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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Episode 20

Jilin was the former Manchu capital Nurgan (奴兒干) before the Manchu invaded China in 1644

YK1 moving to Yanji in Jilin Province will be appropriate for her to mingle into the population as it had a large Korean ethnic Chinese population, there is also Jilin city which is the 2nd largest city & former capital of Jilin province (currently the capital of the province is Changchun - 長春)

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@jadecloud i really missed you today!!!Hk walked in JE office the moment he realized the urna is empty...wow what a moment!!!She looked so heartbroken...before that Bs dad came to her...i wonder why she came?Did she do it because a man that is like a father figure asked her to decide?And no to make his son wait more?

Edited by andy78
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Hi y'all.  OT: Hope it's ok. Question... the next drama after this one is over.. Fine, that's what It is ???? right?? (from writer of Life is beautiful..love that drama) starring the girl from fav ocn drama Cruel City.  Thanks.

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My first comment, prior to checking the forum about recaps of Episode 20.   I'd like to see Epi.19 with Eng subs first, since so much happened in that hour!     ^_^

How will BS decide to tell HK the truth?   How to do in a way that will traumatize her all over again.  As an EXTREME example, think how carefully people consider the harm to a child victim of rape if asked to publicly testify against the rapist in court.    I know, it's a totally unrelated example, but I only just woke up---best I can think of right now!   The effect of this news will be VERY great for HK and will turn her world upside down.

And then, BS and HK will think what to tell JE?  How and when to tell him, as well!     

OK. Now to watch #19 on Viki.  Shall I go straight on to # 20?  Then back here to follow your comments?  Wonderfully fun choices for today!     :rolleyes:

EDIT:  On more thought, before I continue with #19.  

As I look at JE in the present, I am a little angry that he might get back his wife, HK, without having "paid for all the good times he had after taking up with SR". Yes, we saw how happy he was the very first night/day in their secluded little "love nest', that cute traditional hanok in the woods, by the river.HK pegged him so well when she took one look at SR's shabby little rooms and thought, "JE won't last 10 days in a place like this".

HK's "punishment" for her behaviors that contributed to the break down of the marriage began way back in Episode 1.  We see her as being "redeemed".  She is older and wiser.  Her times with the Baek family and the law firm have all worked their magic for her.

However, JE has been enjoying life since he left HK.    And we have been angry to see how comfortable he has been while HK suffered.. How smug he's been, thinking that he has done nothing wrong at all, that he was the wronged party, especially AFTER the divorce!  Only now has JE's "punishment" time started.  And we want to see him reflect on a period of time that is 4 years longer than HK did.   BS has given JE the "wake up call" he needed.  We will watch to see if and how he redeems himself now.




Edited by mdj101
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My first comment, prior to checking the forum about recaps of Episode 20.   I'd like to see Epi.19 with Eng subs first, since so much happened in that hour!     ^_^

How will BS decide to tell HK the truth?   How to do in a way that will traumatize her all over again.  As an EXTREME example, think how carefully people consider the harm to a child victim of rape if asked to publicly testify against the rapist in court.    I know, it's a totally unrelated example, but I only just woke up---best I can think of right now!   The effect of this news will be VERY great for HK and will turn her world upside down.

And then, BS and HK will think what to tell JE?  How and when to tell him, as well!     

OK. Now to watch #19 on Viki.  Shall I go straight on to # 20?  Then back here to follow your comments?  Wonderfully fun choices for today!     :rolleyes:


Actually, neither of the episodes is fully subbed yet...

Edited by ayselluna
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Guest my2centsworth

Time changes throw me off...only saw the last 5 minutes :(

His expression when found the urn is empty.


Darn It! Me too.... totally forgot all about the time change.... also just saw JE uncover the urn. In ep 19, when TS had that convo with MH, he did mention to MH there are two things they have to worry about:

1. the empty urn and how to get fake ash to put in it, before JE decides to investigate.

