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Guest ororomunroe

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Guest ororomunroe
1 hour ago, sanika said:


Or I can create an open GDoc thread where people can post QnA and you can simply put the link on the first page. This way you do not have to update it repeatedly. What do you guys think ?

Excellent idea. Just @ me when you've set it up. Maybe add a FAQ?

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I have just realised that YJ and Darcy have something in common: unforgiveness!

Once the person loses Darcy's or YJ's esteem, it's lost forever. This is why he appears so cold. We saw his unforgiveness for NJY.

I believe, YJ felt betrayed by In Ho due to his actions therefore he stopped considering him as a friend. I guess, the incident with the hand must have happened after YJ had discovered the truth.

When YJ discovers that HS tried to set him up with YA, he is upset because he thinks, he has not only been manipulated, but also betrayed. That's why he showed her the cold shoulder! Here again... he is so determined and definitive in his judgement. But HS is not really different, because she said the same thing to NJY. However, HS seems a little more tolerant because she quarelled with Bora but made it up with her, while YJ is still unable to acknowledge In Ho as friend. He still resents him after so many years. Yet, we saw some improvement from YJ because he could listen to HS and accepted her apologies!

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Greetings everyone...yes @stargazer187 lets spazz together...but wait, no, KJ can come to me if he's not getting HS, lol. This time, i am all the way on cheese couple, i believe the OTP relationship will get even more sweeter or can i say getting even cheesier per episode, (refering to the webtoon) i am melted countless time when the ilustrator keep on zooming in how the OTP always look at each other, gggrrrr...if only i can bite them, haha... Thank you @irilight , i fall in love with the webtoon, that's why my sig has turned that way. CITT is the first webtoon i start to follow, well i do read some of the scary korean ghost webtoon before but this is the first one for a serial webtoon, orange marmalade is pretty good too, i just read both recently in webtoon app. Unfortunately the update is not up to date, but i am grateful since it's free. I see @emme85 in here *waves*, it's been a while since the educational purposes video, teehee...nice meeting you again.

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2 hours ago, ororomunroe said:

Excellent idea. Just @ me when you've set it up. Maybe add a FAQ?

here you go -


Currently I have just added stuff from my posts. I will add others ( with credit) as I find them.

I have enabled commenting on the post - So if someone wants to add to whats been written , they can.

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@bebebisous33 Since you know a lot about the webtoon and I notice that you mentioned Bora and Euntaek before, may I ask you for any further spoiler? like are we going to see any progress of them on the upcoming episode?


I read randomly that there will be an accident with Bora's father injured. So Euntaek rushs to get Bora in the hospital. I have no clue either Bora is well-known or nice girl yet I notice a guy approches her as well. Thats all. I keep wondering whats going next. Has Euntaek asked her out already? Is Euntaek trying to give up on her?


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Yes stargazer lets ship them hard, and may the best one win Kang Joon, LMAO... I insist on getting KJ, LOL. I want KJ not inho, haha...kidding aside, i recommend you guys read the webtoon just to get the idea of what's in the story. There are slight differences but both webtoon and the drama has it's own charm. Some part i love the toon version, and some other part i love the drama version. 

So far both the webtoon and the drama have made me hooked. I first started with the drama. PHJ evil smirk always win me over, thats why i am hooked, lol. Just kidding, but i do love PHJ and i have to say the story is pretty good too, be it in the drama or in the webtoon. I know that the writer is the same in both, but the way the writer made adjustment to the webtoon for the drama is a wonder as well...so well written, though it may confuse you sometimes. For sure i've falling in love with all the characters in CITT, so well thought by the writer, so real.
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@bebebisous33, ah... I agree of course, with your additional comments on P&P vs. CITT.  (page 79 bottom)

@hrkharis, ah... thank you for sharing that POV, that YJ may have been behind HS getting the job at school. I totally missed that, and it makes lots of sense to me now.


On 1/15/2016 at 6:49 AM, qwenli said:

I would like to suggest another word - charisma. This guy has such a strong aura and quiet confidence that HS just cant reject him.

I think earlier on she was denying her feelings, she truly does feel flustered around him and its an indication that her heart flutters for him. Here the drama showed two ways of falling in love - have your heart flutter (towards YJ) or just feeling comfortable and friendly (towards In Ho).


@qwenli,   I agree with you about YJ.   I think her heart flutters for YJ but not for IH, at this point. And it actually makes sense to me. She is not the first or last girl to feel a bit uncomfortable around the guy she likes. The questions she had in her mind are typical, like why does he not text back, or should she text him, etc.  It is a lot easier to get along with someone she does not care for romantically, like IH.  Still, it is possible that in the future, that comfortable feeling around IH will transform itself to love, after they have had a chance to share quite a bit. 

I must confess, I don't like the fact that IH bad-mouth YJ to her.

@stargazer187t   I like that yellow sweater too! Thank you for more amazing stills!

BTW, I think I understand why YJ does things for HS "behind her back" so to speak. He wants to help her, because he cares for her, but he does not want her to be with him because she feels burdened by what he does for her.  He wants her to choose him, for what she sees in him, and not out of gratitude.


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Annyeong chingudul :) after the trauma/delusion of Reply 1988 i have start this drama... I like the uniqueness of the main character *sorry i don't remember his name :sweatingbullets:*... I don't know if he is weird/rude (i don't know hot to describe his attitude towards the main actress) because he is mad about tha fact that she doesn't like him.. This is only a theory after having watched the first episode, so i can be totally wrong xD 

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On 1/15/2016 at 7:29 AM, stargazer187 said:

Looks like I'm bombard this thread with so many pics... hope you guys don't mind, it's too wasted not to share them all here...

