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Another thing that Seol & YJ have in common, is a complicated relationship with their fathers.

Both Seol & YJ both feel unloved by their fathers because they were made to feel like they were "not good enough".

In Seol's case, she was not outigoing and loveable like Joon and i would go as far as to say that she felt inferior to Joon for just a female (Even her grandmother favored Joon beacsue he is a boy).

In YJ's case, he was "different", his father made him like "not good/normal enough" and he developed his personality to conceal his "perceived" shortcomings.


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1 hour ago, SeGafanlady said:

PHJ has more muscular body now than in 2014 and hmmm Go Joon Hee's buttt is way too photoshopped.. 

I wish to see YJ and IH brooding shower scene soon.. if we grant this by the drama.. I will do a circular rain dance and kiss mother earth 9 times in a row.

LOL.. there should be the obligatory shower scene and I wonder if they will include the staple in K-dramas.

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Just starting to watch all the CITT videos on youtube and found these:

In one of PHJ's interview, he talked about the height of the 3 guys


Nam Joo Hyuk is the tallest at 187cm, then PHJ 186cm and SKJ at 183cm. All really tall.



So darn cute, these three!



At the fan meet in Nov 2015.

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7 minutes ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Ohmygosh meee! Do you have them? :w00t:

Actually, you can view them on naver. All you have to do is have the overtoon bookmark by oddsquare.

Just go to the season 3 chapter 60 link on oddsquare's website. Go to the URL. The URL finishes with a three digit number, add one to the number (for example if it's 186 it becomes 187) and refresh the page. Normally, chapter one of season one will appear. Now click in the overtoon bookmark.

You should be able to see the raw chapter. Firnthe next chapter just change the number in the URL (adding one for each chapter).

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Full disclaimer: I am a Jung ride or die chick. I love this boy. I love his character and I will go down with him wherever he goes. With that said some of the comments on here and other places are starting to kind of make me side eye in regards to Jung.

There is trying to see more to a person, to try and get into their head, see things from their perspective, try and understand them and their motives what drives them etc, and still admit that they are a problematic person. They are not fundamentally/socially good, and their actions and behaviors are not right or socially acceptable. Everything I have said fits Jung and I think we have to be careful to not excuse him and his behaviors because of his upbringing, the far worse people that surround him, etc, etc. Now with all that I have said, just because Jung is not a "good guy" it doesn't mean he's bad or the very definition of all things evil, unpure, dangerous, and wrong with this world. It doesn't mean he is someone undeserving of friendship, love, a career, a family, home, and all the other things that anyone in this world strives for. Jung is not someone underserving of the things that will make him happy. He is not undeserving of Seol or her like/love. The only person who can determine if Jung is deserving/worthy of her love/like and time and attention is Seol herself. Jung also is not undeserving of friends or people around him to love, support, and understand him. He along with Minsoo, Younggon, and those of the world I feel need that more than anyone. The ones who are hard to love are the ones who need our love the most and our belief in the ability to change and redeem one's self. Jung is not unredeemable (neither are any of the characters in this drama imho. I have to believe this or I would make the worst future psychologist LOL. Especially since I want to go into abnormal psychology).

At the same time Jung is...Jung is such a godsdamn child. It surprises me that people think he is so cunning, and manipulative, and like this big puppet master (don't get me wrong he is these things but people blow it up much bigger than it truly is and give him waaaay too much credit for things that a lot of the time I feel were not in his plans/he didn't think about and calculate that far ahead. Jung doesn't think far ahead. If he did he wouldn't do half the richard simmons he does. Most of what he does is reactive to in the moment situations) he's really not. He's like a 3 year old stuck in a very grown, good looking, intelligent, and rich 27 year old (ha) PHJ body. Jung is also very much a product of his upbringing. He is a product of his own mind. Of his father's fear, mixed signals, forced notions of social decorm, forced ideals of people as tools and a means to an end (you really have to think on why papa Yoo brought the Baek kids into his home and how this later effected the relationship that Jung now has with the Baek sibs), neglect, having to raise himself, peole's fears and judgments, and just a lot. A freaking lot I hope the drama goes into. This is why I think people are being rash in labeling him as this or that as of now and saying he is unredeemable. In psychology we do look at a clients enviorment, upbringing, etc etc, before we can continue in the process of identification and labeling. To see much of the audience do this without getting all the details like...we don't do that in real life right. We continue to know people and have our minds made and changed about them (like at first I though Minsoo was just a mousey quiet girl in need of friends and now look on everything, MinSeol got issues LOL), shouldn't we wait and see on every character here too?

