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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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29 minutes ago, irilight said:

SBS just posted:

애인있어요..off the air this Saturday..

I wonder why...




Woaaaa I'm really getting mad. Sbs is getting on my nerves. Waiting for another week is already painful and now they're going to delay 1 episode again moreover they will cancel the 45th episode on 7th February. At least they can show 2 episodes back to back on sunday. But they never did it. This is not a 16-20episodes drama series. This is a 50 episodes drama. Too many cancellations will not end well. Viewers will easily forget the story and they will soon find the drama to be complicated and boring to watch because they don't remember the story well and it will lead to the decreasing ratings. If they don't want this drama to be aired any longer, just ask the writer to make this drama shorter than 50 episodes. At least, don't cancel it too much

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I find that their conversation at lunch very sweet and sad: :tears: (Source: jijinhee_holic)



At lunch: (JE tried to break the ice, talked about jajangmyeon and made HG smiled)

JE: Cook and eat meals for you. You cook well

HG: People don't cook well for themselves but for others to feed (then she became quiet, it was apparent that she cooked for JE)

JE: I can't eat your food any more, can I?  I should have eaten when you made them for me.  I should have eaten much.

JE: Shall we live just for a month?  I will be greedy for you just for one month and then as you wish, shall I leave out of your life?  Just for one month.  If so, I will live with that memory

HG: Just eat a meal.  Don't get me to talk.  I am hungry. Don't you eat?

JE:  I will.

Then they picked up food for each other.

At JE's office:

HG's mind:  (JE's voice: Just for one month.  If so, I will live a life with that memory)

HG to JE: What are you going to do in the evening?

JE: To think of you

HG: Let's go.  I will make dinner... and breakfast, too....

So these two scenes are related.  At lunch JE praised HG's cooking and wished he could enjoy more of it.  At first she avoided answering the request but later she responded within the same context that JE can still enjoy her cooking by staying with her.  I hope it is for a month or more than a month...

Aigoo, we have to wait longer until Sunday for this??  Ottoke??

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I am mad and glad about the episode cancellation.

I'm mad because the episode is being cancelled for a soccer match!!:angry: I wasn't upset when I heard it being cancelled for the New Year festival. I guess I'm more upset about what's replacing that episode.

I'm glad because it will gives the cast more time to film for the scenes that we really want to see ;)

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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

@gerrytan8063 or @seungshin any idea what this page from KSY's memo is about? About CNP suing him for compensation? Or....? (Hope it's legible, and thanks if translation is possible)

@jadecloud I took my own screen cap of the journal and this is my best effort at translation:


Kim Sun Ryong

CNP Central Research 


What I worried about turned out to be true.  The Third Clinical Trial for Pudoxin is complete but I have not heard anything from anyone about stopping the administration (of the drug) while testing.


Confirmed that even after the administration (of the drug) was stopped the testing results along with the participant results were submitted.  Reported to Research Director Song In Baek of this situation in order to confirm the facts.


The clinical test results of Pudoxin publicized.  The Research Centre family has high expectation this will for sure increase the value of the company stock price.  Still have not received any answer from Director Song.  Is this ok...


Confirmed the participant data of the clinical trial results were corrupted (tempered with).  Requested a face to face meeting with Director Song.


Meeting (met?) with Research Director Song at 13 o'clock.  Requested confirmation of...(can't see the beginning of this sentence at the bottom of the screen).


From this I think we are to understand that Park Sun Ryong discovered that during the clinical trial of Pudoxin the participants were not given (administered) the drug after a while.  Not sure how this helps the cause for the drug.  Did they use some other drug?  I can see how not giving the drug could stop from showing adverse side effects of the drug being tested but isn't a drug supposed to give a positive result?  Confusing yes, I agree.  May be the purpose of the trial was to just not show adverse side effects?  

Unless I read it wrong or translate it wrong (I invite others to jump in here if I'm wrong) the words in question is 투약 중단 (tooyak joongdan):

투약 (administration - of drugs)

중단 (stop)

Upon discovery of this Park became very concerned about the integrity of the clinical trial process and the result according to this journal.

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37 minutes ago, mdj101 said:

@seungshin --- On page 542, I found a picture of Grandmother's homework    @jadecloud posted first, then @tiMadam reposted it.  Let me try to quote it  while hopefully not breaking the rules.  But I don't know how to highlight! So here goes. 

Tried 2 things ---nothing works.   So just look on page 542, OK?


@mdj101 my dear, you don't have to anymore.  Please see the posts above.  The words were not describing an island but her illness.  YK said it out loud in EP 37.  

