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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Yeahhh what a nightmare to live with those four and the pile of trouble they will all take home bahhhhhh! that will be punishment enough...

Perhaps by the end she will do what she said she wanted to do for him : to get the company and give it to him :crazy:

Don't know what to say about company yet...it would be normal to be his...but that depends on what his father really did in the past...i don't think that all things r quite like they seems right now..they must have some hidden jokers to keep this drama alive and to be able to make twists...but they might fight together against the bad ones

I'm scared for both sisters...for what they might do to them...but i'm certain that whatever relation JE and HK will be he'll watch her back 

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Then if he never had feelings for SR, what do you call it when a man is willing to stand up to his MOTHER IN LAW to protect this other woman/student who he happens to like kissing and sleeping with and always seeking her out? What do you call it when this man arranges for this student to study overseas with him for 4 years all expenses paid cost hundred of thousands of dollars? What do you call it when this man does things to make this student happy when she's expressed dissatisfaction---buying the cell phone and not leaving her apartment when he clearly wanted to leave, but stated because she asked him to? What do you call it when this man starts treating this student the same way he treated his wife when they met which is what really clued HK onto the fact that he liked SR and not just SR having a crush on him. What man would go against his wife and leave her to go with the student that he had slept with if it was nothing? What man brings the student into the family home as his girlfriend which he's been with for 4 years?


All those things you listed above would be pretty good evidence of what a man would do when he has feeling for a woman but JE's personality is a little different, he is the type of person to be good to anybody irrespective of their gender without having any ulterior motive plus as I keep saying JE and SR relationship wouldn't have turned into an affair without HK acting as a catalyst as it was only when she commented on their relationship did it turn into an affair, if you want to get a better handle of JE's way of thinking, look at events that transpired after JE saw HK killing that bug in episode 1 and they had that argument, which gave me an idea of the way JE functions and HK commented while they were quarrelling over the bug that they have not a serious decision for a while and here they are fighting over a bug.

No teacher treats a student this way or turns his life upside down for a student that he had no feelings for.

JE never turned his life upside down because of SR, he wanted a divorce even before he started his affair and even if SR wasn't in the picture, he would have still tried divorcing HK and JE is exactly the type of person to treat his student very good especially ones that come from poor background, it wouldn't surprise me if SR knowing that JE is the type of person that would try to help someone pitiful, that was what made her wear rags to the labs as no matter how poor a university student, she wouldn't wears rags but instead buy cheap cloth as SR at that time had a part time job, so she was making money to afford the clothes.

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All those things you listed above would be pretty good evidence of what a man would do when he has feeling for a woman but JE's personality is a little different, he is the type of person to be good to anybody irrespective of their gender without having any ulterior motive plus as I keep saying JE and SR relationship wouldn't have turned into an affair without HK acting as a catalyst as it was only when she commented on their relationship did it turn into an affair, if you want to get a better handle of JE's way of thinking, look at events that transpired after JE saw HK killing that bug in episode 1 and they had that argument, which gave me an idea of the way JE functions and HK commented while they were quarrelling over the bug that they have not a serious decision for a while and here they are fighting over a bug.

No teacher treats a student this way or turns his life upside down for a student that he had no feelings for.

JE never turned his life upside down because of SR, he wanted a divorce even before he started his affair and even if SR wasn't in the picture, he would have still tried divorcing HK and JE is exactly the type of person to treat his student very good especially ones that come from poor background, it wouldn't surprise me if SR knowing that JE is the type of person that would try to help someone pitiful, that was what made her wear rags to the labs as no matter how poor a university student, she wouldn't wears rags but instead buy cheap cloth as SR at that time had a part time job, so she was making money to afford the clothes.

I guess you and I will agree to disagree.  From what I've seen and from what I've observed, JE had feelings for SR. To me, he has turned his life upside down for her. He could have had a straight out divorce from HK, but instead his affair brought his and HK's family into the mix because in a whole new way. When he was kneeling before his mother in law, I got the impression he was apologizing for how he treated her when he protected SR and left with her---not for divorcing HK. Four years later he's still with a woman he doesn't love and probably doesn't know how to get rid of at this point. His mother is pushing him towards marriage and so is SR, but it's not something that he wants. Now he's found YK2 and he's not really free.  I can't wait to see what Saturday's episode brings and the inter action between SR and JE to see if he's life is easier or more complicated. I would say, more complicated.