As wrong as it is, I personally don't mind Jung going after assistant Heo's, rapist, Nam Joon's, etc, etc. They are bad people who were caught doing bad things and could not live with the consequences of those actions so instead chose to make a deal with the devil if you will. Those people made their beds and I'm glad Jung forced them to lie in it. Now his treatment of Seol in year one, I have a huge problem with. Like I said, he is a child. Year one Jung is the very definition of the school boy who has a crush on a girl so he pulls her pigtails. Expect with Jung being who is, he pulled those pigtails too hard, and put gum in the girls hair so poor girl had to get a hair cut. Jung's behavior towards Seol was not right at all. With the others I could understand because they are shitty criminals who made a choice, but with Seol, what did she do that was so wrong? Is it her fault that he liked her but couldn't understand it or work it out with himself so he's all "she's bothersome and she judges me. She's like everyone eslse." So freaking what little boy, that what the world does. Everyone at your college judges and uses you and you know it. You let them get away withit. Why did it bother you so much when it was done by Seol that you just had to get back at her? Why did you expect her to be different anyways? I'm going off point the point is Jung is a child. Everything year one Jung did to Seol is childish (not really intended malice) and has the mentality of my 3 year old nephew who gets mad and won't talk to me or let me play with his toys because I jokingly said I didn't like him. He hit me when I tried because "your bad. you said you don't like me".

1. Jung stepping on Seol's papers. Seol was walking with a pile of papers and such in her hands. She was going to take the eleveator until she saw Jung was standing and waiting for the elevator too. Jung noticed this (her avoiding the elevator because of him) and was hurt by it (he's Mr. Nice and popular, everyone likes him. Also it bothers him that she is that bothered by him for reason of like that he couldn't admit to or wasn't aware of). Jung hears that fall and scattered papers. He comes around not to help her but to step and gload at the fact that hahaha "you should have been more careful" aka if you would have just taken the elevator with me instead of judging and avoiding me for whatever reasons you do, none of this would have happened. Pick up your own papers. Immature and down right childishly petty as richard simmons.

2. The Younggon situation. I am giving Jung some benefit of doubt and yeah he didn't know things would go this far and turn out this bad. Props on him for trying to unfuck himself when it came to his knowledge of exactly what he had unleashed (Seol lets's him know and even though around that time he didn't like her, he made Younggon stop/leave school) but still richard simmons Jung. It doesn't absolve any of his actions nor does it undo the hurt and burden and danger it has put Seol in. Yeah he technically didn't send the texts and I'm even willing to believe that he may have even told Inha to put a stop to it and is/will be surprised to learn that she and Younggon may have still been in communication with one another. But still, if saying Seol kind of brought this onto herself with her kind gesture after the whole basketball disaster, then Jung is most definitely to blame. Fine I'll buy that he saw the window incident and read it wrong. But we are all lying to ourselves if we say a large part of his actions had nothing to do with the fact that he didn't like Seol. He was there for the basketball game, he saw Younggon going crazy on Bora, crazy on him, and the student population that was no longer speaking to him. Jung also knew that Seol had her judgments of him and probably read that nice gesture as "oh so she likes him because he bad mouths me and she believes those things he said about me...*and the wheels in his head turn*" which hurt him.

