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[Drama 2015] I Remember You 너를 기억해


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@kdramafan43v3r I saw them too, its a 16 episode drama, how much faster would they like things to be. We pretty much have an idea about the general scenario of the drama, I guess the pace will significantly increase now. That victim of the 10th symphony wasn't just discussed for nothing. I'm sure the action and central mystery will pick up and take center stage now. They have only 6 episodes left for the love of God! I didn't respond there because I felt it would just upset people.

And one more things, in the HS recap, I saw more people discussing IRY than HS. That speaks a lot about popularity among us International viewers. And I don't think domestic viewers don't watch it is true. They probably watch it later not while it airs. People rely more on recording or watching later on Internet these days, and I can bet the demography for this show by US standards is probably higher for 18-29. 

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so I went to read DB recaps from ep 1 to current as quickly as I possibly can. Just to recap and make sure I didn't forget stuff, not sure if it's even possible :D Had to restrain myself from writing the kind of mindmap or crime map that you see investigators do ...except that I don't have a cool glass board like they do, LOL. 

And guess what...came up with monstrously crazy scenarios and more questions!!! Aaaaaargghh.....got to go for meeting, be back again.....

and what is this about slow pace? Yeah, someone said this in DB. Honestly I don't know what the commentator is talking about, she couldn't pin point it herself. A figment of imagination? 

So far, I am happy with the pace, it's not like a bullet train but pace is secondary to how a good story is being told, not an end in itself. I see this one as a brain picker than a thriller. Looking at some of the dramas airing now. this one has the least plotholes, least pretentiousness and least stupidity,

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LJY  left those messages and the poem in a fishing magazine what could be the meaning?? I mean they pay so much attention to every detail so it must mean something right??

i think hyun called the magazine and posted the ad himself so that he can announce to LJY that he has finally received the message. Should we meet? He's telling LJY this.

I should be working but my mind is still on this drama! Show!, what have you done to me? 

Asking brilliant chingus here since my brains are fried... 

- why do we think that LJY has something to do with Lee Hyun's mother's death? 

- was Min the one who drew the 2 eye symbol? I know my memory is so bad and I can't go back to check now. 

I don't know if I am thinking too hard but I feel there's more than meets the eye because Coroner has already been outed as LJY and also Min. What else does this writer have in store for us? 

i know right? I should be working too. Yes the eye/infinite symbol is minls trademark ever since he was a child. He puts it in all his paintings and young min told young hyun about it in the first few episodes. The drama showed us that the dead bodies have the same markings, making us think that min killed them. Still, we can't be sure because based on the previous case, the girl accomplice did not kill, she only cleans the body out of guilt. So if we assume that Min has the susceptibility mental syndromes as well, as hyun doubts, then it's possible that someone else (perhaps ljy?) does the killing while min only cleans bodies. We have this theory because we think all the previous cases show some light on the dynamics between ljy and min in a parallel sense. I think that was why it was important from the writing perspective to make the girl accomplice encounter the pathologist/ljy in the previous episode to show that he has an effect on people with such a syndrome. Plus, the syndrome was extensively discussed so I think the writers did it for a reason... If so, i wonder if Min's loyalties are transferring back to Hyun now that he's back in his life...

But the girl was the one who tortured the kidnapped women...

That's true. Meaning Min isn't exempted at all. Just because he doesn't kill, it doesn't mean he isn't a "monster"... 

so I went to read DB recaps from ep 1 to current as quickly as I possibly can. Just to recap and make sure I didn't forget stuff, not sure if it's even possible :D Had to restrain myself from writing the kind of mindmap or crime map that you see investigators do ...except that I don't have a cool glass board like they do, LOL. 

And guess what...came up with monstrously crazy scenarios and more questions!!! Aaaaaargghh.....got to go for meeting, be back again.....

and what is this about slow pace? Yeah, someone said this in DB. Honestly I don't know what the commentator is talking about, she couldn't pin point it herself. A figment of imagination? 

So far, I am happy with the pace, it's not like a bullet train but pace is secondary to how a good story is being told, not an end in itself. I see this one as a brain picker than a thriller. Looking at some of the dramas airing now. this one has the least plotholes, least pretentiousness and least stupidity,

I liked one reply to that comment: Episodde 9 was laying groundwork. She must have felt that lack of plot movement, but actually there's simply a re laying out of the premises. 

