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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Another translation of a Hyeri article:



Hyeri: Being called a "Geum-Sa-Ppa" is more hurtful than being called "ugly"


(A "Geum-Sa-Ppa" [금사빠] means "'금방 사랑에 빠지는 사람'의 줄임말. 쉬운 남자나 쉬운 여자를 일컫는 말이다." --> someone who falls in love easily, someone who is "easy")


Look Ma, I'm studying Korean! Hee hee.


The husband-hunt of "Eung-Pal" became a contest that gained more and more interest as time passed. At about the half-way point, a majority of viewers thought RJY would be the husband, but when PBG became the husband, the voices of opposition were more than a few.

Hyeri says, "I found out just a little bit before the viewers did. I didn't understand why DS was behaving a certain way, so I asked the PD."

"I was worried and confused that maybe I made a mistake with my acting. After finding out who the husband was, I made more effort to be convincing. Even if people said, "Hyeri is ugly and can't act," it was more hurtful to me to hear "Duk-Sun is 'Geum-Sa-Ppa.'" I would feel guilty that I made Duk-Sun unlikeable."

About the love line with Jung-Hwan, "(DS was) a child who thirsted for love. She begins to love him after hearing that he likes her. The love she had for JH was a young, pretty, fresh love, I think."

"DS and Taek's beginning is different. Since they were young, Taek was someone who distracted her and she had to take care of him, she was always curious about him. It took her some time to realize that this was love."

"Both guys treated me like a little sister and adored me and encouraged me. If I felt uncomfortable with either one of them, I think it would have been difficult. All the Ssang-Mun-Dong friends feel like we've all become good friends with no awkwardness."

RJY has said that Hyeri cried a lot during his confession scene. About this, Hyeri said, "As soon as I read the script, I was so sad that I thought, oh no. Not from DS's perspective, but Hyeri's perspective, I pitied Jung-Hwan for never getting to express his love. And it was sad to think that this was goodbye for us. I made an effort to not meet RJY's eyes because I thought it would make it difficult for him. But through my ears, the lines in the script made me cry even more."


My thoughts regarding the underlined statement:

Honestly, this kind of bothers me. From having seen other K-dramas in which a woman loves more than one man, and seeing the netizen outcry about it, I think it's just hard for many viewers to accept that a woman may have loved more than one man in her life.

I think that's why the trope about "first love = last love" is so persistent. It's hard for viewers to digest that the heroine may have had other crushes in her life, which leads to Hyeri saying that she feels bad if Duk-Sun is ever thought of as "easy" for having loved more than one guy.

I think this is a very retrograde, backwards attitude. Like if a woman ever has a brief crush on any guy, she has to end up marrying him or disappoint viewers - because she must remain pure. Her brain must be a virgin.

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19 hours ago, tesasonzzz said:

I was searching for photos on Google and then suddenly I came across this photo ...

(sorry if its been posted before)


Yes I know it's not related to the OTP stuffs and so on but she's still a character in R88, right? Can we just take a moment and admire this photo? LOL SHE LOOKS JUST THE SAME EVEN UNTIL NOW. Our forever Ra-yeosanim in her youth days ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Love her so much. 


That is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

I love how she looks SO MUCH like Jung-Bong and Jung-Hwan in that photo. The casting on this show is really amazing.

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So what's the point of the 2015 DEOK SUN's interview all about again?

And who was it that was shown with her or visited her during the interview 2015/16 took place or even mention abt in the present  2015/16?


Of cos her older sister Sung Bora who still  smokes secretly from her hubby. ..


And her older looking younger brother drop by at his 2nd noona's place too..


And of course her own husband, the famous Baduk player, Choi Taek...

Also even if they don't appear in 2016 scenes, both BR & DS still talk abt their parents, also her brother in law SW call BR several times to remind his wife to buy gift for her father. .there's no mention abt the Kims nor the Yoos, in 2015.