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I definitely, totally understand what you're saying, @oyeleyeolusina! But Jin Eun didn't have to touch, kiss, sleep, use sexual advances on Seol Ri! And he did! So, in other words, according to you, he would do the same with any other female student? That's just! I don't even want to finish that sentence! Or explain myself any further!

Okay, wait, let me rephrase my paragraph above! I understand you and I also stated before as well that if Hae Kang didn't confronted Jin Eun about Seol Ri, Jin Eun wouldn't realize that he's attracted to Seol Ri! But still, did he have to go as far as having sexual advances with Seol Ri! So, in other words, according to you, if it was another student and Hae Kang confronted Jin Eun, since he treats every poor like student the same, he would use sexual advances on that student too?


By the way, are there any male viewers in this thread? 

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@lclarakl wrote Infatuation is falling in love with or becoming extremely interested in someone or something for a short time.  

I would like to underline 'a short time'.  For me, JE's feelings towards SR can be explained in this sense.  No doubt that JE must have felt some kind of infatuation towards SR four years ago. Some infatuation grows into love, some just dies down.  Maybe JE experienced the later.  SR knows that he doesn't love her and he doesn't see her as a woman.  But he felt indebted to her for saving his life, that is why he supported her when she studied overseas and cared for her all this time.  

@ymiss wrote: I understand you and I also stated before as well that if Hae Kang didn't confronted Jin Eun about Seol Ri, Jin Eun wouldn't realize that he's attracted to Seol Ri! But still, did he have to go as far as having sexual advances with Seol Ri! So, in other words, according to you, if it was another student and Hae Kang confronted Jin Eun, since he treats every poor like student the same, he would use sexual advances on that student too?


I don't think so.  Not to another student but SR.  JE would not treat other poor female student and use sexual advances on her too because that other student did not make a move first, chased after and confessed her love to JE.  As I remember (I maybe wrong on this), HK told JE first that SR loved JE after talking to her in the coffee shop where she worked at.  Any man would feel flattered if he hears  a woman confessing her love to him.  Plus, SR reminded him of the young HK, is very pretty, smart and cheerful.  We could see how JE had such conflicting feelings at the time. JE did say no when SR was stripping in front of him but yet later he stayed overnight there.   JE took the bait, and we all hate him for that.

The drama has been intriguing so far.  The only downside is that it's 50 ep drama.....I am not that patient....Can't wait for tonight!


Edited by deandraluv
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Guest CaroR19

Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


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I don't think so.  Not to another student but SR.  JE would not treat other poor female student and use sexual advances on her too because that other student did not make a move first, chased after and confessed her love to JE.  As I remember (I maybe wrong on this), HK told JE first that SR loved JE after talking to her in the coffee shop where she worked at.  Any man would feel flattered if he hears  a woman confessing her love to him.  Plus, SR reminded him of the young HK, wa very pretty, smart and cheerful.  We could see how JE had such conflicting feelings at the time. JE did say no when SR was stripping in front of him but yet later he stayed overnight there.   JE took the bait, and we all hate him for that.

The drama has been intriguing so far.  The only downside is that it's 50 ep drama.....I am not that patient....Can't wait for tonight!

The most important thing that I picked up in the conversation that HK had with JE about SR's crush, was it wasn't so much about SR having a crush on JE as it was the fact that JE was treating SR the same way he used to treat HK when he started liking her. With SR being bold and chasing after JE and JE treating SR the same way he started treating HK when wanting to date her, it just shows the two were attracted to each other and were going to be together no matter what.

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Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


Because he did the same to Seol Ri before he just wants a helpless child to protect

If the earphones scene is really Jin Eon trying to make her remember, then does that mean he forgot all the crap he did to her? Isn't he afraid she'll remember all the terrible things first?? 

I wonder what is the role of the new doctor in the story. Will he be part of the love square? (or pentagon?)

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I asked once before in the thread and I didn't receive an answer from anyone! I'm going to ask again! Like I said, I skipped episodes 5 or 6 through 9! I'm not sure if the answer is in those episodes but it may be! My question is, why does Jin Eun care if Hae Kang is alive or dead when in episode 4, he gave her the divorce paper! And it don't matter if she torn it apart and asked for time to let him go on her part! He totally wanted her out of his life! What happen from episode 5 or 6 on to episode 9 that shows he still cares for her even when at the end, they're divorced and he left aboard with Seol Ri?