@kdramafan43v34 This is the second drama I've been on where commenters on DB have an entirely different perspective from commenters on soompi. I'm beginning to wonder why.

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5.0 ratings from yesterday's episode.

Waaaaaa it's because of that kissing scene man :P

But none of us expected this kiss scene.  I guess everyone is curious on how Lee Hyun will go about saving Ji-An.  I hope ep 11 rating will go up even more, coz everyone will be waiting to see how Lee Hyun reacts to Ji-An's surprise confession & kiss.

Kudos to PD & Writer!  This kiss scene is so well written.

Don't quote pictures, gifs, videos

so in love with those posters.. gukkie looks mature and manly even sexy.. 

that kiss! Hmmm.. it's remind me of Kang Woo.. But, SIG truly awesome for this role,, 

i have no ideas to say,, but more become crazy of him ^_^  hope guys wont bored to read this,, hahaha ^_^

Have to be patience for the next 3 weeks before it ends :tears:

The Team  is great,, one by one the secrets become clear but feel so sorry for what happened to hyun and min

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So, I once again sneaked back in here for a quick catch-up of what I missed. I love all your posts and insights. Wish I would have enought time to join your discussions more often.

As @Mau_Cherry said the ones used here seem to be put together with a purpose. But if one reads the original German lines the first two mourn the fact that his children died before him while the last two lines actually mean that he felt like he could not prevent it from happing he did not have a say in this situation, leaving him feeling helpless.

And its a good description of the situation of both brothers after the death of their father as well. But taking into account the background of these poems I actually think JY may have one taboo and that is killing children. He may uses them for their psychological experiment but he is did not kill them although they are witnesses to his crimes and we learned he never left a trace behind before and most likely also afterwards.

And there is another reason why I do think killing children may be his taboo and that is JA. If her father is one of his victims could it nor be that he may had a picture of his daughter in his wallet and that JY found it. If JY and the pathologist really are the same person why is he so close to JA. Could it be that children are his only weakness ans he has the urge to look out after them like he seemed to have for JA (in case he is fully aware of her being the daughter of one of his victims and I think he is).


Man! I love your post!  Particularly about the german poem... I don't know why but I'm reading it as LJY's feelings. Sort of like he's saying: "I'm misunderstood. The bodies have gone but you see there's nothing I can do about it. I can't help my self." 

I didn't see it coming but your point about the children is highly possible. It could be that LJY had felt misunderstood as a child and is looking for company in children he thinks he can "save". This could explain why he looks at both Min and Hyun with fondness, if we're assuming that the pathologist is LJY.  In such a case, viewing the kids all grown up now, he must have some sort of weird satisfaction like any parent except he's a bit psycho. I wonder if the family in the pictures at his house is real to an extent, and I wonder if they're going to make an appearance towards the later part of the drama...

I love your post! Please come around again. Work is such a hindrance to dramalife! :D


 Thanx. I like your train of thought as well and I kept wondering about his supposed family, too. If they are real, couldn't it be that our creepy medical examines did actually send them away on purpose. If children are his weakness and killing children is his taboo he may saw the need to secure his own child - from his own psycho tendencies (as in he may could harm them mother and that would be bad for his child) but also from those he is studying (LH, JA, Min) and maybe toying with and who may be able to catch him. So he sealed his own weakness by sending them away that they could not be used against him.


Intriguing analysis! I wonder if it matters now that hyun, min and ji an are all grown up. Will LJY spare them when they get closer to catching him?


I sure hope he will cause as many others pointed out already he sometimes even seem to help them in his own twisted ways. Like when he helped LH by giving him the information about the authopsy results all the while knowing he is the main suspect at that time. Maybe he is actually playing this game to be found and to have someone worthy that could end him. If @kimnabong is right with her guess that the peom could also be read as how LY feels he may actually be aware that there is no help for him and that the only way to give him peace would be someone catching and maybe even killing him (cause being behind bars did not stop him the last time around as well). Maybe that is also one reason why he could have brought his family to live abraod. So they do not have to deal with the aftermath and fallout of his double-life and may remember him more positively cause they (hopefully) never saw his bad side.   

