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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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specially i also expected maybe DS and CT will be couple but after seen latest trailer i just confirm,they are not. and when DS said,we all are just friend then i jsut thinking,then who will be her husband??! 

well i don't know whats gonig on,but still i just say,if DS reject them just for Friendship then i will salute her. because she just gave proper value of this relationship. :)

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So many funny scnes... hard to choose. I really liked the one where JH burns his brother hands and destroys the coal thingy to please his mother; I liked the one where DS meow to make JH's cramp disappear; the alley scene was very funny: JH's facial expressions were great; and I laughed a lot for this one:




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So many funny scenes! Highlights off the top of my head: Mama Miran adjusting her dancing to suit the egg announcement song for the competition (SO MUCH secondhand embarrassment), Junghwan's stilted cringe-worthy aegyo to Sunwoo. Also I die every time Deoksun comes skipping all brightly in her sister's jacket, asks Junghwan what does he think, and he just utters a dismissive "I'm late, richard simmons off" and goes off on his way.  

A more recent one was when Junghwan asked Taek in the football field if he had opened his wallet, and Taek answered no. The air between them was taught with tension, and then all of a sudden off screen you hear Dongryong and Deoksun wailing and fighting. Their hilarious entrance undercuts the tension of the scene so well. 

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25 minutes ago, mellinadear said:



I think we should just all cool down a bit and remember that what brings us here is a great show. Reply 1988 unites us all and that should be what matters in the end.

I am surprised and not surprised this is happening. Despite how interesting some of the censored posts have been, they have been borderline rude at times. You might not have felt that they were, but people are sensitive to different things. If several people feel that they are disrespectful, then it has to be looked at...

I am sad that posts were deleted all together... Some of them involved a lot of work.

But I guess that is sthg to keep in mind while the big reveal is approching. I hope all of us will be able to celebrate the end of a great show!

Another funny scene, DS and DR are great there:





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One last time keep it about the drama if the fights don't end or the posts about why are you fighting or defending it in a way of attack or with derogative comments about anyone who has an opinion different than yours this thread will be closed as moderators we are having a hard time reading each post because they contain harsh words towards each other, keep in mind this is for fun, if it isn't fun anymore stop it and relax, why do or watch something that causes you so much anger... Think about that...

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I will missed this series, 2 episodes left, but I can relate to all of the scene, I remember the time I got my Walkman, the pants to be fold at the end hahaha

i love all the characters, I'm wishing all the luck they could get after this series!

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1 hour ago, carolinedl said:

@hushhh I don't think you needed to defend yourself. LIke you said, it is your opinion. I just don't think and I still do after your second post that you can compare JH and SW at all.

Yes, I agree that JH missed his chance, he lacked courage and should have said something before. But once TK said he liked her, I think that was just impossible for him. And I think that is why the flashbacks scenes we saw after JH's confession were all before Taek confessed that he liked DS as a woman. I think after TK's confession, you need to view the whole thing differently.

Same for TK: he was going to confess, hence do sthg. But once he discovered that JH also liked DS, he stopped himself. That whole thing just changed everything for both.

Before that, I think that yes you can try to compare JH and TK: their situations are similar, they like the same woman and are both friends with her. And yes I would say that Taek seems to be more of a doer than JH. But even that is hard to tell: we don't know for sure since when Taek liked DS, same for JH...

However, SW is a totally different matter. Yes, he affirmed his love for Bora over and over again but (1) he was the only one liking her; none of his friends liked her too; (2) they were not as close so the stakes were very different!; (3) linked to what I have such said, the dynamics of their relationships were very different. And it nonetheless took him two years to confess! Maybe he would have behaved like JH if the person he had liked was DS... It's so hard to tell that I don't think you can compare them or even try to use one to explain the other!...

I love the nuances of love in relation to R1988 and I totally agree with you that they do a great jobat that and that is great! But it also shows very well that love is blind and that despite all the nice, cliché things we can say about love, there is no pattern, no set scenario.

Same for the comment about being 'ugly': yes, it is demeaning but it fits into a whole scenario. And a dynamics: it is DS's and JH's relation, this is how they communicate. Future DS and her husband still do that in 2015 (and I am NOT implying that JH is DS's future husband by that, I am just waying that DS seems to like that kind of teasing since she is still doing it in 2015, with either TK or JH!).

Again, this is all a question of personal sensitivity to what we have seen in R1988.


(Also it makes me think of the whole Bora/Papa Sung/DS thingy: DS shows her love way more, so people assume that DS is closer to her dad than Bora is. But that is not the case: Bora and Papa Sung just have a different relationship, different dynamics. And that does not mean Papa Sung loves DS more than Bora or that DS loves Papa Sung more than Bora...)


