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Guest ororomunroe

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Hello everyone! Been lurking this forum for a while and finally decided to make an account!

A huge thanks to all the live recappers, you make it a little easier to go through the day while waiting for subs to come out!

This drama's got me hooked so bad, can't believe we're already at the half-way mark!  I can already imagine the withdrawal Cheese will leave me. :bawling:

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If only people could see my facial expressions when I watch this drama, or maybe its for the better that they don't. I could probably make my own set of emoticons, call it " the citt watching experience." An array of reactions to every episode...I can't even. See, I'm speechless rn.

@jay214 welcome welcome~ Haha I think I'm already going through withdrawal. How does that happen? No worries, we can cry together once it ends. T.T

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oh just realized..we are going to see young/small/kid jung and the girl who broke his toy... in the poster..on extreme left are two kids..boy looks like jung.. and in middle and right are other grown up characters including leads..


i guess flashback..analysis of YJ is on cards.. ep 11-12 or 13-14 i think

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4 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

oh just realized..we are going to see young/small/kid jung and the girl who broke his toy... in the poster..on extreme left are two kids..boy looks like jung.. and in middle and right are other grown up characters including leads..


i guess flashback..analysis of YJ is on cards.. ep 11-12 or 13-14 i think

Which poster ?

I was waiting for that childhood flashback when Seol/YJ met the neighbor (Heo's boyfriend) or when YJ had his confrontation with Heo&boyfriend. It would have fiitted well with the story line IMO

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Hey Yoo Jung friend *waves* you, me richard simmons richard simmons LOL. Yo I didn't know dude look that good. Drama bring him to the forefront a little bit more. Why in all of the interwebs cannot find the raw of ep 8 uploaded anywhere. The kdrama gods are truly against me. Even when they give me a kiss they refuse to let me see it (yeah I don't like watching youtube clips. I prefer getting the whole atmosphere and scope of things).

*does a little jig* next ep we get some more Inha. The actress is still over the top and much too much in comparison to the others, but I'm really starting to love Inha's brand of crazy. Or maybe I just want to see her beat on Single Korean Female, Minsoo. Later in the webtoon she has a bit of a bigger role and unleashes her crazy all over campus (Seol and Jung will navah escape these people and these situations) and I can't wait to see that fully bloom.

Seolie my little cinnamon roll. You really going to have to learn to trust your boyfriend (yes I understand he and the past make it difficult) or dump him. It must be so damn exhausting to always have to explain yourself and your actions to your girlfriend. To know that she constantly doubts you and believes the word of the other guy over you. You too Seol it must be stressful and exhausting to never be sure of your boyfriend, to want to give him the benefit of doubt, not believe others words, but not being able to do that.

I saw my *thinks of a pet name for Jung he would loath* grumpy care bear (LOL) looking red rimmed eyed and hurt when you walked away. I'm assuming someone said something crazy and you went "OMG, I'm dating an axe murder", and went to confront him (weren't you scared he'd axe you?). That ish needs to stop. You need to learn to be like shut the richard simmons up. My bae is not like that he wouldn't do that, be gone devil LOL Okay not that. But how many rounds of this we gonna do? (looks at webtoon writer, how many rounds of this we gonna do? richard simmons more dramatic than Maury) Ya'll really do need that break.

Inho keep going after your piano dreams. I can totally see you playing for some orchestra in Switzerland or Norway or New York. Respect for you having the understanding and courage to finally get back up and pick up your dreams. You are a true 90's after school special *thumbs up* Now if only you could hug it out with your boyfran Yoo Jung (you two totally miss each other. I didn't miss the eye contacts in ep 6) all would be well. You and I both know it's not all our grumpy care bear. We both know you did something too. We both know we ain't seen all of the hand incident. And we both know Jung got his reason outside of it all for being cold towards you. HUG IT OUT!!

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Wow YG is crazy. It's a bit ironic that she only comforted YG because he shared her sentiments about YJ. Honestly, with his personality he really didn't need to be encouraged he would eventually found his way to HS. It just happened quicker because of the text. 

