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On 1/19/2016 at 7:29 AM, honeywell said:

I was so surprised that the male lead was the same second lead in My Love From Another Star.  His role is so different here.  

PHJ was supposed to act as the psycho older brother in that drama. But the actor signed up to play the younger bro got into an accident, prompting the production team to replace him with PHJ and to sign up Shin Sung Rok. PHJ is really versatile. 

@drynase Euntaek looks very much different in that poster. Where are his sleepy eyes? And Bora's quite tall there. NJH's Euntaekie portrayal reminds me of his character Big from Surplus Princess. 

@KymberleeD, that Jung is ruthless and can easily defeat his enemies.

@cheesethatnotsocheesey, welcome to the thread! I wonder how you came up with that name. :D

We welcome R88 fans as well. May you come to like the other Jung, the other Taek and the other Bora! Edit: And Seol. (That child who played Jinju, her name is Seol!)

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Rewatching ep6 with sub made me love Jung n Seol more, why those stares Jung gave to Seol n Seol being self concious when with Jung. Though she felt that Jung is not who he seems to be on the surface, she still accepts him n try to understand why Jung might be like that. Jung likes Seol who is selfless and hv no ulterior motives. Seol is like a fresh air to him who is expected to behave  perfectly in front of his dad n other people. Gosh....I'm falling in love w Jung even if he's twisted.:P:D Whaaaa.... Long wait till nx Monday...:dissapointed_relieved: :heart:

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@jeijei You know right I find Euntaek is a drama king typical guy on the webtoon version but turning so lovely on the drama. I remember Euntaek came to the hospital with one of his slipper left yelling from afar. However, the holding hands scene is quite satisfying.

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40 minutes ago, KymberleeD said:

Question.... I am on Epi 6... And there's simething i do not understand... What does In Ho mean when he said something like "yoo jung eats upguys like that for dinner...he chews them like gum" 

what does that mean..?


Translation: Yoo Jung can be badass and dangerous. He will wipe the floor with them, kick them and beat them up until they beg for mercy/ beat them senseless.

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3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


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I loathed Jung's father in the webtoon and I dislike him here. He is the very reason why we are warned in our psychology classes to be careful of the labels we determine/conclude for clients, especially young children who are still learning and growing. Being influenced and really watching and observing, learning from the world, the people that surround them, and growing into who they will be.

Jung's father was just the worst. He never trusted or believed his son. He was never on his side. He never really listen to his story or try to understand and see his view on things. He was forever seeing Jung in the wrong and making him apologize and making him give into other kids (that picture frame incident). It must feel some kind of way growing up knowing that your own parent fears you, distrusts you, and puts other kids before you. Children need that safety net of a parent's unconditional love. You know that knowledge that no matter how big you screw up and things like that, there is someone who is on your side. Someone who is not going to give up on you. They will support you, believe in you, and help you to better (this knowledge allows us to leave the nest and go out to explore, make mistakes, "find ourselves" our morales, right and wrong, etc. Jung never had that with his dad. Inho's grandfather gave Jung a label and from that moment on, that's al his father saw him as. That's all his father made him feel he was...Jung's the strange one. Jung's the problem. Jung's the one in the wrong. Jung is the one who should apologize.

I have a strong feeling that his dad was/is like that in the incident with Inho (I feel he didn't even hear Jung's side of things. Believed whatever Inho told him and has been paying for that "guilt" with money lavished on Inha ever since. Seeing how Inha took advantage of her abuse, who's to say she isn't taking advantage of the current situation. Knowing Jung he's keep his mouth shut on whatever the truth maybe since no one ever really asked him and they made their judgements and he has yet to bother to correct it after one attempt). I know Jung was a strange kid and i feel he did need professional help. But a lot of who he is now, has a lot to do we how the world brought him up to be. 



