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Guest ororomunroe

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Guys the fact that phj wrapped up a day or two earlier than kge and skj doesn't mean that seol will end up with inho..they dont shoot dramas.in sequences like we see them.in episodes..that would ne impossible  they habe a schedule and they shoot whatever scene ia convenient..for instance in kill me heal me if you guys remember the last scene they shooted was the one where yoona sneaks out to see oh rion and she chews that gum, but the last scene of the drama was rijin and do hyun laying on the grass together..see what i mean???

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Cheese in the Trap Ep8….I hereby declare that I have "second lead syndrome". I love Baek In Ho so much. Although he's kinda distracting sometimes, he has this certain charm that want me to like him so so much :wub: Ugh. I need to see justice for his character. I want the best for him, to continue playing piano again and reach his dream. I hope he'll have the courage and motivation to do what his heart wants to do. I want him to be happy because he deserves to be.

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7 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

I know... i totally fangirled at this moment.. he is so darn cute..


On the MS taking the dog doll scene -

As per drama, Bora worsened it.. MS found it..and in front of the mirror she says that she would return it to HS and have lunch (and she has been trying fror lunch since ep 3 ... and genuinely helped her.. Bo Ra is too overbearing..and HS wasn't exactly ever kind to MS too.. genuinely making her feel happy.. be it lunches..be it helping with studies..that girl saved you multiple times..


And since Bo Ra outrightly blamed MS ( who the hell gives you the right to blame MS and call her thief.. would you sue everyone..whoever follows or copies their celebs style?)..


Hating Bo Ra..and do feel bad for MS..

Poor kid just wanted decent friendship...and frankly HS is wrong too..if someone is trying to hard..and you can see how that person struggles to gel in .. wat the hell are you being so haughty about.


Hated Bo Ra and HS in this case.. they deserve the MS showdown

Nope. Single Korean Female: MinSeol is the devil LOL. No that girl is....she's a stan. She has been watching and obsessed with Seol since the first semester. Watch the first few episodes. While everyone was freaking out about Jung and calling him a freak they should have been paying attention to the girl in glasses who was watching Seol every class period. Stalking her in the library and watching her between book selves. Looking at her during class and girl has been fixated on Seol for a while now and it's honestly scary. 

There is copying a style and then there is wanting to be a person. It's not just that she's wearing the same clothes. It's the hair and always following Seol and wanting to sit with Seol and eat with Seol and Seol Seol Seol. It's like she wants to get closer to Seol so she can learn about her and then kill her bury the body and take over her life. Bora is the only smart one because she saw the danger Minsoo is and confronted her about it (Seol could do to be as upfront and brash as Bora is). Also why should Seol be friends with Minsoo. richard simmons Minsoo and what wanting decent friends? Yeah it was real friendly of her to not do her part of the group project, dump all the work on Seol, not be able to memorize a damn script, and then be part of the reason that Seol gets a D, looses her scholarship, has to move home, and now commutes 4 hours back to school. Was she a friend then? 

While I agree that Bora kind of made it bad by confronting MinSeol they did it because they had to! That crazy girl was already starting to turn Seol into the bad guy in her mind and make Seol out to be the crazy one before the confrontation. So many of these crazy people keep playing the victim when they are not! If she really truly wanted to return that doll, she had sooooooo many opportunities to do so. The first time Seol saw and confronted her about the lion she should have never lied that she got it from some mart and should have just given it back. She's held on to it for weeks. For reasons. That doll was going to be her hostage "Oh Seol I found your lion doll let's eat lunch and I'll give it to you there." That crazy girl is as bad as Younggon! One lunch meal and she would always want to eat lunch with Seol and sit with Seol and next thing you know Seol has a siamese twin on her back! 

Why should Seol be nice to or even eat with MinSeol. I would not want to hang around or eat with a crazy chick who is dressing like me and is kind of obsessed with me. Last semester you had glasses and dark hair and was wearing scarves. Now this semester people do a double take thinking you are me...I am not going anywhere near you least you poison me and take over my life. Minsoo like all the others are not victims so I feel no sympathy for them at all. Crush em Jung and Seol and squad. Crush em all!!!

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That meeting parents scene was so adorable, cute, funny. I laughed like mad person. I love this drama. 

Sometimes when I want boyfriend like YJ, I remember that I'm not HS and he probably will not like me. 'cause I'm not as nice as her and I would slap some sense into some of this people with something hard just right away (I used a lot of "some" lol). 

