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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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Ok, I liked many things about this episode but one thing that struck me is how great Dongryong is. Let me explain: already in last week's episode, Junghwan asked him about his father, now he asks him about his mother. Dongryong always has the right answer. Really interesting. I am looking forward to seeing if that is going to lead to sthg, like a possible future career or more interaction between the two, possibily in relation to DS...



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It shows in this episode how SW keeps refusing DS's help.  You won't do that with the girl you like.  Again the mannerism of the husband of the future doesn't fit SW at all.  He would have treated her like a princess. 

Anyway, regardless of all the shipping, JH slayed me tonight with the umbrella scene.  So swoon worthy.  We will get many more of these moments for sure.  Jealous JH doing the manly thing but yet unable to confess because he thinks that DS likes SW and vice versa ... but he won't be able to help himself.  At this point, I really don't see JH confessing at all.  It is not his style.  Like I said before, it is going to take a certain push factor for him to confess.  In the meantime, let's enjoy the ride.  The road to true love will be as bumpy as the bus.  :D:D:D

I'm so hoping his way of confessing will be to kiss her :wub:

I would really like that too.

JH has a bit of trash oppa style.  You see it in the way he shows love to his mom and to DS.  He does little things for them to make them happy but not he doesn't need to take any credit for it.  As long as he sees the person he loves smiles that's enough.  And I hate to break this news to you but reply has a habit of having their serious kiss in ep 13 or 14 so it is still a long way to go.  

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Just finished watching the episode! I'll translate what they say so you can watch it and understand faster. Also, since dramafever subs as always I'll just translate the most important or funny parts imo so enjoy :D

Part 1.

As DS's dad walks home the family waits for him. NL says he might come late because of the demo and stuff. As a student pretends to be close to DS's dad to get away from the police, he helps him out and the student thanks him later on. DS's dad gives him money to buy something to eat (again?lol), tells him to go home and wash up and they both go home.

When BR comes home from a demo her dad fights with her screaming Did you loose your mind? Don't go around and participate in a f*** demo bla bla bla and BR screams back You don't know anything! You can't do anything about me going. I didn't do anything wrong. bla bla bla And her mom just shows how she's so worried and asks her if she wants her favourite food (fried egg) since she cannot go to bed without eating something (Awww) but her dad screams that she doesn't deserve any food and that they should all not give her food or water until she comes begging for mercy and admitting that she was in the wrong.

Later on, the moms talk together. DS's complains about the situation. JH's mom says BR and her dad seem to be distant if she's the eldest daughter (her dad's pride). DS's mom denies it and says they're really close. SW's mom says it's all BR's fault since she's going on demos. She says BR's scary lol. JH's mom butts in and says But she will make it big later on. She's not like other kids and SW's mom agrees. She's not normal. DS's mom says that she doesn't hope for much. Just if BR doesn't get kicked out of school later on, that would be good. They then talk about the CF actor. DS's mom says that their sons will imitade the CF for sure. Hope they won't get hurt. Cut to: SW breaking his leg trying to do the CF move lol.

Part 2 soon!

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i think i might stay neutral on shipping this time...i was so brokenhearted last time with chilbong huhu...took me a long time to recover haha just for a drama :sweatingbullets: JH, SW, TK even DR are just too adorable and all of them are eligible candidates for DS though...i love their friendships..would love to see more bromances from them hehe :wub: 

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Guest beastrbae


I would really like that too.

JH has a bit of trash oppa style.  You see it in the way he shows love to his mom and to DS.  He does little things for them to make them happy but not he doesn't need to take any credit for it.  As long as he sees the person he loves smiles that's enough.  And I hate to break this news to you but reply has a habit of having their serious kiss in ep 13 or 14 so it is still a long way to go.  

Oh no.. why do you have to rain on my parade? T_T JUST KIDDING. I've seen the kisses in '97 and '94 and boy were they passionate and intense.. I just hope the writers will go down the same route and will be thanking my lucky stars if they do that even if it's gonna take a long time. I trust Ryu Joon Yeol's skills, so he better not disappoint!! Those thick lips aren't for naught right??  Why am I thinking about this when it's not even confirmed that they'll be together.. >_>


@Love1403, thank you dear for that appreciation post of JH's hot body. I've been busy oogling at his proportions only to miss the point you made about him holding the snack like how smokers hold their ciggarette. Ryu Joon Yeol has a mighty fine body even without visible abs. /drool

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Part 2: You will probably be angry after reading this sourcery. SW's mom is so pitiful ㅠㅠ

Later outside JH's mom rants about how she (the mother in law) shouldn't come anymore because obvious reasons and SW's mom just is like I don't care anymore... When JH's mom asks her if she doesn't have new clothes for the visit, she just says Nope I'll just wear whatever.