As someone who watched all the episodes so far, I have no frigging clue. He did everything so she'd get out of his life, he was so ready to believe she set a detective on him and sent the pics to his university to get him fired, she begged him to give their marriage another go and he didn't listen, and now all of a sudden he wants to go back? Did u watch these:



"Never loved Seol Ri" and "Sunbae/hobae relationship" my richard simmons lol

@joojanah OMG! the two vids you showcased captured the jerk that JE really is. And still, these are NOT JUST it!

How can writernim have a character development like the above, and then some more, in her script and now want viewers to accept that JE and SR are 'not really lovers'? That JE is actually still having the hots for HK after 4 years have passed since the big D? 

In the first vid, where JE was being a first class gaesekki dog-bxxtard (LOL) My heart was ripped out of my chest and got stuck at the throat! I couldn't breathe! How could HK take it and still want the marriage? still want to hold on to JE? Was it LOVE that was too deep OR some other reasons yet unknown? 

In the second vid, where JE and SR were seen 'tracing and touching' each other's facial features (mind you, JE started it!), that we are to think the 'T and T' stopped at the mouth? And that was JUST ONE NIGHT? Or am I alone being pervvy?(LOL) 

Has writernim painted the picture of a cheating and cruel JE too well already, that it really is tough to paddle back to having JE redeem himself? Is it still possible? 

Can one 'KILL OFF' another's heart and soul, then 4 years later, do everything possible and say 'now come back ALIVE, for me. COS I STILL LOVE YOU? I REALLY LOVE YOU' ? but the other hand is STILL STUCK with the girl he was holding hands(not just!) with all the while? 

OMG!!! I really am speechless! BUT still game to see what writernim has in store for us. Come on writernim, show us what you've got. BUT IT BETTER BE GOOD! I'm ready to be floored by your plot/characters development, and if it's GOOD, I'm ready to applaud.

Edited by jadecloud
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I just caught up with all the posts from page 92 and I've learned:

JE is emotionally stunted.  That due to his upbringing and lack of emotional security, he learned to hurt the one he loves.  He never advanced beyond the tantrum stage, whereas you destroy your most precious possessions in rage, your mother rubs your back, you fall asleep, you wake up and cute smile/manipulate her into replacing your valuables because no one says no to you.;)  There were no consequences to his actions.  

I learned that BS's love is not pure, but selfish because he hasn't done more to determine she isn't YK.  Given the fact that she had YK's ID on her and she looks like YK, I don't know if I would have reasonably thought she was a doppelganger.  He researched YK, found she had gone missing, found her husband/baby's father "committed suicide"  and somehow concluded she lost/miscarried the baby(maybe the nightmare of a dead little girl lead him to believe it).  I  get that because it fit together reasonably enough, since I don't believe in doppelgangers.  Remember it took him a few minutes to rule her out as a ghost.  

I also learned BS is selfish for forcing himself on a woman who clearly does not want him.  I see this differently, because I hope the writer will continue to show HK as a mature, intelligent, rational woman. She's analytical and coaches BS through his cases (notates files). He's a better lawyer because of her.  HK even without her memory has all her faculties.  She reasons well, maintains a job and has income(she went to the ATM and withdrew @ $2,800).  She could/should have left BS's home, if she disliked his advances. Staying leads him on.  When she's with him she preens, she touches him, she "sexy" laughs (BS's words, not mine).  She's getting something from this deal other than room and board and besides the comfort of the children.  Also, she's an investigator now.  If she's curious about her past, she would/will research it.  I don't blame him for not doing more.  She's Top of the Class and he's bottom 10%. If she believed there is a husband or child waiting for her, why didn't she pursue it?  

