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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Don't break your heart, just a rumor....The scene good bye at the airport for Siwon and Liu Wen may be the end of the show.  Don't panic yet.  I already wonder in my previous post why they both feel so emotional like that, if they can meet each other again for the show.  It may end at 10 episodes.  I hope the rumor is not true.  Oh my how come it so short if it already the end.  I also heard that Siwon will shoot a new drama in June name Billion Dollar Heirs.  Again I don't know how true is this, don't blame on me hahah.

​REALLY  !!!!  if you're not sure / no actual facts : let's not start ....  rumors in this forum

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Guest bibidep

@Happymomories09:  I read from one of the twitter account, if I can find them I will let you know.  If the rumor turn out untrue then I don't know what to say about this WonWen couple.  Way way beyond the relationship just for the show.  If they still meet again to film, in that case every shippers can jump and celebrate hahah.

@allnaturecrunhti:  I think it too soon to end.  Think about it, the first time they met was April 2, 2015 and end on May 11, 2015, goshhhh not even 40 days relationship.  That is ridiculous for the show to have that short period of time.  If that is true is the end of their segments then may be the new dating show come out in May of 2015 and it also a Chinese dating show.  Probably they don't want this show to lower their rating.  About the father meeting, most of the show they included in the episode.  The airport scene happen because Liu Wen from China not in Korea so they have to film that too to make it sound like the ending of the couple date.   I think this rumor is true because if they still have more time to meet for film the show, they will not film the scene at the airport for no reason.  When Liu Wen came to Korea they didn't film her so why have to do when she leave if she still have to meet him again.   Any how I'm like you, I just worry for Liu Wen, no matter how strong she was before, this time if the show end and nothing more proceed forward for sure she will have a hard time to heal her heart.  I feel so sad to think about her.    Anyway, with the picture she posted in her facebook, she look sad, no smile like the day she came to Korea.  The bracelet that she wear doesn't look like the one before, may be my eyes is not good.  Siwon picture he poste in his instagram the night before the airport scene.  Below is her picture.


Credit to her facebook

This is Siwon the night before.


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Guest bibidep

​REALLY  !!!!  if you're not sure / no actual facts : let's not start ....  rumors in this forum

​I just saw they tweeted and ask each other in the twitter.  So I don't know how true it is.  Usually the rumor come out later most are true.

Here is the tweeted


Credit to the owner on the picture.

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Guest bibidep

Ok this thread is for any news related to Siwon and Liu Wen so if I find something about them I will post it in here, either bad or good.   Here I found some news about the rumor above.


I heard the rumor said the scene at the airport for Liu Wen and Siwon is the end of the show.  Wow if that is true so sad.  They only meet each other like 10 days total.
I hope is not true i like them so much especially liuwen
+Neriza Claridad Me too, I feel so sad to hear the rumor.
+Mama Le No, it is not correct. I heard last episode may be they will go to Japen.
+Wenqian Tao Really?? Can you confirm for us with any one close to the show producer ot Liu Wen friend to see if they will continue later. Thank you.
+Wenqian Tao,, they going together,,?? Hope so its not true,, i almost going cry now
Someone asked relvant staff already, he answer that they will still make the film . Otherwhie they are veryyyyyy sweert currrently . OMG!!!siwon took her to have dinner with his father


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People's reactions to the show ending are hilarious. If they're an off-screen couple as well, the relationship will not end just because they've stopped filming new episodes.

I think it's quite obvious that they're going together 'in real life', and if that's the case, I'm glad that filming has ceased and that they'll now have the opportunity to develop their relationship privately. Love is not for public consumption, and it's quite sickening to think otherwise, really.

Why does everyone think they did this show? I've heard that Siwon, at the age of 29, feels it's high time he found someone, and Liu Wen has been saying for years in the press that she's never had a boyfriend. My knowledge about Siwon is not extensive, but if he really is as decent a guy as people make him out to be, I hope that Liu Wen has found the right guy and that they'll go on to live happily ever after.

Oh, and Liu Wen had to leave Seoul when she did because she has to be at the Cannes film festival, which, if I'm not mistaken, begins this week. I doubt it's by choice that she wants to be at Cannes; she's a very busy woman with contracts everywhere that may perhaps oblige her to attend the event.

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this episode w/ subs is WOW !!!  some might have the answer why Siwon is so pissed " there is part where liu wen said that she doesn't  want her boyfriend to said it  all the time " i have money , i can do it, i can make it happens '   and i think Siwon saw that from the back room interview .  And I feel bad for Siwon  ( but Liu Wen is a wonderful naive woman even she travel the world - but not  in the emotional dept ) - it came out as him being too pushy .  After all he's Choi Siwon the A-lister celeb from South Korea  -  his fans base are big and in Korea - you can't even come near him but on other hand you dealing with The one and the only Liu Wen here  :one of the top model of the world /highest paid Asian model in the world .  I would love to have them as a real life couple and some fan have already claims  The Brangelina of Asia .  Yes they could be

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Guest bibidep

Like I said so many many time before, I feel they are so real, not just for the show.  At the airport yesterday, both of them so emotional, they seem like miss each other miserable and just want to stay with each other.  No way just for filming because I never see any couple even the drama couple if they have a scene at the airport they don't even had the look longing to be with each other, and the skinship like Siwon and Liu Wen had.  Of course everyone come to this thread all want them to be a real life couple.   We just need may be 2 or 3 week to see if they still go to film the show or not.  If they still continue to film it then that's it, both Siwon and Liu Wen fall in love really really deep nothing else they can do but get marry for real.  I don't know both of them before, I heard the name Siwon but never watch any of his, hopefully what ever people said about him are true then Liu Wen will be very happy to marry and have a happy family with him.  They will be a couple that a lot of people talk about if they become husband and wife.   They have everything, the look, money and famous.

