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Ahh the question of why Seol likes Jung. To be honest, I think the drama has made it very clear why Seol likes Jung and wants to try with him and some in the audience not liking Jung or that relationship choose to ignore it (I know cause I've recently done it or misread it or saw but didn't want to see it or though it was something different because it didn't feel what they were telling me it was. Gosh, if I could go back on that one LOL). I think all of episode 6 especially that whole bedroom scene (including Jung flashback) answers the question of I like you and why.

Both are so alike in their thinking and personality (though also different I know LOL). In the flashback scene Seol herself literally says it "....aren't you like that too sunbae". Both are hard workers who people expect a lot out of and use very freely without thought or regards to how that affects the two, and expecting the two to just accept it all (every single one of the classmates leaving all the hard work to Seol and Jung including "I just want to be friends lying needs help with identity and self esteem, Minsoo). Both know what it feels like to not be easy to love or get love easily. Both got daddy issues. Both feel underappreciated and like they have to work hard for everything and desire one warm word that never seems to come. Both are "pushovers" also both hate being the center of attention and being in situations like the group drinking thing of episode one, but again both put up with it because well they have to if they don't want to be socially ostracized. Both tend to not talk about the heavy stuff with friends. They tend to keep those things in because "what good comes from talking about it".

I'll stop now but as someone has pointed out, I think @debolina episode by episode both Jung and Seol saw more of who each other was and they found similarities and differences that intrigued one another and drew them closer to one another. However I think the simple and real reason Seol likes Jung (and vice versa) is because they "get" one another. Seol and Jung connect with each other very well on an emotional level. Half the time Seol doesn't even need to say anything, Jung just looks at her and he reads her and he gives her whatever she was thinking/needing in that moment. Like the second kiss. Seol was silently worry over it all and Jung just knows her (well he should after how he's been watching her for close to two years now LOL) so he knows what she's fretting over and assures her "I haven't forgotten. I remember it all." All throughout their court ship this happens often (Jung reading Seol and getting her without her having to say it). And Seol likes that. Seol a girl of few words sometimes likes having someone who she doesn't have to say much and he gets her and respects what she is feelings. ETA to this point: Seol was skipping giddy in ep 6 not because of a kiss or anything like that, but because they had had a good conversation and resolved matters the day before.

It's the emotional thing for her. The fact that they can have conversations like the hospital bench one, bedroom one, car ride one, and many more is why she likes him. This is why Seol asks herself during the "on the break" she says everything even with Younggon "but can I really break up with him". Seol likes that Jung understands and gets her so well on the emotional level, that they click, connect, whatever you want to call it when it's just the two of them together and talking, that she wonders; should I give it all up because of these other things. Does what she feels for him when with him overcome all that he does?

I know I need to stop writing essays but it kind of puzzles me when people imply that Seol doesn't really like Jung. She  does and she's made it obvious and the why (if we want to accept it or not) are also pretty obvious. Why is it always so easy for kdrama viewers (not all but the majority from what I have seen in my years of drama watching) to accept the male leads feelings and be assured when they declare they like someone and the why (they don't question him and his own feelings) but always always question the female lead and her feelings and her knowledge of self in that when she declares she likes someone; she means it and she knows the whys? Why do we dismiss the female lead's knowledge of self and her feelings and her wants and desires and ability to simply think and reach conclusions best for her life. However rarely do it as much for the male leads? 

I am guilty of having done this myself but in the end I recognize and accept that although it's not the choice I would make, it was the leads choice. That no it wasn't timing, fate, who came first, yadda yadda. It was a choice. She knew herself and she choose. I can already see and have seen people put it all on "well it's only because she met sunbae first" it's like no, that's not how it works. You can meet whomever first and all that and if you don't feel that attraction or want to be with them, you aren't going to be with them. I mean Inho showed up in Seol's life around the same time Jung was pursuing her and making his like of her known to her (which is was oblivious to). Around that time Seol had hung out with both boys so neither one of them came first per se. They were both there and because she felt an attraction or curiosity or whatever she felt, she said yes when sunbae asked her to date. Seol took Jung's hand when he was willing to walk away and accept a "no", and said yes (how cute was she the very next day be the one all flustered and eager to see him, when she had been all "I shouldn't have said yes" LOL. She was adorably bummed and distracted in her meeting all because he only waved at her and nothing more LOL). She could have easily kept her "no" and explored feeling for Inho if something had been there but it wasn't, it isn't in that way. If ever that should change (which I don't see happening but never say never) and she wants to explore something with Inho because whatever it is, she wants it and not what she has with Jung then fine (kdrama gods this is not a suggestion) I'll rage, but accept it.