Jump to SW's mother in law coming for a visit. The MIL tells SW to call if he needs anything. She then inspects the house and says You don't have any rice left? to SW's mom who's sitting there with JJ.

SW's mom: I'll buy some today.

MIL: You should buy more before you run out...

SWM: I'll do it how I want to.

MIL: Sigh...Why is SW so thin? Don't you care for your son? And also, look at you. Don't you have any other clothes besides what you're wearing? Nag Nag Nag Why is this place so cold? Don't you have any charcoal? What if the kids get a cold? What do you do at home the whole day anyway? Do you earn money? Go to work? Grabbing onto my son and raising the kids like whatever.

SWM: We live well. I'm also raising my son well by myself. Don't you worry.

MIL: How can I not worry when you live like this? Nag Nag Nag Why did my son marry something like this? Just what did I do wrong in my previous life to deserve being involved with a person like you?

SWM: Mother, why are you talking like that? I too, am the precious daughter of my mother. If my mom knew what I had to listen to right now she would cry tears of blood. Even if it's just that she would be too pitiful (crying tears of blood) I won't listen to this anymore. Mother, don't come again from now on. I will raise my kids well and get them college education even if I have to shave my head. Even if I can't buy my son new shoes everyday I won't starve him, buy him pretty clothes so he won't feel embarrassed. So please, mother, don't come again! Even if you come again, I won't show you my face or my kids faces!

MIL goes but gives her money: Buy new clothes for the kids. 

SWM: Forget it.

MIL: Who said this is for you? It's for my kids.

SWM gives it back: I don't need it. I'll buy them clothes with my money. Goodbye.

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Guest nchoerunnisa

Ok, I liked many things about this episode but one thing that struck me is how great Dongryong is. Let me explain: already in last week's episode, Junghwan asked him about his father, now he asks him about his mother. Dongryong always has the right answer. Really interesting. I am looking forward to seeing if that is going to lead to sthg, like a possible future career or more interaction between the two, possibily in relation to DS...



Let's just say that DR lives up to his reputation. DS introduced him as their block's "COUNSELOR" at the 1st episode. So this is not surprising actually, but still, It did not failed to impress me :). He seems like someone who fools around so much. But he understand his neighbors character very well shows us that he actually is quite observant and smart.

This is one of the reason why I love reply 1988. Everyone is so layered. Just like JH who seemed like one of the cool guys but then we saw him dancing some silly dance. Or SW who seemed like a boring nice guy but then we saw him joining his friends to watch racy movie at theater, drinking liquor, and cursing.

I looooooooooooove the idea of DR and DS being couple. But, I gave up on it because I know the chance is way too slim.

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It's not once to tell abt Jung Hwan as he waited n gave Duk Sun his umbrella, there is one more. If U give attention U will discover that although he was asleep, he wait on his table until Duk Sun came back home from the study room. His light was off right after Duk Sun family's light n her goodnight words out louder ter her parents. Jung Hwan is such a warm boy ^^

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I would really like that too.

JH has a bit of trash oppa style.  You see it in the way he shows love to his mom and to DS.  He does little things for them to make them happy but not he doesn't need to take any credit for it.  As long as he sees the person he loves smiles that's enough.  And I hate to break this news to you but reply has a habit of having their serious kiss in ep 13 or 14 so it is still a long way to go.  

Oh no.. why do you have to rain on my parade? T_T JUST KIDDING. I've seen the kisses in '97 and '94 and boy were they passionate and intense.. I just hope the writers will go down the same route and will be thanking my lucky stars if they do that even if it's gonna take a long time. I trust Ryu Joon Yeol's skills, so he better not disappoint!! Those thick lips aren't for naught right??  Why am I thinking about this when it's not even confirmed that they'll be together.. >_>


I am anticipating Korean version of nine and a half weeks on that wall. 

