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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Annyeong @irilight chingu :) thanks for the welcome. I can see my chingu @valsava is here too and many other chingu deul as well. Hello @jadecloud I like your post, its true that we have forgotten during the time JE and SR were together enjoying by the seaside, both JE and HK have divorced. Well said, your post..I enjoyed reading it.

@jadecloud chingu, I see that you are a SoGonger, me too :) so we must have met in TMS before.

@alekaonu Hello SoGonger *waves* Yes we did although I was late to the partee and quite a lurker then. That TMS drama was awesome! I still rewatch some of it sometimes. And still hoping for a TMS 2, or its equivalence. Will we get it? LOL. Glad to see you here :) 


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Ok... I watched ep 1 with c-subs and ep 2 partially with subs. I actually think cheating is absolutely the least of their problems. They have much bigger issues than infidelity. So that makes me think that infidelity will actually not really be the main issue here. That's really just scratching the surface - like battling the tip of an iceberg but most of it is what you can't see underwater. It will take A LOT to start working through any issues they have. I don't really like HK but as a woman around her age, I can understand her a little bit more. Someone here mentioned this, and multiple people in the drama bring up her age as a factor to ridicule her and the fact that she doesn't have children etc. In laws that disrespect the daughter in law is hardly anything new. Happens all the time. I can attest (as I mentioned in another thread) that constant treatment like that over the years does really take it's toll on ones self-esteem and general well-being. I can see it in HK's face when she has to deal with her inlaws. Currently at her job, it's probably the only place where she's getting "respected". It's not the proper place to channel her energies just at work... but it does seem like she hit a wall with her soon to be ex-husband anyways. 

A young energetic new wife is great but everyone hits age 35 someday. The cycle is vicious. It'll be great for a few years and then what? JE has some personal issues of his own that he needs to work through. He can't blame everything on his ex-wife. While this is a kdrama so really anything could happen, I think both of them haven't properly dealt with the loss of their child. It's clear that they both are trying to deal with it in completely different ways and thus are really not understanding each other and for JE especially, he purposefully has driven a big riff and one that he thinks cannot be mended. HK is right... she is alive before him and he cannot even see her and try to understand her. He should be focusing on those who are alive and properly grieve the loss of his daughter so he can begin to move on, not forget but to move on. I honestly don't think HK has truly moved on. She just hasn't allowed herself to properly grieve and has held it all in because that's probably the only way she knows how to keep it all together and have somewhat of a semblance of a normal life. Both of them are very broken people. They need healing.

Also, the two of them seem to have very different love languages. JE needs HK to "validate" (not really the right word but I will figure out a better word later) him... to either embrace fully the attention he showered on her or see his pain and the fact that he has been unable to move on from their child's death and show him that she's suffering the same as he is. She has shown that she's also very sensitive. She remembers and she does a lot of small things that show that she still loves and cares for him very much. He is completely blinded to all of it and other of that and even if he did, he probably still wouldn't see it the way she sees it. HK too is at fault clearly cause she does not tell him what she is actually thinking nor that what she actually wanted to hear from him was that he would still choose/love her.

I think long separation is going to be good for them. JE clearly is self absorbed and doesn't fully appreciate his (ex-)wife and HK, in her quest to hold it all together, has neglected to tend to her (ex-)husband and comfort him when he needed it mosT. 

As of right now, I can see same similarities btw this and Warm Words and also PCAP. While JJH's characters in all 3 are not the same in terms of personality or do things the same way, they all have this detached, coolness in which the character deals with the significant other/spouse. And can be very cruel with just words. JJH rocks most of his roles :) So I'm not worried. 

We need more BS and less SR. LGH is great. I remember him most from MNIKSS - I loved that fight scene LOL. If he took on the ex-- JE, I wouldn't mind seeing that either. I like PHB but her character is quite immature too. But she is young. But really gag me with her interactions with HK. She will be in HK's shoes one day too. I wonder how she'd deal with the young floozy then.

I had a thought - so I wonder if HK will end up taking care of her twin sister's baby. That sounds like something that could happen right? HK lost her own daughter but here's another chance at being a mommy if somehow she doesn't end up having any more of her own. 

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@jadecloud so Jin Eon and Hae Gang are legally divorced. In 2011. We have the characters charts...we have year 2015...so time jump 4 years...is long time...so Baek Seok and her will be  close as he is her only connection with her past...at least she thinks he is and i bet  that cheater will marry the witch...