Also, one of the things that bothers me most about HK's characterization is that she's an unfeeling corporate lawyer who destroys people without empathy.  My take on the court scene, was it compares to a US pretrial motion to dismiss.  When a lawyer outlines how they will proceed with their case in order to cajole the accuser into dropping the case or settling.  She presented facts, you aborted 3 babies in the past, it's common knowledge that you shouldn't take any drugs while pregnant, it's common knowledge that this drug when taken in wrong dosage or mixed with other medications can cause miscarriage, so on and so forth.  I wonder if a man was presenting we would think so harshly of him?  What I think is missed is that HK explains to MW(who is late to court and unaware of their strategy) that she asked for the case to be dismissed so there'd be no public record..  I understood that to be compassionate. Not a woman trying to annihilate another woman, but a corporate lawyer ethically defending the corporation that pays her.  We give JE benefit of the doubt in all gray area's, why not HK?  Also, the fact that the young lady had not been thoroughly prepared speaks to her lawyer's greed and lack of experience.  In fact, he should have grilled her in preparation for this and then determined if she was strong enough to stand up to a corporation.  So I don't hold HK liable for her death, I do place some blame on her lawyer and her own demons.  In fact, I felt badly for HK.  There's one point where she looks away in court.  Given what we know now about the murder of her child and her desire to have more, I wonder if she was a little disturbed by this young lady's actions when she so desperately wanted another child.

@maplekist thank you for your post.  You say it much better than me and I appreciate your insight.  


Edited by kimnana41
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In the second vid, where JE and SR were seen 'tracing and touching' each other's facial features (mind you, JE started it!), that we are to think the 'T and T' stopped at the mouth? And that was JUST ONE NIGHT? Or am I alone being pervvy?(LOL) 

Has writernim painted the picture of a cheating and cruel JE too well already, that it really is tough to paddle back to having JE redeem himself? Is it still possible? 

Can one 'KILL OFF' another's heart and soul, then 4 years later, do everything possible and say 'now come back ALIVE, for me. COS I STILL LOVE YOU? I REALLY LOVE YOU' ? but the other hand is STILL STUCK with the girl he was holding hands(not just!) with all the while? 

OMG!!! I really am speechless! BUT still game to see what writernim has in store for us. Come on writernim, show us what you've got. BUT IT BETTER BE GOOD! I'm ready to be floored by your plot/characters development, and if it's GOOD, I'm ready to applaud.

I think you are definitely right in the first few episodes JE was intentionally a Bastard he was rude, violent and had no consideration for her feelings was even rejecting her at every attempt she had of wanting to get closer... if he really ever loved her shouldn't he at least give it a try? and yes I am pervy too I can definitely see SR and JE being intimate at least 2 yrs out of the 4 since the london separation but definitely they were in a relationship... while YK2 and BS have never passed that line or boundary between friend and lovers so theirs is not a lovers relationship but more like friends and BS wanting to be more and YK2 not because of her loss of memory and also her fears...

Now I honestly CANNOT believe that JE he is that devoted to her YK2 even if he loved her shouldn't he remember how badly he treated her?? and on top of that how badly he treated her as YK2 when he is wanting to end any relations with her as well as how rude he was at the hospital - here though I think he was jealous he couldn't accept that HK/YK2 could be with another man and be happy so he remember what his MIL said and what SR said so he again mistreated her for selfish reasons... the moment that he acknowledges all the bad he did to HK/YK2 and not just throw the blame at her and find out everything that SR and his sister and his own family did I hope he can truly then know that he has not even started to make up and even deserve to be the man to stay with her

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 BS lovers, your moment is here...hehe

OBSnews - BS Shows His Love to YK2. Thrilling Romance (?)

(Butterflies anyone? I think BS is trying to 'fight' for YK2 in the face of JE beating a path to her heart. I hope BS will come clean with YK2 on his research on YK as well, and help YK2 to heal first, before pushing for a commitment again.)


CR: OBSnews

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Guest CaroR19

Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


Because he did the same to Seol Ri before he just wants a helpless child to protect

If the earphones scene is really Jin Eon trying to make her remember, then does that mean he forgot all the crap he did to her? Isn't he afraid she'll remember all the terrible things first?? 

I wonder what is the role of the new doctor in the story. Will he be part of the love square? (or pentagon?)