LJY  left those messages and the poem in a fishing magazine what could be the meaning?? I mean they pay so much attention to every detail so it must mean something right??


I thought about that as well and I agree with you that everyy little detail is important about this show. This is why I actually think it is maybe connected with two other information we were already given in the last episodes. The first connection would be with the 'murder without a corpse' discussion and the way Min (and maybe the young LY as well) used the seabed as the MO for ensuring that there are no corpes. So when the team was at the harbour you could see the fishing boats in the background. The second one is actually from the first murderer when they first got it wrong with decoding the second semaphore message and the coordinates showed them a spot in the middle of the sea as well. The murderer was also the owner of a yacht so there would have been the possibility that he could have used it to dispose this corpses if he would have thought about it. But if the medical examiner/LY really is into fishing it may not be the fishing but having a boat that comes in handy in how he got rid of his corpses. Considering the fact that he always left clues (also for the police lady) he may have been confident enough to give this hint about his MO knowing that she would not be smart enough to catch on.

But that's once again just a few thought that crossed my mind. No it's time to refocus on work once again. See you later

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HI what the name of the song at the last episode?



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14. Do not bump pages so that your thread will remain on the first page of the forum. There is no need to echoe the same replies such as "he's hot!", "can't wait for the next episode!" or "why no preview?!" to establish your point. If you're going to make a post, say something intelligible or of substance.    

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Can I throw out some questions, some theories, and challenge why it won't work? Some are interlinked and some independent

1) Min didn't draw those creepy drawings because he's a monster in making. He drew them from witnessing his mother's murder. 

2) The two headed two eye symbol points to duality. Is it good brother and bad brother? or did Min mean split personality? And I infer that little Min was unlikely to see that in a child a.k.a. himself or his brother but in an adult. Who is that adult? By the way, can someone tell me what the numbers on the t-shirt mean? it was 6919. Why would a child write random numbers? Car plate, date???

3) There's more to Chief Hyun's involvement. Could she be secretly in love with Prof Lee? Or did she want to silence him because of her conspiracy with LJY and she sent LJY to do the deed? 

4) Min has a partner in crime which is not Joon Ho. The guy who fought with Ji an looked younger, got a feeling it's Eun-Bok. Maybe the 2 met in the orphanage

5) Talk about orphanage, I think perhaps LJY didn't raise Min. He could have spent time with him briefly but I think Min was raised by someone else. Min could be placed in orphanage anonymously and then picked up by someone influential enough to erase the records. 

6) Prosecutor Shin asked Min to be his "body" and I think that whack on Hyun's head was instructed by Shin. However, no idea why Shin turned up dead later. 

7) What was it that Yang wanted to tell Hyun before he died. I got a feeling it was something to do with a cover up on his father's death or something within the police force. 

8) the way murders are carried out, corpses rid off and crime unsolved for more than a decade indicates it's no work of a lone psychopath or simple murderer. 

9) If Joon Ho is not working with Min, then what's Joon Ho and Min relationship? So far, we assume LJY a,k,a Joon Ho raised Min and influenced him towards the psychopathic murder that Min is today and presumably both are in the killings. Could it be different? 

10) I am not 100% convinced that LJY was and is a killer. He could be jailed because of Prosecutor Shin whose methods are less than above board. As creepy as LJY is, can he be just someone who is highly intelligent with a troubled past or family woes and society made him a scapegoat? Hence his resentment towards the enforcers?

11) If LJY killed Prof Lee, what was his motive? Did he kill for pleasure? Did he go and look for Hyun but show didn't show him trying. 

12) Why was little Min so quick in escaping? Did this happened before? Some scuffle took place at home? 

13) Is Ji An's father dead or alive? He disappeared but there was no concrete proof he's dead. We presumed he's dead since he never appeared and searched for his daughter? 

14) How did LJY get a fake ambulance and accomplice. The set up is very elaborate. 

15) I missed this part - was purple flowers present in the scene of Hyun's mother's death? If they were, how can there be such a long connection? If Min is the one responsible for the purple flowers, then how do we explain the early appearance when it could not be Min. 