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Like I said so many many time before, I feel they are so real, not just for the show.  At the airport yesterday, both of them so emotional, they seem like miss each other miserable and just want to stay with each other.  No way just for filming because I never see any couple even the drama couple if they have a scene at the airport they don't even had the look longing to be with each other, and the skinship like Siwon and Liu Wen had.  Of course everyone come to this thread all want them to be a real life couple.   We just need may be 2 or 3 week to see if they still go to film the show or not.  If they still continue to film it then that's it, both Siwon and Liu Wen fall in love really really deep nothing else they can do but get marry for real.  I don't know both of them before, I heard the name Siwon but never watch any of his, hopefully what ever people said about him are true then Liu Wen will be very happy to marry and have a happy family with him.  They will be a couple that a lot of people talk about if they become husband and wife.   They have everything, the look, money and famous.

​My goodness, you've gotten it all backwards...if anything, if it's real, they'll want to stop filming instead of continuing to 'fake' it for the cameras.

People don't fall deeply in love and get married on public television.

Right now, the way I look at it is that the show introduced them to each other, they got together over the course of the show's run, and whatever happens in the future (that's the 'fall deeply in love' and 'get married' parts, if either of those things should ever happen) will not play out in public view, which is as it should be.

I will say that Siwon must be serious about her if he took her to meet his father - from all that I've read about him and his family, they really are not the type to give us this glimpse into their 'inner world' just for publicity's sake or for whatever other reasons there may be.

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Guest bibidep

New picture of the couple in Korea last weekend....hahah what kind of hold hand is that??  Fingers holding??  Why until now still shy my goshhhh.



Crdit to MUN+WON

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Guest bibidep

​My goodness, you've gotten it all backwards...if anything, if it's real, they'll want to stop filming instead of continuing to 'fake' it for the cameras.

People don't fall deeply in love and get married on public television.

Right now, the way I look at it is that the show introduced them to each other, they got together over the course of the show's run, and whatever happens in the future (that's the 'fall deeply in love' and 'get married' parts, if either of those things should ever happen) will not play out in public view, which is as it should be.

I will say that Siwon must be serious about her if he took her to meet his father - from all that I've read about him and his family, they really are not the type to give us this glimpse into their 'inner world' just for publicity's sake or for whatever other reasons there may be.

​For my point of view, they both still fall in love deeply even they still meet each other in the show, think about how many days so far they had met, they already fall hard for each other, but not enough time to know each other personality.  They need a little bit more time to have more chance to meet each other, if they stop completely, the chance they meet each other will be limited because he is an Idol, he may not be able to go on an over sea date freely, the time they know each other way too short, they need to see each other more.

About his father, may be his father had a good impression about Liu Wen that's why he so excited to posted a lot of his father pictures in his Instagram, Twitter and Weibo.  Now is the main reason that I still worry is the language, I hope his parents know some English so they can communicate with her or she needs to learn Korean.

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Guest bibidep

Wow Don't tell me all the white orchards are from Siwon.  The picture I posted above are the same as those below, only different location but inside the hotel, the flowers are the same.  She look so so sad, but look young, girly and pretty.  I just wonder why so sad.






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Guest bibidep

Hahahah make me laugh so hard when I saw Siwon picture he just post in his twitter 3 minutes ago on 1:25pm Korea time,  May 12, 2015.  The girlfriend gone his hair went flat hahah, and look at the pose from his picture and her pictures I posted above, they look so similar hahah....Ogoshhh what happen to them, love disease hahah.


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Guest Monaflawor558866

Hello I'm new member here I love this show I watched it from the first episode ,,,I love all the couples they are very sweeeeet and funnnnny .........and I love liu wen she's soooooo pure and sweet like a young girl like a baby  being in love with her handsome boyfriend........I'm a fan of this kind of shows and I keep watching the Korean we got married and I love the chaines we are in love I'm from Middle East,,,from state of kwauit..... I watched we got married since 2008 ....... Maybe they have many work and she will not be able to see him in along time because of her busy schedule and that's made them being sad ooooooh they are love each other don't want too be apart from each other oooooh soooo sweet.

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Guest Monaflawor558866

This show want too help choi & wen too get more closer and be honest they noticed it they are being far from each other in the end from ep 4 and when won said she didn't like him they want too solve this misunderstanding between them. This is very unique in this show I appreciate that . All the other couples being fine and have fun . But won& wen they have some misunderstanding it's must be solved . She must talk too him and express her feelings. If she doesn't like something she must say it . When he want too kiss her and she move a little too avoid it I know she is very shy but she must hold her shyness a little bit. And for him he must give her some time too know him more . I'm very happy they're becoming  very lovey with each other in the pictures . I hope they stay longer .:)

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new shipper of siwon-liuwen here :)

do u guys know the ost of this show?can u give me the youtube link..thankyouuuu...

can not wait for ep5 when siwon mad and liuwen crying TT_TT

years ago, siwon always keeps his privacy especially about his family...totally different when this show airing :P i guess liu wen and siwon's dad can communicate as well as siwon with liu wen since his dad is a bussinessman , he will speak in english/mandarin fluently

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Guest levinars

Hello... I'm new here. I really like them. But a while a go, Siwon posted a photo of himself. I'm sad because I realise that the bracelet was not in his hand anymore. Are their relationship has come to an end?

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Guest Nila.A.1409

@levinars...i don't think so...sometime they were wearing that bracelet...sometime not...he he he

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