With the YG/text incident instead of doing things behind the scenes why not say you don't like her to her face? It might have to do with his childhood, but someone needs to sit him down and explain how to express yourself with WORDS. Its obvious that (Inho, YJ, and HS) were neglected as children. One is extremely volatile, one suppress his emotions, which leads to destructive behavior, and one suffers in silence. However all of them are apathetic/callous (differing in degrees) I guess that's why their all draw to each other. 

Random thought, but is it just me or is YG similar to Inho and YJ (minus the creepy stalker part). Like YJ he is manipulative, thinks he's smarter than everyone and always the center of attention. Unlike YJ everyone sees YG's intentions (plus his history of creepiness), but everyone chooses to ignore it, which I find extremely odd. Everyone knows why he disappeared and how stalker-ish he is, but he managed to not only get a girlfriend but also be back into the group again. Like Inho he is outgoing, rash at times, occasionally violent, but oddly both of them seem to draw people to them despite their bad behavior. Maybe it's the way the actors are playing their characters, but they seem similar to me. The mannerism and the dialogue delivery are similar, but obviously their motives for their behavior are different.

I really don't understand why HS doesn't stand up for herself? Why is that she only can only confront YJ and no one else?

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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

wat is it with korea n floor... food always on floor , bed always on floor..and not really a bed bed..you know.. unless you are a chaebol.. 


throw some light plz

 It's just costum. One of the reasons too is that Korean houses used to, and many still do, have floor heating, called "ondol". So you kinda want to be close to the floor in winter! ;) The matress/blanket is called "yo."


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11 minutes ago, rhaps said:

That is the last part of the webtoon that I've read. After that, what's next ?? I think Naver's english translation has only reached until around chapter 53/58 of Season 3. This means that, no mater how I'm dying to know about the story, I have to wait for weeks for the next episodes of the drama!

Ah, the waiting is a torture :bawling:

 If you want to know what happens next you can read the webtoon summaries at @tbinnie tumbr and also


(Webtoon script translations by people wrking at oddsquare i think)


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1 hour ago, allievera said:

I really don't understand why HS doesn't stand up for herself? Why is that she only can only confront YJ and no one else?

I'm only going to reply to this; not on the rest as I have not seen episode 8 and don't want to speak just by going off the webtoon. Sawry for cutting your post btw.

I think Seol has stood up for herself. For example, she's stood up to YG a few times already. In the flashbacks we saw how firmly she told YG off. Or the time he bothered her after she came out of the convenience store. He kept pulling at her and spouting nonsense. She didn't just take it all in; she retorted back. And when YG threatened IH, she went up and defended IH. Then in episode 7 she told YG to stop pestering her or she'd tell everyone what he did. I think to say she doesn't stand up for herself then she'd have just stood there on all of those occasions. 

Idk if the drama will bring this in later. But in the webtoon when YG is stalking her + whole presents ordeal, she actually records him so she has evidence to take to the police. Unfortunately it doesn't record his voice well (ugh) but Seol's intention was to report him as a stalker or at least use that to threaten him. Ofc this wasn't in the drama but just wanted to mention it too. She has a backbone. ;)

And I think she'll definitely stand up to Minsoo. Big time.

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Would we want another shipping war that leads nowhere but a locked thread? Yes, this is rhetorical. As much as I wanted this to not be a redux of that-other-thread, we are free to voice out our opinions here, no matter how unpopular they are.  But we are bound by the forum rules. :D Let's not skirt them through backhanded compliments and sarcasm. 

  • Do not bash any character, no matter how Richard Simmons/Simmoness they are. 
  • Do not bash any drama cast. Period.
  • Do not bash any forum member, even though they don't measure up to your IQ/EQ standard


"It's not okay to make a hurtful comment about people just because they don't reach your own standards."                                                                                                                                                                                -- the great Amber Liu of f(x) 

Some users might migrate here, so let's welcome them with an open mind. 

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The way PHJ kissed was so hot. He went in for it and I wish it was reciprocated a bit more on KGE like in teh webtoon I totally get Jungs character and all these incidents coming up is Inha doing. Inho's hand is probably caused by her and the misunderstadnings with Inho and Jung'. I can't wait for the raw to come out, its taking a bit long today.

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