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25 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

The only reason why we're even having this discussion about whether or not Seol is "cheating" or being somewhat hypocritical is because the writer is hell bent on setting up this love triangle. This is why I detest love triangles with a passion. The end result is that someone ends up looking wishy-washy.


Exactly! My expectations that I had of the drama have been surpassed and I do love what the writer is doing with the story. However, the love triangle makes me pout and feel a tad frustrated because it wasn't necessary. Of course, I realize the webtoon just dug that trope up but the drama is pushing it in our face.

Was it you who said it? That this was only making Inho look like a sad puppy? I can't remember but I agree. Although I found Inho kind of annoying in the webtoon I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him work towards his rehabilitation and growth character-wise. Earlier I wrote about his identity and how he was going to take a hold of it again. I was thrilled to see Inho grow/mature and do something for himself. Unfortunately, this love triangle is taking away from that. I know they'll probably switch gears later on and bring the focus back on his piano and what not, but these two episodes just threw it to the backseat. :(

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In the webtoon I don't feel love vibe between Inho and Seol but in drama I sure feel Inho has more than just a friend for Seol and it kind of pained my heart. I especially like all of their piano scene. Seol was oblivious but Inho begin to feel things and kind of jumpy about it. Haha.. SKJ sure know what he was doing, breaking girls hearts left and right with his act!

I also love how he chased YG like he was trying to chase all the bad things from Seol's life. He also spend money to equipped her with armours on top of that when we all know money is not easy for him. I wonder if he was Seoul's boyfriend, what will he do to YG and MS with his hot temper? Seol only going to have more troubles because of that but we can't hate Inho kekeke. 

No wonder Jung madly jelous.

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@40somethingahjumma the thing that is killing me is that since so little international fans ship seol & jung   I don't get any gifs or pictures to reblog. I want a gif of that reunion hug so bad and one of the back hug, but no one cares. no one likes them *wails like a sheep*

I this point I don't care for the whole love triangle thing or the potential shipping war that will come out of it cause I see it as viewers projecting their wishes onto seol. it's clear as day that jung is who she wants to be with feel that they are purposely trying to manipulate my feelings of "awww poor adorable inho. stop hurting the puppy." like someone said does he need to be there to see the reunion hug? inho runs frantically in search of seol "aww he cares about her so much" inho, is just a minute too late and sees seol see jung and the two hug "aww if only he had been there one second earlier. it isn't fair if he had been there a minute earlier he would be comforting her and not jung" Inho's man pain "aww poor puppy. if seol is stupid and wants a psycho instead of you, i'll have you" it's text book and I'm bothered because of the lack of gifs I get of seol & jung LOL, and also because it feel unnessary...

whatever I know everything I said makes me sound bitter and you're right LOL. I want gif and pictures. if I see one more inho is savior and king post on tumblr I might legit cry. can't I just have that one gif of the reunion hug *oliver twist* please sir, may have some more

why was I born without talent so I could do this stuff myself....

ETA: I know this cause the same thing was done to me recently in a different drama and wae, wae didn't I see it at the time. am I doing the same now...*trust issues got trust issues* everyday with you :bawling:

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I declare that I still love Ep 10 after watching it with subs. Hahahaha...

I still don't see a love triangle happening and Seol is so matter of fact with In Ho. 

I miss Dark Yoo Jung, I miss Whispering Yoo Jung and actually it's mean of me to say this but I want more Jealous Yoo Jung. I suppose I will see this when he directly says to Seol that she seems to be spending a lot of time with In Ho in the upcoming episode. 

I enjoyed the dramas where the second male lead may have feelings for the female lead but remains supportive. [Again I reference Shin Hyuk aka Choi Si Won from You are Pretty and Ha Joon from Sassy Go Go - incidentally had an awesome bromance with Kim Yeol). 

PS. I have to eat my words - I totally loled at In Ha when she was teasing In Ho - it was so realistically sibling like. 


Seo Kang Joon is doing great. He also seems more natural and has bonded well with his character. I have not watched him in any drama before this so I am pleasantly surprised. I just can't stop staring at his face. Am I cheating on my love for Yoo Jung? 