To get back at both Seol for that hurt/bothersome-ness (yeah I made up a word) and Younggon for the whole basketball court call out; he put the two of them together and allowed Inha to do with them what she pleased. He gave her the phone, not just for a moment, but to keep. Inha says "I'm going to keep this...I won't be bored for a while" and Jung literally sits back, smirks, and lets it all happen. WTF!!! Fine he didn't know the extent of the danger he was putting her in, but knowing Inha, shouldn't he have had some kind of idea? If the answer to all of this is that yes, he knew Seol would be in some kind of danger but he simply did not care enough to stop it. He just allowed it to happen even though he knew it would be a danger to her but allowed it to happen because "I hated you then".....I don't even know what to do with that. Okay now you love me and you wouldn't do something like that to me again. I'm glad, but at that time what if this dude went off the deep end and like killed me or something. You would have never had the opportunity to change your mind about me and come to care for me like you do now. I die because your childish self was "bothered" by my existence!!! It helps quell my anger to know you went and tried to stop it all but YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I need Seol to call him out on this and I need him to process and understand her hurt and anger!

Jung is a child who needs professional help because the way he's been raised to view and deal with people is just...you can't go on this way. He needs to be taught genuine kindness towards others. That an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth would leave us all blind, deaf, and mute. Learn to forgive. Learn to let some things go. It all has a lot to do with his years of "having a weight on my chest" and suppression, being a "pushover", his dad and upbringing. Jung is normal *hears the shocked gasp* Yeah he's normal and people like him exist, function, and thrive in the world. Some of them are CEO, some are presidents, teachers, business owners, rich as have all, etc etc. However they are not always very much liked or loved. They can sometimes be the loneliest people and unless they are using their potential for "good" and not "bad shady" stuff, people often dismiss them. You have all but at the same time you really have nothing. I see that Jung wants the all and he wants it with Seol and he could have it with Seol, he he does have it right now with Seol. However I don't see how they can last in the long (the potential marriage Seol giggled about in bed) run if he doesn't get help and deal with the loads of baggage and issues that he has. Okay I can see them lasting but eventually things will become damaged and much too easily broken and unhealthy for both parties. It would be exhausting to be someone's moral compass and never being able to fully trust your partner or having to hide things because you fear the extent of which they will take things. It would be even lonelier to know that the person you are with does not fully trust or understand you as you would like and having this fear that if they truly see you, they will leave you. This leads to a lot of hiding ones self, always having a wall of divide up because if they break through and then they flee, then what. Both Seol and Jung, as much as I love them together, have a lot they still need to work on in order to build that desired future together. I'm enjoying the journey there and I hope they both choose to continue to work at it. Both make the changes in each other to be together.

Jung doesn't necessary have to change because he's not always wrong in what he does and all his abilities are really useful and needed for him to get on top and stay on top. I don't mind him doing his thing on those who deserve it or chose it. However with those like Seol...WHY!!! Jung never seems to understand how dangerous or potentially dangerous his actions are. He doesn't dwell on or think too deep/long/hard on what he does. He does it. It's done. Then it's almost like it never happened. He goes back to normal and...WTF!! All these people could really come back one day to hurt him for the hurt he's caused them and he doesn't think of that! Like Seol said, everything is too simple and clear for him. The rest of us don't' work like that. The past is not the past and we may "forgive" but we rarely forget (which he will see Seol being "normal" is like that too). Jung doesn't think of how actions affects the other party. Yeah they did wrong, yeah they asked for it/earned it/whatever, but his lack of foresight, empathy, and understanding for those he doesn't care about (he knows how to do these things -another reason why you can't label him with those pathologies- it's not that he lacks these traits, he does it all the time with Seol. It's simply that if he doesn't like you, he doesn't even bother.) ...NO! It's a danger to him and Seol. A wise manipulator has to think of all of that so they have a plan in hand to avoid the potential pitfalls and dangers that could come their way. Bless the boy for being quick on the uptake and always coming out the one who does the besting. However he's some day maybe one day going to encounter someone who's got his number. Jung won't be quick enough to counter attack the small attack that he thought over and done with and in the past. Being how he is, and how he chooses to deal with people. Jung has got to start doing this or he puts himself and those that surround him in danger.

