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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Guest wizengamot



uh... i just logged in today... and was just scanning the thread (not necessarily back reading), then MOD POST? and ep 19 preview? is there eng sub? what just happened here?

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I don't remember if this is my first post in this thread but I have been following this series since Episode 1. :-)

I wonder if anyone has explored the reason for the interview of the older Duk Seon?  The thought crossed my mind that in their younger days, the one who was plagued with interviews, much to his dismay, was Taek.

I am not obsessed with the "Guess the Husband Plot" because even without it (this might be an unpopular opinion but please allow me to say it) Reply 1988 has warmed my heart many times over with its "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child" theme. I love how these families formed such deep bonds of friendship among the Fathers and Mothers that it naturally and spontaneously spilled over to the kids. I love the first scene of Episode 1 where the five kids found themselves going back and forth to share whatever food was prepared in their homes. I also loved the Jin Joo "Snowman" episode where the parents went through the trouble of holding meetings to discuss how to repair the damage done by Bora's telling Jin Joo "There was no Santa Claus" and of carving a Snow Man using a huge block of ice  which alas (!) was melted by rain only to find out from Sun Woo that Snow Man was the ice cream sold in the store! (The scriptwriter is such a jokester!)

Moreover, whereas by K-Society and K-Drama standards, characters like Ju Bong and No Eul are deemed failures or undesirables, in this drama they were allowed to shine; in addition, the writer thought them deserving of romance like the leads.

Each character piqued my interest as his or her story---with the exception of Taek---was the story of "Everyman". I think this accounts for the phenomenal ratings of Reply 1988. The characters are "relatable," hence, viewers could connect with them. 

Needless to say, the episodes on mothers and fathers, on parental and sibling love are "gems" to draw a lesson or two about  LIFE...



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i am not being exaggerated but Reply 1988 is the most heartwarming, warmest story in k-drama i've ever seen. Salute to writer-nim, Reply is getting better and better in each. i love 1997, i love 1997 more, but 1988 is the warmest of all:blush:

forgive me for being late watching episode 18 with eng sub this evening(i finished it) but i am 1000% sure the husband will be Taek. Yay! i am on #TeamTaek by the way:wub:

JH confession is daebak. i cursed when i see his confession(in a good way i mean), he did it so well and detail. but then he said that that only to fulfill DR wish. what the heol :cold_sweat: i almost believe it 100% you know!

after that, the look in DS eyes, she looked at the entrance door, looked dissapointed. i bet she waited for Taek to come.

so, that two confirmations are enough clues for me:phew:

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3 hours ago, NRGchick said:

I admit I have been too scared to watch Ep18. 

But seeing the preview, about Taek going to see JH. Is there a possibility that the photo is missing from the wallet (cos JH kept staring at it) and maybe assumed Taek took it, therefore proving that Taek saw the photo? Could it be possible that DS actually took the photo and that was why JH was conflicted as he thought Taek took it?

So with Taek talking about the wallet incident may make JH or both realise that the photo is with a certain somebody? 

[Aiyoyo... I am confusing myself!]

I truly hope that DS took the photo from JH's wallet *fingers crossed* 

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59 minutes ago, blademan said:

Idk how Taek-DS shippers are still going at it? It's quite obvious guys....and even if you guys are still gonna believe it's gonna happen...FINE! But don't badmouth other shippers...it's not nice...

What is obvious? That Taek is the husband? Yeah, I agree. I also agree that badmouthing other shippers are bad. This is the MT and obviously everyone's opinion is different but the drama is ending so let's be civil about it.

It is so hard to say goodbye to that street. In 2016, do the kids still celebrate Taek's birthday together? I hope they would. 

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6 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

What is obvious? That Taek is the husband? Yeah, I agree. I also agree that badmouthing other shippers are bad. This is the MT and obviously everyone's opinion is different but the drama is ending so let's be civil about it.

It is so hard to say goodbye to that street. In 2016, do the kids still celebrate Taek's birthday together? I hope they would. 

I meant JH...but up to you....no discrimination! 

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Hang in there for 3 more days. Whoever DS chooses will be the best for her. 