+100 to everything you said. I share your loathe for his father. He said and did things that really frustrated me and they molded Jung so much into becoming who he is as an adult. Remember that chapter when he's on the phone with his dad and he randomly tells him that he had nothing to do with Inho's injury? Gawsh I really felt for him there. It almost seemed like it was the first time Jung went anywhere close to defending himself in regards to Inho's incident. And as much as I'd like to see Inho and Jung reconcile their friendship, I hate how his father is constantly telling Jung to make amends with Inho. Dude stoppp just stop!

I even feel like Professor Baek kind of used Jung in a way. He told Jung's father that Jung had issues and he followed that by suggesting siblings for Jung. That seemed like one of those 'hint hint' moments; like 'oh I happen to have two orphaned grandkids.' I got the impression that he always wished for Jung's father to take in his grandchildren once he died. And ok sure maybe he was worried about their well-being since they were orphans but why use Jung? Maybe I'm overthinking Professor Baek's words but tbh that was my first reaction when I read that chapter. 


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17 minutes ago, rhaps said:

Besides his amazing acting skill, Park Hae Jin is very tall, He is taller than most of the guys in CITT, so when he confronted someone, he looked dominating and menacing . The scene in episode 5, when he faced Heo and Joon Yoo, is so menacing coz he looked like that he could eat them alive.

I'm so waiting for his confrontation with InHo someday.

Welcome  @cheesethatnotsocheesey and everyone new in this forum :) 

Ahhhh u really pointed out my thought exctly. The scene when he confronted TA Heo and Joo Yong. He lookes so intimidating and smexy hawt lol. The fact that those two also a lil bit shortie didnt help either.

I like how the coordi make Yoo Jung wore dark clothes in that scene *0*.

Btw, since im new here...i have to quote ur post since i dont know how to mention particular usernam. So sawrry. >__>

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Ohhhh i see...! 

Gomawo @jeijei 

this drama just had the perfect touch of suspense, romance and comedy and is really really intriguing...! 

waaahhhhh....! Mon-Tues is again over...! 

Can't they just do this every day...? The webtoon isn't over yet anyway..don't you guys think so? (How do i normally hear the say this... Anguere?) hahaha feel free to correct the expression..jaebal...! :) 

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Omg there is just so many things to talk about this episode. But first I'm going to let my fangirl side omg PARK HAEJIN!!! WHY ARE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE???

Okay, I'm good. This episode made me sure that I love Yoojung. I had some doubts before but not anymore. First, the way he rushed to go see Seol when she texted him, second, that snail scene (again, PARK FREAKING HAEJIN I LOVE  YOU), third the scene where he wore the watch Seol bought him ( he was just like a little kid), fourth him answering Inho with ''what about you?'' when he asked if he really doesn't feel sad for him (or something like that). He could've said ''no'' but he didn't, I thought that maybe all these reflections about his actions made him answer like that, fifth, the way he protected Seol when that woman and police came to her, and everything he did when he was in Seol's home. 

I especially loved the moments he remembered when Seol asked him how did he like her. UGH. I knew it that them being similar was something. And I officially want to name them as the ''hand couple'' omg. The way Seol touched his hand, then him touching her hand while saying it's a secret... My heart :heart::bawling:

Inho watching the boy playing piano made me so sad. Seo Kangjoon's eyes just killed me there, I didn't know he was capable of that as an actor. And that stalker scene too, the way he punched the wall(?) I was like 'nooo, your hands, your beautiful hands''. I really hope he will start playing again, but before that, how is he going to stay? He won't leave for real, that's for sure. 

That freaking stalker though. Since I remember some parts from the webtoon, I know Yoojung didn't send him to Seol of course, has he said that they would look good together? I can't really remember, can someone who read it help me remember?

The scene where PHJ hit his head is probably real ahahah their reactions was too real. Poor guy, that was a hard one. Ah, and I really hope we see some flashback scenes where Seol threw up lol.

Episodes just keep getting better and better and it gets harder for me wait every week uh.  By the way, I read somewhere that Jun was a bad character? At least a troublemaker? Can someone light me on with that?

1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

The interweb never fails to amaze me sometimes. Of all the vile people we have met on this show (thieves, liars, opportunist, chid abusers, stalkers, potential woman beaters, and RAPIST! freaking RAPIST!) and the one that creeps people out the most and bothers them (run Seol run) is Yoo Jung. Jung a rapist but then Jung.....wow.....

