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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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After watched ep 19 and 20, i noticed it seems JE not only overheard SR and BIL short conversation in his rooms while he pretended sleeping, but also he managed to overheard their further conversation in another room. That was why JE remembered their conversation again in the last scene and come up with the idea to check HG's urn directly. Fortunately BIL's minion have not manage to find ashes of another body to put in HG's urn . But how JE can eavesdropped their conversation without their knowledge ?

Prob HG came to his office to accept his offer for helping to recover her memory.

Anyway JE acted quite careful in front of HG, interesting.

Poor BS, i felt sad when he came to HG's room and talking like HG was there beside him. I hope he has a chance to let JE know the truth about the twin, since he was the one who told JE about HG's death. 

Hhh can't wait for next monday, and actually i hate monday.... :mellow: dilemma 

You know how UN-soundproof their walls/partitions are? LOL there's no keeping secrets, no privacy, cos in kdramas, everybody can 'eavesdrop' :D And that ex-PD-now-minion (still think he's on an undercover mission), he actually found a 'body' suitable to be a 'fake' to substantiate HK's death, I guess TS meant to show a burial or perhaps get some ashes from the 'body' to put inside the urn. Unfortunately, JE was smarter and quicker. 

About that empty urn, don't LOVERS think that was strange? or rather stupid of TS? Shouldn't he have filled it with 'fake' ashes before putting in the columbarium? Better yet, after claiming he brought HK's ashes from China to SK, he should further opt(persuade MIL SH) for having 'fake' ashes and use a 'clean-cut' and no loopholes method like 'natural burial' i.e. sprinkle ashes into sea, or 'woodland burial' i.e. sprinkling ashes beneath a new to-be-planted tree or in the forest, etc. (uuuhh, kinda spooky thots *shudder*). 

I wonder too about the rules or process of memorialization of a dead person in SK, of having no cremation service and hence no ashes to put in the urn. 

I remember when my BFF's mom-in-law passed away last year from surgery complications, what followed after a funeral/wake service, was the cremation service - it was a public service for family and relatives/friends to observe. Following that, the immediate family has to look through the cremains for stuff which didn't or can't be fully cremated, like 'gold teeth/fillings', etc. Only after that would the cremains/ashes be placed into the urn, and either given to family member for follow-up placement elsewhere or for sprinkling into the sea, or placement there as instructed/contracted.

 70YXbzw.jpgCR: SBS/Viki

AIGOOOOOO There should be a poll on will JE discover YK2 is HK first or will YK2 realise she is HK first? 

LOL you got it chingu...coming up :) Good idea!

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GN told BS not to say anything about YK to anyone not knowing that; HK is alive, Hk has been living the past 4 years thinking she was YK because that is what she was told and she has amnesia.  There would be no point in him, after a few days of gathering his thoughts not going back to her and explaining the situation. What benefit to her is it to think her child is dead.  Isn't it better for her to at least know that she isn't.

YK told BS not to say anything not knowing she is a twin or that she has a living mother. Sure it's not BS's place to tell her any of that but he knows it's because she's afraid for her safety and that of her daughter's.  He's the only one as far as he knows (he doesn't know SR knows) that can clear up at least  the identity of YK2 to her mother and to YK2.  They can decide who else needs to know.

I don't think that BS has not let YK2 know who she is or let GN know that HK is alive because of what GN and YK said about keeping anything a secret.

Right now he's doing it for only reasons he knows.

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@jadecloud ~ it makes so much sense that the urn was empty. if TS had to bring back an urn with ashes, customs would have asked all sorts of questions and not to mention paperwork on both sides of the border. HK's death wasn't like officially filled or something right? anyway, getting an empty urn through customs (assuming he got it from china) would be just like bringing a vase or some other curios items... or he could have simply bought an urn, rented a space and put it there...