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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:


@MrsSoJiSub  and @NRGchick, this is the problem I have with Seol and her interactions with In Ho, she had just met him when Jung had asked her not to hang out with In Ho. I always felt that Seol rebelled against Jung in this regard because she really didn't trust Jung and thought the problem was him. Also, Seol is not stupid. She knows that she doesn't like the idea that Jung may have dated In Ha and likes it even less that he may be still associating with her.  If she saw her mother or father hanging around another man or woman and interacting with them the same way she has been with In Ho, she would be suspicious of their relationship because she knows the behavior is not appropriate for people in a relationship.  

In Ho isn't like Seol's other male friend who she has known for years, he is some new man in her life that she just met.  In Ho in his own way has been combative with her boyfriend (Jung) where she's concerned--trying to protect her from Jung when he was taking her home; to make sure Jung didn't try anything with his OWN girlfriend.  He forced himself into her life. She questioned why Jung wanted to eat with her and tried to avoid him,  and yet when In Ho would tell her to buy her something to eat after causing her to fall and break her laptop, she just does it--never questioning why is he constantly hounding her.

I also think the reason YJ is hesitant to show his jealousy is because of the fact that Seol is always, always believing the worst  of him. He's probably afraid that if he shows his jealousy, Seol will again see him in a negative light. I'm happy that in the upcoming episode he's going to just let her see how her actions are being viewed by him.  I truly think in this relationship, she's failed him many times, he's done some things to but I begin to see hers over and over in several episodes.  I like Seol, but she's allowed herself to be influence by the people around her and their view of Jung.

That's why I'm happy that in the recent episode she's finally beginning to try and understand him.  No boyfriend or girlfriend want their significant other constantly hanging around with another man or woman where romantic feelings can development.  It's nice that Seol is trying to help In Ho redirect his life, but she has a boyfriend who needs her influence and she also needs to focus on her own life

Sorry to keep rambling....


I completely agree with the rest of your points however, iirc Bora introduced Eun Taek to Seol the same night that Jung was introduced to her. So Seol has only known him for a little over a year as well. The difference here though is that Jung is fully aware of Eun Taek's love for Bora [Jung was there in the hospital and at the basketball game]

This is the one thing about Seol that I can't really wrap my head around. She has experience with random weirdos latching onto her, first with YG last year, now Min Soo and YG both. So why exactly is she not more cautious around the random people she meets? Especially if someone she knows [or knows better anyways] is telling her to stay away from him? Granted, we know In Ho isn't a bad person but how did she know that when she first met him? If someone who had caused my laptop to be broken and stolen my phone number [because lets get real here, she didn't voluntarily give him her phone number] was now coming up and trying to force me into buying food for them, I wouldn't be putting up with it like she does. I dislike confrontation as well but the first thing going through my head would be "and who are you that I'm responsible for feeding you?!"

I'm really glad Jung is going to show his jealousy in the upcoming episodes though. Maybe it will knock some sense into our girl about just how her overt friendliness with In Ho comes across to everyone else. It's fine to hang out with him as friends but some boundaries need to be set and she needs to get her priorities straight. Seol and Jung barely have any time to spend together right now anyways, with his internship, work and school, how can she easily spend so much of that free time with In Ho? Even getting to see her thought process, I don't understand what's going through her mind sometimes. 


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Have been reading comments everywhere, every person has XYZ things to say about Jung and why Seol is better off without him. Learnt my lesson, better to stick to this place haha. (so ticked off right now)

My rant about the 2 episodes. It's gonna be long. VERY long.

Highlight for me, as most people around, is the evident growth in seol. I think from this point we'll see her more vocal and not bottling up things inside her. She has been doing that for a long, long, long time, even costing her to upset Bo Ra. i guess everyone reaches point where we have had enough, Seol's patience this week (extending to the next week with the showdown with parents) started overflowing from the brim. Everyone had to face its consequences, Sang Chul, Min Soo....even Jung. The reason we sometimes let things pass is because we do not have the patience, mood or even guts to face what's going to follow once we put down our foot and give a piece of mind to people. Like what people around Seol have been doing after she had a face off with Min Soo and she taught SC a lesson - gossiping, demonizing her and what not. But the economics students would say, the opportunity cost of tolerance had shot up for Seol.

I like it how she took things in her hands with Sang Chul fearlessly. It's human to make mistakes...but it's also human to learn from them. Prof Kang's whip did good for her..that's what our teachers are for right? And wah, the audacity this fellow has to shout and create a scene knowing it was his fault...i'd say he deserved what he got. there has to be a  limit to freeloading & mooching off people. I mean if someone like Young-gon is telling you to get grip of yourself, something is gravely wrong with you.