Edited by andy78
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Ji jin hee is acting in an almost similar character as in "one warm word", I think he really fits in this 'lost and wavering' husband roles. 

@Katrina Abdul Talib

I agree. When I watched this, it so reminded me of his character in Warm Word. I hope he does not typecast himself even though he does it well.

Yoo Jae-hak ('One Warm Word') was pretty rational and reserved.

In terms of personality, he rather reminded of our heroine Hae-gang (Kim Hyun-joo), whose coldness annoyed his spouse.

Here Jin-eon is quite emotional and sensitive, thus his wife's impassivity infuriates him.

And unlike Jae-hak, who wanted to save marriage no matter what, Jin-eon already filled out divorce papers.

Personally, I don't see much similarity between the characters, so I don't think Ji Jin-hee will typecast himself (which has not been the case with him so far) :)

I am talking about lost and wavering in general, waiting for subs before commenting

Edited by zenya22
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Ok... I watched ep 1 with c-subs and ep 2 partially with subs. I actually think cheating is absolutely the least of their problems. They have much bigger issues than infidelity. So that makes me think that infidelity will actually not really be the main issue here. That's really just scratching the surface - like battling the tip of an iceberg but most of it is what you can't see underwater. It will take A LOT to start working through any issues they have. I don't really like HK but as a woman around her age, I can understand her a little bit more. Someone here mentioned this, and multiple people in the drama bring up her age as a factor to ridicule her and the fact that she doesn't have children etc. In laws that disrespect the daughter in law is hardly anything new. Happens all the time. I can attest (as I mentioned in another thread) that constant treatment like that over the years does really take it's toll on ones self-esteem and general well-being. I can see it in HK's face when she has to deal with her inlaws. Currently at her job, it's probably the only place where she's getting "respected". It's not the proper place to channel her energies just at work... but it does seem like she hit a wall with her soon to be ex-husband anyways. 

A young energetic new wife is great but everyone hits age 35 someday. The cycle is vicious. It'll be great for a few years and then what? JE has some personal issues of his own that he needs to work through. He can't blame everything on his ex-wife. While this is a kdrama so really anything could happen, I think both of them haven't properly dealt with the loss of their child. It's clear that they both are trying to deal with it in completely different ways and thus are really not understanding each other and for JE especially, he purposefully has driven a big riff and one that he thinks cannot be mended. HK is right... she is alive before him and he cannot even see her and try to understand her. He should be focusing on those who are alive and properly grieve the loss of his daughter so he can begin to move on, not forget but to move on. I honestly don't think HK has truly moved on. She just hasn't allowed herself to properly grieve and has held it all in because that's probably the only way she knows how to keep it all together and have somewhat of a semblance of a normal life. Both of them are very broken people. They need healing.

Also, the two of them seem to have very different love languages. JE needs HK to "validate" (not really the right word but I will figure out a better word later) him... to either embrace fully the attention he showered on her or see his pain and the fact that he has been unable to move on from their child's death and show him that she's suffering the same as he is. She has shown that she's also very sensitive. She remembers and she does a lot of small things that show that she still loves and cares for him very much. He is completely blinded to all of it and other of that and even if he did, he probably still wouldn't see it the way she sees it. HK too is at fault clearly cause she does not tell him what she is actually thinking nor that what she actually wanted to hear from him was that he would still choose/love her.

I think long separation is going to be good for them. JE clearly is self absorbed and doesn't fully appreciate his (ex-)wife and HK, in her quest to hold it all together, has neglected to tend to her (ex-)husband and comfort him when he needed it mosT. 

As of right now, I can see same similarities btw this and Warm Words and also PCAP. While JJH's characters in all 3 are not the same in terms of personality or do things the same way, they all have this detached, coolness in which the character deals with the significant other/spouse. And can be very cruel with just words. JJH rocks most of his roles :) So I'm not worried. 

We need more BS and less SR. LGH is great. I remember him most from MNIKSS - I loved that fight scene LOL. If he took on the ex-- JE, I wouldn't mind seeing that either. I like PHB but her character is quite immature too. But she is young. But really gag me with her interactions with HK. She will be in HK's shoes one day too. I wonder how she'd deal with the young floozy then.

I had a thought - so I wonder if HK will end up taking care of her twin sister's baby. That sounds like something that could happen right? HK lost her own daughter but here's another chance at being a mommy if somehow she doesn't end up having any more of her own. 

