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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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1 minute ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

One thing that has been nagging at me is why exactly adult Deok Sun is being interviewed. I think last episode made it kind of clear that the interview is focused on her and not the husband so now I"m wondering why. Maybe at some point in the future she stops being a stewardess and becomes a famous or important something or another that is worth interviewing. What that is exactly....I keep thinking and thinking and still come up blank. One thing that fits is that she became a big romance novelist. When we first see her interview she is reading her diary and the particular portion is about a crush. Perhaps she was doing that to show where inspiration and interest in love stories and romance began at such a young age...? Or maybe she has kids and they are big and famous and she is being interviewed because of them *shrugs* ? Why is she being interview? More than HSI (Husband Scene Investigation) I want to know why Deok Sun is being interviewed? Maybe she is part of some bigger documentary on friends turned lovers...a new segment on past famous stewardess? But she keeps talking about her youth yeah, but a lot of question and such have been focused on the journey of her and her husband's love story. Yeah maybe she is part of documentary project on love....What do you guys think? Do you think Dong Ryeong will stay working in his brother's restaurant for life? If not what will he grow to become? Des Noeul  ever make it big as a singer? And where in the world is Joey Wang? 


If I understood correctly she tells the interviewers she is doing the interview for bora.

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1 minute ago, unkyung said:


If I understood correctly she tells the interviewers she is doing the interview for bora.

I thought that meant she was doing the interview as a favor for some "unnie" maybe Bora, maybe not. But I thought it was being done as a favor for someone. So you think she is being interviewed with something to do with Bora? Then what has Bora become that is deserving of an interview and why does that include Deok Sun's love life LOL? Drama these are the things I need to know. 

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I am very very curious who could play DR as an adult [PD, please cast him perfectly!] Yoo Jae Suk popped into my head but I don't think it is possible so who else can it be? 

I need a photo of all 5 friends again - transitioning from children to teenagers to adults - that would definitely be an awesome wrap-up! 



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Guest wizengamot
6 minutes ago, unkyung said:


If I understood correctly she tells the interviewers she is doing the interview for bora.


i think she only mentions "unnie" so everyone else automatically assumes that it is BR. Well, she's her only unnie but still it's a general address :)


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1 minute ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I thought that meant she was doing the interview as a favor for some "unnie" maybe Bora, maybe not. But I thought it was being done as a favor for someone. So you think she is being interviewed with something to do with Bora? Then what has Bora become that is deserving of an interview and why does that include Deok Sun's love life LOL? Drama these are the things I need to know. 


What kills me about adult DS is she comes off extremely air headed. Young DS was definitely not book smart, but I would call her an airhead. Maybe bora eneded up in politics. And DS whether she married Taek or JH, both look like good marriage topics for a look inside a politicians family? Air Force pilot or international baduk player. Omg either way DS marries well lol.

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:


Yes, the writer has done an amazing job.

Sometimes it is frustrating to read comments complaining that people favorite characters are suffering.  It feels like people don't understand that is what is suppose to happen.   There is no point in telling stories where characters are pretty, happy, and get what they want when they want it. The only place that makes sense is when you are drawing a picture book or children. 

Look, I'm going to be disappointed if the person I'm fulling for don't get the girl. I might even be bitter.  But art allows us to the have those feelings in a safe way then get back to reality.  The point of watching some of these drama is to fall in love with characters and suffer with them as they grow as people. Complaining about their suffering (this actually isn't a problem in this particular forum) it's like getting on a roller coaster and complaining because the ride is scary. Duh.

I write and have an MFA in it, but I wouldn't call myself writer because I went to school with writers and they are always writing.  They have to write like sharks have to swim. I'll write "creatively" if someones ask me to. I do academic writing because I thought something through and want to share it and its a part of my job progression requirement. 

I use to be inspired to write when something didn't make sense in the world and I want to create a world where I could fix it. Now I prefer to teach performance and supervise my student as they devise projects.  I don't "teach' writing right now because there are more accomplished playwrights in the department that do it and I have different specialities I can bring to the team.

But when it comes to writing, characters can be stubborn. I tend to be a late starter.  I do my first draft in my head. If I put a creative peice on paper too soon I'll never get the story done. For me , starting late allows the characters to mature so by the time I begin  they are grown enough to tell me who they are and what they want.



Haha you are absolutely right @hushhh

In the Matrix trilogy the 'world' doesn't work when the robot created happy giggly environment for human. They can not harvest them and human soon die just like that. Human do need suffer and striving to move a head and be the best of who they are. 

In JH's case, he's a little late because TK is already faced the real world in a such of young age. TK step aside because he love JH just as much as JH love TK. One thing that TK doesn't realize is that, that love is the biggest gun he could put on JH imaginary head (I say imaginary because it's all in JH mind) in this battle. TK didn't waved on it, instead he give up on it too, but the gun is still there. JH always thinks that TK is fragile, someone to look after, someone you should treat like a baby or a glass. He forget the fact TK is already facing something he don't, the real world. TK is stronger than any of them infact. 

If the end game is JH, he must come to the ground of realizing his own dream, be himself, and put a brave face on reality because it suck big time. TK might give up again when they have a talk about this, but I don't see the reason to. He give in once and JH didn't take the chance. Why should he now when he is ahead of the game? Because he love JH? Maybe. But don't you think it is out of character? He might give JH the same ground to start but give in is another world. If it's the case then JH is the better worthy. TK don't love DS that much and I read the situation wrong. 

Maybe the writer should try to put DS in the hospital for once and see who's the one get crazy the most and realize he can not live without her. 

You should write. It could be stressful but it could also be liberating. The way the characters bickering in your head is always the amazing part hehehe. And I see you got the gift on it. Please do try. The world is never enough of good writers, let alone the better ones. 