Yes true to his words, this time around the PD focus more on family relationships & bonding between 4 families,  but just the same the story is told from 2015 Deok Sun's eyes..

Well, I'm not telling anyone to see the way I did, everyone can see however they want, but this is how I relate the story flow between 2015 DS & 1988 DS, which is why I'm satisfied with the ending & has no complaints on who has more airtime than whom, since for me this story belongs to DS, so she should have the most airtime than anyone. 

Anyway I love Reply 1988, its really one heck of a drama and I truly enjoy it.

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1 hour ago, chickfactor said:

My thoughts regarding the underlined statement:

Honestly, this kind of bothers me. From having seen other K-dramas in which a woman loves more than one man, and seeing the netizen outcry about it, I think it's just hard for many viewers to accept that a woman may have loved more than one man in her life.

I think that's why the trope about "first love = last love" is so persistent. It's hard for viewers to digest that the heroine may have had other crushes in her life, which leads to Hyeri saying that she feels bad if Duk-Sun is ever thought of as "easy" for having loved more than one guy.

I think this is a very retrograde, backwards attitude. Like if a woman ever has a brief crush on any guy, she has to end up marrying him or disappoint viewers - because she must remain pure. Her brain must be a virgin.


I agree with you @chickfactor, why is it OK for man to like lots of women but it's never ok for a woman to love someone before him. I've been skimming in the DC gall and other threads and they were able to breakdown the time line of the show. Deoksun's crush/puppy love with Sunwoo lasted from August/September to December 1988, while her crush/puppy love for Junghwan lasted for about 2 weeks - 3 weeks tops. It was fleeting and it was such a teenager thing: She loved love and she wanted to love someone who will love her in return. That's why she aggressively pursued those two guys and when she thought they didn't love her back, she moved on.

Interesting is her reactions to both 'unrequited' (in her POV) love were the same: she got angry at them and refused to see them. What does the writer trying to imply here? Was her crush/puppy love for SW and JH at the same level? Contrast this to her reaction towards taek, in ep19 when taek asked her why she lied. "I was scared... What if it got awkward, I cannot imagine being awkward with you." (@chickfactor Please do correct my trans i just based it on DFs subs)/ She was scared of losing taek in her life and was willing to forego her love for taek's friendship instead. And I love how wrong she was about Taek's feelings. 


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5 hours ago, pixiemoondust said:

It would be a hoot if it was SW and Bora who were interviewed for that documentary -- no husband hunt, just scenes of Bora giving the whole neighborhood a mighty scare except for one boy looking at her shooting :heart:s from his eyes. 


Exactly :D if it was BR's interview,  abt her youth, I/2 of it will be abt her terrorising the whole neighbourhood, another quarter of it will be abt her anti government campaign & demonstration & the final quarter is gonna be abt her sneaking around the neighbourhood,  making out with SW, and he was still a minor too at one point :P 

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13 minutes ago, lxands said:


Exactly :D if it was BR's interview,  abt her youth, I/2 of it will be abt her terrorising the whole neighbourhood, another quarter of it will be abt her anti government campaign & demonstration & the final quarter is gonna be abt her sneaking around the neighbourhood,  making out with SW, and he was still a minor too at one point :P 


LMAO that would have been a hilarious and if it was SW's interview, Bora would be portrayed as the nicest and best person, and he will get confused when people are afraid of Bora. 

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As some of you know, one of the things I like the best about the Reply series is the music.

My question:

If you had to choose one song that Reply 1988 made you discover and which you adore, which one would it be?




Just one! (I know it's hard, I had a hard time choosing only one....)

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For @nearsea, my designated devil's advocate, lol. 


Question #19: Why do you say that JB took the chocolate?
Answer: Because JB is a thief. ;)

Of all the nine children in the neighborhood, JB was the one with a demonstrable record of petty stealing.