2. DGYK is alive, with a daughter, and she knows everything about Pudoxin and Ssanghwaseon, and has in her possession a recorded video of Kim's confession of harmful side-effects. And, the suggestion from TS is YK has to be disposed off(killed! OMO, danger looms!). Right after, we saw TS giving orders to ex-PD-now-TS-minion, to get rid of YK from the face of this earth. (But I too think that this PDnim is an undercover, waiting for more evidence to nail TS and MPC)

Anyway, had no idea that the plot will move this fast today and JE will react and look into urn already!....today's ep ending is Wow! Another BOMB! Another cliffhanger ending.... this writernim is awesome! LOVE her!

Good morning LOVERS! Thanks @andy78 @zagigirl @maplekist @trust71 @chubbychub1966 (sorry if I've missed any) for your recaps and screencaps and everyone for wonderful insights. I'll backtrack and read up after watching raw at least. Imma wait for upload of a raw to watch. And I hope BS has done the right thing today or at least something right, like help HK regain her lost/suppressed memories *fingers crossed* Can't wait to watch subbed ep too :) HK and YK FIGHTING! Don't any one of you die! (though it seems YK may already be suffering from side-effects of Pudoxin or something else...)

M/w, here's something interesting...


Looking at YK's new passport under her new ID Zhang Ming, we see where she has been living with Woo Joo now Zhang Yi, for the past 4 years - Yanji city, in Yanbian Prefecture, within Jilin Province, on the NE of China. That means from Shanghai, YK has travelled up north to Jilin, which is about 6 hours by flight and 16 hours by train. Not too far, really. And why did YK travel up north?

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This city is also ...surprise surprise ...

Yanji is often described as more of a Korean, rather than Chinese, community. Two all-Korean television channels are produced locally, and others can be freely received from both North and South Korea. Korean cuisine is highly popular and available everywhere. An annual Korean folk festival takes place each September in Yanji, featuring traditional Korean music, dance, painting, and sports.

Btw, Jilin is also short in Manchu for 'a city along the river'.

Isn't that a meticulous detail from writernim Bae? Awesome! For a geographical understanding, here's the mapped location of YanJi:

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PS: Btw,  @deandraluv @gerrytan8063, I think both of you posted yesterday re YK's 'accent' may be 'satoori'  ...that's probably more accurate than my initial thought that it may be Shanghainese dialect influence, since we now know YK actually lived within a korean environment in the past 4 years.

Must have missed the part where YK took Pudoxin. Do you remember what esp? Need to go back and watch some back esps again.

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Guest my2centsworth


I've been thinking the same thing. Every scene where the two of them are together there seems to be some ackwardness.  Just wait for the scene with these two after GN finds out how involved MH is with all of her family.

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HK and YK FIGHTING! Don't any one of you die! (though it seems YK may already be suffering from side-effects of Pudoxin or something else...)


Must have missed the part where YK took Pudoxin. Do you remember what esp? Need to go back and watch some back esps again.

As far as I remember, Yong-gi has never taken Pudoxin. 

That must be @jadecloud's assumption, which I made too...

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A follow-up of an earlier post (pre-broadcast) on Pg 175... 

Here's Lee Eun Mi in Hidden Singer 4 on 10-31-15.

Guess which is LEM? Singer 1, 2, 3, or 4? Guess before the singer appears. Did you get it right? hehe....LOVE this beautiful song. So glad it gets its revival via IHAL drama. And that LEM gets her renewed fame! 

LEM's shock sharing of her 'disappearance period from limelight'... talks about her 'Burnout Syndrome' depression period, which was very hard and she suffered a lot. Includes a short clip of her initial performance(2005) of the song revived via IHAL and has now become a 'national song' :wub: Fighting LEM-ssi!

The opening segment when LEM, singing one of her songs, first makes her 'surprise appearance' in this ep of HS4... did you guess it right? 1 to 6, which 'voice' is hers? hehe...