Excellent observations, you said everything that I was thinking, Thank You 

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Good morning LOVERS :)  

Ji jin hee is acting in an almost similar character as in "one warm word", I think he really fits in this 'lost and wavering' husband roles. 

@Katrina Abdul Talib

I agree. When I watched this, it so reminded me of his character in Warm Word. I hope he does not typecast himself even though he does it well.

Yoo Jae-hak ('One Warm Word') was pretty rational and reserved.

In terms of personality, he rather reminded of our heroine Hae-gang (Kim Hyun-joo), whose coldness annoyed his spouse.

Here Jin-eon is quite emotional and sensitive, thus his wife's impassivity infuriates him.

And unlike Jae-hak, who wanted to save marriage no matter what, Jin-eon already filled out divorce papers.

Personally, I don't see much similarity between the characters, so I don't think Ji Jin-hee will typecast himself (which has not been the case with him so far) :)

I am talking about lost and wavering in general, waiting for subs before commenting

@zenya22 Hello Assembler chingu. Good to see you here too :) 

I agree with JJH and his being 'lost and wavering' in OWW and here in IHAL. In fact, as we will see, JJH has already undergone his first round of 'lost and wavering' with Hae Gang with the divorce he has filed and finalized in 2011. He then will marry Seol Ri. But later, he will undergo his second round of 'lost and wavering' when time jumped to 2015, where he will reunite with Hae Gang who would have assumed Yong Ki's ID, and they would fall in love with each other.

What I'm curious about is what would Seol Ri have done wrong to cause Jin Eon to be 'lost and wavering' whereby he'll end up in Hae Gang's(Yong Ki) arms again? From the little that we know, Jin Eon doesn't sound like a stable/good lover/husband character if he gets 'lost and wavering' again and again. So I really look forward to writernim giving us a good development, to convince us in a plausible way the changes in Jin Eon. 

@ayselluna Jae Hak vs Jin Eon, their characters' traits are indeed different in the ways you've noted. Yet the most glaring similarity we can see in both of them is their infidelity.

@jadecloud so Jin Eon and Hae Gang are legally divorced. In 2011. We have the characters charts...we have year 2015...so time jump 4 years...is long time...so Baek Seok and her will be  close as he is her only connection with her past...at least she thinks he is and i bet  that cheater will marry the witch...

@andy78 You're right. There seems to be a time jump of 4 years coming up soon. Yes, I believe Baek Suk will be shocked and surprised when he finds out the woman he thought is his first love Yong Ki, and has been loving, is actually Hae Gang..From what we know, Yong Ki's grandma would also have passed away since she was given 2-3 months to live (that was in 2011). And we would also see Yong Ki's child being born and would have become 3-4 years old. So curious to see how and when will Hae Gang and Yong Ki reunite? It probably would be via Baek Suk.

As for Seol Ri. I wouldn't consider her a witch even though she did hanker after a married man (in ep 2). While I don't condone cheating under any circumstances, I think the onus lies in Jin Eon for being 'lost and wavering' when he should be clear and firm that he is a married man like he said to Seol Ri initially. Also, I think Seol Ri became more bold in going after Jin Eon because she saw the divorce papers in his drawer and so thought he'd be a free man ripe for the picking again. Seol Ri kept her feelings to herself until she saw those divorce papers, and that was when she confessed her feelings. Of course, we know by then, Jin Eon already knew Seol Ri likes him, cos Hae Gang warned him.

What an entanglement our main 4 are in. Making our heads and hearts reeling over and over. LOL.

Have a great week everyone :) 

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Good morning LOVERS :)  

Ji jin hee is acting in an almost similar character as in "one warm word", I think he really fits in this 'lost and wavering' husband roles. 

@Katrina Abdul Talib

I agree. When I watched this, it so reminded me of his character in Warm Word. I hope he does not typecast himself even though he does it well.

Yoo Jae-hak ('One Warm Word') was pretty rational and reserved.

In terms of personality, he rather reminded of our heroine Hae-gang (Kim Hyun-joo), whose coldness annoyed his spouse.

Here Jin-eon is quite emotional and sensitive, thus his wife's impassivity infuriates him.

And unlike Jae-hak, who wanted to save marriage no matter what, Jin-eon already filled out divorce papers.