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Call me sentimental, but my eyes just get watery when JH handed that umbrella to DS.. omg.. that is very swoon-worthy to me.. makes me weak in the knees.. it's just total selfless act by him. He's worried she will get soaked with the rain.. he even told her not to go home late.. the way he gently taking her hand because she's hesitating.. wow.. so gentleman and so manly..

I agree with the one saying he's a bit similar to Trash oppa. Trash was also subtle in showing his affection, but sure is swoon-worthy. And also, Trash also makes me a bit teary when he was hugging NJ in the hospital and when he wouldnt allow NJ to cook dinner because it's her deceased brother's anniversary.. small gestures, but very powerful and moving. I was right about Nareki, and I'm going to be right about JH-DS (still think of the couple name..) So that's why I'm not worried about love triangle, because JH is the one who's worrying for DS the most. And she can be herself in front of him. She didnt bother to powder her face or hiding her messy self, because he sees her the way she is.

He still will be loving her in later years, when all of them drifted apart and living their own life.. I'm sure in later episodes, when they're all working and going on to their next chapter of life, things will change.. their friendship wont be as tight as they used to be.. feelings will change.. but I'm sure JH will still be loving her.. I already sense his feelings for her will last for a looong time. Only need DS to realize her feelings later, though. JH sure will be the one she chose to spend her life with. Gah, sorry.. it's only 5 episodes, and I'm emotionally invested.. totally.

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Part 3:

Taek comes out and tells his dad that there's no warm water running. JH's mom sees him and gives him some seafood stew she made. Firstly she explains how to warm it up again and stuff but sees that Taek doesn't understand a word. On the way out JH sees him. Taek asks why he isn't at school and JH says It's sunday... When they both go out JH sees DS and says Open you eyes, damn! DS greets Taek and he asks her if she didn't sleep good, DS says Yeah.

SW comes by and asks DS for something again. JH asks him why he's walking around with his leg. When DS says SW, you wait here, I'll get you what you want. SW says It's OK, I can walk a bit and follows (-> Pretty obvious now that SW likes BR. Why would he want to follow her in otherwise?)

When DS's parents and NL watch the LMY CF NL says LMY is the same age as DS but they're so different... if I only had LMY as a big sister instead... DS's parents say What? She's the same age as DS? Our DS is 100, 1000 times prettier anyways! (Awww)

JH's mom goes away to bring her mom to a hospital because she hurt her ankle while hiking. 

DS's family eats dinner while watching the news about a demo. DS's dad rants about how the students could do that to their parents knowing it would tear their heart apart. NL and DS see BR in the news and try to distract their parents from looking, but they failed. Seeing BR in the news, DS's mom says What should we do about our BR? BR comes home and her mom says OMG BR The fact that you're home now is enough! Her dad screams again and asks BR Don't you care about your mother? Why go on demos? Explain! Excuse yourself! You're grounded until you won't go on demos again and beg for mercy. DSM: Just apologize now! BR: I did nothing wrong! 

Later on, DR &DS were talking about BR. DS says What if she gets caught by the police, she would get a criminal record... DR: Don't worry, if she gets a record every other student would, too. Even if she gets caught, she would just have to write a letter of apology and be released. JH comes in and asks what they are doing. DR says they were just talking between friends. DS goes to go to a study room. JH says At this time? The sun already went down. DS: I'll come home until 12am. DR: It's dangerous out there that late. Just give up on going to college like me. DS goes anyway, arguing that the study room is nearby. DR takes a phonecall, it's JH's dad calling JH because he's hungry lol. Later on, JH tries to stay awake until he hears DS come home. (Awww)

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It's not once to tell abt Jung Hwan as he waited n gave Duk Sun his umbrella, there is one more. If U give attention U will discover that although he was asleep, he wait on his table until Duk Sun came back home from the study room. His light was off right after Duk Sun family's light n her goodnight words out louder ter her parents. Jung Hwan is such a warm boy ^^

Yes, I couldn't be sure just watching that scene but after the umbrella scene, it sure looks like he is waiting for her to get home safely every night.  


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I would really like that too.

JH has a bit of trash oppa style.  You see it in the way he shows love to his mom and to DS.  He does little things for them to make them happy but not he doesn't need to take any credit for it.  As long as he sees the person he loves smiles that's enough.  And I hate to break this news to you but reply has a habit of having their serious kiss in ep 13 or 14 so it is still a long way to go.  