Take for instance, Episode 10: Memory at 39:13. He pinched his mom’s wallet to steal a paltry sum because he didn’t have any money to pay for his video game addiction. [In contrast, TK had plenty of money of his own when he handed his wallet to DS.]
reply%201988%20wallet_zps95lhxbxt.jpgLet’s not forget that he also "stole" kisses from Man-Ok a couple of times. lol. Episode 14 at 46:26 and Episode 15 at 1:32:31. She wasn’t expecting those kisses. 

Then, we should remember Episode 13: Return of Superman. The Blue Marble game wasn’t his. It belonged to Taekkie.  JB, Noeul, DS and DR were playing the game in TK’s room while he was away on that Japanese baduk tournament. After the game, none of them brought the board game home with him/her. 

But JB stopped DS to ask her opinion on what to give her friend Man-Ok as a get-well-soon present. lol. He followed his own advice to DS not to be ashamed to ask advice from someone “lower” than him. ;)

DS answered that, given her prolonged confinement in the hospital, Man-Ok wanted most of all was to be out of the hospital. JB then returned to Taek’s room and filched the card. He didn’t explain or leave a note to TK afterwards to tell him what he had done. He just took it without permission.

Same thing with the chocolate.

JB ALONE had the motive, means and opportunity to steal the chocolate. The other guys had an alibi; they were in the same room as DS. JJ had no time to dispose of the chocolate; it wouldn’t fit in her bag; she couldn’t have eaten it so fast. Bora first heard of the chocolate gift when she read about it in DS’ diary. None of the parents knew about DS crushing on somebody. 

Plus, the jacket on the bag had been displaced. So were the white shoes on the floor beside the bag and jacket, which indicated that somebody had squatted there beside SW’s things. JB could have walked into the foyer, stopped and saw the chocolate sticking out of the jacket. He would have picked it up and saw the ribbon. Being a nosy Hyung that he was, he would have inspected the chocolate. 

How is JB nosy? Well… he checked out the Air Force application of JH. He checked out the pink shirt. And he checked out Man-Ok’s book in Ep 15 at 1:30:44, didn't he?

Definitely, he would have checked out the chocolate because DS didn’t hide it securely.  But had the chocolate been addressed for SW, he would have returned it. His curiosity and his nosiness would have been satisfied; he had no reason to take the chocolate. But seeing that chocolate was for TK, he had every reason in the world to keep the chocolate after his defeat at the Galaga game.  

Furthermore, based on SW’s non-reaction aboard the bus in Episode 15, SW did NOT receive any chocolate at all. He didn’t evince any reaction to indicate that he ever received an anonymous chocolate from a secret admirer. Conversely, based on DS’s lack of embarrassment as she looked at the chocolate and, more importantly, based on DS’s SECRET SMILE as she traced her finger on the bar, she too DID NOT give a chocolate to any of the three guys with her on the bus. Had the intended recipient of the chocolate been on the bus with her, she would have hidden that chocolate asap instead of displaying it out in plain sight of the guys. She would have wanted to save face. 

Question #20: Why does JB steal?
Answer: It depends on the situation. 

Stealing is taking somebody’s property without getting permission. Without dwelling on legal, ethical and moral issues here, I think JB stole because he had issues with Delayed Gratification. When he wanted something, he simply took it. In many ways, JB struck me as very child-like, even naughtier than JJ, the youngest child in this story. He didn’t have self-control.  

JB’s various obsessions exposed this character flaw. For example, reading the phone directory at mealtime, hiding the postage stamps, forgoing family dinner for Rubik's cube, buying all the chips just to get ONE freebie chip [did that even make sense?!], his ploy to get the missing college music festival record in his collection…  He didn’t understand self-restraint and he had zero consideration for his parents’ feelings and approval. He sought to gratify his urges and wants right away. 