Really love these two, I wish I can have a selfie with this oppa,


@stargazer187, thank you so much for the still. Me too.. Loving YJ-HS.


20 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

Inho isn't an angel. As mentioned, he is manipulative too. He keeps telling HS that YJ is a bad guy...YJ ruined my life, etc. But he's so vague and leaves it like that so Seol will begin to have doubts on Jung's character. He wants to plant that seed of doubt. Plus, his intentions for approaching her aren't sincere really. He only approached her and keeps sticking by because he knows she's Jung's girlfriend, thus Jung will get irked. Yes, I know he truly builds a friendship with Seol later on (webtoon; not spoilering this bc its obvious they'll be friends) but no one can say he initially got close to her because he found her personna interesting (?), for lack of a better word.

@bjvipb2uty, This was my impression of IH too, and why I do not like his character so far. Nothing about him seem genuine. He seems so self-serving. And I also think he is self-centered, (just like his sister)

I do not see him doing for HS what YJ does (even if he could), because for this guy -l life revolves around him.

Park Hae-Jin brings lollipops to the set of CITT




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@rhaps, you can watch the movie version of "Pride and Prejudice" if you wish, to get an idea. There have been several version. My favorite is still the very first one with Lawrence Olivier and Greer Garson. I have watched it many times. (It's been a lot on TV here)


17 hours ago, qwenli said:

yesterday, i watch an dec 18 interview of park haejin n he said the filming is half done, so the show is not 100 preproduced?


@qwenli, chincha?   That means they can coach LSK to tone down her over-acting... (and SKJ too, for that matter)

@picadrama, thank  you much for your notes on the drama. I have never seen Park Hae-Jin before this drama, but I'll be sure to watch him again, and certainly in Bad Guys which so many here mention.


On 1/13/2016 at 2:13 AM, scout said:

From this week, my favorite scene was definitely the one where YJ follows HS while she listens to music in ep 3. It's a short scene, like 25 seconds, but dang, the natural light, close up of her hand, and the MUSIC

@scout, it almost felt to me, as if the  PD is creating the cinematography to match HS.  She was so luminous walking, and seemed as if she was basked in sunlight; soft light, that matched her skin tone and the color of her hair. I thought I was watching a masterpiece!



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1 hour ago, irilight said:

@bebebisous33, ah... I agree of course, with your additional comments on P&P vs. CITT.  (page 79 bottom)

@hrkharis, ah... thank you for sharing that POV, that YJ may have been behind HS getting the job at school. I totally missed that, and it makes lots of sense to me now.


BTW, I think I understand why YJ does things for HS "behind her back" so to speak. He wants to help her, because he cares for her, but he does not want her to be with him because she feels burdened by what he does for her.  He wants her to choose him, for what she sees in him, and not out of gratitude.


 @irilight I agree with your analysis. But I would like to add that YJ has always given money to people (restaurant episode 1). So he is using his money to control people (it's his way to keep them at a certain distance). By helping her indirectly, he doesn't want her to think that he is controlling her life too. Sure, he wants to avoid her to feel emdebted towards him and to see him only through his money and power. We saw that his money and his family had a negative influence on his friends (In Ha and In Ho). I suppose, he supported them more openly than he is doing it with HS.

That's why he was amused by her question how expensive the meal had to be? Because of this remark, YJ is able to see that she isn't interested in his money at all. She is really different. She is so humble. He enjoyed being at the convenient store, while the others would ask YJ to pay for expensive menus (see episode 1 with SC who wanted to eat a fish dish and said that it was YJ's wish!) 


I read the webtoon until season 2 chapter 37! Here is the link cheese in the trap!


So in the webtoon, Bora ignores ET's feelings and she is pursued by another guy YoungGo who has been more or less a womanizer! Bora sees ET as a close friend but she doesn't want to date him. ET fights with him YoungGo and YG's reputation suffers from this. The only one who still shows some concern for YG is HS. After that, YG starts stalking HS believing that HS is into him. He was misled by NJY (intentionally) and YJ's comment (unintentionally)! But I haven't read the story further! Now, YG has popped up again and YJ-HS' relationship will suffer from it!


As for Pride and Prejudice, YJ is acting exactly like Darcy: he is helping her behind her back and she has no idea first, until her sister LYdia reveals that he was the one who helped her family to cover up the scandal!

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6 hours ago, sanika said:

Or I can create an open GDoc thread where people can post QnA and you can simply put the link on the first page. This way you do not have to update it repeatedly. What do you guys think ?

@sanika, I think it's a great idea, and thank you so much for your willingness to do that.

@ricenamja,      Thank you for the beautiful stills.


3 hours ago, sanika said:

here you go -


Currently I have just added stuff from my posts. I will add others ( with credit) as I find them.

I have enabled commenting on the post - So if someone wants to add to whats been written , they can


@sanika, many thanks. This is very helpful.      thankyou.gif

Some posts by DramaFever:

1.   Cheese in the Trap Episodes 1 & 2: More Than Meets the Eye


2.  Cheese in the Trap Episodes 3 & 4: True Colors Emerge


3. QUIZ: Which Cheese in the Trap character is your soulmate?



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