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Guest ororomunroe

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Jung at work doing photocopy n supervisor came to say smthg. Jung receive msg frm Inha n Joon. Flashback to MS wallpaper of Joon. He plans smthg. MS saw Seol n Joon at cafeteria being friendly. Ayoung also there. MS doesn't know what's going on, how they know each other. She's angry.

She purposely bumps into Seol walking w Bora n lion chain fall off. Seol has had enough. Jung saw everything.

Now in class, everyone say smthg abt MS has bf. Seol n Bora talking. 

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YJ is up to his old tricks again.... He is targeting Min Soo.. She is going to get hurt for messing with HS. 

People at his job is already trying to use him again. I don't think YJ understand that it is the way of life.

I kinda feel bad for him.

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Jung is talking to his co-worker. He gets a text from Inha. Then Joon asking if Jung will buy him a meal (?). He remembers seeing Joon's photo on MS' s phone.

MS sees AY Seol and Joon together. She's angry and purposely bumps into her. Then she throws the lion on the floor. Jung sees. 

They go to class. ugh lag idk what Jung said to MS

Now Seol confronted MS. AY and Joon walk in.

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YJ at the office and approached by a work colleague?

In Ha messages YJ again. And Jun also messages him. He thinks about MS and the photo on her phone.

MS sees Jun with Seol. I think YJ has arranged for all of them to be together. Ah Young is there as well. MS is spying on them. She sees the interactions and sees Seol 'bullying' Jun. MS rage up!

MS purposefully pushes into Seol and steps on the lion and kicks the lion to Seol. Seol is getting angry.

YJ is there [pink sweater - I like!]

They raise the issue with MS about her boyfriend and tries to get her to show the photo. YJ encouraging all the way! {evil laugh - bwahahaha]

Now it is test time - MS is in panic mode and having internal monologue. Her test paper is not complete.

After test - Seol confronts MS - all the players are in the room. Everyone is watching.

Jun appears - and calls his sister. Bun girl says it is MS's boyfriend. Everyone is in shock.

Jun says MS is not the girlfriend . And .....


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I'm sorry but there will never be love triangle... especially from Seol to In Ho. Seol loves Jung way too much and too deep she just have nothing left for any other guy. In Ho is consider a good friend. And with all the tight hugs and deep in love kisses she shared, sharing and will share with Jung, there is no way she can be with In Ho even if she and Jung breaking up. Jung is the one who took her lips virginity (maybe her virginity too)


the I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS kiss.... if this kiss wasn't a dream... it will be the reconciliation kiss. I like the way he look at her eyes so deeply and softly first and then gradually slowly moving his gaze to her lips and absorb what he sees and knowing how it will feels when her -like inner of the rose- lips surrender in his passionate and love.. she feels horrible for not believing him and you can see regret in her eyes.. 

this kiss is amazing and perfect.. she loves him as much as him to her. period. 

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Seol powers up!

She is now shouting at MS asking why there is a picture of Jun on her phone. MS looks at YG who encourages her.

Seol grabs MS and YG is recording, the jerk!

All comes out and MS is screaming. I think it is worth watching this part with subs. Seol is giving some good advice.


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After class, Seol confronts MS ask her to live correctly. MS angry now Bora joins in. Everyone looking. Ask abt lion chain again. 

Joon came over w Ayoung saying Jung ask to come he wants to treat them. Everyone surprised to know Joon is Seol's lil bro n can't believe MS say such lies. Seol took MS hp to confirm pix n she's shocked. Ask why MS do this, lying n everything. MS lost for words n everyone starts gossiping. MS said it's becoz of Seol all happened. Fighting scene, grab collar n hair, on floor. Go Seol! MS finally flipped n cried saying how all not fair to her. Seol also vents her frustration becoz of MS. MS crying n talking sitting on floor, still not satisfied. Seol said smthg abt friends etc...that MS turned out like that is why exactly. Flashback to MS before, want to befriend Seol. Seol now ask her if this makes her happy being like this. Everyone looks on

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Joon texts YJ.. and YJ remembers about Joon's picture in MS's phone..

MS sees Joon at the cafeteria with HS.. Joon there to meet with YJ for lunch.. AY joins them.. the three of them look happy.. and MS says why HS gets everthing she wants..

Then MS purposely knocks HS's shoulder and throws down the lion doll, and step-drag it.. HS picks it up.. and knew that was hers..

In class they excitedly talking about MS's boyfriend.. and want to see his picture on her phone.. YJ even admits that she has the picture..

MS is worry that HS knew Joon..

After exam, HS approach MS and asks her about the lion doll.. MS picking fight about HS keeps on finding her fault..

HS asks if she really doesn't have anything to say sorry to her? Joon joins HS and they are all say that MS's boyfriend?

HS snatches MS's phone and sees Joon's picture.. HS asks why his picture in it?

MS can't give explanation and says that HS knows everything and purposely doing this to her..


HS is really angry that MS is messing with her life..

MS envies HS that she has everything she wants.. family, friends, boyfriend..

HS tells her that they're all not easy to gain.. she wonder why MS changed like this..

MS said she doesn't want to be like before..

HS asks her whether she likes being like this now??

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Flashback to all the times when MS felt ignored and rejected.

No wonder YJ thinks Seol is just like him.

Scene of Seol at the bridge they always meet and she talks to YJ [who is quite subdued]

Flashback to where YJ was drunk. Seol is trying to understand him once again.

Yj tells her he will wait.

Another meaningful conversation [why did I not take Korean!!]

Yj gives her a plastic bag and plays with her bangs. [I am about to cry]. He walks away.

Scene cuts to In Ho on his piano.



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Seol n Jung at lake uni. Seol ask if sunbae did smthg w MS's case, she still has doubt abt his motive. Jung tries to explain but Seol looks unconvinced. Jung said smthg n held Seol hand to give meds? He flips Seols bangs, awwww.... Seol is sad n Jung leaves.

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Dayum, I really love how YJ's way of manipulating Min Soo.. this is why I always team Jung. He's the only one who can protect Seol from other twisted people in that university. Twisted people could only be handled by same twisted person, right? that's the only way their true color will appear. It could come in handy for times like this. Come on Jung.. manipulate her some more..



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