Personally, I don't see much similarity between the characters, so I don't think Ji Jin-hee will typecast himself (which has not been the case with him so far) :)

I am talking about lost and wavering in general, waiting for subs before commenting

@zenya22 Hello Assembler chingu. Good to see you here too :) 

I agree with JJH and his being 'lost and wavering' in OWW and here in IHAL. In fact, as we will see, JJH has already undergone his first round of 'lost and wavering' with Hae Gang with the divorce he has filed and finalized in 2011. He then will marry Seol Ri. But later, he will undergo his second round of 'lost and wavering' when time jumped to 2015, where he will reunite with Hae Gang who would have assumed Yong Ki's ID, and they would fall in love with each other.

What I'm curious about is what would Seol Ri have done wrong to cause Jin Eon to be 'lost and wavering' whereby he'll end up in Hae Gang's(Yong Ki) arms again? From the little that we know, Jin Eon doesn't sound like a stable/good lover/husband character if he gets 'lost and wavering' again and again. So I really look forward to writernim giving us a good development, to convince us in a plausible way the changes in Jin Eon. 

@ayselluna Jae Hak vs Jin Eon, their characters' traits are indeed different in the ways you've noted. Yet the most glaring similarity we can see in both of them is their infidelity.

@jadecloud so Jin Eon and Hae Gang are legally divorced. In 2011. We have the characters charts...we have year 2015...so time jump 4 years...is long time...so Baek Seok and her will be  close as he is her only connection with her past...at least she thinks he is and i bet  that cheater will marry the witch...

@andy78 You're right. There seems to be a time jump of 4 years coming up soon. Yes, I believe Baek Suk will be shocked and surprised when he finds out the woman he thought is his first love Yong Ki, and has been loving, is actually Hae Gang..From what we know, Yong Ki's grandma would also have passed away since she was given 2-3 months to live (that was in 2011). And we would also see Yong Ki's child being born and would have become 3-4 years old. So curious to see how and when will Hae Gang and Yong Ki reunite? It probably would be via Baek Suk.

As for Seol Ri. I wouldn't consider her a witch even though she did hanker after a married man (in ep 2). While I don't condone cheating under any circumstances, I think the onus lies in Jin Eon for being 'lost and wavering' when he should be clear and firm that he is a married man like he said to Seol Ri initially. Also, I think Seol Ri became more bold in going after Jin Eon because she saw the divorce papers in his drawer and so thought he'd be a free man ripe for the picking again. Seol Ri kept her feelings to herself until she saw those divorce papers, and that was when she confessed her feelings. Of course, we know by then, Jin Eon already knew Seol Ri likes him, cos Hae Gang warned him.

What an entanglement our main 4 are in. Making our heads and hearts reeling over and over. LOL.

Have a great week everyone :) 

@jadecloud i respect your opinion...i have not watch with sub and there are some parts that i could not understand...i still dislike Seol Ri so very much...AJUMMA!Please !That was too much!!!I can't wait for her to be in HK shoes!We know that JE will meet his wife years later and become fool for his wife... will Hae Gang and Yong Ki reunite?I hope they will ...even if i have a bad feeling that something will happen with Yong Ki !!!I only hope that at least her baby will survive if the writer decides to kill her character!!!


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@ayselluna Jae Hak vs Jin Eon, their characters' traits are indeed different in the ways you've noted. Yet the most glaring similarity we can see in both of them is their infidelity.



"As for the issue of infidelity between Jin Eon and Seol Ri, at least from events in ep 1, there isn't one now cos Jin Eon is legally divorced already. Some confusion may have occurred due to the flashback vs the present day opening segment. Jin Eon and Seol Ri are just professor-grad-student-good-friends. As of now. So, please don't jump into conclusion about them as cheaters. Not yet. Jin Eon and Seol Ri ARE NOT LOVERS, NOT CHEATERS. At least, not yet as of ep 1. The only clear cheater we see is Jin Eon's BIL. So....Please stay calm about the rage over infidelity. I doubt anyone in their right mind would condone it. But clearly there's no cheating issue in Jin Eon and Seol Ri yet. Still lots to be revealed".

@jadecloud, I'm confused...

Now was there infidelity or not? And was Jin-eon divorced when he started seeing Seol-ri or was he still taken?