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14 hours ago, tambui said:

While having meal, JE asks HK to live with him for one month. After that, he will let her go so that she can have sweet memories.

While sitting on JE's chair, HK remembers JE words. "If it's about you, there is nothing I cannot do. Will you live with me for one month. After that, I will let you go so that you can have sweet memories."


@tambui, hmmm. I wonder what that is about....  I am taken by surprise.

14 hours ago, deandraluv said:

I think JE proposes to live together for one month because he is doubtful that HG still wants to spend her lifetime with him after she finds out about their fathers.


@deandraluv, I understand what you are saying. But I still find it strange. This is the guy who refused to have a one night stand with her, because he wants something more meaningful...

@seungshin, thank you for re-posting those climbing videos. They look pretty scary to me. I have a friend who travels all over the world mountain climbing. He even lead tours in China for about a year. I think, like all sports, when we love it, it gets under our skin, so to speak.

I am still sort of confused about the one month deal. I understand what you are saying, but it still does not sit well with me. Just as he did not want to have a one night stand with her, why compromise on a month?

@sweetpeaga, I hope you feel well soon.  smileys-get-well-soon-236760.gif

@zagigirl, loving your new avatar, chingu.

urgh.... I wrote a whole response, and Soompi somehow erased it... :angry:

11 hours ago, NitaA said:

Would HK possibly want to take a revenge by giving JE hopes only to crash him later?


@NitaA, I don't think so.  HK is not a hypocrite. We can see that she genuinely cares for JE.

11 hours ago, lclarakl said:

And yet he wouldn't give her 1 month when she begged for it on her knees


@lclarakl, I do not recall HK begging JE on her knees. I recall her begging SR on her knees, and I had said at the time that I thought it was a mistake, and had she begged JE in the same manner, she might have gotten a different result.


11 hours ago, seungshin said:

Now we are at a point where both of them want to spend time together because both believe their relationship can't continue, JE because of what he thinks his father has done to DHG's father and DHG because what she plans to do with CNP that she thinks JE could not live with.  But folks a lot could happen in that month of courtship.  I think that month could last until the end of the drama itself.  I still believe JE's father was not directly responsible for DHG's death and JE will be able to forgive DHG for whatever she does with CNP.  She just doesn't know that.


@seungshin, thank you for this explanation. I hope, and I want to believe you are correct and MH did not willfully murder HK's father. He has nightmares. Real killers, like MTS, sleep well.


10 hours ago, sweetpeaga said:

From what I can remember, my head is foggy, when Hae Kang had amnesia he never apologized to her for his actions. Only when she had her memory back and showed her resentment did he apologize to her


@sweetpeaga, but what would have been the point of him to apologize when she was amnesiac and did not remember?  Isn't apology a lot more meaningful when the other side knows and understands what one apologizes for?

Also, I think just as what we said about forgiveness - apology does not make what one did "right"; It only shows his heart of repentance for what he did.


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16 hours ago, seungshin said:

The clinical test results of Pudoxin publicized.  The Research Centre family has high high expectation this will for sure increase the value of the company stock price.  Still have not received any answer from Director Song.

.after the test result that they found  out the medicine have side effect but still they publicized it.....WHO IS THIS DIR.SONG...YK husband approach? DID HE REPORT TO MTS  that somebody  learn the facts about PUDOXIN side effect?  That's why YK husband was being ostracized!


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12 hours ago, irilight said:

I am still sort of confused about the one month deal. I understand what you are saying, but it still does not sit well with me. Just as he did not want to have a one night stand with her, why compromise on a month?

I hear you.  I am beginning to feel I'm being a 'uber pollyanna' about the end of the show to my own peril.  I tend to do this for all drama only to be majorly disappointed (SLA, MLED, need I say more?).  No idea why I do that, I'm not an indiscreet optimist in my real life! Is that why I hang out in dreamland I wonder.

At any rate, the dinner conversation and how CJE proposed a one moth togetherness and DHG answers she will cook him dinner and breakfast, sounded to me like it was more than the dinner, breakfast one night even one month. I thought they were saying they will be together from here on........ (I also think in one month everything will happen that needs to happen <as per the writer's wish I suppose> and the show will come to an end at the end of that month). Will we see them carrying on at the end of the drama?

Why do I think this?  

1. Because I don't think DHG was offering a one night (as in one dinner one breakfast) -- a proper lady of her stature in Korea would not do that (ha ha) but seriously it's just the way she said it, it was like this time on forever.  It's dichotomical (a new word I learned from @jadecloud post) to when CJE said he didn't want one Christmas night because there is Christmas every year.