#letfemaleleadsdothem2k16 #teamseol'shappiness #teamjunghappiness #noneforinho #justkidding #teaminho/pianodreamandsuccessandhappiness #teamgettingtiredofsomeofthisshit #teamsorryforanothernovelpost #novelpost

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@MrsSoJiSub I have just talked to my husband about misjudging a character like YJ or his father. He told me that he wasn't surprised because smiles and smiling leave a great impact on people, much more than they are aware of! There was a study about the effect of smiles: Julia Robert's movies were really successful, when she smiled a lot. Her most successful movie is the one where she smiles the most: Pretty woman! 168 times!! I believe, this explains why YJ is more disliked as main character as he doesn't smile so often, not like In Ho therefore people will prefer Seol with In Ho! Just like YJ's father isn't judged correctly because he smiles so often and he is so calm. 

Remember, I also said that Jun, Seol's brother, wasn't really different from SC, but Jun won't be criticised like SC because he smiles and is well-mannered. Nevertheless, he doesn't work, he forces her sister to replace him (episode 10, she had to help her mother, because her brother had left the restaurant during the day), he asked YJ for a free meal (twice), especially after knowing that YJ was coming from a chaebol family. He calls him already brother-in-law... he has already in his mind that he can benefit from his sister's boyfriend. He is spoiled and was sent to the USA, just because he thought, it was fun. He doesn't care that his sister has now to travel a lot in order to reach her college! He is spoiled, selfish, interested aso... but noone said a bad word about him, while they were so mad at SC! Just because he smiles and he is well-mannered! 

@orangesmartie92 I disagree with your comment because I really like Yoo Jung very much. Yet you are free to write what you think! Noone will get mad at you for your opinion. If that would be the case, as a moderator, I would have to intervene! this is a board where we exchange opinions!

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11 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Both are so alike in their thinking and personality (though also different I know LOL). In the flashback scene Seol herself literally says it "....aren't you like that too sunbae". Both are hard workers who people expect a lot out of and use very freely without thought or regards to how that affects the two, and expecting the two to just accept it all (every single one of the classmates leaving all the hard work to Seol and Jung including "I just want to be friends lying needs help with identity and self esteem, Minsoo). Both know what it feels like to not be easy to love or get love easily. Both got daddy issues. Both feel underappreciated and like they have to work hard for everything and desire one warm word that never seems to come. Both are "pushovers" also both hate being the center of attention and being in situations like the group drinking thing of episode one, but again both put up with it because well they have to if they don't want to be socially ostracized. Both tend to not talk about the heavy stuff with friends. They tend to keep those things in because "what good comes from talking about it".

I'll stop now but as someone has pointed out, I think @debolina episode by episode both Jung and Seol saw more of who each other was and they found similarities and differences that intrigued one another and drew them closer to one another. However I think the simple and real reason Seol likes Jung (and vice versa) is because they "get" one another. Seol and Jung connect with each other very well on an emotional level. Half the time Seol doesn't even need to say anything, Jung just looks at her and he reads her and he gives her whatever she was thinking/needing in that moment. Like the second kiss. Seol was silently worry over it all and Jung just knows her (well he should after how he's been watching her for close to two years now LOL) so he knows what she's fretting over and assures her "I haven't forgotten. I remember it all." All throughout their court ship this happens often (Jung reading Seol and getting her without her having to say it). And Seol likes that. Seol a girl of few words sometimes likes having someone who she doesn't have to say much and he gets her and respects what she is feelings.