Really looking forward to subs


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Good Morning Everyone" Well I didn't get a chance to watching none of my weekend dramas because I have my sister and hubby over, but did get the opportunity to take a peep of reading everyone's Comments, and loving it already as to where it didn't matter if it was spoilers included. that's how bad I wanted to read about this drama lol. and will definitely be waiting for the subs to the fact that Ji Jin Hee, Kim Hyun Soo, Leo Gyu Han, Park Han Byul, characters is the center of this drama, and will come back to give my thoughts after watching with subs for me to get a better understanding, but would like to give THANKS to everyone else who post their comments!!!

Edited by suchadiva42
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@ayselluna Jae Hak vs Jin Eon, their characters' traits are indeed different in the ways you've noted. Yet the most glaring similarity we can see in both of them is their infidelity.

"As for the issue of infidelity between Jin Eon and Seol Ri, at least from events in ep 1, there isn't one now cos Jin Eon is legally divorced already. Some confusion may have occurred due to the flashback vs the present day opening segment. Jin Eon and Seol Ri are just professor-grad-student-good-friends. As of now. So, please don't jump into conclusion about them as cheaters. Not yet. Jin Eon and Seol Ri ARE NOT LOVERS, NOT CHEATERS. At least, not yet as of ep 1. The only clear cheater we see is Jin Eon's BIL. So....Please stay calm about the rage over infidelity. I doubt anyone in their right mind would condone it. But clearly there's no cheating issue in Jin Eon and Seol Ri yet. Still lots to be revealed".

@jadecloud, I'm confused...

Now was there infidelity or not? And was Jin-eon divorced when he started seeing Seol-ri or was he still taken?

Really looking forward to subs

@ayselluna LOL. I don't blame you. Writernim has weaved a really tangled web of love and lovers from the get-go.

As far as I understand from c-sub vids, in ep 1, Jin Eon and Seol Ri really were mere grad student-professor relationship. It's true though, as shown in ep 2, that Seol Ri likes Jin Eon and has been keeping her feelings to herself. So factually, they were not cheaters in ep 1. Not yet. The kiss on the beach in ep 1 was during 2011, where we were shown divorce papers in Hae Gang's car, that were time-stamped 2011, which meant that Jin Eon was already legally divorced then. We were then brought into a flashback, back to 3 months prior to that divorce. 

In ep 2, at the end of the ep we saw Jin Eon firmly telling Seol Ri he is a married man after she has mustered up courage to confess. But Jin Eon firmly rejected her and told her they should not talk about this subject matter again. They then were making their way home, took an elevator and was stuck in it when it went out-of-service for some reasons, In the elevator, Seol Ri reached out to Jin Eon, he wavered and the next thing that happened was Hae Gang looking at a CCTV in the maintenance office. What did she see? Jin Eon and Seol Ri kissing. That was when the infidelity started.

What do LOVERS think? Was that 'elevator malfunction' an act of God or some higher beings to bring them together? Does that mean the marriage was meant to end? And that Jin Eon and Seol Ri were meant to become a couple?

In the preview of ep 3, we saw Jin Eon telling Seol Ri he made a mistake of kissing her. So, perhaps Jin Eon will try to retreat? But whether he will or not, he has already crossed the line from a professional to a personal relationship with Seol Ri. He has already become a cheater. As for Seol Ri, she is single and available, so I guess we can't term her as a cheater. Perhaps a home-wrecker? But then again, the home of Jin Eon and Hae Gang was already 'wrecked' before Soel Ri got into the picture. In which case, I guess Seol Ri is a home-wreck accelerator? LOL. What do you think, LOVERS? 

As for when Jin Eon decided to pursue Seol Ri and whether that was after his divorce. and whether he did retreat like he wanted to and for how long, we'll have to wait for the coming weekend(s) to find out.

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@ayselluna Jae Hak vs Jin Eon, their characters' traits are indeed different in the ways you've noted. Yet the most glaring similarity we can see in both of them is their infidelity.

"As for the issue of infidelity between Jin Eon and Seol Ri, at least from events in ep 1, there isn't one now cos Jin Eon is legally divorced already. Some confusion may have occurred due to the flashback vs the present day opening segment. Jin Eon and Seol Ri are just professor-grad-student-good-friends. As of now. So, please don't jump into conclusion about them as cheaters. Not yet. Jin Eon and Seol Ri ARE NOT LOVERS, NOT CHEATERS. At least, not yet as of ep 1. The only clear cheater we see is Jin Eon's BIL. So....Please stay calm about the rage over infidelity. I doubt anyone in their right mind would condone it. But clearly there's no cheating issue in Jin Eon and Seol Ri yet. Still lots to be revealed".