16) Who exactly is this Hyun's friend who is greatly indebted to him? 

17) Is Joon Ho really LJY? 

18) Is Dad as innocent as he looked? Could he have killed his wife? Could LJY recognize the monster in him? Was he afraid of LJY telling his son? Was he afraid of his son becoming a monster like him while he thought he could control his inner monster? 

there's more wacky stuff but i think i have rambled enough :D 



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LJY  left those messages and the poem in a fishing magazine what could be the meaning?? I mean they pay so much attention to every detail so it must mean something right??


I thought about that as well and I agree with you that everyy little detail is important about this show. This is why I actually think it is maybe connected it with two other information we were already given in the last episodes. Thefirst connection would be with the 'murder without a corpse' discussion and the way Min (and maybe as the young LY as well) used the seabed as the MO for ensuring that there are no corpes. So when the team was at the harbour you could se the fishing boats in the background. The second one is catually from the first muderer when they first got it wrong with decoding the message the second semaphore message wrong and the coordinates showed them a spot in the middle of the sea as well. The murderer was also the owner of a yacht so there would have been the possibility that he could have used it to dispose this corpses if he would have thought about it. But if the medical examiner/LY really is into fishing it may not be the fishing but having a boat that comes in handy in how he got rid of his corpses. Considering the fact that he always left clues (also for the police lady) he may have been confident enough to give thsi hint about his MO knowing that she would not be smart enough to catch on.

But that's once again just a few thought that crossed my mind. No it's time to refocus on work once again. See you later

that`s a good theory there it makes sense hopfully we will find out in the future episodes...see you later :)

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Very intriguing thoughts @ mrdimples 
The hard fact about this drama is that we've got no way of knowing ahead. It is purposely leaving out the things that can help us conclude something, plus it throws out a lot of random red herrings (which may not be red herrings at all). I am with you though in thinking that there is quite a gap between LJY and Min (assuming LJY is Joon Ho). Something is up with them. I don't know why I'm so convinced that LJY is Jon Hoo, but I am. But I also have this feeling that they may have severed their connection with each other at some point. The Prosecutor was so bent in framing LJY, while he himself was also a psychopath. (I think he discussed this with Hyun in that episode he got whacked on the head). Perhaps, did LJY simply plan an elaborate revenge against the man who framed him? Could the prosecutor have been the last body out of 9 murders? Note that Jon Hoo initiated that particular topic during the dinner. I don't know why Min was insinuating that "baseball can have extra innings"... Perhaps, was he saying LJY/Jon Hoo will kill again? Or was he saying "he'll" kill again? Or perhaps that "they'll" kill again? Curiously, all those 9 murders (minus the bookkeeper) happened at the dates that Hyun was in Korea. That plus the revelation of the "fishing" magazines in the last episode could be tied together. @ Lady_Fay's observation is truly very intriguing. There's a consistency between the docks, the coordinates, and the fishing magazines. 

No. 4 in your list is very intriguing and No, 12 has been bothering me for a while too. Another part about that was how the kid tended to talk to himself loudly in that sequence. "A man came here to kill us!". He wasn;t the least afraid, he was probably even slightly excited like it was a game. Was he so broken by his mother's murder that he thought it was a casual thing?

Then again, there are soooooooooooo many questions. None of any of it, other than Min's identity, has been blatantly clarified. The huge puzzle pieces are being saved for last. This drama is driving me nuts!

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Cutie little min, why r u not a simple loving brother? Nowadays, it really bother me how to educate little children, hoping they don't wasted after grow up. 

Too much question to answer. Haven't watch 100% the latest two episode yet:tears:. Time is precious. Download 1st, watch later

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Can I throw out some questions, some theories, and challenge why it won't work? Some are interlinked and some independent

1) Min didn't draw those creepy drawings because he's a monster in making. He drew them from witnessing his mother's murder. 

2) The two headed two eye symbol points to duality. Is it good brother and bad brother? or did Min mean split personality? And I infer that little Min was unlikely to see that in a child a.k.a. himself or his brother but in an adult. Who is that adult? By the way, can someone tell me what the numbers on the t-shirt mean? it was 6919. Why would a child write random numbers? Car plate, date???