It's the emotional thing for her. The fact that they can have conversations like the hospital bench one, bedroom one, car ride one, and many more is why she likes him. This is why Seol asks herself during the "on the break" she says everything even with Younggon "but can I really break up with him". Seol likes that Jung understands and gets her so well on the emotional level, that they click, connect, whatever you want to call it when it's just the two of them together and talking, that she wonders; should I give it all up because of these other things. Does what she feels for him when with him overcome all that he does?


YASSSSSS! all of this!  so during the off and on lights scene at his place when Jung is all "i thought we were the same" even if they're different there's no backing out now for either of them because they've accommodated each other and are in the process of bending their own lives around each other even more.  the more they do this, the more they understand each other and the happier they get. Jung used to be fairly robotic.  Remember in the hospital where Seol wants to stay awake to wait for Bora's dad's results and he's like "but why?  nothing will change?" and then she freaks out at the sight of blood and he's like "this is a hospital." She is reacting with emotion and he is being logical.  by the time they take time off in ep 9, he feels emotions.  he despairs when she leaves him, explodes (as much as he can) at Inha, questions his father in the dinner scene with him.  Pinocchio is becoming a real boy!

i love how he knows what she is thinking and accommodates her.  he is always one step ahead of her, anticipating her needs/desires . . . not sure if she wanted that meet-the-parents scenario but i did! in return i really hope she is able to forgive him about his role in YG's stalking.  in part i think what scares her is the wave of hate that she thinks generated the texts to YG (and that she thinks Jung sent) when she thinks "what was he feeling when he did it." it scares me . . . 

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9 minutes ago, Seoshi.love. said:

Gee I'm so glad I'm only discussing this drama on Soompi, where the majority is pro YJ. There's quite some dislike towards YJ out there, as well as so called proof that Seol and In Ho are a better match. My otp shippers heart just can't approve of that :P

Do you want to join our club: PHJ@ Yoo Jung's FAN CLUB? :)  cheerleader pink mouse

There are still here some who think that In Ho is better than Yoo Jung... but I am not one of them! Nevertheless, I really like In Ho very much. He has changed a lot through Seol. He is less self-centered, much more sensitive and more caring than before. However, Seol behaves more like a mother towards him than like a possible girlfriend. She doesn't tell him about her worries and insecurities, but she is the one who witnessed how much piano means to him (scene in the rain), therefore she is supporting him to find his way back to the music world and the piano! As a mother, she shows warmth, gives advices (High school diploma) aso. She gives him positive feedback. However, there is still a distance between them: she is either busy reading her book or thinking on her own or busy working aso, while she is so focused on Yoo Jung each time they met. She looks at him, smiles at him aso She has no book, she isn't thinking over her problems. She enjoyes being with Yoo Jung!  

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@qwenli Me again xD regrading the translations of the teaser, at 0:19  (Love, career, marriage, health all 30,000 one time) isn't it 30 000won per person ?

And concerning the "0:06 -> implies an fatal attraction." I think the literal translation "it's sweet but comparable to a fatal attraction." would work better.

Waiting for your inputs :)

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2 hours ago, orangesmartie92 said:

It seems that this thread is very pro Jung, and I may be hated for saying this, so read at your discretion. My genuine opinion. I put in spoilers to those who don't want to read anything negative about Jung. 


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Thank you for your genuine opinion! I may be pro-Jung, but I dont hate it at all whenever I see differing opinions. Instead, I find it refreshing. I don't think you'll get hate (at least in this thread) though, so far I think that while the people here have passionate ideas about Jung, they're open to (and in fact welcome) alternative opinions (it's just that for some reason there aren't too many vocal Inho champions here) I personally enjoy Jung and feel that he's a great lead character because nothing is what it seems and he is such a complex and conflicting character that we as viewers are challenged to peel back and analyze all his layers. You said that you dont feel relatable to Jung as he "hasn't shown much growth and continues to live his life with the motto 'an eye for an eye'." Contrary to you I liked the fact that the rate of his growth was slow(and not for the lack of trying, Jung has been trying, but only in the ways he knew how, which arent necessarily the best ways) I always felt the "growth trajectories" of many kdramas were often too pat and neat. In real life on the other hand, things almost never proceed in a straight line. Real life is messy and confusing and wading through pools of pools of gunk. So the fact that he never evolved from a pikachu to a raichu overnight never bothered me. His slower rate of growth felt truer to life in this respect and therefore more relatable (to me). I feel like he is growing as much as his personality allows him to, if that makes sense.