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25 minutes ago, Meliere said:

R88 is amazing in that it weaves together several narrative arcs. TK's arc can be read as an allegory of a single baduk match. SW's is about the metamorphosis of loss into attainment (it is through his father's death that he matures into a competent young man, falls for his BR, and gains an even larger family). In my opinion, JH's arc is a near-perfect bildungsroman (a.k.a. the coming of age story, the novel of education, the novel of formation etc...).   I know JH shippers like to jab @packmule3's silver pen straight in her eye, but please PLEASE give her credit for this amazing summary of JH's growth and characterization:

 you say it... agree with you. every single person here is amazing. they invest their time for writing and analyse. for example @Nikkaquarian amazingly  found the sewing machine in corner. two thumbs up for every one here. so lets together appreciate it. 

can you imagine if there is no other forum and everyone from JH x DS or DS x TK united in this forum? it's must be fun.

My heart is more broken into pieces.. if this show end. how can i spend my weekend without reply 1988? this show is so amazing. the cast, writernim, staff even the viewer are amazing. 

if I have three wishes one of them is reply 1988 get extra extension :P

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24 minutes ago, unkyung said:


What kills me about adult DS is she comes off extremely air headed. Young DS was definitely not book smart, but I would call her an airhead. Maybe bora eneded up in politics. And DS whether she married Taek or JH, both look like good marriage topics for a look inside a politicians family? Air Force pilot or international baduk player. Omg either way DS marries well lol.

With either guy she marries well as do they (our Deok Sun is a hell of a catch. She is not lying when she says her husband is lucky she agreed to marry him or something of the sort). I agree that adult Deok Sun sometimes does not feel like young Deok Sun at all. She does sometimes come off as an airhead (especially the first couple of flash forwards). I understand and get why they casted LMH but she really...I warm up to her, then she lets me down, then I warm up a bit, then she let me down again LOL. OMG the first time we meet adult DS and she does that dramatic hair flip and talking to the ceiling, and the hand movements.....I wanted to throttle her. Then in the flash forward where Bora extinguishes her cigarette in her ice-cream, she was so damn extra. I have seen LMH in other things and she is wonderful there, but here...it goes up and down and up and down. Sometimes she feels like Deok Sun and sometimes I feel I am watching a whole different person. I was okay with her most recent flash forward also the one with the pictures was pretty good. She felt like Deok Sun when she told the husband to choke on his water LOL. 

Still why is she being interviewed? Are they interviewing her about her marriage or her life? They seem to ask a lot of questions related to love and marriage. I ams starting to think she is in a documentary. Someone suggested it, and it would be pretty cool if it was Shiwon that was interviewing her. 

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this series is near the end. sorry i am getting sentimental here.

to shippers, non shippers, believers, non believers (hehehe). we can agree that this drama touches our hearts. 

i remember crying so much when DS granny died, laughing so hard when DR and JH omma joined the competition, feeling in love with all the lovelines etc

Congratulations to the cast and crew for bringing us a wonderful drama.

This page deserves a family picture. 






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I still cant get over how extremely excited i am for this weekends episodes NOW THAT MY MAIN SHIP HAS REACHED ITS FINAL DESTINATION SAFELY THROUGHOUT ALL THE SNOW AND RAINSTORMS hahahaha i am so happy right now omg. And about using TK's car for the wedding, it makes sense because TK and SW are technically brothers now, and by this it might imply that SW and BR decided to marry early, since they dont have enough to finance a luxurious wedding therefore TK let SW use the car! 

i have a stupid question that ive been wondering about for a while now while watching this series: Why do they never have clear water to drink at home? What is the brown beverage that they drink as "water"? Is it tea? but then i was wondering if it was tea, then it wouldnt be hot at all being kept in those glass pitchers all the time... Can someone enlighten me hehehe 

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5 hours ago, snowy21 said:

Spoiler ahead regarding the wedding scene and I don't know whether is it an official news as I got from the Chinese forum..

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It is said they are filming the last episode today. Today scene is DS wedding scene.. I thought it was the manager wedding scene.. anyway just take with a grain of salt..

edit: I know someone posted yesterday and today they were filming wedding scene in hotel..?



From what I read in this forum, it's said :



There's a news from one chinese media that they're filming a wedding scene that suppose to be Sunwoo and Bora's wedding at Yeongdeongpo Air Force Hall


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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

One thing that has been nagging at me is why exactly adult Deok Sun is being interviewed. I think last episode made it kind of clear that the interview is focused on her and not the husband so now I"m wondering why.


I also buggered by why she is being interviewed ~ I have no idea where I watched this (maybe happy together?) but there was a model who became popular for being the face of a Korean Airline in the 90s, I think this was through a TV advert. Maybe there was a crash and she was one of the staff on board to save passengers or like you said one of their kids/relatives is famous...So many possibilities, it's rather intriguing and gets my mind off the husband hunt :)  

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Recently, soompi released an article about the wedding spoilers, for those wondering about the chinese outlets talking about thr wedding spoilers as well, this is what soompi dug up... @a5p1n


Kim Kwang Jin, a member of the National Assembly, posted a tweet on his Twitter account revealing that “Reply 1988″ was filming Ryu Jun Yeol’s wedding scene at the Airforce Club. He said that if his tweet got retweeted over 1000 times he would reveal who he is getting married to.
After tweeting this spoiler, he received great criticism for revealing a spoiler despite the production team’s warnings against leaking spoilers. His tweet has been since deleted, and an apology has been posted as well.


And its pretty much confirmed that the indoor wedding pic is Sunwoo and Bora since DS and JH can be seen in the picture not very dressed up. the staff would be WAY more serious and pics of the main lovelines wedding was being leaked around like how SW-BR's are

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