I'm a ride or die chick for Jung, but I understand people's concerns about him and they are not always in the wrong with what they say and the assessments they come to (though everyone needs to stop labeling him to have some sort of pathology and understand that just because you may have flaws and are not socially good -all of these things are subjective anyways. one person's good can be another person's just aiight or rude richard simmons- doesn't mean you are some big bad evil we should lock in a dungeon and keep from the world). People need to read 'Frankenstein' and really think on the novel. I know with the many adaptions our views on things have gotten kind of lost and murky (which I feel media has greatly influenced how we view people and our almost scary utopian notion of people) and the message of novel has been almost lost. Who is the monster in all of this Victor Frankenstein or the creature he created and abandoned....

ETA: Oh richard simmons I wrote a novel LOL. TL:DR, let's not be quick to jump to conclusion on anyone or anything in this drama. However Jung ain't right LOL.


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16 minutes ago, coffeeboy said:

Actually, you can view them on naver. All you have to do is have the overtoon bookmark by oddsquare.

Just go to the season 3 chapter 60 link on oddsquare's website. Go to the URL. The URL finishes with a three digit number, add one to the number (for example if it's 186 it becomes 187) and refresh the page. Normally, chapter one of season one will appear. Now click in the overtoon bookmark.

You should be able to see the raw chapter. Firnthe next chapter just change the number in the URL (adding one for each chapter).

Thanks so much! I've been rereading the webtoon and was bummed I couldn't look back on those chapters anymore. 

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Hiii everyone !! I've  fallen into the trap of this amazing drama, and I couldn't be happier. Hope you're all doing well. 

It's been a while since I've started lurking in this thread, reading all of your posts is making me see things in a really new way, making me fall for the drama even more than I already do, so thank you for that :blush: 

so first things first, I'm team Yoo Jung, I was a bit skeptical at first but after episode 6 it was a done deal for me, I'm going to ride this ship and go down with it. I certainly don't like YJ just because he's played by none other than Park Hae Jin ( I loved him more than Kim Soo Hyun in YFAS ) he is just so intriguing and interesting in a completely new way for me, I'm not used to this kind of drama leads, what I'm used to is Baek In Ho's kind of character,the lost puppy with the tragic past who needs someone to help him find his way in life. In any other show, YJ would be the villain, so why don't I feel that way about him here ? He's definitely manipulative, he doesn't make a move until he's thought it well, but then again he doesn't do what he does just for pure enjoyment, he does it as payback, get on his bad side and you'll pay for it. What I think defines YJ the most is the fact that he's smart, too smart, and in my opinion, he just looks at everything from a very logical point of view, if you remember the hospital scene he told Seol  that it was okay for her to sleep since it wouldn't change anything regarding the surgery, the whole eye for an eye thing, you did something bad, so it's only logical for you to pay for it.

What I also noticed is that he hates " victim mentality "  he wants people he cares about to take responsibility for their lives and live in a way that makes them independent, which is why I believe he still cares about In Ho and In Ha, he's ready to give them a push but that would be all and they should take the lead from there. All in all, I don't think he's a bad person, just that he has the wrong idea of human interactions with strange sense of justice , but we can see that even after everything he's experienced with people, he still longs for a true and sincere relationship, he can feel that with Seol and he's desperate for it ( the talk before the kiss says it all to me ) he obviously likes her a lot, I would even run with it and say that he's in love with her, and so he doesn't want her to judge him quickly as a bad person and understand him more, and that is probably why I'm just rooting for them to go the long way in their relationship ( plus  all the cute moments and the beautiful hugs of course) 