Oh no.. why do you have to rain on my parade? T_T JUST KIDDING. I've seen the kisses in '97 and '94 and boy were they passionate and intense.. I just hope the writers will go down the same route and will be thanking my lucky stars if they do that even if it's gonna take a long time. I trust Ryu Joon Yeol's skills, so he better not disappoint!! Those thick lips aren't for naught right??  Why am I thinking about this when it's not even confirmed that they'll be together.. >_>


@Love1403, thank you dear for that appreciation post of JH's hot body. I've been busy oogling at his proportions only to miss the point you made about him holding the snack like how smokers hold their ciggarette. Ryu Joon Yeol has a mighty fine body even without visible abs. /drool

oh really ?i don't know about it because i never watch reply 94 and 97 before.. But  It's okay i can wait for the kiss as long PD and wrternim give us more bickering and sweet moment of JH and DS..

*DS,why don't you notice that HJ also Have a 'bare, rock hard chest' same as the love story novel you read in ep 2*

Btw, @lelee thank you so much for translation chingu.. 

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Part 4: Prepare to cry at this translation ㅠㅠ

SW's grandma calls and says she'll come visit tommorrow. SW's mom panicks and cleans everything, borrowing food & charcoal from JH's dad to look well off. When SW's grandma comes she gives her dishes she cooked and just stays for less than 10 min. SW's mom tries to get her to stay longer but she won't. At last, she asks where the toilet is and leaves afterwards. When SW's mom sees the letter her mom let her she cries (or laughts?lol). The letter read:

To my nice and pretty daughter,

Mom didn't have much money to give to you.

Buy a pretty dress for yourself.

My lovely daughter, don't live in guilt.

You did nothing wrong.

Take care of yourself.

When going out later, she sees her clothes with holes hanging outside, which her mom probably saw.

DS's mom comes home from the rain and sees that her husband's sleeping and BR sneaked out. She panicks and asks around if anyone saw BR. All say no. BR is chased by two cops when her mom comes to her rescue in the rain. She says she did nothing but the cops don't believe her.

DS's mom: Our daughter did nothing wrong. You can't take her away. Do you even know my daughter? She's the smartest at school. She's always 1st place at school. She got into Seoul Uni on the first try. Her dream as a child was to be a lawyer and she was qualified to go to law school but she choose the cheaper way (go to Seoul Uni with a scholarship) so her parents don't have to worry about money anymore. She got in without a tutor even! You know Seoul Uni, right? The uni where only the smartest kids in whole Korea can get into. Our daughter is like that. She even got prices in high school and ...( don't understand that part because she talks so fast but it's about how nice BR is too)


Then, BR says she's sorry for what she did. Her mom denies that she did anything wrong before the cops carry her away.

SW's grandpa? brother? calls that night and she asks to get her mom to the phone. Seeing the letter SW' mom only cries through the phone. SW and JJ come out and look worried.

Edited the part, sorry and thanks to @blue_angel_1004 for pointing it out! ^^;;;;

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It's not once to tell abt Jung Hwan as he waited n gave Duk Sun his umbrella, there is one more. If U give attention U will discover that although he was asleep, he wait on his table until Duk Sun came back home from the study room. His light was off right after Duk Sun family's light n her goodnight words out louder ter her parents. Jung Hwan is such a warm boy ^^

Yeah! this scene was really nice detail. His character is very natural. I really like watching JH's love.

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It was 2AM when he left home to wait for Deoksun in the rain and brought her the umbrella.... Where do we even find a guy like Junghwan in real life?? ㅜㅜ





Caps cr; @phadungpon 
And yeah it seems Sunwoo even with a broken leg wants to go see Bora. And I wonder how he will react when he know about her participating in demonstration and getting hurt? If he was to confess to her one day, I think she would reject him because of her position and she doesn't want to drag him into her issueㅜㅜ 

I feel sorry for Bora because just a year ago, in 1987 her sunbae from Seoul National University was killed by torture from the policemen during interrogation which lead to a big uproar from the students and civilians.

I feel sad cause initially so many people really disliked her character. But I can understand like why she was not supporting the olympics 88 and at times her frustration went toward Deoksun who are kind of ignorant or careless about the current political situation in Korea at that time. But we could still see Bora secretly listen to the olympics when Deoksun was on TV. She cares about her lil sister, even though she act mean toward her at times.