2. Because before DHG agreed to dinner and breakfast with CJE she was shown thinking through everything.  She went and checked with President after putting one and one together about her father's death.  For her to agree to cooking for CJE when he was clear it was a metaphor for living together as a married couple, I think she meant this to be getting back together.  She would not have agreed to cooking for him (even one meal) with any other understanding. Just my POV.

Well I could be blown out of the water by the writer-nim but oh well.  Why not go out on a limb.  

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7 minutes ago, trust71 said:

.after the test result that they found  out the medicine have side effect but still they publicized it.....WHO IS THIS DIR.SONG...YK husband approach? DID HE REPORT TO MTS  that somebody  learn the facts about PUDOXIN side effect?  That's why YK husband was being ostracized!

Song's full name and title was mentioned in Kim Sun Ryong (YK's fiance's) journal.  He was Kim's boss, director at the research centre.  He has not been introduced in the show before.  I would assume he was reporting to MTS.  When he saw the journal MTS figured out DHG was out to get him.....not just getting corrupt and inefficient people under him.

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@irilight I understand what you are saying. But I still find it strange. This is the guy who refused to have a one night stand with her, because he wants something more meaningful...

I think JE had 'evolved' from ep 34.  He had a lot of things in his mind since ep 34.  He had confirmed HG's feeling in episode 36 when he saw their family picture on her dresser.  He realized (as he said in ep 37) and told HG that he now knew her feelings (that she loved him) and her pretense.  

I think there is a difference between one night stand and one month living together.  If HG would do it without love, he didn't want to do it.  It would be purely sex.   But the purpose of living together is to create sweet memories (not to fulfill physical needs, i.e sex). IMO, they are different.  

I think he proposed one month of living together because he thought HG will hate him and his family when she finds out the truth.  But, I am pretty sure, if they live together for one month,  it will be harder to say good bye.

Or.....perhaps JE knew the harms HG's enemies would bring and he wanted to protect her by proposing one month of living together.  But, it is a good thing if they do, HG needs all the protections JE could offer since she has so many enemies surround her.  Please, writernim, make it happen!!! 

Hope they will post the preview soon!!!

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@deandraluv,,  @chubbychub1966        ah.. thank you for solving the mystery of Saturday no show....    !

@seungshin, thank you for translations of the drug journal from  KSR. Stop administering the drug while doing a clinical test, is and in itself falsifying the result. it is made to show as if there are no side effects, and will prove that CNP knew that the drug is harmful, right?

32 minutes ago, seungshin said:

At any rate, the dinner conversation and how CJE proposed a one moth togetherness and DHG answers she will cook him dinner and breakfast, sounded to me like it was more than the dinner, breakfast one night even one month. I thought they were saying they will be together from here on........  I just think in one month everything will happen that needs to happen (as per the writer) and the show will come to an end. Will we see them carrying on at the end of the drama?

Why do I think this?  

1. Because I don't think DHG was offering one night (as in one dinner one breakfast) - a proper lady of her stature in Korea would not do that (ha ha) but seriously it's just the way she said it, it was like this time on forever.  It's dichotomical (a new word I learned from @jadecloud post) to when CJE said he didn't want one Christmas night because there is Christmas every year.

2. Before DHG agreed to dinner and breakfast she was shown thinking through everything.  She went and checked with President after putting one and one together about her father's death.  For her to agree to cooking for CJE when he was clear it was metaphor for living together as a married couple, I think she meant this to be getting back together.  She would not have agreed to cooking for him (even one meal) with any other understanding

@seungshin, awesome... Thank you for your insights.!


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7 hours ago, deandraluv said:


Actually I don't like to come across as defending JE, but I think I need to write this to clarify some things.  I totally understand we see the characters in the drama based on our biases and you might have skipped some parts whenever JE shows up on the screen so I think you might have missed some scenes.  

I know your head is foggy of the flu so allow me to help you jug your memory a bit:

-This is the humility that Jin Uhn is missing and has been missing this entire drama. About JE's humility, I think it depends on your definition and standard, chingu.  In this entire drama, JE is shown as a man who is not after money and power.  HG and JE lived separately from the parents and he was low profile for a son of a big company, IMO. 