I'm just soo happy I found a new drama to spazz about, I love All the characters and actors ( Kim Go Eun is my new favorite actress ) and the director is doing such a marvelous job with this story, I can only pray for it to go all the way up, both in story and tv ratings of course. Thank you all for your amazing posts, I hope I'll be able to share more with you all. :grimace:


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I'm curious as to where Jung keeps his lion keychain thing. It's cute how he got it for him and Seol because it looks like her and it's a couples thing :D I thought it was real nice and understanding of him to not get angry at her for loosing it (any other drama and this would be cause for a break up LOL) and his one concern was for her to get out the damn bushes because they had looked there already. It's so cutesome that he was looking for it with her :wub: and the way he helped her out the bushes. It was just like come here, and she comes, and he lifts her over...*fangirl giggle* it was all just so naturally done and they look so much a couple (duh that's what they are) How can you not see how good a boyfriend he is and how sincere he is with Seol. Yeah his treatment of others is questionable but never with Seol.

It would be the cutest thing if the lion is always in his pocket or backpack or something...

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11 hours ago, Ahpheng said:


@IreneY :blush: thank you for the compliment and for following my IG 

Whoever makes these is a genius! I love the comic strip style of it. It's like I am actually reading a webtoon. Also, that scene happens to be one of my most favorite scenes from this drama. Seol's awkwardness and Yoo Jung's poker face made the scene for me. They turned a romantic, serious scene into something hilarious and funny!

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Thank you to everyone for sharing your posts, gifts, c-strips (@Ahpheng)! I am really enjoying reading everything, it just adds to the aura of the drama!  TVn produces some really good dramas, I must say! 

I am in such AWE of KGE, she is such an incredibly gifted actress! I watched her movies, and she is unreal, she can switch into her characters so well! I can compare her talent to our American actress Meryl Streep!  You go, girl!

Thank you to TVn for producing such a great show......the casting, directing, writing is AWESOME!!!!! I have been totally entertained, and I thank them for that!

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@auntyem I just recently joined and I am loving this forum. I don't have many friends in real life where I can discuss the drama with so this forum is a great solution. I also like the fact that I can voice out my thoughts here, which I can't keep in my head. Overall this is a great forum for drama lovers.

No wonder they wanted her to be on this drama. She is doing an awesome job. She's converting me into her fan. :D

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@Emily Pun Welcome to this thread!! smileysballoons smiley

27 minutes ago, Emily Pun said:

@auntyem I just recently joined and I am loving this forum. I don't have many friends in real life where I can discuss the drama with so this forum is a great solution. I also like the fact that I can voice out my thoughts here, which I can't keep in my head. Overall this is a great forum for drama lovers.

No wonder they wanted her to be on this drama. She is doing an awesome job. She's converting me into her fan. :D

I can understand you because I feel the same way. 

All the actors are doing an excellent job in CITT! 

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@coffeeboy oh yes, interested but i have read the scanlation since last year and the RAW this year. However, i dont read korean . So, i just scroll the picture..lol... YJ seems like brighter\much more cheerfull season4. I like this couple very much. They completed each other. I'm not going to spoil the story. 

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I'm curious as to where Jung keeps his lion keychain thing. It's cute how he got it for him and Seol because it looks like her and it's a couples thing :D I thought it was real nice and understanding of him to not get angry at her for loosing it (any other drama and this would be cause for a break up LOL) and his one concern was for her to get out the damn bushes because they had looked there already. It's so cutesome that he was looking for it with her :wub: and the way he helped her out the bushes. It was just like come here, and she comes, and he lifts her over...*fangirl giggle* it was all just so naturally done and they look so much a couple (duh that's what they are) How can you not see how good a boyfriend he is and how sincere he is with Seol. Yeah his treatment of others is questionable but never with Seol.

It would be the cutest thing if the lion is always in his pocket or backpack or something...


Now you made me think where he keeps that original curly orange lion :wub:




And how it's become natural to hold hands when seol was shy about it 

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