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Hello Lovers All Caught Up,  I was waiting for a change in this drama but as expected each episode do deliver.. HN should be ashamed of herself lying like that knowing she gave birth to twins.. Poor BS I can understand wanting to keep a secret because you was ask to but holding on to that secret just to hold on to someone is wrong he knows her mother is alive and she has family.. I think he's really doing this for SR who is one twisted sista.. She will join BIL evil camp she has no choice if she wants to keep what little part of JE life she has once dad finds out HK is alive out the door she goes she will never be able to fill HK shoes.. Now I'm kind of enjoying her tormenting HK because When her memory do come back I'm wondering just how she will deal with the little s-l-u-t.. I think she better hope that HK don't find out it was her and his sister that set her up.. It's going to be no rest for Ex SIL BIL and SR         

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WHY DID YK2 GO TO JE's office?

I am sure not to ask how he is doing or to have lunch wth him.

After having a chat wit BS's father, after JE finally discovered wife is 'dead', after confessing her feelings to JE and JE asking YK2 to return to her lighthouse...this time around YK2's curiousity is aroused to dig more on HK and her lost memories perhaps?

It was JE who proposed to lets work together to rediscover her memories.

And showing her the empty contents.. told her that his wife may still be alive, mentions that HK and YK met/were together b4 HK 'died' and YK2 lost her memories... these may be reasons enough for both to decide to investigate together?

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About the "housekeeper" in ep 21 preview, perhaps, YK needed a job, and she was offered to work at SR's apt as the housekeeper.

JE eavesdroped the conversation between SR and TS, because SR didn't shut the door to the study room, I think.  The door was left open.

I find it interesting when JE's mom scolded SR:

JE's  Mom:...."But what I can't stand the most is that sadness you have, just like your mother.  We cannot say yes to this marriage, so leave my son alone.  How dare someone like you try to marry my son.  My son works as a tutor, a driver, and a construction worker in order to support you with your bar exam and pay your mother's debt.  And he even got beaten up by loan sharks who came to your house yesterday.  You don't know that, right?  Because all you need to do is to stay in your tiny room and study all day while mooching off my son."

Actually in her dementia, she was talking to HG not SR!  (I didn't realise that before)  This made me realize how much JE loved HG.  He sacrificed,  endured and gave out a lot for HG to help her become a lawyer.  He really protected HG.  In ep 20, JE finally realized how much he loves HG and how much she meant to him.

SR teared up a bit, I wonder if it was hecause she was envious of JE's love to HG?  

 What a clever way to shed light why the family objected to their marriage through Mom in her dementia talking to SR!!!

Edited by deandraluv
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@jadecloud ~ it makes so much sense that the urn was empty. if TS had to bring back an urn with ashes, customs would have asked all sorts of questions and not to mention paperwork on both sides of the border. HK's death wasn't like officially filled or something right? anyway, getting an empty urn through customs (assuming he got it from china) would be just like bringing a vase or some other curios items... or he could have simply bought an urn, rented a space and put it there...

@Lmangla  I think 'money talks' so with a sneaky mind like TS has, I'm sure he can think of ways of getting around that issue of bringing back an urn with fake ashes, prob a 'fake' or 'bought' death certification was all he needed to cross borders. Besides, I believe that -death cert- is one requirement for a columbarium space anywhere. I'm also thinking in terms of being in kdramaland...LOL;)


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Started approx. 3 A.M.

@mytwocents worth :  found a "haunted.road" called Jayuro:---"the strip of highway that links Goyang  to Paju, situated to the north of Seoul and used by the people in the well-known district of Ilsan to commute. Follows the Han River and is infamous for being enveloped in deep fog, resulting in many car accidents."                                  

No luck finding the map & too tired to keep searching.  I will try again tomorrow.

Continued approx. 9:30 A.M.