Also his "lack of growth" had consequences too. In ep 10, Seol said to Jung: "So you stay where you are, and I just need to go to you? Then everything will be okay?" She was still dissatisfied with Jung's seeming lack of remorse/intent to change and as a result did not forgive him nor go running back to him even after he helped her with the minsoo incident. His shady behaviour was not rewarded with reconciliation with Seol. In fact, his behaviour has repeatedly caused him to lose the girl (both emotionally and literally speaking) and now he is forced to do some self-reflection and "grow up"/change or lose Seol for good. Therefore even though he "hasn't shown much growth" for now, I believe that there's a potentially huge growth arc for Jung that I'm hoping will be explored in the future episodes. Jung is not perfect, and neither is Seol, but that's the beauty of their story. Just 2 imperfect people who are trying to work things out to the best of their abilities, even if they keep failing, repeatedly. 

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@orangesmartie92 I don't agree with what you say but I respect your opinions and can see why some would view Jung this way. Please don't be scared to post any negative views of Jung here or even place them in spoiler tags. This is a form for discussion so if you feel negatively about the character and post your reasons of why. I believe all of us here (those who like him and those who don't) should be adult and mature enough to read and accept that everyone one has different tastes, opinions, preferences, etc. Also when someone responds to "negative" I don't like Jung or Jung & Seol post, I hope offense won't come out of it and that we are all open and able to share our views with one another respectively.

With that said, I disagree that Jung doesn't have a personality. He's manipulative, cunning, problematic, knows how to wear a certain mask, he knows how to play the game his classmates are playing, be better at it, and come out the winner. He's intelligent. He's also a good listener, he can be encouraging and warm, he's cheeky and flirtatious. He enjoys teasing and getting his girlfriend flustered. He's loyal and protective of those he trust. He has trust issues. He's honest to a fault sometimes and when called out admits to what he has done. He makes excuses for him self and justifies what he has done, but he never denies what he has done. He seeks genuine relationships, sincerity, honesty, trust. He doesn't want to be used or lied to. He enjoys intimacy (be it on an emotional or physical level). He knows how to laugh or smile (though its rare to see) and is able to do that a lot when in the presence of his girlfriend and she is just being her. He doesn't like to waste his time and he also doesn't like or accept BS. He enjoys reading, coloring books, playing video games, and is fascinated by small creatures such as ants and snails. He's caring. He's nice. He's thoughtful. He keeps calm in most situations and doesn't let his emotions get the best of him (like in a crisis situation while everyone is panicking, Jung would be the one telling people to move this here, and get water from there to put the fire out here).

Jung can be seemingly cold and indifferent but like all people he has his own fears and insecurities and worries. He is a hard worker and a good student (though he makes it look natural and easy). He knows how to charm people and be thankful when need be for the favors they do for him (the academy guy). He knows how to follow the rules of society, though he also chooses sometimes to break them (thanking the academy guy with drinks who did him a favor, buttering up to his girlfriend's co-workers by buying them coffee, being polite and making a good first impression when meeting Seol's parents -he did well in the compliments and eating the noodles and smiling-). He's rich but does not want to flaunt his money nor be liked solely for it (he has yet to tell those on campus that he is a chabeol heir to one of the biggest businesses in the fictional world and didn't tell Seol until they had dated for sometime because he wanted her to like him for him and not his status or be used). 