3) There's more to Chief Hyun's involvement. Could she be secretly in love with Prof Lee? Or did she want to silence him because of her conspiracy with LJY and she sent LJY to do the deed? 

4) Min has a partner in crime which is not Joon Ho. The guy who fought with Ji an looked younger, got a feeling it's Eun-Bok. Maybe the 2 met in the orphanage

5) Talk about orphanage, I think perhaps LJY didn't raise Min. He could have spent time with him briefly but I think Min was raised by someone else. Min could be placed in orphanage anonymously and then picked up by someone influential enough to erase the records. 

6) Prosecutor Shin asked Min to be his "body" and I think that whack on Hyun's head was instructed by Shin. However, no idea why Shin turned up dead later. 

7) What was it that Yang wanted to tell Hyun before he died. I got a feeling it was something to do with a cover up on his father's death or something within the police force. 

8) the way murders are carried out, corpses rid off and crime unsolved for more than a decade indicates it's no work of a lone psychopath or simple murderer. 

9) If Joon Ho is not working with Min, then what's Joon Ho and Min relationship? So far, we assume LJY a,k,a Joon Ho raised Min and influenced him towards the psychopathic murder that Min is today and presumably both are in the killings. Could it be different? 

10) I am not 100% convinced that LJY was and is a killer. He could be jailed because of Prosecutor Shin whose methods are less than above board. As creepy as LJY is, can he be just someone who is highly intelligent with a troubled past or family woes and society made him a scapegoat? Hence his resentment towards the enforcers?

11) If LJY killed Prof Lee, what was his motive? Did he kill for pleasure? Did he go and look for Hyun but show didn't show him trying. 

12) Why was little Min so quick in escaping? Did this happened before? Some scuffle took place at home? 

13) Is Ji An's father dead or alive? He disappeared but there was no concrete proof he's dead. We presumed he's dead since he never appeared and searched for his daughter? 

14) How did LJY get a fake ambulance and accomplice. The set up is very elaborate. 

15) I missed this part - was purple flowers present in the scene of Hyun's mother's death? If they were, how can there be such a long connection? If Min is the one responsible for the purple flowers, then how do we explain the early appearance when it could not be Min. 

16) Who exactly is this Hyun's friend who is greatly indebted to him? 

17) Is Joon Ho really LJY? 

18) Is Dad as innocent as he looked? Could he have killed his wife? Could LJY recognize the monster in him? Was he afraid of LJY telling his son? Was he afraid of his son becoming a monster like him while he thought he could control his inner monster? 

there's more wacky stuff but i think i have rambled enough :D 



Many good questions:

I have always said that there must be someone behind LJY and that person must be really powerful. Interesting is that I remember that one scene when Hyun sees many pictures of men on the table and they fell from the table. That's how Hyun sees LJY's picture for the first time. I have been wondering why the father who was only a psychologist had so many pictures and he tried to hide those from his son. It could have been related to his wife's death?

I had thought, maybe LJY had left this organisation and Min started working for that powerful person.


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HI what the name of the song at the last episode?


It's Hong Dae Kwang - It Shows :D

the song is very good and i like it so much xD

THanks But i can't find this in youtube...:(


Don't post one liners, this is against the rules and you will get a warning next time...

14. Do not bump pages so that your thread will remain on the first page of the forum. There is no need to echoe the same replies such as "he's hot!", "can't wait for the next episode!" or "why no preview?!" to establish your point. If you're going to make a post, say something intelligible or of substance.    

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HI what the name of the song at the last episode?


It's Hong Dae Kwang - It Shows :D

the song is very good and i like it so much xD

THanks But i can't find this in youtube...:(


Don't post one liners, this is against the rules and you will get a warning next time...

14. Do not bump pages so that your thread will remain on the first page of the forum. There is no need to echoe the same replies such as "he's hot!", "can't wait for the next episode!" or "why no preview?!" to establish your point. If you're going to make a post, say something intelligible or of substance.    

here ya go chingu :) 


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This scene. I felt sad for for lil bro, Min

 If looks could kill....