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There's this sick feeling in my gut trying to tell me that maybe Seol's gonna end up getting "Jung-ized" by the other students.  They're gonna start seeing her as a mean person just like they rationalized their anger towards Jung by saying that he deserves it because he's a cold-hearted bastard.  Min Soo and Pervy dude's already doing it now.  They've started to channel all THEIR negative traits and feelings, and project it towards Seol.    It's like, because of their insecurities and how their perception of Seol and Jung is that they're both just flawless and awesome, they end up scrutinizing every little detail and once they find their faults, they blow it up full scale.

I hate that Min Soo and Sang Chul get mad at Seol for doing what's right.  It's like they don't think she deserves to stand up for herself.  If they act out, they justify it as self-preservation.  But if Seol does it, they call it as selfishness.

It's like what she and Jung said.  Everyone sees them as pushovers.  People are so used to abusing their kindness that once they start to stand up and take no more bullsh*t, people would assume that they're just actually cruel but have only been hiding their true colors.  That is just some sick, twisted logic.  But people don't care about being irrational, so long as they've got people telling them it's right.

This drama makes me feel bad because of how real it is.  I wanna shout at the screen "CAN PEOPLE REALLY BE THIS CRUEL??" but the answer is, "Yes.  Yes, they can."

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I'm sorry but that weirdo psycho MinSook is a copycat Seol wannabe.. she has no self pride and identity.. has no dignity and she's totally mental. And I understand Bora very well because I am like that too. She defends and protect her bestie and she becomes more protective because the missunderstanding between her and Seol has been solved. And I think Seol is still not crossing the line when she asked MS politely to return the lion phone lucky charm.. I mean if I were her, I will take back what is mine with all forces if necessary, especially if it's a gift from my beloved one.

I'm agree with @MrsSoJiSub

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About the JungxSeol breakup


Hasn't happened even once in the webtoon until now!  They have had problems,yes, but with open communication they have cleared it and become even closer! So guys
 don't panic!


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wow I just watch ep 8 with subs. This show is just damn good. 

Younggun looks like gollum (LOTR) and fake seol looks like a goblin.

Eun Taek is too good hearted and straightforward and got played right into psycho Younggon's hand. I really want to see Bora and EunTaek married and have kids. They will be the model college couple.

And the most sicko couple ever:




What does this noona sees in YG and what is wrong with YG? Stalkers are supposed to be obsessed with one prey right? But now he has a relationship but he is still harping on seol.


A clear visual of the relationship and Inho being the 3rd wheel.


Poor Inho, having to clear and wash Jung's bowl. Well fortunately, Jung eat up everything. I think it was at this point that he decided to pick up piano again. No motivation beats the wounded pride.


Every college girl dream of romance



Cute boys never run out of fan girls!:D but this guy is clearly younger than minsoo isnt it? since he is the younger brother of Seol.

With Minsoo, something in me just feel for her, poor girl just want to have a friend but I am not sure why she has to go to the extend of copying Seol. Its seems more like the behavious of highschoolers then a college undergrad. But well this is Wierdo university where cheese of every kind comes together.

Finally, the fact that Jung goes off to work and Seol is still in school really resonated with me. I think many girls who has a relationship with a sunbae gone through this.:P After awhile you hope the daily college things you tell him doesnt sound childish to him.

Still, i dont understand this korean college system where students of mix ages come together and take the same courses. 


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6 minutes ago, hojichas said:

Hi, does anyone know the name of the piano piece Inho played to show off for Seol in Ep 8? :)

Yeah I was so impressed, I went to search for it by this app call Shazam.

Its Piano Concerto No. 21 in C K467: 1. Allegro Maestoso

by Jonathan Biss & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra


Seol-ie - dun go into the piano zone with Inho. There is something very seductive about playing piano together. Music transcend words so erm, Inho is going to have very special feelings for you.

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11 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Yeah I was so impressed, I went to search for it by this app call Shazam.

Its Piano Concerto No. 21 in C K467: 1. Allegro Maestoso

by Jonathan Biss & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra


Seol-ie - dun go into the piano zone with Inho. There is something very seductive about playing piano together. Music transcend words so erm, Inho is going to have very special feelings for you.


Thank you so much for your quick reply! :D I Shazam-ed it but my app didn't work T_T

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Guest 999hearts

This is a drama so I understand exaggerations tend to happen. But I'm a little taken aback by how MS, a uni student, can still be immature (judging by the way she thinks and her level of gullibility) and lack self-identity. No matter how nerdy and unsociable people are in my uni, they still somehow have circle of friends outside of uni. So I find MS's situation very... weird and unusual. I'm guess I'm not used to that. Moreover, the level of ignorance and gullibility of the characters in this drama drive me C R A Z Y. One moment Dayoung treats YG like richard simmons and when ET lashed out on him, she instantly goes back to YG's side. LIKE...

I still love this drama, though... Just... *sigh*

So. Many. Crazies.

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