I found  the Jayuro section of road, but now I want to look at the 2 big highways out of Incheon Airport.  Hae Gang did a "U-turn" when she was within "20 km" of the Airport .  After she stopped at a Service Center (or pulled over in a small shopping mall, YK1 took her car to escape the killer .  HK gave chase and they veered to the right every time they moved lanes.  Finally, running on "EMPTY", HK pulled over onto a spot on the right shoulder of the road.    SMALL  SIGN ON POLE AT CRASH SITE:......"960"...         By the way, she was on a 2 lane road & both lanes cars driving  in same direction she was headed.                   ( scenes from Epi.9)

I'll try using 'Google maps: to see if I can "match" the picture on the killer/thug's phone   with the GPS "red dot"  showing exactly where HK was sitting at the roadside!

License plate on HK's white rental car:.... "03  Heo  7072".  Clever of BS to return that car --- stopped any noisy complaints from rental agency about a missing car/passenger.

See clear GPS picture on BS phone at  Episode 9 at 55:08 mins.---where he met bloody, hurt HK on the road.

See 2  clear GPS pictures on the killer/thug's phone in Episode 1 at 06:04 mins. & 06:54 mins--- in pursuit of YK1.

Maybe JE will find the accident site next week! 

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Ep 19 & 20

Okey after watching in Eng sub.

• Okey Team JE...this is my POV on BS.

I still stand on the opinion that BS is really not a bad guy.  Proof? he told YK2 (Ep 19) that whatever she decides on..whatever she decides to do ... HE WILL ACCEPT IT.  If he is truly a jerk, he would have demanded that she choose him and throw to her face all those years he had helped her and would ask to be repaid by staying with him.  But he did not. 

• Then why upon learning about and meeting the real YK ..he did not reveal it?

Because YK requested that he should not tell anyone, since her and WJ are in danger.
The Mom requested also that he should not tell anyone, until that time she can already face her daughter YK.
And of course he is still in shock by the consecutive blows of these revelations.
Give the guy a break..give him a little more time..he had been holding on...waiting for her ..for 4 years!!!!!

So between SR & BS ...SR is the worst scum :angry: because inspite learning about the secret of that repulsive BIL she chosed to be quiet for some hidden motive.  And soon i think she would be in connivance with him. (In the preview for Ep 21, she will be hiring a housekeeper my @ss!)

In those scenes where JE recalls SR & BIL conversation ....those exchange of words he remembers are the ones said by the two in the study (not just by his bedside)?..so did he stood up from bed and eavesdropped by the office door?

The Chairman .... this old man ..hmm what is he up to?  he was the one who placed YK's wallet among the things of HK, because he knows JE would search among those things?  why? he wants his evil son in law exposed? but that would mean he will be implicated too.

JE should bask on these moments that YK2 (HK) is saying to him that she is falling in love with him.  Because manonce SHE REGAINS BACK HER MEMORY...and remember you slept with that despicable monster SR (with her now being the new HK)...hah! see if you can get her to look at you with those adoring eyes. 

So  JE...there's sure one way to find out sooner if YK2 is really HK (aside from hello !!! there is no ash in the urn..wake up! wake up!) And I agree with what was posted before...have a look on that BUTT MOLE ....a have a hundred and one ways of imagining on how he can take a look...yiee hi hi hi evil-smiley.gif


BS is not a bad guy. I was moved by his declaration that he would stand by her no matter what. That was decent of him. I just think he has a misguided sense of protection towards YK2 hence he won't tell her what he found out. But he needs to. He sat down beside JE and kept schtum. I think JE also has a right to know his wife isn't dead. Her mother certainly does. Especially since he now realises he was the one to mistakenly identify her four years ago. On the flip side does YK2 not deserve to know she has a long lost sister? She obviously going through a tough time and family would mean alot to her. Joo Won would have an aunt too to look after her if anything went wrong. As far as he knows, and is correct, YK mother hasn't approached her yet so if YK is sick she can't help her and since the mother asked for his silence on this then he should respect that. But that silence does not also include keeping YK2 in the dark about her real identity. 


He also knows YK is in danger. While she may have asked him to keep quiet about her, it also doesn't predicate he keep the truth from her. YK left on a death threat, what's to say YK2 isn't in as much danger because of it?