I don't think he would forget, since it the preview he said "let's start over" but he isn't being realistic to his position at all , I think he might want her to remember while trying to kept her as she is now If that make any sense

I also been  wondering  about the doctors role , I don't understand why he lives with her mom also if he living in her house he never seen a picture of her at all 

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even im so excited to see je pursuing yk2 trying to win her back , but hearing the word I miss you on the preview makes me wanna slap him,4 yrs of staying in other country without trying to look for hk  or have communication with her that's:angry: and just remind je at the bar with his friend talking to SR on video phone still smiling the time he came back .:angry:

btw any stills for the doctor? I really wanna know wahts his role and will be link to whom:wub: if  he is for SR people nevermind don't post it:P

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Can someone explain to me the whole shoelace thing,i noticed in the last episode she kept looking at her shoelace and cried as he tie them 


Because he did the same to Seol Ri before he just wants a helpless child to protect

If the earphones scene is really Jin Eon trying to make her remember, then does that mean he forgot all the crap he did to her? Isn't he afraid she'll remember all the terrible things first?? 

I wonder what is the role of the new doctor in the story. Will he be part of the love square? (or pentagon?)

I don't think he would forget, since it the preview he said "let's start over" but he isn't being realistic to his position at all , I think he might want her to remember while trying to kept her as she is now If that make any sense

I also been  wondering  about the doctors role , I don't understand why he lives with her mom also if he living in her house he never seen a picture of her at all 

Yeah that makes sense, and I completely agree that is what he's trying to do.

They are the main characters so they'll probably get together in the end, but my only wish is that they let him taste some of her bitterness and anger once she remembers. Please let her be angry at him! (I know her guilt for her daughter's death will probably also be a big blow to her but I hope it isn't used to cancel her anger)

I found BS and HK cute when they met before the memory loss but I think I can only really ship them when HK starts showing romantic interest in him. I know it's the trend in kdramas to make the heroine pure by having eyes for the male lead only and receiving the interest of the 2nd lead without ever giving a reply until the end, but since all the characters are in their 30s(?) I hope they let her say what she thinks about BS's interest in her, and not only show BS asking for marriage while she stays silent lol

Edited by joojanah
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Really loved your description of JE's "tantrum"-like behavior (page 97)--- a vivid way of understanding his actions, I think.

And your insight into HK's legal maneuvers in that court case --- an amazingly clear analysis of the actual legal intentions behind behaviors that seemed, at first glance, to be unthinkably cruel, unpardonable actions of a first class corporate lawyer!   I was completely misled by the emotions of those scenes.  Even your criticism of the defendant's lawyer --- who failed to prepare his client properly for her court date and even worse, filed to recognize the opportunity HK was giving him to protect his client from public recriminations --- due to HIS overwhelming greed for a large settlement , and his own large profit from that money!

Truly a very insightful analysis  which adds greatly to my understanding of this drama so far. Fills in so many "gaps" for me. I am like the bull being swayed by the cape of a skilled matador (the writer of this drama).  The writer's words, characters's actions, etc. easily move me to make hasty, wrong conclusions and to have expectations based upon inaccurate interpretations of events in the drama.  

So many insightful comments in this forum!  Thank you all! 

PS:   Even the reminder that HK is actually a skilful Investigator is a great help! So she will surely start to dig into the facts underlying JE's "crazy" insistence that she is his wife!   Soon enough others will also become curious about many things that just do not make sense.  Each starting from their own perspective!  Eventually they will all bump into each other and the truths will start to bubble to the suface! 


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I don't have problem with JE suddenly starts to get his feelings back after all these four years.  People say "Out of sight, out of mind".    But seeing YK2 evoked his feelings buried in his heart.  It evoked the pleasant memories of HK.  

@Claudia Ximena wrote: the moment that he acknowledges all the bad he did to HK/YK2 and not just throw the blame at her and find out everything that SR and his sister and his own family did I hope he can truly then know that he has not even started to make up and even deserve to be the man to stay with her.  

Yes! I can't wait to see the moment when he finds out the schemes of his sister and BIL set up that contributed to his anger towards HK.  I want to see JE realize that he had falsely accused HK of what happened in the past.  Will he ever find out, though?  I can't wait to see JE devastated when he hears the news that the real HK is supposedly dead.  Let him have his feelings towards YK2 revived before it happens, then he would be more devastated.  Who do you think will tell him?  SR? BS? His sister? His BIL?  His mom?  or even YK2? Hmmm....

@jadecloud wrote: I hope BS will come clean with YK2 on his research on YK as well, and help YK2 to heal first, before pushing for a commitment again.)