Jung believes in working for what he has and does not expect nor want a handout (he is starting in the company he is to inherit as an intern starting at the bottom rung working his way up and has he said "learning a lot" also he doesn't want those at work to know of who he is -their future boss-. he not his father requested that as per the dinner conversation let's us know, so that he doesn't get any kind of special treatment of inclusion or resentment and non-inclusion -so different from his character in You From Another Star-). He respects his girlfriend and her wishes. He fears losing her. He wants to try but he is who he is and some of it will not change and that simply needs to be accepted because we all have aspects of ourselves that just is. He fears he is strange and different. He fears being the bad guy. He can be too quick in his judgment of others. He can be too quick in his eye for an eye ways of handling situations. He's flawed but he also has his good traits. He's not a good guy but he's also not purely evil. He's a lot more human than I have seen male leads be. He has his issues, he needs to learn and grow. He has been doing that and continues to do that in small realistic way which in the end I hope leads to a better self that is still himself.

Seol has been good for Jung (and Inho) as he has been for her. Jung has a personality. He can be open and teasing and make you laugh or smile and be flirty and considerate. But he's also very flawed and has a lot to work on as an individual and as a boyfriend. I think he does fit the mold of anti-hero and I love me some well written anti-hero's which I feel Jung is. (Bang-Won!!! from 6 Flying Dragons and the future character in Tree with Deep Roots, Tae-hyun from Que Sera, Sera, Jang Joon Hyuk played by the great Kim Myung Min in 'White Tower', Yoon Je Moon as Ga Ri-On in 'Tree with Deep Roots', Han Suk-kyu as King Yeongjo in 'Secret Door', Kim Rae Won and Cho Jae-Hyung in 'Punch', Kim Kang-Woo in 'The Slingshot', every character in the works by writer Park Kyung-Soo, The Chaser, Empire of Gold, Punch. Oh, My Beautiful Bride, Cruel City, Min from I Remeber You...Yes I am name dropping dramas so ya'll will go watch them LOL). Again I understand why you and many international fans I have encountered don't like/get Jung. However I think he does have a personality although I understand and accept he is not your cup of tea.

I hope I haven't offended and I hope you and others who do not like Jung do post here freely and give your opinions of why. I for one enjoy reading everything and obviously from my novel like posts, enjoy thinking on and responding to things :) 

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Have any of you guys watched The Mentalist (crime show) before? Today I had an epiphany and realized that the main character in that show is similar to Jung in how they 'take care' of people. The main character in TM always orchestrates these complicated thought-out plans in order to catch the criminal. Everyone is literally like a chess piece in his 'game.' And yeah he's dealing with bad people but sometimes the way he goes about with his plans can be quite questionable. Sometimes he gets in trouble, but most of the time others (his superiors) are the ones who have to respond for his behavior aka deal with the consequences. I'm not saying their characters are the same but they do share that trait. Also, that guy was able to build and maintain his relationship with the girl. He didn't change his personality entirely nor did he get rid of his skill (let's call it that lol). He just had to learn that there were some limits he couldn't cross and that there were situations where he couldn't skirt situations. And it worked because the two of them ended up trusting each other.

So I definitely think Jung and Seol can work it out. Like some of you guys said, I don't see why he has to rip his personality off and create a new one. He just needs to learn there are consequences to his manipulative ways and comprehend that those consequences can implicate hurting people he cares about, i.e. Seol. And he is learning. Slowly but surely, guys, slowly but surely.

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@mgicc I've been silent lurking ... :ph34r: and agreeing with a lot of what you've said but I have to say you had me at the "pikachu to raichu" comment... heh, what a reason to bring me out of my shell.

While I'm here, I want to thank all the live recappers.  This forum has made watching CitT such an enjoyable experience.  *slowly blend self back into the walls*

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@MrsSoJiSub I just laughed out loud at you talking about In Ho cockblocking the crew's plan to catch Gon. You almost want to yell, "CUT!" Then go out and grab him and pull him back, then tell Eun Tak to keep taping. When Seol got fired I wanted to throw him and his insecure girlfriend in the trash. I mean we get it, it's the library, but Seol should have at least gotten a slap on the wrist. They fired her quick, which is such a drag considering how hard she works.