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I don't think that BS has not let YK2 know who she is or let GN know that HK is alive because of what GN and YK said about keeping anything a secret.


Of course he hasn't let either HK or her mom know because of his selfish desires to hold unto her, His mindset was revealed during his conversation with YK when she asked if he was married and when he answered no, she then asked if he at least had someone in mind to marry since he is already at an age to be married, BS then YK about him been in love with another man's wife.  

Some forum members see the scene where JE is looking at the drunk YK2 at BS's office and BS outside the door of his office but doesn't interrupt them as a sign of BS letting go of HK but if those were his intention, I see what he did as useless without revealing the very important information to either YK2 or JE that YK2 is in fact HK because JE has told him that he is not interested in YK2 but in HK and in YK2 case, even she can't do as she pleases as YK2 but it would be a different scenario if she knew she is HK, even if JE was still pursing YK2, as a single woman, she is burdened like a woman in a committed relationship since she is considerate of BS feeling for her and what makes her situation worse is now Beak daddy and the Beak siblings are now adding to her guilt and putting extra pressure on her when they act as a spokesman to advocate her relationship with BS. 

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I have asked this question previously on this forum but didn't get a reply, who taught the Beak siblings how to love as their method of loving the partner's so exhausting on the object of affection and very psychotic, they always want to have object of their affection in their sight and feel uneasy whenever they don't know where they are, even criminals locked up in prison have more breathing space as the prison warden and guards are forever not watching a particular individual compared to people in a relationship with the Beak's. 

I use to think that Beak daddy was normal but even him seems like a freak as I can't understand what he is thinking when he goes to add pressure on HK knowing fully well that she has feeling for JE, is he in his right mind or does he think that as long as he manages to get HK and BS in a committed relationship, the dynamics of their relationship will automatically change and HK would somehow magically have feeling for BS as if been in a committed relationship has anything to with the feelings between two people.

Edited by oyeleyeolusina
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so watched ep 19 with subs and it felt a bit disjointed. we have the comic scenes with Dr. and YK and then JE having a full on cryfest... but did anyone think that HK became a ghost again in some way while she followed JE around. because she lost her memories and has someone else' identity on her, she has been robbed of her voice and ability to express them -- just like how in the ghost movies, a ghost would follow her lover unable to communicate because they don't belong to the land of the living... so HK is in some ways a shadow no? neither fully in the land of the living and neither in the land of the dead....

love how YK manages to get a reaction out of Dr. even though he is so reluctant.. and was cracking up that the daughter is also reluctant to trust Dr. even though they are both perfectly willing to whine to try and get some food and money from him...

since I havent' watched ep 20 yet, thought BS at least acted with some sense in this episode. finally liked him when he said that if she was being chained to the house because of his feelings and what he did for her, he won't be able to bear it. finally, the man thinks!! because of that, think he won't turn completely evil like SR. even his confession of love made sense in that he is confused and all over the place but he can't stop himself from loving her even though he has no clue who she is actually.. when he comes to terms with who she is, will he let her go? that is the big question.. in the meantime, it is okay for him to be confused ~ we still have 30 odd episodes to fill up! :P

was really intrigued by what TS said in his chat with dad Choi ~ there is no such thing as a kind villain. a villain is a villain. but is that true? after all we are all flawed and we have both the good and bad. so why would it be strange to have a kind villain? am curious to see if that happens in this drama...... and for TS chat about both of them drowning in the sea together in their attempt to reach a deserted island makes me wonder what will happen to these two.. will their fates be tied together in death? in jail? in humiliation and ruin? to lose women they love?

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And another thing ...... JE's short but clear "break-up"speech to SR didn't satisfy her !    NOR WAS IT ENOUGH FOR ME!   He wanted to protect her and himself. Wanted to start a new life by leaving  his wife.........YES, AND WHAT ELSE?


I can not let JE off the hook with just that simple-richard simmons statement about what happened to make him run from the women he once loved so deeply and start romancing SR without a backward glance or an ounce of remorse!