What do you mean by rapist? Jung a rapist?

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@gamshe Oh goodness no Jung is not a rapist. No one her would like him, try to understand him, or want him with Seol if he were (I know, I wouldn't). There was one character who came after Seol in episode 3 who is a campus rapist. Yes the drama (and all dramas) like to gift wrap it in some bs of "he gets girls drunk and then takes them to motel" meaning he's a rapist. He buys the girl drinks and gets them drunk to the state of which they aren't aware of what they're really doing or give consent. He rapes them and leaves them (but seeing how kdramas like to portray this behavior as "normal" I forever rage that Hati for R94 tried it and everyone laughed at it like it was funny just because he got caught pants literally down, a lot of people would probably victim blame the girl or she may never report because "why did you get so drunk? It's your own fault" ugh, rape culture. 

Inho I am liking you so much more here than I ever did in the webtoon. Boy you better get you some rehab and fulfill some of your potential as a pianist. What he mean by "I wont' have to go out of my way to take her. That's good." First of all, she not a thing you "steal" or "take" okay, second does he mean the stalker dude and Jung's implied possible involvement? Also about the stalker dude cause I can already imagine people going off 


From my understanding in the webtoon this is the one time Jung made a legitimate mistake right? He saw a moment shared between the guy and Seol and then when the guy asked, because Jung had seen Seol be nice to him in that manner he tells dude that it must mean that Seol like him. Now what I was always side eyeing the richard simmons out of Jung about and still not sure even have read up the latest season and latest chapter...Jung didn't know how psycho and creepy stalker the guy was/is right? I like to believe that he didn't, but that was the year where they were on bad terms and Seol's intuitions always had me wondering.....From what I understood Jung told the dude that if he likes Seol he should try and pursue her because she was nice to him (he say her do something sweet for him when he looked out the window) and it could/does mean she likes him.....He had no ill intentions right?....Also am I the only one anticipating the Min Soo break down of epic portions...Jung is one scary little richard simmons...

Yoo Jung, Yoo Jung, Yoo Jung...this why I keep telling you the past don't stay the past....Also stop making promises you can't keep. You know for damn sure you gonna do some puppeteering behind the scenes that she'll most likely be displeased with when it comes to light. 

@qwenli Heh, at some point both Jung and Seol are going to have to ask that question (can you accept me as I am all shades of darkness and gray and all?) and the answer will determine if they have any chance of a long lasting future together.... For now, I see some avoidance on that question/topic because I think the answer would surprise both of them....

Yoo Jung confuses me so much. How can one person be so many conflicting things...Seolie, what do we do....we got to hold on strong to our heart....stop holding hands and talking and being adorable in that bedroom scene :wub: The PD was not lying about that chemistry...Yoo Jung you flirt you know what your doing whispering in her ears and stuff "sleep" LMFAO "let's sleep now" why are they so cute....omo I could watch them talk all day....no we got to be strong....let's hold on Seolie....Dear drama, if this another drama where lips go to waste.....hold on, hold on, hold on....

Is it bad that I cracked up when PHJ hit his head? KGE was just too adorable cracking up at the whole thing. I couldn't help but laugh with her and I'm glad they kept that scene because it was so real and just added to their growing relationship. But damn it must have hurt hahahahahahaha. Was I the only one who thought of 'The Breakfast Club' at that last shoot of Inho...

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My daughter said Seol will hv stiff neck coz she has to look up to Jung each time they talk, he's so tall(186cm) but I like their height difference. She fits nicely when they hug and Jung just need to bend lower to kiss her. Jung is mysterious but he lights up to Seol. Hopefully Seol won't leave him once she sees his darker side, Jung needs her to feel human n normal and they are happy when together. Hahaha...it really shows my addiction to this drama n couple but I don't care.:D PHJ always never gets the girl in other dramas but am glad he get one in this and they hv sizzling chemistry too.:wub:

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OH MY GOD! This episode was so amazing!!! It is without hesitation my favorite episode of the show so far! I cannot believe how each episode is better than the precedent.