Also, since his sense of what is “mine” and “not mine” appeared very rudimentary, it’s tricky to ascribe guilt to his actions. For instance, he gave JH a Blue Lagoon poster for his birthday, but at the same time, he spotted and coveted the new pink shirt JH received as a gift. In the flashback, viewers also got to see his second attempt to acquire the shirt from his younger brother … with an unctuous wink, no less. Normally, at this point, viewers would cast him off as “greedy”. But since they also knew that this Hyung had unselfishly bequeathed all his worldly possession to JH before his surgery in Episode 8, they were willing to overlook this seeming "aberration". 

But make no mistake, @nearsea JB was capable of stealing. Worse, he didn’t show remorse afterwards.

With the Space Travel card, he stole it out of devotion. He wanted to give Mi-Ok a present that would make her happy. With the chocolate, he stole it out of retaliation. Taec easily beat his record on the Galaga game after he had worked hard to achieve the Top Score. It’s noteworthy that in both these occasions, JB stole objects that were rightfully Taec’s; Taec never knew that JB was the culprit. 

In a way, JB was a black hole. Neither items nor the TRUTH could be retrieved from him once he sucked them in…like a celestial black hole. 

Question #24: Aside from the Chocolate Parody, are there any more inside jokes from the director and scriptwriter to hint at JB’s as the culprit?
Answer: Yes, two copyright infringements. :D 

One, after careful research, @moonkeeper and @Phuong Tam Nguyendiscovered that the Cabbage Patch doll that JB won from the “Starry Night” radio show had its own murky history. The company owner of the Cabbage Patch dolls, popular toys during the 1980s, had stolen the idea of the dolls from a woman who created the baby dolls. He “stumbled” upon the dolls at a craft fair and decided to mass-produce them himself. 

Background story here:

Similarly, JB had “stolen” the idea of sending a love message by chocolate to Mi-OK by stumbling upon DS’ chocolate confession. lol.

Two, the Blue Marble game (published 1982) is a rip-off of the Monopoly game (published 1935). Instead of purchasing real estate located in Atlantic City, New Jersey, like in the Monopoly game, the Blue Marble game allowed players to buy land in different cities around the world. As @hafunohane had pointed out in a PM, the “Space Travel” in Blue Marble corresponded to the “Go to Jail” space in Monopoly. If he had been playing Monopoly, JB would have gone to jail instead of going on a space travel. 

lol. So yes. These two “inside jokes” were directed toward JB and hinted at his character type. JB truly deserved "jail time" for stealing the chocolate and for reproducing, distributing and making a derivative copy of DS’ chocolate confession. :phew:

Brilliant work, Scriptwriter!!

Catch you later, @shooastrid.

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7 hours ago, kepogee said:


I agree with you @chickfactor, why is it OK for man to like lots of women but it's never ok for a woman to love someone before him. I've been skimming in the DC gall and other threads and they were able to breakdown the time line of the show. Deoksun's crush/puppy love with Sunwoo lasted from August/September to December 1988, while her crush/puppy love for Junghwan lasted for about 2 weeks - 3 weeks tops. It was fleeting and it was such a teenager thing: She loved love and she wanted to love someone who will love her in return. That's why she aggressively pursued those two guys and when she thought they didn't love her back, she moved on.

Interesting is her reactions to both 'unrequited' (in her POV) love were the same: she got angry at them and refused to see them. What does the writer trying to imply here? Was her crush/puppy love for SW and JH at the same level? Contrast this to her reaction towards taek, in ep19 when taek asked her why she lied. "I was scared... What if it got awkward, I cannot imagine being awkward with you." (@chickfactor Please do correct my trans i just based it on DFs subs)/ She was scared of losing taek in her life and was willing to forego her love for taek's friendship instead. And I love how wrong she was about Taek's feelings. 



I agree. I thought it was hilarious when DS threw a fit after being rejected by SW. And I was ROFL when she got so mad when SW and Bora ended picking each other for the "manitto" game. She was throwing that paper around and screaming "재수 없어!" It was so funny!