PS: @andy78 really missed you and ep 20 too :) Waiting for raw version to appear online...wae so long?  s_waiting_1.gif?w=60&h=61


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Here are my two pennies: I still have faith in BS to do what is right for HG.  He redeemed himself when he allowed YK2 to choose between JE and him.  That made me see him in a different light and his actions clearly contrasted between SR and him.  I believe he is a simple man like his Father.  So far his reactions to JE have been justifiable as he believes JE is a player and he is targeting YK2 only because she looks like his ex-wife.

I know I've been annoyed by BS's consistent marriage proposal but I do not believe BS deliberately hid YK's past from HG for his own selfish reasons.  He may think YK2/HG was all bloody because she tried to kill herself and her amnesia is a result of her not wanting to face the past.  I give him kudos for changing HG into YK2.  HG while she lived as YK2 was a happy and giving person. 

This drama is getting to be a tangled web.  Who knows what and who think they know the truth but are actually lies, who is lying about what they know and what they don’t know???  Hope this does not expose loopholes in the story line later on.  I sympathize with BS and his father.  Both are acting with good intentions towards YK2. 


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Hi y'all.  OT: Hope it's ok. Question... the next drama after this one is over.. Fine, that's what It is ???? right?? (from writer of Life is beautiful..love that drama) starring the girl from fav ocn drama Cruel City.  Thanks.

@jongski To answer your OT question...Yes, it's  true. Writernim Kim Su-Hyun is coming back with that project as you've stated. She's another awesome screenwriter. Some of us here were just talking about 'TWWMTT' which was one of her works. Awesome except for the ending (just IMO). But her earlier works like Childless Comfort, LiB, A Thousand Day's Promise, Snow Flower, Mom Has Grown Horns, etc, were all ranging from good to very good to super!

If only she would cast LJA again...  and yes, apparently NGR is in talks to appear in it.  Btw, if appearing, this will be her reunion with writernim Kim. NGR was also in LiB.

Waiting for more news ... I can't wait too :) 

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The more I look at BS character the one word and one phrase comes to mind. 

Shallow. .

BS might have depth of character but he is not someone that look or examines anything too deeply.  This what happen with GN the law suite and finding HK/YK.   Also the road to hell is paved with good intentions.   His intentions are good , he  wants to help and he wants love, but because he does not  took deeply at things he does not have a full understanding of what is  going on.   So he can not be as  effective as he could be.  It is  YK2 investigative skills that has helped the law office.  Before her he did not have the drive to look to closely into matters.  

He loves YK/YK2 but why does he love her has he looked at his feelings are was he caught up the idea of loving.   This I think is why he is  in shock because for the first time he has now truly question what is it he knows, who does he care for and what has he done.   Also  as someone I think never wanted to hurt anyone he now found out he has done just that.  

If he had the intellectual  curiosity he could be a great lawyer as he could disarm people with his wit and nice guy charm and then get go for it.


BS now need to be a little more selfless., if he is not the person he will hurt the most is himself.    

Edited by DelroyB
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Here are my two pennies: I still have faith in BS to do what is right for HG.  He redeemed himself when he allowed YK2 to choose between JE and him.  That made me see him in a different light and his actions clearly contrasted between SR and him.  I believe he is a simple man like his Father.  So far his reactions to JE have been justifiable as he believes JE is a player and he is targeting YK2 only because she looks like his ex-wife.

I know I've been annoyed by BS's consistent marriage proposal but I do not believe BS deliberately hid YK's past from HG for his own selfish reasons.  He may think YK2/HG was all bloody because she tried to kill herself and her amnesia is a result of her not wanting to face the past.  I give him kudos for changing HG into YK2.  HG while she lived as YK2 was a happy and giving person. 

This drama is getting to be a tangled web.  Who knows what and who think they know the truth but are actually lies, who is lying about what they know and what they don’t know???  Hope this does not expose loopholes in the story line later on.  I sympathize with BS and his father.  Both are acting with good intentions towards YK2. 