I could write thousands and thousands of lines but I will try to keep it short. 

First of all, now it makes sense as to why Hong Seol freaked out when Yoo Jung hold her in yesterday's episode. I did think it was about Oh Young Gon but I was getting confused over the chronology. I have been waiting for this story since day one and I am not disappointed at all so far.

Yoo Jung, Hong Seol and Baek In Ho at the bar was absolutely hilarious and it is now one of my favorite scenes ever. Props to Kim Go Eun for playing drunk Seol so wonderfully. Jung and In Ho's faces were to die for and boy I wish we had more scenes like this one. Needless to say that Park Hae Jin, Kim Go Eun and Seo Kang Joon slay it chemistry-wise and I am already wishing to see them in another drama all together.

Finally I loved how both Hong Seol and Yoo Jung finally (I know used it twice) opened up to the others. These two are so similar it is scary! I am really impressed by the ability of Park Hae Jin and the director to make us wonder what is Yoo Jung true face. You do wonder about it a lot in the webtoon but more by Yoo Jung's actions while in the drama it is all about his expressions.

Soo Min Soo and Oh Young Gon are finally back into the story and I couldn't be happier! Let the real crazy begins!

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[Spoilers] Cheese in the Trap

Star News - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap',  Park Hae Jin ♥ Kim Go Eun, goodbye to the past... the present is just right

1. [+4,925, -37] I love how Yoo Jung sunbae acts like an innocent puppy when he's with Seol. Personally, episode 6 is my favorite so far. In the preview, it looks like Oh Younggon/ Son Min Soo couple are starting to get cancerous

2. [+2,847, -38] Is Son Min Soo gonna be the copycat Hong Seol? ㅋㅋ

3. [+2,460, -25] Finally next week... And will Son Min Soo and the underwear thief make an appearance?

4. [+1,893, -34] Woah so sweetㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I love Mondays and Tuesdays. I watch Six Flying Dragons first and end the night with CITT ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Can't wait for next week

5. [+754, -10] This is Seo Kang Joon's best character ever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThe role of Baek Inho  is perfect for him

6. [+654, -9] Yoo Jung's such a bingu sometimes when he's with Seol ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+608, -10] Kim Go Eun is so cute when she smiles!... Park Hae Jin looked like a sculpture when he was on the bed pretending that he's asleep

8. [+555, -17] My heart breaks for Inho especially with the way he's watching Yoo Jung and Seol look at each other ㅠㅠㅠ Younggoni and Son Min Soo's starting their cancer project next week

Mydaily - Nate: 'Cheese in the Trap', Park Hae Jin shares the same bed with Kim Go Eun "Should I stay here today?"

1. [+633, -10] Ah my heart skips a beat when Park Hae Jin uses honorific

2. [+591, -20] A few years ago, Park Hae Jin did an interview and he chose Kim Go Eun as his ideal type. After seeing that interview footage, I started to think he's not acting in CITT but he's being sincere. My heart flutters every time Yoo Jung smiles

3. [+569, -8] This drama is so amazing... Everyone's so good at acting, Park Hae Jin makes my heart flutter and Seo Kang Joon is really charming!! Oh Young Gon starts becoming a trouble next week and Song Min Soo's gonna be a copy cat



Osen - Nate: Park Hae Jin ♥ Kim Go Eun embrace under the streetlamp 

1. [+448, -1] Feels like the world is at peace when Yoo Jung smiled ^^

2. [+432, -5] It was daebak when they hugged ~~ I envy how her body fits into his hugㅠㅋ I don't know if I can wait another week ㅠ

3. [+361, -2] That hug that means how much he adores Seol's gift. I'm so happy as a viewer ^_^ Yoo Jung sunbae is so cool ㅜㅜㅜㅜ

4. [+50, -3] Kim Go Eun is really pretty ㅠㅜ.


Credit: http://kkuljaem.blogspot.com/2016/01/spoilers-cheese-in-trap-glamorous_19.html


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