@jadecloud, I'm confused...

Now was there infidelity or not? And was Jin-eon divorced when he started seeing Seol-ri or was he still taken?

Really looking forward to subs

@ayselluna LOL. I don't blame you. Writernim has weaved a really tangled web of love and lovers from the get-go.

As far as I understand from c-sub vids, in ep 1, Jin Eon and Seol Ri really were mere grad student-professor relationship. It's true though, as shown in ep 2, that Seol Ri likes Jin Eon and has been keeping her feelings to herself. So factually, they were not cheaters in ep 1. Not yet. The kiss on the beach in ep 1 was during 2011, where we were shown divorce papers in Hae Gang's car, that were time-stamped 2011, which meant that Jin Eon was already legally divorced then. We were then brought into a flashback, back to 3 months prior to that divorce. 

In ep 2, at the end of the ep we saw Jin Eon firmly telling Seol Ri he is a married man after she has mustered up courage to confess. But Jin Eon firmly rejected her and told her they should not talk about this subject matter again. They then were making their way home, took an elevator and was stuck in it when it went out-of-service for some reasons, In the elevator, Seol Ri reached out to Jin Eon, he wavered and the next thing that happened was Hae Gang looking at a CCTV in the maintenance office. What did she see? Jin Eon and Seol Ri kissing. That was when the infidelity started.

What do LOVERS think? Was that 'elevator malfunction' an act of God or some higher beings to bring them together? Does that mean the marriage was meant to end? And that Jin Eon and Seol Ri were meant to become a couple?

In the preview of ep 3, we saw Jin Eon telling Seol Ri he made a mistake of kissing her. So, perhaps Jin Eon will try to retreat? But whether he will or not, he has already crossed the line from a professional to a personal relationship with Seol Ri. He has already become a cheater. As for Seol Ri, she is single and available, so I guess we can't term her as a cheater. Perhaps a home-wrecker? But then again, the home of Jin Eon and Hae Gang was already 'wrecked' before Soel Ri got into the picture. In which case, I guess Seol Ri is a home-wreck accelerator? LOL. What do you think, LOVERS? 

As for when Jin Eon decided to pursue Seol Ri and whether that was after his divorce. and whether he did retreat like he wanted to and for how long, we'll have to wait for the coming weekend(s) to find out.

Thank you for the elaborate explanation!

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@jadecloud so Jin Eon and Hae Gang are legally divorced. In 2011. We have the characters charts...we have year 2015...so time jump 4 years...is long time...so Baek Seok and her will be  close as he is her only connection with her past...at least she thinks he is and i bet  that cheater will marry the witch...

@andy78 You're right. There seems to be a time jump of 4 years coming up soon. Yes, I believe Baek Suk will be shocked and surprised when he finds out the woman he thought is his first love Yong Ki, and has been loving, is actually Hae Gang..From what we know, Yong Ki's grandma would also have passed away since she was given 2-3 months to live (that was in 2011). And we would also see Yong Ki's child being born and would have become 3-4 years old. So curious to see how and when will Hae Gang and Yong Ki reunite? It probably would be via Baek Suk.

As for Seol Ri. I wouldn't consider her a witch even though she did hanker after a married man (in ep 2). While I don't condone cheating under any circumstances, I think the onus lies in Jin Eon for being 'lost and wavering' when he should be clear and firm that he is a married man like he said to Seol Ri initially. Also, I think Seol Ri became more bold in going after Jin Eon because she saw the divorce papers in his drawer and so thought he'd be a free man ripe for the picking again. Seol Ri kept her feelings to herself until she saw those divorce papers, and that was when she confessed her feelings. Of course, we know by then, Jin Eon already knew Seol Ri likes him, cos Hae Gang warned him.

What an entanglement our main 4 are in. Making our heads and hearts reeling over and over. LOL.

Have a great week everyone :) 

@jadecloud i respect your opinion...i have not watch with sub and there are some parts that i could not understand...i still dislike Seol Ri so very much...AJUMMA!Please !That was too much!!!I can't wait for her to be in HK shoes!We know that JE will meet his wife years later and become fool for his wife... will Hae Gang and Yong Ki reunite?I hope they will ...even if i have a bad feeling that something will happen with Yong Ki !!!I only hope that at least her baby will survive if the writer decides to kill her character!!!