I also understand Bora's motivation for protesting and standing up for democracy. And it's really interesting how she thrives to be an lawyer. I just came to remember former Korean president Roh Moo Hyun who was himself a human rights lawyer before he became president, and he also defended a case for students who was tortured and falsely accused to be activists, when they were simply participating in book clubs to study.

Thus I find Bora character really interesting and also brave. I hope we will see more of her story.

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Part 5: The last part, even tho I didn't want to translate everything, I wrote... much lol

JH's mom comes home, the men brag about how they did everything alone and don't need her. JH's mom gets sad and JH asks DR why that is later on. DR gives him a tip again. Now comes the funniest part yet lol

JH hurts JB so mom can nurse him, he does a mess in his room so he can ask his mom where his shorts are, he breaks the charcoal when his dad tries to do it alone so he can call his mom to help his dad. His mom nags and says How can you live without me here? >:D His dad says We men would be trash without you haha and everyone is happy again lol

Skip to DS's voiceover. When you want to comfort your mom with whom you are so close that you don't even say I love you and Thank you anymore, and you want to make your mom happy, just say I need you, mom. That's enough for her.

JH waits until 2am for DS who fell asleep in the study room again lol. It's raining and thundering (?) and JH decides to wait outside to give her his umbrella. He gives her his and tells her to come home early from now on. (If DS still doesn't get it after this...seriously)

The next day, SW comes to DS's house when JH sees him and  SW says he came to borrow needles for sewing. JH says he wanted to buy something and SW says he has some so they go to SW's house together. SW goes to the toilet first and while waiting in his room, JH looks through his books and says Woah, he even organized his books alphabetically. What a pervert. (lol wut?) he then sees that SW borrowed a book from DS that he already has. SW comes in, asks JH if he wants something to drink and JH sees his mom sewing while he still has DS needle set in his hand. Dam Dam Daaaaaaaam.

The preview:

SW: I have someone that I like.

DS: I think he/she/it will do it soon. I have a feeling. 

      It's time that He/she/it should call...

SW's mom: ???

SW: DS, should I make another bowl of ramyun? It doesn't take that long.

JH: Tch, bastard..

SW: Ah, sit down.

JH: Forget it, I don't care about another person's romantic relationships.

DR: I think that this time our Taek isn't feeling good. He's not in a good condition. 

Some chinese announcing.

Taek's dad: Taek is strangers with baduk now, too. (Not sure about this)

SW's mom: Do you want to bet? Is it gonna come?

DS's mom: It will come, you wait. (I guess they're talking about snow?)

SW: DS~!

DS: On the day of the first snow! Confess on the first day it snows, ok?


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Guest kiyeujay

It was 2AM when he left home to wait for Deoksun in the rain and brought her the umbrella.... Where do we even find a guy like Junghwan in real life?? ㅜㅜ


Caps cr; @phadungpon 
And yeah it seems Sunwoo even with a broken leg wants to go see Bora. And I wonder how he will react when he know about her participating in demonstration and getting hurt? If he was to confess to her one day, I think she would reject him because of her position and she doesn't want to drag him into her issueㅜㅜ 

I feel sorry for Bora because just a year ago, in 1987 her sunbae from Seoul National University was killed by torture from the policemen during interrogation which lead to a big uproar from the students and civilians.

I feel sad cause initially so many people really disliked her character. But I can understand like why she was not supporting the olympics 88 and at times her frustration went toward Deoksun who are kind of ignorant or careless about the current political situation in Korea at that time. But we could still see Bora secretly listen to the olympics when Deoksun was on TV. She cares about her lil sister, even though she act mean toward her at times.

I also understand Bora's motivation for protesting and standing up for democracy. And it's really interesting how she thrives to be an lawyer. I just came to remember former Korean president Roh Moo Hyun who was himself a human rights lawyer before he became president, and he also defended a case for students who was tortured and falsely accused to be activists, when they were simply participating in book clubs to study.

Thus I find Bora character really interesting and also brave. I hope we will see more of her story.

+10000000000 , that's why I like Bora most, I also hope there will be more her story. Her character isn't easy to understand, we have to remove each covered layer to recognize her. Her moment is rare but it's really insightful, the way she silently cares DS news at Olympic, the way she cares and consoles her  brother and sister.. . If SW falls for her, I can understand. :)

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