I felt sad and sorry for Min. As big bro Hyun forgot about him and did not even bother to check if he was okay after all that fighting


me too ,, it was so touching to watch him taking care of his hyung all the time starting by the driving till the moment of fighting to protect him there ..


Honestly this drama is one of the very rare if not the only one for me among my around 200 K-drama list , where I do not hate any character even those psycho people ! 

Me too! I was just thinking that. Why do they have such annoying characters in those other dramas... it says something when I like a serial killer more than a chaebol daughter.

This thread is moving way too fast -- I can't keep up, but I love it! :w00t:

Same here. There's not one person I hate in this drama.. I don't even hate or dislike yscho LJY for some reason. You empathize, sympathize with lil bro. And you guys know my favorite character is Min! Oh and team leader Chunderella... er, Kang. Ha ha.

 I know thread is up up up! we love this show! And I'm not sure where you guys are from, mostly likely most of us are intl viewers. Hello KBS..dramagods! we're here!

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Seems like LJY plan everything since beginning, LJY love to plant something on ppl brain. LJY tooks their weakness, use it for his good. And one things im sure, LJY cant make lee hyeon do everything he want, and LJY just took lee hyeon weakness "min",maybe someday, "min" will make him win over LH. So far, one by one ep, i saw min expression, from creepy face, now min seems like normal person, a child who need love from his brother.  It looks like min doesnt accompany everything with LJY, some case i think they doesnt work together as partner in crime. Now after 10ep, i think min is a good person, the reason i called him good person, because i believe inside his heart, his hyung love him, and everything that LJY trying to plant on his brain, none of them make min do the bad thing, min just wondering with hate? Why his hyung never try to find him. . Being forgetting make him sad and mad sometimes, i hope he didnt do bad things because of that. Btw, now im more curious about MIN, i dont know, more and more ep, i think min is a good person

Min had disturbing behaviour growing up if we based i with the drawings. The beginning of showing signs/symptom. Could've prevented had  Hyun been there at his side. LJY is the smart psycho, because he analyzes behaviour. 

I have this feeling that Min will do something really... I dunno. Something that will either endanger him or Ji-An. Perhaps  Something  to do with LJY and the the master won't even have an idea. They are playing games here. Master should not underestimate the student

Hyun has two weakness  Ji-An and Min. Now if he has to save one of them.. who do you think he will give his life to? Ooops.. that;s now an indication something terrible will happen to Hyun..

LJY  left those messages and the poem in a fishing magazine what could be the meaning?? I mean they pay so much attention to every detail so it must mean something right??

i think hyun called the magazine and posted the ad himself so that he can announce to LJY that he has finally received the message. Should we meet? He's telling LJY this.

I should be working but my mind is still on this drama! Show!, what have you done to me? 

Asking brilliant chingus here since my brains are fried... 

- why do we think that LJY has something to do with Lee Hyun's mother's death? 

- was Min the one who drew the 2 eye symbol? I know my memory is so bad and I can't go back to check now. 

I don't know if I am thinking too hard but I feel there's more than meets the eye because Coroner has already been outed as LJY and also Min. What else does this writer have in store for us? 

i know right? I should be working too. Yes the eye/infinite symbol is minls trademark ever since he was a child. He puts it in all his paintings and young min told young hyun about it in the first few episodes. The drama showed us that the dead bodies have the same markings, making us think that min killed them. Still, we can't be sure because based on the previous case, the girl accomplice did not kill, she only cleans the body out of guilt. So if we assume that Min has the susceptibility mental syndromes as well, as hyun doubts, then it's possible that someone else (perhaps ljy?) does the killing while min only cleans bodies. We have this theory because we think all the previous cases show some light on the dynamics between ljy and min in a parallel sense. I think that was why it was important from the writing perspective to make the girl accomplice encounter the pathologist/ljy in the previous episode to show that he has an effect on people with such a syndrome. Plus, the syndrome was extensively discussed so I think the writers did it for a reason... If so, i wonder if Min's loyalties are transferring back to Hyun now that he's back in his life...