I totally agree with you.  I hope BS won't hastily take SR's words to marry her and take advantage of her memory loss.  

Wow! It will be very interesting to see the episode tonight (KST). Two men are trying to win HK's love....

Edited by deandraluv
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All those things you listed above would be pretty good evidence of what a man would do when he has feeling for a woman but JE's personality is a little different, he is the type of person to be good to anybody irrespective of their gender without having any ulterior motive plus as I keep saying JE and SR relationship wouldn't have turned into an affair without HK acting as a catalyst as it was only when she commented on their relationship did it turn into an affair, if you want to get a better handle of JE's way of thinking, look at events that transpired after JE saw HK killing that bug in episode 1 and they had that argument, which gave me an idea of the way JE functions and HK commented while they were quarrelling over the bug that they have not a serious decision for a while and here they are fighting over a bug.

No teacher treats a student this way or turns his life upside down for a student that he had no feelings for.

JE never turned his life upside down because of SR, he wanted a divorce even before he started his affair and even if SR wasn't in the picture, he would have still tried divorcing HK and JE is exactly the type of person to treat his student very good especially ones that come from poor background, it wouldn't surprise me if SR knowing that JE is the type of person that would try to help someone pitiful, that was what made her wear rags to the labs as no matter how poor a university student, she wouldn't wears rags but instead buy cheap cloth as SR at that time had a part time job, so she was making money to afford the clothes.

agree with you  @oyeleyeolusina ; did he like her as a person? most likely. did he like her as a woman? most likely. but was it a strong like, the kind in the border between like and love and is a few steps away from falling in love? no. he never was. while the list @lclarakl sounds like evidence for a regular guy, here is the thing -- he is rich. it is not like he slogged like crazy to pay for her school education. he didn't have to lift a finger. his dad paid for SR's expenses, not JE and to his dad, it was pocket change that one would make for charity. nothing to get too bothered by for JE or his family. even he giving her first place in the research report tells me that he no longer considers research as a career option and he knows that he is going to take over his dad's company and so it is irrelevant whose name is on top as long as the research gets out. now, if we look at the family, his dad offers money to HK's mom because he felt it was the right thing to do and it would make his family look bad. now we all know that the dad is also a bit shady and has likely done some questionable things but he too has some sense of honour or responsibility towards HK's mom. so what kind of men are they? complicated!

but if we really want to understand JE, look at what JR says -- find her annoying but super useful because she has a very good handle on her brother and understands what makes him tick. now she told SR that JE did not divorce HK because of the affair and it was EunSol's death that drove the couple apart. JR also tells SE that if it wasn't for the photographs she released and made it seem like it was HK, SR wouldn't be in the kitchen pretending to be a kind of daughter-in-law. now why is that important? well, think that if it wasn't for the photographs coming out, SR would have simply been an indiscretion, a one night stand, nothing to be taking too seriously. regardless of how hurt she was, HK was determined to stick on to her position and the dad would have never kicked HK out -- his plans for her didn't change and he considered her as a daughter-in-law. notice how JE's parents reacted to the affair -- they were upset, aghast but not alarmed; it means they considered it as a kind of indiscretion but not something that he would upend his life for. it also makes me wonder if his anger at seeing the photos were because he now had to take responsibility for SR -- he was aghast that it came out and that HK would stoop to such behaviour. he was mad at discovering that HK was getting SR kicked out of school. these were the actions that prompted him to take responsibility but he does so in a very detached manner. he can afford to do it because he is rich.

if he really had any feelings for her, he would have married her right away because he is the marrying kind. but the very fact that he does not want and uses SR's education as an excuse tells me that she was an indiscretion in a moment of weakness and he used her as an excuse to wrench HK out of his life. she was useful and now she is nearing the shelf life, who knows what will happen. like @suchadiva42 says, expecting some sort of fatal attraction kind of actions from SR!!!!

P.S ~ that detail about her wearing rags possibly on purpose really makes me wonder..in the cafe when HK gave her shoes, SR said she can afford to buy herself shoes. so did she purposely wear rag clothes to make JE pity her because she knew that was the way to get his attention? yikes what will she do when she no longer has any hold on JE?

Edited by Lmangla
because it will merge anyway
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