Okay I see a lot happened between hushhh's post and my comment and this post. Anyway, just wanted to clarify things. @hushhh I am seeing this as a dialog and nothing more! I don't care about debating and analysing all the clues showing us whether JH or TK is going to be the husband. We only have two episodes left, let's just wait and see. But I find the whole discussion about love very interesting and it goes beyong shipping!

I am a JH/DS shipper but I said that after JH's confession, a small part of me wanted it to be over because that whole representation of missed love was just really beautifully done and poignant. I think a lot of us can relate to that, whether we ship JH or TK. I understood you did so we do agree! :)

I am also into the dialogue.

I'm glad I took a break to make beer bread and came back to your edit.

I keep reading "don't bash characters", and I'm not sure exactly what that means. I never intend to bash characters. Mostly I'm interested in acknowledging their humanity.

I do think I can compare SW and JH.

They are about the same age, both are bright, driven student for different reasons based on their families' challenges (JH's brother and SW financial crunch). 

What I think is probably less comparable is their relational configuration when it came to who they love. Yes, JH situation was more fraught, but I don't want to underestimate the fearsomeness of BR, a young woman who makes her own parents go out of their way to avoid her anger.

Yet I do think that possible to compare JH and SW. JH is consitutionally cautious. He is a ruminant. I am team Taek. I love Taek. But as a human being I am psychologically more in line with JH. And because of that I know how opportunities slip away as you weigh option and contemplate what is the perfect thing to do.

I have been open about the fact that I'm on team Taek because I love the character.

I view the drama through that bias. 

I don't apologize for it.

I thought he was the underdog, the beautiful underdog, which is why I rooted for him.

However I don't think that negates my ability to recognize the beauty of the other multifaceted characters.


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The scene stealers in Reply1988 go to:

-Ra Mi-ran

-Kim Jung-bong (Ahn Jae-hong)

Any scene with these two (or them with other characters) bring most laughs if you ask me. 

Honorable mention:

-Kim Sun-gyun aka Kim Sajang

-Dong-ryeong's appa

I also love some of the squad and the neighbors moments. They share a lot of funny scenes. In fact Reply 1988 has the most funniest moments compared to other 2 series so far.

@carolinedl haha that's one of my top favorites!


@unkyung Haha....all this funny scenes talk make me want to watch again from ep1 . Love that one too. Superman episode. 

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25 minutes ago, pixiemoondust said:


I kinda miss the running gag in the earlier episodes of little Jinjoo always eating or drinking something.:)


 Did you notice it was always something completely unhealthy too... Omg I'm surprised they didn't age her to be a little chubby.

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1 minute ago, hushhh said:

What I think is probably less comparable is their relational configuration when it came to who they love.


However I don't think that negates my ability to recognize the beauty of the other multifaceted characters.



Sorry I cut your post! Two things I want to comment on speciaifically, though I agree with a lot of what you said in your post.

Yes, the configuration is not comporable. But doesn't it mean that it's hard to compare JH and SW based on their relation to love? Like do you behave the same way with different people you love? You might but do we have enough information to state that that would be the case for SW and JH? That is my main objection... If SW had loved DS, would he have done sthg about it? After how much time? And also SW and JH have different personalities... some points are similar while other traits are very different.

And the second point: we agree on that too! I mean I can see you like JH very much, especially since he seems to ressemble you (I ressemble him too in many ways.... he he). I adore Taek too and I think a lot can be said about his great vision of love (I love his relation with his father for instance!).



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Guest wizengamot

Jin Joo scenes... the kid doesn;t have to say anything. whatever she does is either cute or funny. especially when she and TK dad were bonding. i was not expecting that dynamics

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I've been wanting to share this in this thread :) 


Idk if this has been posted before, but as I re-watch the first few episodes over and over and over again, I noticed that PAPA KIM is really good at guessing things:

In episode 1, he guessed the torch bearer for the 88 Olympic games correctly:


And then in episode 2, still about the 88 Olympic games, he guessed that the winner of the running race used steroid for sure:


I was curious about whether the runner did use steroid, and surprisingly he really did! 

Quoting the fact from Wikipedia: "Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal for the 100 metres when he tested positive for stanozolol after the event."

Side note: apparently Seoul 88 Olympic Games had a lot of other controversies. Another source also states that a few other runners were also positive on the usage of steroids.

Meanwhile, I'm always very very entertained by Sung appa for not being an expert in guessing, like the one I posted on page 390 before ;).

Not only that, papa kim (along with papa bear) also guessed the winner of the baseball game thing right, and I think sung appa losing the bet was hilarious! I just love the three appas' friendship. A LOT. 


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Just now, mojobobo said:

I loked the scene where Mi Ran Omma came back and the guys were rushing like crazy to clean up hahaah!!!!

Hahaha yes!!! And when they all ran back to the house after she left and took off their clothes in a mad dash ahahaha. 

I also laughed when poor Noeul had to go back and forth between his two noonas to deliver their messages, and he had to deliver the hits he received as well. Poor thing. 

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