I cannot imagine the pressure that the crew are feeling at the moment. Today's world with mobile phones and SNS, it is hard to keep filming a secret (unless it is in the middle of nowhere) 

I do hope they will finish filming and have a finale cast party where they will be able to see the fruits of their labour. Achieving possibly 20% on a cable network is something no one could dream of. So kudos to the scriptwriter for keeping us on the edge of our seats for the past 3 months. Entertaining us with the stories of each family in the neighbourhood. Thank you PD Shin for the direction you have given, the perfect casting choices (not merely using big name stars or idols). I admit I had my concerns about Hyeri but they were blown away. I should have learnt my lesson when Eun Ji was cast as the female lead in R97. Perhaps PD Shin has the magic touch in polishing the diamonds (actors and actresses he picked for the roles).


I will be eternally on #teamdeoksun ^^

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Everyone.. Take a deep breath, calm down.. The heat in this thread is no joke..

It will be a horrible thing to happen if the mod decide to temporarily close down this page when friday is just in front of our eyes.. Please at least be civil to each other.. :)

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 *** Warning !!! This post could impact significantly to your mood when watching 2 last episodes of the drama; especially for those who are shipping your favorite couple because it talks about the New Hint found by the author in finding who is the real husband of the main lead girl. So, please consider carefully before reading next parts of this post or pass it if you want, thank u :)) ! ***

Hi guys, this is the first time and also maybe the last time in my life that I've been here in the forum and posted a long comment like this for a drama after many years watching numerous of films and dramas from Korea, China, Philippine, etc. to even India . But now, rep 1988 could do this to me, I dont know in the future, especially in the next reply series, could it bring me here to comment and find hints in the film together with you guys once a again or not? But Anyway, thanks writer nim and director Shin for making such a great drama like this to remind us many precious lessons about love between friends, families and neighbors in this life, as long as we still always believe and build it together.

Ok, I think that's enough for the introduction. Honestly, the real reason that make me have to rise up here and still so excited up to now when think about it is that I’ve just find out a hint that shows a really close connection btw the main lead girl and her mysterious husband in both Rep 1994 & 1988. This hint is NOT shown as usual in items, colors or even numbers that many people used to find out at both reps. So what kind of this hint could it be? For no longer waiting, I’ll tell you immediately that it is expressed secretly through MUSIC in these 2 reply dramas. Sound interesting right? Haha, when discovered this, just like you, I was so surprise that I could’t believe in my eyes; but then, I really admired the director who has used all 100% of his thoughts and feelings to create the drama in the most honest and creative way. Now, Let me explain why Music is the new hint for husband hunting in these dramas. 

Watching Reply 1988, do you guys still remember that how many times the writer has shown us repeatedly that favorite music of our Choi Taek is songs of Lee Seung Hwan (LSH) and favorite music of our Jung Hwan is only Lee Moon Se (LMS) songs. Even, in their scenes with Duk Sun, the writer still defined clearly that only Hwan and Sun went to the concert of Lee Moon Se in previous eps and only listened to LMS’s songs together in his car in ep 18. Likewise, after the group celebrated birthday for Taek, the director once a again showed the scene that Hwan took a cassette tape and played the song of LSH in Taek’s room. Then, the next day is the scene of Taek and Sun went to the concert of LSH together. Thinking about this, I was very inquisitive about why the does the writer have to make such a distinction like this? or are there any secret relations between songs and characteristics in the film like Taek with LSH and Hwan with LMS that I dont know?. After thinking a while, then I remembered suddenly the scene of Hwan crying in his car and a very famous song of LSH was played for the first time during that scene after hearing Taek quit the competition because of his personal reason (yep, still relating to Taek and LSH songs). However, the special thing here is that I remember very clearly that this song of LSH is ONLY played when having scenes between Na Jung and Trash in Rep 1994 (especially, in the last ep of Rep 1994 when they get back together after years of breaking up. This is also one of my most favorite scenes that I remember up to now :)) ). So, the question of mine here is why does the director use the song of LSH which belongs to main couple in Rep 1994 and to Taek in 1988 for that scene of Hwan? By doing so, it clearly go against to the initial classifications of the director created at the begining of the drama.