Also, and maybe someone knows the answer to this. Isn't South Korea known for having the best Internet, Wi-Fi capabilities in the world? Young Gon often starts his manipulation on the school's online forum. I would think that at a university, the online stuff would be heavily monitored. I want to see someone get him "To Catch a Predator Style". I've noticed that in a LOT of dramas where the main antagonists tend to cyber bully. I would think over there, they would be awesome at catching folks. Do we need to go and find Hades or better yet "Ghost" to solve this?

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11 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

OMO! I almost chocked while eating! I want one toooooo!

LOL, be careful, @Anabela Sampaio:)

Actually, what I really want is to go to an event where I get to witness Jung/Seol and Euntaek/Bora interacting and being all cute together.  I'd totally sacrifice the opportunity for a hug just to see all that adorableness live and in person.  Don't you think that would be fun?  Or am I just a crazy fan? 

Oh drama... what you do to me... :P

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9 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I've always liked him too because I'm not an idealist. ;) How can I be after 2 decades of teaching? Besides, despite all his Machiavellian tendencies, his good qualities were always on display. And you can't really manipulate an ajumma who watches too much tv into thinking the worst of someone just from pasty lighting and spooky music. :P In the same way I refuse to be manipulated into feeling sorry for the piano boy because they give him pink pastel cheeks and diffused lighting. :P 


I was backtracking and saw your comment and the word "idealist" and wanted to reply. lol. I would like to think I'm an idealist because I do like to see the best in others and am pretty shaken when I come in contact with people who are actually malicious or do things that do not go by my principles or just general principles of being a good human. I'm just too sensitive in a way. lol. But, What I would like to say is that even with my whole idealistic expectations of the real world, I understand Jung. Is it because this is a drama and not the real world, I wonder? Maybe. And Maybe also because if someone could just observe Jung from a non biased prospective once, you can definitely see how much he is being used, for his money, for his hard work, etc. People like sang chul sunbae always trying to mooch of him for drinks and such and even other students who are always quite resentful to him in a away because he is rich, so he can't even show his frustrations in public, since people won't blame the other person who is doing him wrong and Jung himself for making a big deal out of it. most of the times he is being taken advantage of in small ways constantly, but those things eventually add up. Even if this was another person, they would start becoming insensitive and resentful towards others. Constantly telling him to pay for drinks because he has money? Expecting him to do more work because he is really smart (and again is rich so has less financial burden), TA stealing out of his wallet because he has again a lot of money so he can spare some, stealing his pen in high school to sale online (so basically his helpfulness for someone backfired on him), and other examples just like this. Despite all the anti-heroness and him not being that empathetic with people's pains, but seeing all this, how do you expect him to be normal when he is being taken advantage of by people he calls his colleagues, friends, and his superiors like the TA all the time. And I know that this being taken advantage of happens to everyone, it is a normal part of life, but it seems for Jung, it is a constant and never ending part of his life. 

And again, Despite saying all this, I definitely do not excuse his ways of dealing with such frustrating people. He has to know that his actions have ripple effects that could affect innocent people, he has learn how to forgive because as Ghandiji says, "an eye for an eye will make the world blind," He has also has learn to express his emotions in a healthy way instead of repressing them all the time, especially anger (not beating up people. lol. but at least learning to vent it out and then slowly letting it go). So, while I acknowledge all the things Jung still has to work on, I definitely understand why he is the way he is. I think putting him under one label of "evil" or "creepy" is doing his character and the drama itself the biggest disservice. 

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The main reason why I like lurking is because every time I come here to read, so much has already been said that it feels like I would be reinventing the wheel to say anything else.  

So this is not necessarily to add but to air my thoughts...

I'm team jung and team seol for sure but I don't necessarily feel that the story has to lead to them ending up together (though to make ME happy, I think they should).  In real life, a resolution may not be the solution at all.  So as long their relationship continues to move along and they grow as individuals, I'll be happy to have experienced them as characters (and some of my favorites in Kdrama, at that).

I can see from reading the majority of comments (I started at page 121 less than a few weeks ago... whoa, the pace), we don't all see the characters the same way and we don't all view "right and wrong" the same way.  I think that is one of the main reasons why jung generates such a discussion.  Some of us are quick to label jung, but it's interesting too that how we opine about this show can serve as a reflection on us, our sense of morality, how what we say may come back and be a label on us.  