And say what may Da Young, plagiarism deserves to be named and shamed in front of all, nothing less.  I like it how most of the side characters get on my nerves...Da Young is one such special person...i'd even rank In Ha above her. Dating YG, defending SC and Min Soo, telling off Seol...i'm sure many people here are graduating in and to joblessness. Seol dealing with Min Soo pre and post break up (err break i mean...) has stark difference though. Pointing her out for copying her stuff was more calm and mature...the next one was more of an outburst owing to the situation where she was an emotional wreck, plus she'd been instigated to the T. Messing with that doll? Bad move. Already she struggling to save her relationship, and u just crushed a symbol of it. I would not blame her if she chew her head off (along with SC,DY....YG deserves worse)

Coming to Min Soo...i understand her, know where she is coming from, but i cannot sympathize with her. Agreed she wasn't popular...and i hate those people who do not recognize their classmates even after a year is gone. ok it takes a year to acquaint, i understand that...but some people just take pride in not knowing their classmates. I am sure that must have taken a huge toll on Min Soo - constantly rejected, being non-existent. But how you deal with it says a lot about your strength of character. I know a lot will even blame Seol for fanning such sentiments in Min Soo, but hey she herself is a reserved and an introverted person (IMO)... introverts take time opening up to people too. It's damn complicated. You cannot win a place by changing into something you are not, just to get other's approval, recognition and attention. Why would you want that? Because its not you whose getting recognized. Those friendships won't even be real. I so feel Seol when she sad she had to earn a place. nothing came to her on a plate. She worked hard for her grades and her sincerity and honesty got her friends and boyfriend (who breaks my heart by a mere mention *crie*). Case in point Jun and her. Although she longed for the attention and things jun has been getting easily, did she do anything to jeopardise his plans? No right? Ah of course it's different. He is her brother...she loves her brother to the point to punch someone who'd drag him in the plot to mess with her...but then we have In Ha too who spills ramyun on her brothers notes *shrugs*. What messed up Min Soo even more was her lies. That has to be the last straw...no one has every got away with that. 

Coming to In Ho and Jung. Man what went wrong there? I get big time Bromance feels seeing their flashbacks. Just like brothers from another mother ha ha. I like this portrayal of a rich heir to a big company. Usually its the flawless, handsome man dictating his terms. It's surprising to see such a rich guy getting played on by school bullies, opposite to perceptions. It was so heartening to see In Ho stand up for him. Just melted my heart seeing the light slap scene. So adorable. I want a heartening reunion for them also ok? i have been racking my brains as to what went wrong. Did in ha have something to do with it? Is Jung taking her back? Maybe he is pushing her to study so that she can become responsible and earn. that could eventually lead to In Ho following his dreams too? Maybe he really meant it when he said he'd want to see In Ho learn piano. it makes sense right? seeing In Ho's indecisiveness about his piano plans, maybe he did not want Seol to be involved. ugh i'll wait for the suspense to unfold.

In Ho's character growth has been remarkable. i like it how Seol has played a part in it too...inspiring him to have a goal in life, teaching him the art of working hard rofl. I don't blame him even if he falls for her...it's only natural for him to, since she's the only girl he spends most of his time with. It was cute the way he turns red around her or his heart goes out of control. Ack 1st love. I feel for him too, esp in the bit where she was saying to him that she understands sunbae...and he asks whether they made up... with a sub conscious wish they didn't awww. It's nice to see him finally grow up and really nice to see him lift her spirits up, when she's in a mess. But i don't think even he's expecting reciprocation. Like he told to himself that she can't look at me for support. it's sad but that's how it is. It shows that how much emotionally involved she is with Jung... cause it's him she turned to every time and every time she's got support. you are doing well Seol-ah. Remember? i guess he's the person she would want to see the most next week when she fights with her parents (CANNOT-WAIT-FOR-THAT-HUG) Unrequited love is heartbreaking...but it will only make him an even more awesome fellow he than he already is. It was adorable when he gave pepper spray and other self defense stuff to her...and told her to open her eyes...to which she widens her eyes. Aww Seol.