(By the way, Naver dictionary definition of 재수 없어 ---> The target individual is strongly disliked and repulsive. BWAHAHA!)

Aside from being just funny, it also struck me as very unusual. The typical Korean heroine (or really, any Korean person) would react completely differently in the face of rejection. Their primary objective would be to SAVE FACE. They would insist that they never liked that person, then go drink soju alone and cry. But since DS can't drink yet, I guess she'd just sit somewhere alone to cry. But instead, she just threw hilarious tantrums.

I also think it's notable that with both SW and JH, she pursued them apparently without ever considering what would happen if she officially dated them, re: how their neighbors and family would react. But with Taek, that was a huge concern for her.

It reminded me of Na-Jung and Trash's relationship in R94 - Trash was very concerned about the impact this would have on her parents because he was so close to them. A lot of viewers found that frustrating about him, but I think it was thoughtful and mature to consider those things.

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4 hours ago, moonkeeper said:

Define COUPLE..



Credit to the owner of the gifs 

Lol moonkeeper,this is like wifey taking care of the households,and husband comes home after a long day outside,[and takes solace at her shoulder],[she totally seems like owning this place here].This so looks like deok sun's home.

*Mods,please don't remove the pic,this is relevant,=S,thanks.

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4 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Two, the Blue Marble game (published 1982) is a rip-off of the Monopoly game (published 1935). Instead of purchasing real estate located in Atlantic City, New Jersey, like in the Monopoly game, the Blue Marble game allowed players to buy land in different cities around the world. As @hafunohane had pointed out in a PM, the “Space Travel” in Blue Marble corresponded to the “Go to Jail” space in Monopoly. If he had been playing Monopoly, JB would have gone to jail instead of going on a space travel. 

lol. So yes. These two “inside jokes” were directed toward JB and hinted at his character type. JB truly deserved "jail time" for stealing the chocolate and for reproducing, distributing and making a derivative copy of DS’ chocolate confession. :phew:

Brilliant work, Scriptwriter!!

Catch you later, @shooastrid.

Wait, isn't "Space Travel" corresponded to "Free Parking" in Monopoly instead of "Go to Jail" though? No? Nevermind then, hahahaha :)) 

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7 hours ago, packmule3 said:

the Blue Marble game (published 1982) is a rip-off of the Monopoly game (published 1935). Instead of purchasing real estate located in Atlantic City, New Jersey, like in the Monopoly game, the Blue Marble game allowed players to buy land in different cities around the world. As @hafunohane had pointed out in a PM, the “Space Travel” in Blue Marble corresponded to the “Go to Jail” space in Monopoly. If he had been playing Monopoly, JB would have gone to jail instead of going on a space travel. 

lol. So yes. These two “inside jokes” were directed toward JB and hinted at his character type. JB truly deserved "jail time" for stealing the chocolate and for reproducing, distributing and making a derivative copy of DS’ chocolate confession. :phew:

Brilliant work, Scriptwriter!!


So we all know that TK won the game and based on the screencaps below, we could see which "properties" or "cities" were owned by JH and TK. TK mostly owned South Korean cities (notice the flags), and cities in Sweden, Switzerland, China, and Japan covered by his arm)... and JH owns the European territories in Italy, UK, France, and Belgium. 


What's interesting is that this mimics the real- life situation of European economies in the 1980s. According to this page, living costs were high for countries such as France, Belgium, UK, and Italy. No wonder JH had little cash in the game. Also, could inflation be the reason why in EP 1 he asked for 30,000 won from his mom instead of 1000? Hehehe.. 


Now, let's compare the two board games and the corresponding properties/cities:


We all know that dark blue zone in Monopoly houses the most expensive properties and charges the most amount of payment when someone else stops by there. Going by this, we could see from TK's cards that he owns almost all the dark blue zone cities: Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Zurich (Switzerland). No wonder he has the most money in real life and Blue Marble. HAHA. 