-You said,  If it wasn't for him trying to get Hae Kang back, I'm not sure he would have expressed repentance or guilt for his actions.  From what I can remember, my head is foggy, when Hae Kang had amnesia he never apologized to her for his actions. Only when she had her memory back and showed her resentment did he apologize to her and Sul Li

-Humility as Webster defines: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people, not proud.  Wikipedia:   is variously seen as the act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others, or conversely, having a clear perspective and respect for one's place 

-If you notice, JE never blamed HG for the failure of their marriage.  I admire him for that.  Not a single word did he blame HG.  We had explored exhaustively in the forum why their marriage failed and how HG was not innocent either and both of them were at fault at the time.  Has HG apologized to JE like JE's mom pointed out?  The demise of his beloved daughter had something to  do with HG's doing in the past.  Even so, JE never blamed HG.  HG felt so guilty already.  Isn't something we can call it as humility on JE's part? The fact that he doesn't think he is better than HG and never blamed HG (as he had reasons to) IMO is humility.

-If he is not humble  enough, he would not have been investigating his dad's past.  As a result of this investigation, he might lose his company and fortune as his son.  But then, he takes the risk and is not fearful of that.  He is against the pudoxin as well.  Part of his findings could be the very reason HG might leave him, but does it stop him from finding the truth? If he highly thinks of himself,  he would not have done so, IMO.  Why does he risk his future with HG by digging the past?  HG may not return to him if she knows the truth. Does he think of himself in doing so?  No, it is for HG's sake, not to get her back but it is because he loves her and does it for her best interest. That is humility.

- In the past, he was humble enough to work as a construction worker and took other side jobs not suited for a wealthy son of CNP to help HG in her education and paid out her mom's debt.   

-If you watched the previous episodes, you would see how much he was remorseful, regretful and repentant.  That is the reason why the current HG with her recovered memory plus her 4-year-memory in tact could forgive and has forgiven JE.  She saw how devastated he was when he heard HG was dead.  He barely ate and slept and knelt down in front of HG's ashes for days. She was there and behind him when JE expressed his regrets and remorse in front of their marital house.  Back then he didn't apologize to get HG back.  HG was supposedly dead, remember?  How would she return to him?

-He didn't apologize to HG (as YK2) when she had amnesia?  Why should he apologize to YK2 when he thought she could be someone else, not HG?  Even so, if you recalled the phone calls between them, when YK2 was drunk and called him, he said he was wrong.  There was one scene, if you recall, near BS office on the stairway when he came to her and blurted 'I did wrong' as at times he thought she was HG.   

In conclusion, we have seen enough instances when JE showed his remorse and apologized to HG.  It was not only when she resented him.  We may agree to disagree on this, but  I just needed to share how I see JE in a different light.  



@deandraluv, kudos to your post...

I totally agree with you! And so well expressed to!



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1 hour ago, sunshinefate said:

Woaaaa I'm really getting mad. Sbs is getting on my nerves. Waiting for another week is already painful and now they're going to delay 1 episode again moreover they will cancel the 45th episode on 7th February. At least they can show 2 episodes back to back on sunday. But they never did it. This is not a 16-20episodes drama series. This is a 50 episodes drama. Too many cancellations will not end well. Viewers will easily forget the story and they will soon find the drama to be complicated and boring to watch because they don't remember the story well and it will lead to the decreasing ratings. If they don't want this drama to be aired any longer, just ask the writer to make this drama shorter than 50 episodes. At least, don't cancel it too much

I'm mad too...don't like cancellation :crazy:...to hard to wait

...but even if they don't show eps for a month i won't be able to forget it...coz i love it to much :) 

I like the speed story is taking...from the start and now...it could end all in just a few eps...but it won't be the same...and could of been a 20 eps drama but so many great emotional scenes would be left out then

True Lovers will survive 2 weeks with just 1 ep ;)

...just let the writer finish all with pace it started with!

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11 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

I'm mad too...don't like cancellation :crazy:...to hard to wait

...but even if they don't show eps for a month i won't be able to forget it...coz i love it to much :) 

I like the speed story is taking...from the start and now...it could end all in just a few eps...but it won't be the same...and could of been a 20 eps drama but so many great emotional scenes would be left out then

True Lovers will survive 2 weeks with just 1 ep ;)

...just let the writer finish all with pace it started with!

We, IHAL fans, might not forget it but the other viewers? They might forget some parts if they don't see them often. Isn't it? It's not that I want it to be shorter or only 20 eps because I never mind the 50 eps if for this drama. I once posted here that this is the first 50 eps drama that I keep on being eager every episode without fast forwarding. When I watched Empress Ki, I still did fastforwards on Wang yoo's scenes. The thing that I hate is just sbs keeps on cancelling it as if they don't care about the IHAL's viewers. How many times have they been cancelling IHAL? My mom also watches this and she will be disappointed knowing she will have to wait longer. 

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