(Btw guys, the other show reference crack me up. go on with that haha)

surprisingly, i am warming upto In Ha. Maybe because she cracked me up big time in the episodes. Whether its her exchange with Young Gon or scaring off Sang Cheol. imagine that rofl. God the dirty talk between young gon and In Ha, had me rolling on the floor. i know its gross but SO funny. Good she's not mooching off Jae Woo yet....unlike her lol.

Bo Ra and Eun tak could really be given more to do than be Sherlock and Watson. I love Bo Ra man. especially when she starts hurling sharp words at Do young, she has me cheering up for her big time. like it how she told her off when Sang cheol defence came off her....why don't you take him in your group if u are having so much issues. HA!

Coming to my favorite bits - Seol and Jung. Man how cruel. One afternoon they are meeting after a long time, hugging each other as if they are about to die *god so beautiful these two* and in the evening they are breaking it off (yes yes taking a break i get it....!) God, that scene was so beautifully shot, stunning background, and stunning performance. 

Seol has been so accommodating when it came to Jung and his ways and manners. Just because he has been so sincere, affectionate, caring and loving towards her, understanding her, worrying for her...and just being there. But then again she saw glimpses of a very different person, from time to time, which was a part of him. yet she accepted all those. But then she expected him to come clear off everything...to tell her things, you know. She now sees a person, who she feels has not changed since the TA Heo incident. Does he have more things to hide? Time and again she sees a different glimpse of his....it feels like its unending. Who exactly is he? What about In Ha? She had to take a break to figure things out. It's just heart-breaking, seeing to what extent they are in to each other. As it is it was difficult stay apart when they were dating...how will they stay apart now?'

Yoo jung man. I love him. Period. i don't care what anyone has to say about him. i have my own interpretations about him, and i am happy with it. I like it how his layers are revealed episode by episode. The flashback where he was being a pushover - as he narrated to Seol, he found it easy to give in to people, avoiding the larger mess. No wonder he finds himself and Seol so similar and draws parallels. He sees himself in her, when she suffers with the kind of people around her. You cannot blame him if he lent a helping hand with the Min Soo incident, for this very reason. Just like her, one day he thought enough was indeed enough, and became what he was, giving the selfish greedy people what they deserved. yeah he is manipulative, that's his defense mechanism now. Hell, a lot of people are manipulative for there own selfish needs. Atleast for jung its just a defense mechanism. 

Again with his father. He has always seen the Baek Siblings so care-free, but he himself had to slog keeping up with the expectations. It was as if they were the Chaebol heirs, enjoying lives without anything to care about, while he had to live with the burden of expectations. And yet it seemed to him that his father was never satisfied with his efforts, how much ever he tried. He was given a list of norms to conform with, responsibilities to deal with, he did everything quietly. Pushover at home and outside. No wonder he knows what it means to get acknowledged...he didn't hesitate once when it came to acknowledging Seol...i wish someone had told him too that you are doing well Jung-ah. 

Yeah he messed big time when it came to YG. How was he supposed to know that his defense mechanisms will come back to haunt him. And yes, he needs to deal with the consequences of what he started, thinking of it lightly. That is why the break is good for him as well to retrospect. It's his turn to accommodate and make amends. Like when Seol asks him, will it all be ok if i take steps towards you, with you standing where you are? He's taking baby steps too. I like it how this time he did not cut himself off from her, as he did previously...i had freaked out seeing that preview when he moves past her ignoring her . I like it how he is continuing to msg her, oh that back hug *crie* He is putting it across that he needs her, misses her by indirect words and actions. 

Seol on her part is understanding his pov too, but sometimes people need time. I am glad Jung is giving her the space, without hovering around her, yet asserting that he's there. I'm liking it how he is taking help of Eun-Tak to keep a tab on her surroundings. 

But the bottom line is that they need each other. At this point especially, when they are apart, it will only strength their bond and bring them more closer. (EEEK THAT PREVIEW) she is the person he needed to talk to, to be around when he stormed out from his father. He is the person she was wanting to see when she fought with her parents (i'm presuming) Why would you think they don't deserve to be together man. Why is Seol better off without Jung? The person knows her pulse. She doesn't need to even speak and he knows what's in her mind. He is supportive of the person she is, coaxing her to become strong. Yes, he has flaws, but not life threatening ones. He'll only go on to make himself better. And yep, before anyone asks,yes i'll want a boyfriend like him in reality, cause hey the real life has far more worse samples.