@Kfan7172:.... I especially enjoyed your analysis of the present state of the marriage between JR & TS.  Pitiful to see  and to think about how they got to that unhappy state!  I am thinking how IMO LOVE can be considered a central theme the Writer is exploring in this drama/  Starting from the need/drive/instinct of even the lowly insect, the cicada!  She returns to that image of the cicada from the garden, so close by the entrance to the house, in Episode 1  .Later, HK tells JE she regrets killing that cicada (skipping the details for now).

I'll make a post when I've thought more about what I want to say.  But @Kfan7172, your closer look at the loveless marriage of JR & TS is the direction I'm trying to go.  Thank you!

Anyone remember if that cicada was wounded or not?  It felt that way ----so close to the house, not flying away.  I think the Writer will use the cicada imagery at least once more before the drama ends.  Should I looked them up on the internet? Hmmm....Maybe more info would help!

Edited by mdj101
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I liked learning just how much JE and Hk cared for each other before the event (the death 0f their child).   He not only went against his family with words but busted his own but to support himself and his wife so that she could achieve her dream of being a lawyer.  I think that another reason he does not want his father  influence in his life. 

When he tells SR it the end we have more insights and well to a confirmation   The event hurt him so bad he wanted to escape and was looking for an excuse to leave.  He thought he could run away to greener pastures and get over it.  That why everything HK did to him was viewed negatively wether they truly were or not.   He lost his child and wanted, needed someone to protect.  He could not protect his daughter and HK acted like she did not need protection.   

HK deeply wanted that protection but could ask for it,   That why the dam broke for her when she saw him reading and calling out for SR.   What she had suppressed came floating to the top,  Also why when JE  was denying his fleeing the last straw was HK (we know it not) spreading the pictures to destroy SR.  It confirmed she did not need him.   

Now that mask has been ripped away he regrets everything.


I also think that BS has in fact reminded  her of the young JE.  The man who would take care of her and protect her, however BS unlike JE cannot move her heart.  

The BS family needs to let go of HK.  Dad she was never your sons.  BJ you nice but think about, you view her as family and would be sad to see her go? How sad would her real family be if she is missing for 4 years.   YG is the one you should as to live lightly on her own. 



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now SR Knew HG is YK2 what she gonna do? join force with the evil couple? or kill HG be herself?

Come on JE, do the DNA TEst you'll get all the answer to want.. on the preview YK2 visits JE in his office I think she is bidding goodbye, will BS father arrange the marriage of BS and YK2?

maybe YK2 need another accident to regain her memory.. :) 

BTW this series will have 50 episodes right?

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I have asked this question previously on this forum but didn't get a reply, who taught the Beak siblings how to love as their method of loving the partner's so exhausting on the object of affection and very psychotic, they always want to have object of their affection in their sight and feel uneasy whenever they don't know where they are, even criminals locked up in prison have more breathing space as the prison warden and guards are forever not watching a particular individual compared to people in a relationship with the Beak's. 

I use to think that Beak daddy was normal but even him seems like a freak as I can't understand what he is thinking when he goes to add pressure on HK knowing fully well that she has feeling for JE, is he in his right mind or does he think that as long as he manages to get HK and BS in a committed relationship, the dynamics of the their relationship will automatically change and HK would somehow magically have feeling for BS as if been in a committed relationship has anything to with the feelings between two people.

@oyeleyeolusina ~ am wondering where BS came from in the first place because there is no mention of his mom. so is he also an orphan or someone that the dad adopted? when JE and BS had dinner a few episodes, BS gave this speech about JE needing to protect SR and something about how orphanage kids are insecure because of the abandonment and therefore constantly striving to earn love... if one is secure in oneself, then one doesn't need the constant love and attention of another to feel secure. but neither BS or SR are confident in themselves or that they are people who could be loved for who they are. whatever reason, they have this idea that even to receive love, they have to work at it. hence their psychotic behaviour perhaps. what do others think?

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