@andy78 Thank you and likewise, I respect  yours too :) I agree Seol Ri didn't behave in a respectful manner to Hae Gang when she was confronted at the cafe (in ep 2). I guess we have to accept the fact that she's young and immature, and she was again put in her place as a young girl by Hae Gang. That was the second time, and the first time was when Hae Gang answered Jin Eon's mobile which he left at home. So I guess Seol Ri just wanted to contrast, in a hurtful way, the differences in their ages. Besides, it was also Hae Gang with her obnoxious attitude that rubbed Seol Ri the wrong way. Yet I don't fault Hae Gang for behaving how she did. Hae Gang was merely fighting for the love of her life, and trying to save her marriage that seemed to be sinking further down the rocks.

I know how you feel about Hae Gang and Jin Eon's reunion, since you dislike Seol Ri. While I too would love that to happen, which it will (as outlined in the synopsis), I'm going to also break my heart for Seol Ri. After all, it's no fault of hers that she is young, vivacious and ready to love a man whose marriage was on the rocks and was about to be legally divorced. Although it would have been best if Seol Ri stayed out of the way till Jin Eon became a returned single (apparently a new age SK term for divorcee. Love this term! Will there be a new age term for ajumma? I find that term derogatory for mature woman in general). At the same time, my heart will also break for Baek Suk cos he too will be dumped by Hae Gang(Yong Ki).

About Yong Ki, I agree her life is in danger. In ep 2, we were shown Jin Eon's BIL Tae Seok briefing Hae Gang about chairman's instruction to 'dispose/kill' the whistle-blower, whom we know is Yong Ki. From that convo, we learned that Hae Gang was the one who maneuvered the death of Yong Ki's fiance(name mentioned sounded like Kim Hyun Jung), Also, from Yong Ki's 'pixelated face' interview, we learned that her fiance proposed marriage, was an attorney for the pharmaceutical company, and has died. She needed the 'truth'(pertaining to claimed 'natural' ingredient used in some drug/medicine) to be exposed.. 

Hopefully, Hae Gang will realize not too late that the dead Kim was her BIL, her twin sister's fiance, and help Yong Ki and her baby to escape death. That would perhaps be Hae Gang's redemption over BIL's death. Dying to know what happened!

Totally intriguing and interesting drama, with superb performances. JJANG! 

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@jadecloud so Hae Gang was the one who maneuvered the death of Yong Ki's fiance ...was her father in law order???omg!!!She will feel so guilty later!!! I hope she will help Yong Ki and her baby to escape death too now that chairman's instructed to 'dispose/kill' the whistle-blower, whom we know is Yong Ki...But if she become YONGKI for 4 years it means that something happened with her sister...

Edited by andy78
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Wow, first episode was filled with so much watched i raw so going purely on 50% understanding. Seems like the main couple HK and JE lost a child and that can take such a toll on a marriage especially when it seems like they haven't fully grieved yet. JE comes off as very passive, if your unhappy then get a divorce but ofcourse he is somehow using the affair to trigger some sort of emotional reaction from his wife whom he still very much loves. When hoes throw themselves at a married man they should run as fast as they can because that richard simmons be crazy. Finally a drama where I am all for someone ruing and destroying them SR is certifiably crazy I can already tell. Seems like JE's family is also trying to corner HK, thankgod she doesn't live with them. On to epsiode two, I have feeing I will fuming when its over lol

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And i was right episode 2 did not disappoint and had me screaming and almost throwing my laptop at the wall. JE is despicable falling right into that tramp SR's claws. I don't know how they are going to redeem his character for me, once a cheater always a cheater. JE's family dynamic is far from normal it seems. His dad doesn't seem to particularly favor him, combine his daddy issues with the loss of his child and a wife that refuses to deal with the reality that she lost a child and you have the perfect recipe for self destruction. HK needs to put that hoe in her place not to save her marriage per say but just for the heck of it, as crazy as SR might seem, HK is crazier:crazy:. Plus I like that they made her a self made, accomplished strong female at her job, so shes not going to put up with his richard simmons for status and money. Whose the twins baby daddy?why was she being tracked?why were they split up? I'm really looking forward for the twin and other guy story line to developed, I need a break from the hoe SR and the woe is me JE.:rolleyes:

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