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@USAFarmgirl. CLAPPING CLAPPING That was a great description of Yoo Jung. So on point chingu, YJ is living the way his dad want him to be invisible, not cause any problem and be perfect. Still YJ's dad is still not happy. I have no idea what that man wants from his son but enjoys crushing his self esteem. Telling he will never be able to control everything but aren't you the one who told him he needs to take control of things. 

Seol is like the air YJ needs to breathe and now that she is gone , he is miserable. YJ really doesn't like being around people but with Seol she makes it so easy because she doesn't talk just to hear herself , everything she says makes sense, she is kind and very honest. She is like an open book so refreshing for YJ. Now the same boy who took daddy's attention is also trying to take Seol's attention. 

Remember Chingu In Ho did befriend Seol because she was dating YJ. He wasn't sincere but he is just trying to rattle YJ and now he started falling for her. I am not to happy about that. He doesn't deserve her at all. In Ho himself mentioned that YJ's insecurity is that he is afraid he will lose Seol to In Ho like her did with his dad. Did InnHonhave to mention that too. If he himself knew that him being close to his father was bothering YJ why didn't he put a stop to the relationship.  Chingu, something changed YJ attitude toward people.

 I remember the first time In Ho met up with In Ha since he came back to Seol, In Ha told her brother "YJ HAS CHANGED , HE ISN'T THE SAME FROM H.S". In Ho didn't care at all but still wanted to bother YJ anyway because he blamed him for the accident. smh smh I still think he need to grow up and start to think of others before himself.


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‘Cheese in the Trap’ team to head to Hainan for group vacation

Feb 2, 2016

The team for tvN drama ‘Cheese in the Trap’ will be heading to Hainan Island in China on March 2nd, for a well-deserved 5 days three nights vacation.

The 16 episodes drama premiered on January 4th, and had been 50 percent pre-produced since filming begun back in September 2015. Filming officially concluded on January 24th.

The drama has largely been a hit with viewers in terms of reviews and ratings, since it premiered a few weeks ago.

Credit : http://kpopfighting.com/2016/02/02/cheese-in-the-trap-team-to-head-to-hainan-for-group-vacation/

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I just don't know how we will survive without this show next week. That back hug scene is just perfection by Jung! I love how he nudges his head towards Seol's neck. That scene is so powerful, shows how much he misses her presence. These two may not be perfect, but they fit each other like a glove. YJ needs someone like Seol to show him that love comes naturally if you're deserving of it. And Seol needs someone like YJ to show her she's much stronger and capable than what she gives herself credit for. The next couple of episodes look to be a turning point in their relationship. I hope they are out of the 'get to know each other' stage and are in the 'I know and understand how you are' stage.

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11 hours ago, themarchioness said:


I do feel bad for Min Soo to the extent that I never felt she was evil/crazy in the same way that Young Gun is, or a pathetic user in the way that Sang Chul bothers me.  She was just pathetic in her shadow-like ways and in her desire to be known, she allowed herself to be used and led down the wrong paths.  Just one more thing to lay at Young Gun's door, really.  Like Seol, I find Min Soo to be someone who is pitied.  :( I hope we'll see her again in this drama, with a much improved personality -- one that is completely her own.

Honestly, I don't! Because even in the end, she didn't realise about her wrongdoings. She said, she prefered her situation now than the one before! But like I mentioned it before, she never tried to work hard to get good grades and a friend. She wanted Seol as friend because she had thought, Seol would take care of her: good grades aso. Sure, she has a lack of confidence, but her lack of confidence isn't the only reason. She never tried to change anything. She lied to Seol about the work for the presentation. Just like she blamed Seol for failing at the test! She is no different than SC or NJY or YG who always blame others for their misdeeds! MS isn't just a liar... she reminds me a lot of NJY. NJY would blame Seol for everything, just like MS blamed Seol for using her boyfriend to ruin her presentation! But actually, NJY and MS are only projecting their own twisted behaviour into Seol. Who did the tricks? IT was NJY all the time and MS did exactly the same!

MS is greedy and her attempt to approach Seol weren't selfless, the exact opposite. IF you look carefully, YJ and MS tried to get closer to seol at the same time! YJ succeeded because he never gave up! He tried it over and over again!

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Park Hae-jin, a smash hit in Asia

Updated : February 01 2016

Actor Park Hae-jin is enjoying huge popularity with his dramas confirmed to be broadcast in China and Japan.