So, last night when discovered this unusual at 1 am, I couldn’t sleep anymore without questioning about it. I decided to find the answer in the playlist of both dramas which are listed available in a blog called Following Kpop (thanks the blogger for helping me a lots in finding the answer, without your effort and your blog, surely I would be fail to do this mission soon or later.), here the link: 


I started with the playlist of Rep 1994 first to look for the songs of LSH played at which episode in the drama. Then, I turned to watch that episode to find the scene that song was played; I did so until the final episode of Rep 1994 and to the ep 18 of 1988 until the morning. And tada, I found the answer for mine question, finally * bravo*.

( To be countined...)

P.s: I'll post the next part about the answer I found in this new hint  after the tomorrow's evening due to I'm struggling with my exam tomorrow. Also, it'll take a certain time for me to learn how to post video, to spoil the content, etc. in the next part because I'm a newbie here haiz T_T. 

Luv ya!

From a true fan of Reply series 





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@hushhh I don't think you needed to defend yourself. LIke you said, it is your opinion. I just don't think and I still do after your second post that you can really compare JH and SW at all.

Yes, I agree that JH missed his chance, he lacked courage and should have said something before. But once TK said he liked her, I think that was just impossible for him. And I think that is why the flashbacks scenes we saw after JH's confession were all before Taek confessed that he liked DS as a woman. I think after TK's confession, you need to view the whole thing differently.

Same for TK: he was going to confess, hence do sthg. But once he discovered that JH also liked DS, he stopped himself. That whole thing just changed everything for both.

Before that, I think that yes you can try to compare JH and TK: their situations are similar, they like the same woman and are both friends with her. And yes I would say that Taek seems to be more of a doer than JH. But even that is hard to tell: we don't know for sure since when Taek liked DS, same for JH...

However, SW is a totally different matter. Yes, he affirmed his love for Bora over and over again but (1) he was the only one liking her; none of his friends liked her too; (2) they were not as close so the stakes were very different!; (3) linked to what I have such said, the dynamics of their relationships were very different. And it nonetheless took him two years to confess! Maybe he would have behaved like JH if the person he had liked was DS... It's so hard to tell that I don't think you can compare them or even try to use one to explain the other!...

I love the nuances of love in relation to R1988 and I totally agree with you that they do a great jobat that and that is great! But it also shows very well that love is blind and that despite all the nice, cliché things we can say about love, there is no pattern, no set scenario.

Same for the comment about being 'ugly': yes, it is demeaning but it fits into a whole scenario. And a dynamics: it is DS's and JH's relation, this is how they communicate. Future DS and her husband still do that in 2015 (and I am NOT implying that JH is DS's future husband by that, I am just waying that DS seems to like that kind of teasing since she is still doing it in 2015, with either TK or JH!).

Again, this is all a question of personal sensitivity to what we have seen in R1988.


(Also it makes me think of the whole Bora/Papa Sung/DS thingy: DS shows her love way more, so people assume that DS is closer to her dad than Bora is. But that is not the case: Bora and Papa Sung just have a different relationship, different dynamics. And that does not mean Papa Sung loves DS more than Bora or that DS loves Papa Sung more than Bora...)


Okay I see a lot happened between hushhh's post and my comment and this post. Anyway, just wanted to clarify things. @hushhh I am seeing this as a dialog and nothing more! I don't care about debating and analysing all the clues showing us whether JH or TK is going to be the husband. We only have two episodes left, let's just wait and see. But I find the whole discussion about love very interesting and it goes beyong shipping!

I am a JH/DS shipper but I said that after JH's confession, a small part of me wanted it to be over because that whole representation of missed love was just really beautifully done and poignant. I think a lot of us can relate to that, whether we ship JH or TK. I understood you did so we do agree! :)

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We've been receiving so many users' reports from this thread, although my colleague @ororomunroe has already reminded you about soompi rules. The problem is this hasn't stopped at all!

3. Do not bash drama and movie characters, actors, actresses, or other members, or post untrue information.  Bashing will not be tolerated by any means and will result in a warning. This includes but is not limited to the usage of derogatory remarks, spreading rumors, swearing, etc. Please respect each others' difference of opinions.      


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@unkyung i laughed at DR reaction during the confession He is so funny. even after Jh "is this enough" he keep whispering:D.. Plus in ep 18 there are several scene that the gang said they can never have secret but truth is all of them has secret that no one knows except DR..hehe

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