And adding some points about the Blue Marble game based on the Wikipedia page:


  • Deserted Island Space - This space corresponds to the Jail space in Monopoly, however, there is no "Go to Jail" Space. Players are stuck on the deserted island if they land on it. There are also key cards that send players to the Deserted Island. Once there, the player is stuck for three turns unless the player has the "Escape the Deserted Island" card or rolls doubles. Players may not escape by paying bail, like in Monopoly. Also, rolling doubles more than twice consecutively does not force players to go to the deserted island.
  • Welfare Space - This space corresponds to the Free Parking space in Monopoly, however, rather than functioning as an empty space, 2 things can happen here. If there are no funds in welfare, the player must pay 10% of his net worth to welfare. If there are funds in welfare, then the player collects all of the accumulated funds. Players must pay welfare every time they land on an empty welfare space or land on the Seoul Olympic space. A variant rule also exists where all fees owed to the bank from the Key cards are instead paid to welfare.
4 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

Wait, isn't "Space Travel" card corresponded to "Free Parking" card in Monopoly instead of "Go to Jail" card though? No? Nevermind then, hahahaha :)) 

@ihate0ni0ns this is the space that corresponds to free parking. LOL, and guess who free-parked in real life? JB of course! At his age in 1989 he still lives off of his parents' money and had no job, and he still lives in his parent's house too. He had no personal income. Wasn't JB on "welfare" himself all his life? His parents were the ones supporting him. Although admittedly, it's thanks to him winning the lottery too. Hahahaha. But thank God he finally became a famous chef.. :) 

  • Space Travel - This space corresponds with the "Go to Jail" space in Monopoly, but rather than going to Jail as in Monopoly, the player may on his next turn go to any space on the board (including the Space Travel space or the deserted island). However, they must pay a fee to the owner of the Columbia Space shuttle, if it is owned. If the player is the owner of the Space Shuttle Columbia, then space travel is free.
  • Seoul Olympic - Seoul was the host of the 1988 Olympics. This is the most valuable space on the board and corresponds to Boardwalk. Buildings can't be built on Seoul. Players who land on the Seoul Olympic space must pay ₩150,000 to welfare and ₩2,000,000 to its owner.

This is interesting because TK owns the South Korean cities and at this point, SK was improving in its economy thanks to the exposure they got from Olympics as well. Government intervention in the economy was greatly reduced and policies on imports and foreign investment were liberalized to promote competition. To reduce the imbalance between rural and urban sectors, Seoul expanded investments in public projects, such as roads and communications facilities. This is the bittersweet part. The game rule states that Buildings CAN'T BE BUILT ON SEOUL. But guess what destructed Ssamundong in the end? The development of these buildings. 

  • Athens, Montreal, and Concorde are misspelled on the game board. This is likely due to the game creator and publisher's unfamiliarity with these terms English, and approximating the English from how these are written in Hangul.

This part reminds me of the running joke of some people in the drama: Miran omma had troubles writing her own name in alphabet, Sunyoung kept mispronouncing names "Umma" instead of "Eunma," "Skate," instead of "Steak." and DS "jem/jam," "lets music!" as well as DR "goodbye my friend/ friendS." Guess who are comfortable with English terms though?? The Kim brothers! JB used some English phrases when he talks and he once said "have a nice dream" to MO, and JH corrected DS' English many times before. True to his character, from what I see, JH did not own any of these misspelled properties. :)

And one last thing, the name Blue Marble came from this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Marble

It's a famous photograph of the Earth, taken in 1972. From Wiki, "  Almost the entire coastline of Africa is clearly visible and the Arabian Peninsula can be seen at the northeastern edge of Africa. The large island off the coast of Africa is Madagascar. The Asian mainland is on the horizon toward the northeast. "

Guess who was MADAGASCAR??


And who wanted the WORLD?


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