Korean TV channel, tvN’s drama “Cheese in the Trap” will be aired in China from March.

(WM Company)

The 34-year-old actor plays the lead named Yoo Jung in the series, and got much love in Korea and China. 

Park finished filming another Chinese drama “Far Away Love” in 2013, and it will premiere on Guangdong TV and Southeast TV on Mar. 1, said his agency WM Company.

He previously appeared in several Chinese dramas, including “Qian Duo Duo Gets Married,” “Another Brilliant Life,” and “Love’s Relativity.”

In Japan, “Cheese in the Trap” will be broadcast from the end of March on Mnet Japan.

Since he has has also held concerts and recorded OSTs, Park is expected to get much more popular. 

By Kim Soo-hyang (shkim@heraldcorp.com)
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@NRGchick :bawling::bawling: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you and thousand times, Thank you

"I missed you a lot" " I missed you too...very much" :bawling::bawling: Did she call him? Did he just instinctively know she needed him? They were both teary eyed and she cries in his embrace. :bawling: I need the car conversation and all the conversations that come after. However, is Yoo Jung's car parked on the side walk?

@debolina bless your post. Although I am a bitter richard simmons about it LOL (at least I'm honest ya'll :P) I really do enjoy Inho's character growth here. I agree with everything but especially this:

24 minutes ago, debolina said:


But the bottom line is that they need each other. At this point especially, when they are apart, it will only strength their bond and bring them more closer. (EEEK THAT PREVIEW) she is the person he needed to talk to, to be around when he stormed out from his father. He is the person she was wanting to see when she fought with her parents (i'm presuming) Why would you think they don't deserve to be together man. Why is Seol better off without Jung? The person knows her pulse. She doesn't need to even speak and he knows what's in her mind. He is supportive of the person she is, coaxing her to become strong. Yes, he has flaws, but not life threatening ones. He'll only go on to make himself better. And yep, before anyone asks,yes i'll want a boyfriend like him in reality, cause hey the real life has far more worse samples.


Like I said in my other post, they're each other's person...

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14 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:

I tried to finish my backreading of everyone and not to post for the time being, but it's too hard to read 30 or 40 pages in a short time. 


same here.:sweatingbullets: trying my best to read what everyone writes. Sometimes I just scanned and picked up the points here and there. will be a great help, if everyone keep the posts shorter and put in paragraphs -- like just hit the enter button here and there you know. imma just my 2 cents worth of thoughts. B)

#itsonlywednesday?! #sunbaefighting #seolxJung

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So here is the thing I am confused on, and if I'm confused I'm sure Jung is confused (I think). What exactly does Seol have a problem with. Jung's actions? Or the fact that he doesn't communicate with her? It seems a lot of time she's not upset by the actions purse because sometimes she understand it or sees the reasoning for it. However it seems she gets upset because he doesn't communicate to tell her things. So she wants him to be honest with her about these things and not necessarily stop doing these things (so long as it be for good and not evil)?

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hand drawn wall paper from Baidu



credit to dabianchaoren.


2 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So here is the thing I am confused on, and if I'm confused I'm sure Jung is confused (I think). What exactly does Seol have a problem with. Jung's actions? Or the fact that he doesn't communicate with her? It seems a lot of time she's not upset by the actions purse because sometimes she understand it or sees the reasoning for it. However it seems she gets upset because he doesn't communicate to tell her things. So she wants him to be honest with her about these things and not necessarily stop doing these things (so long as it be for good and not evil)?

a) he doesnt ask her first and just proceed to help

b ) she is very kind and doesnt want him to hurt others just to help her.

c) she expect him to tell her everything without her asking.

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4 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

So here is the thing I am confused on, and if I'm confused I'm sure Jung is confused (I think). What exactly does Seol have a problem with. Jung's actions? Or the fact that he doesn't communicate with her? It seems a lot of time she's not upset by the actions purse because sometimes she understand it or sees the reasoning for it. However it seems she gets upset because he doesn't communicate to tell her things. So she wants him to be honest with her about these things and not necessarily stop doing these things (so long as it be for good and not evil)?


actually,there have lot of communication gap or sometime felt,everything just happend very suddenly! for that,they can't understand,what should they do,how they should react. and a mejor fact is,befor start dating they don't know each other proparly,they were not friendly for long time,so here creating confussion is very easy! that's why, sometime Seol being confussed or sometime Jung shoulden't understand. 

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