(I haven't said much before because I like reading more than typing but now... sorry, can't stop!)

I wonder if things like that have influenced people's perception of why jung is wrong/bad, etc.  More so at other sites than here (I ruf here), it feels so much like people's reaction to jung is more about what is perceived as the correct/expected view as opposed to how a character is developed and how it makes a reader feel.  I mean, a character's intent and history are just as important to me as their action.  With jung, there's still so much more to learn, I find it impossible for me to label him (or anyone).

That's all for now... I hate typing.  :blink:

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4 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@geezayu Welcome to this thread! smileyscute cat You're not the only one who has been caught in his trap!!:lol::P

I agree with your comment! His sneaky ways were the only way not to be noticed by his father, while trying to get rid of such crazy, greedy, obsessive people! I don't blame him at all! The so called victims were actually all perpetrators who used the same sneaky ways!

Now, I've got a question to all of you, especially to @junghwana@lclarakl@MrsSoJiSub@rhaps

Does Yoo Jung really want to get rid of In Ho and In Ha?

I had this interesting discussion with @qwenli about it on our Fan Club message board! That's why I didn't mention the members of our FAN CLUB!!;)

I wrote:  If the advices had been against their interests, he wouldn't have agreed! If YJ had told him, he wanted to get rid of them, his father wouldn't have listened. Because this is what YJ really thinks, not the advices he gave his dad. I mean, he told In Ho, he should stop living off from his family! That's his true intention! Help them to support themselves means for YJ to cut ties with them, well aware that his father thinks it in a different way. He imagines, YJ would still meet them!

As long as In Ho doesn't apologise to YJ or as long as the past remains under the mat, YJ doesn't want In Ho around him. He clearly told it to In Ho. He is only helping them because he knows about his father's intentions and In Ho is well aware of YJ's thoughts (episode 3). Moreover, I believe Seol is the other reason why YJ wants to help In Ho. He has already realised that Seol likes In Ho as a friend and he can't change it any more. Sure, he will change his mind as soon as they have made it up!

This was @qwenli's point of view:

Does YJ really wanted to cut ties with them if they are behaving properly? Probably not.

He only wants to cuts them off because both are heading the directions. If they can both stand on their own two feet, I think YJ will have more respect for them.

YJ probably see the baek siblings as being terribly ungrateful to their family. It will really help if the drama show us wat happened between YJ and Inho and resolved the issue between them.

From my understanding of YJ, if a person is living his life properly, he wouldnt touch them. He is nasty to them because he is really helping them to stand on their own two feet, because he really dont see other ways of doing it. Jung is probably very hurt that Inho who is as close as a brother misunderstands him for so many years.


What do you think? Feel free to answer!!



@bebebisous33, hmmmmm, it's an interesting question. I have to say that my thoughts are on the same line as @qwenli.  We have Jung who is being pushed towards success by his father. At the same time we have the Beaks being spoiled rotten with no real future ahead of them. If Jung's father passed away today, who would they depend on? Without a proper education, In Ho's future is bleak after dropping out of school in the 9th grade; the same goes for In Ha. I think that Jung's father did the loving thing of taking them in, he did the dishonorable thing of not even looking out for their future. He would have never done that to Jung because he wants him to be prepared for the future; the Beaks he took no interest.....not very loving.  Jung didn't want his father to pay for In Ha's schooling because he knew she would again ask for a refund and use the money to buy materialistic things. Instead, he told his father to give her a job in the company.  I think Jung, despite the issue between them, is wanting them to be self-sufficient.  I personally think the father would go along with whatever Jung suggests in regards to the Beak.

I also agree that I think Jung is disappointed in InHo for misunderstanding him. I remember how Jung distanced himself the first time when Seol misunderstood him or didn't trust him. I think the same thing may have happen with InHo and him.

From what I've seen of Jung, he's not one to maliciously go after a person unless they've done something to him, or they have done some misdeed and he's going to use that against them to "ask" a favor.

When I re-watch this weekend and pay even more attention to the little details, I may change my opinion, but at the moment..........

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