Yes, this is also my taken now. I was verry very annoyed with BS's pushing behaviour and was disliking him. But now after what he said to HK, imo too, he had redeemed himself in regards his pushing ways. Yeah, he could have done that before, but at least he did it and, I think, it was still in time. I'm glad he did it :) . To me, in this ep - 19 BS appeared in a more sympathetic light. I'm waiting to know what he will do now about HK and YK twins issue. I'm not sure, because the sub wasn't completed, but it seems that the mother asked him not to tell anyone about the twins. I'm willing to give a credit to BS and hope that his silence could be to answer the mother's request. Maybe not the best decision, but at least it isn't a pure selfish one.

I'm happy I can see BS in a better light, it will make things more complicated and more interesting, 'cause a flawed character is more complex and layered than a evil character, and BS beeing good, selfish, not selfish, feeling guilty, sorrow and willing to help people is better to watch and related to than BS in the dark side ;).

If BS doesn't let his selfshness win over his goodness, it will make things more interesting, and we will can see two flawed and good guys helpind the twins. I don't think we have to hate one to love the other: we can appreciate and cheer both flawed characters - in dfferents ways, provide that neither turns to the dark side. :) 

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HK and YK FIGHTING! Don't any one of you die! (though it seems YK may already be suffering from side-effects of Pudoxin or something else...)


Must have missed the part where YK took Pudoxin. Do you remember what esp? Need to go back and watch some back esps again.

As far as I remember, Yong-gi has never taken Pudoxin. 

That must be @jadecloud's assumption, which I made too...

You're right @ayselluna it was just a spec @my2centsworth and I'm going by the tummy/tummy area pains that YK is seen to be suffering from. But then again, if it were, she must have taken Pudoxin before she knew about the harmful side-effects, since that was the reason why she became a whistle-blower. Thots?

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I'm happy I can see BS in a better light, it will make things more complicated and more interesting, 'cause a flawed character is more complex and layered than a evil character, and BS beeing good, selfish, not selfish, feeling guilty, sorrow and willing to help people is better to watch and related to than BS in the dark side ;).

If BS doesn't let his selfshness win over his goodness, it will make things more interesting, and we will can see two flawed and good guys helpind the twins. I don't think we have to hate one to love the other: we can appreciate and cheer both flawed characters - in dfferents ways, provide that neither turns to the dark side. :) 

@ninaanin, I had a bias against LGH since watching My Name is Kim Sam Soon.  Seeing all the hate hurled at him in the Viki comments kinda made me feel guilty.  The character is goofy and kind, which LGH has played to the T.  I now find myself trying to remember exactly what BS knows and see his perspective in a kinder light.  The only person he has hurt is JE but he did it to protect YK2.  It did turn out well because JE is now on a mission to uncover the truth.

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Trying to follow along with the story and whats happening without subs is like my own personal hell lol. But, I can't stop so I must like to torture myself lol. 

I've seen a lot of people complain and hate that its 50 episodes but, with this tangled story and so much to be discovered i'm thankful their moving along fast, we have had a revelation or new information and surprises in every episode. I've watched a lot of 50+ episode dramas and they always manage to disappoint me and drag and even leave some stuff unresolved. This drama is different, and really allows the characters to use their brains and think and not live a life of noble ignorance. 

Must thing about episode 20 is.. JE finally and officially dumping SR, making his feelings for his wife dead or alive known. And JE discovering the urn was empty.

Worst thing about episode 20 is BS I understand he is in shock but its unethical and very wrong of him not to reveal what he knows and is ultimately putting YK/HS in danger. 

Hopefully both episodes will be subbed by tomorrow!

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When BS and YK meet, I think it clear she only saw him as friend class mate.   Normally your great love you don't ask if they are married in such happy hopeful  way.  


I think he has hurt HK and her mom by unintentionally keeping them apart.  BS will now look at all his action in new light.  As they say hindsight is 20/20.  When HK said she was not YK,  When he insisted she was, when she told him she just trying to live as the person he describes.  The flippant remarks about not caring about her past.   If i had listen or done something different.


HK as YK2 has had a transformation but she has not had the time to reflect  on anything because not self-aware of her as HK. Only once she has become HK with all memories can she come to terms with who she is. 

Edited by DelroyB
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