intimate.  I can't wait for Episode 10.  

whoa! @sheza... my heart just skipped a beat when you wrote SJ was folding up HJ sleeves while confessing to her..  OMG!!! I'm gushing now just imagining the scene.  I wonder how HJ would react to the confession, I hope it's not the scene in the preview where she seemed like she was about to cry before SJ grabbed her hand.  

And yes, the folding sleeve thingy.. it does feel so intimate especially if SJ looks at HJ in the eyes while he's doing it.  :wub:  Love it!

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Guest chocmagma

I believe in your gut feeling, @Kasmic chingu :D As suggested by @nonski, you're our cheerleader oyeaaah!

Thank you for the translation, @parisonheaven @Bonki @MinLyn @yaqiyuki!

Oh no!  I forgot that he's only in Korean for two months!  Maybe he'll decide to stay just to be close to HJ.  Or maybe he and The Most team can turn the magazine around and he won't need to leave country!

Sorry to cut your post short.

I bet he must be wanna stay in Korea with HJ. But it all depends on MOST Korea's performance. If they did well and didn't come in second place, only then we can say that maybe, maybe SJ is allowed to stay in Korea. Actually I'm myself not sure whether the HQ gonna allow SJ's stay in Korea since he's working with the HQ and once his mission is accomplished, isn't it normal to go back to your original post?

Dear @Nymeria289, MBC did announce that next week's Wed and Thurs, there'll be baseball match as well and they're going to air one episode only since it may affect SWP's broadcast. That's why they refused to broadcast two episodes tonight as they don't want next week's episode to be an odd number of episode broadcasted.

I'm off to bed, pretties and handsomies! See you guys later!


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@stargazer187 sadly no we didnt get our answer to the bet... frustrating I know. It better not be like last time where we got a vague answer and only at the end we had to assume it was so... errrrk  :angry:

@nonski cheering is what I love best.. will do! :w00t:

@lupita311 Crikey no comercials please hahaha! thats the beauty of online viewing we can skip those bits or FF. Are you volunteering at Viki too? Are you an ugly duckling too? hahaha! My you must be  a busy bee.. GOOD JOB ON VIKI AND HERE AS OUR MODERATOR TOO. I hope we are behaving although at times we can get outta hand hahaha! 

@chocmagma thank you dear lets cheer on together with other pretties so we can survive the long haul of waiting crazy-monkey-emoticon-066.gif?1292792396

@Bonki @MinLyn , @yaqiyuki @parisonheaven thanks chingues for translating for us I appreciate  ALL your efforts here every week. What a life saver you are?

@bebebisous33 what do you mean by this "Honestly, I am fearing that HR might harm HJ and SJ with her best intention!!!" I'll get back to you on this one too as I have some thoughts about it - Do you think by HR revealing the truth to SJ he will be angry with HJ?? 

but its really late here so I gotta go. crazy-monkey-emoticon-073.gif?1292792398

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Sorrie, didn't manage to catch the live streaming so I haven't watched Ep 9 yet. @Bonki, if you don't mind, I'll just add on the details to your preview translation.

Preview for Ep 10...

Sung-Joon confronts Shin-Hyuk and asks him : What is this?! Are you Kim Hye-Jin's guardian? Why do  you keep chasing after Kim Hye-Jin?
Shin-Hyuk tells Hye-Jin : Hey Jackson! Now that you're back at your own position, are you still going to return to Deputy Chief Editor's side?
Hye-JIn tells Shin-Hyuk : I've spoken to my dad about it....
Shin-Hyuk : Jackson, so you want to go out together with me?
Ha-Ri : When tomorrow comes, everything will return to what it used to be...
Shin-Hyuk to Hye-Jin : Really?! Wow! Congrats!
Sung-Joon tells Hye-Jin as he caresses her hand saying : I am running towards Kim Hye-Jin. At first, I thought you were kinda intrusive but from yesterday on wards, I firmly believe that I really care about you, Kim Hye-Jin.

thank you @MinLyn our dependable chingu for another set of translations.  waiting for the rest.

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