Great analysis to point out the parallel between the girl and  what Min might've done.  He is susceptible but probably not to the point of killing.. (WHEN WE ALL WANT MIN, NOT TO BE A KILLER, WE HOPE). 

scene and the writing is intelligently done  so viewers can see there is something more the killing. There might a hope..that someone who has the makings 'killer' can still hat that sanity to do what is right.

The way LJY was lookinh at the girl... daaaamn  creepy!

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Guest aoikarin



A Real Sincere Happy Face of MIN… I’m glad he showed us his genuine smiles instead of his usual faking poker smiles. Park Bo Gum really nailed his role as Min. Bravo!

Full credit goes to screencapturer


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So, saw some of the comments at DB and I'm kind of upset with how some are complaining about the pacing that's slow. 

Pacing isn't slow, it's just normal and it's enough for us to savor / take in all the clues and information about the pieces of the puzzle that won't feel so overwhelming. I guess they feel that way coz they're watching it for a different reason I don't even know what coz I signed in to watch a mystery/romance drama and I know that's exactly what I'm getting. I think they don't appreciate the level of detail and intellectual references in this drama that's why they feel bored and think the pacing is slow unlike us who re-watches every scene trying to find clues and the more deeper meaning behind what the characters/ case of the week represents...

There I just had to get it off my chest coz I'd rather not respond there and make this some issue over there when I know clearly that some people there watch this drama but understanding it is another thing and I don't think they do...oh well...we can't all be as smart as Hyun. Haha!

I've seen these graphs from DC, and it shows that IRY is popular over the internet, it stands at #2...not sure what show at TvN is on that #1 spot. Anyone with badass Korean skills can add any information what the graph tells us?

I don't know where  they're from, those that comments on db site. They probably just comment after watching each episode  And they move on to other things. That's it. They're not like us who post a lot everyday and knows more and analyze more and discuss what the drama is all about.  To be exact. We just don't post about the episode.. we ponder beyond the episode. We post our thought on the whole drama and not just per episode so don't worry about that.

As for IRY being popular over the net. Yup.  This drama is more popular on social media and to us non Korean viewers.  TvN has OMG (park bo young).. which I also love and watch.



A Real Sincere Happy Face of MIN… I’m glad he showed us his genuine smiles instead of his usual faking poker smiles. Park Bo Gum really nailed his role as Min. Bravo!

Full credit goes to screencapturer


I second emotion! I definitely agree! Bravo!!

Thanks @aoikarin  you and @kdramafan43v3r you always post awesomeness! :)

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So, saw some of the comments at DB and I'm kind of upset with how some are complaining about the pacing that's slow. 

Pacing isn't slow, it's just normal and it's enough for us to savor / take in all the clues and information about the pieces of the puzzle that won't feel so overwhelming. I guess they feel that way coz they're watching it for a different reason I don't even know what coz I signed in to watch a mystery/romance drama and I know that's exactly what I'm getting. I think they don't appreciate the level of detail and intellectual references in this drama that's why they feel bored and think the pacing is slow unlike us who re-watches every scene trying to find clues and the more deeper meaning behind what the characters/ case of the week represents...

There I just had to get it off my chest coz I'd rather not respond there and make this some issue over there when I know clearly that some people there watch this drama but understanding it is another thing and I don't think they do...oh well...we can't all be as smart as Hyun. Haha!

I've seen these graphs from DC, and it shows that IRY is popular over the internet, it stands at #2...not sure what show at TvN is on that #1 spot. Anyone with badass Korean skills can add any information what the graph tells us?

I don't know where  they're from, those that comments on db site. They probably just comment after watching each episode  And they move on to other things. That's it. They're not like us who post a lot everyday and knows more and analyze more and discuss what the drama is all about.  To be exact. We just don't post about the episode.. we ponder beyond the episode. We post our thought on the whole drama and not just per episode so don't worry about that.

As for IRY being popular over the net. Yup.  This drama is more popular on social media and to us non Korean viewers.  TvN has OMG (park bo young).. which I also love and watch.


LOL, how true, we ponder beyond the episode. To be fair, there's quite a bit of analysis on DB as well. The recap attracts a lot of comments, most are favorable and similar to this thread in what they like about the drama. 

Now my week is full with My Beautiful Bride, OMG and this show. Guess which one I watch first when all 3 subbed are on my plate? 

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