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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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usually a second season for a drama that already complete in season one never success

DOTS story already finish at ep 16 in beautifully, and DOTS without SJK is not DOTS anymore

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22 hours ago, dhia205 said:

Ikr.. make me remember some comment in IG. they said god give extra attention when creating SJK. he have it all, looks, brain, personality except height.

but his height just perfect for me tho... 

I keep forgetting to mention this - aside from possessing all the above, I believe SJK is lucky enough to have been gifted with that deep voice.  If, with that good looks, he has a thin voice, I think it would be a let-down. 

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25 minutes ago, cristapark said:

@viyra I agree..usually dramas having part two usually not as successful as part 1...but if Kbs really will pursue part two I think it will be like iris...part one and part two have different lead cast...there are some original cast but did not become as successful as part one.. @hazeljrr_c922 exactly...I'm not looking down on gowon couple fans but I think if they will focus on go won couple  as part two of the drama I think it wud not be the same as the people's response on part one...


Agree 100%,   part 2 will not live up to the original.    A spinoff with a different title,  well-written premise. with some of the characters , will rate (though never the same ratings as DotS).    But us being DotS crazy til now, with no end in sight,  I will still watch.   Cheers! 

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Can we do a group hug....to comfort each other?

It was DOTS day..........I miss DOTS, Alpha Team, Heasung Medical Team, especially our Big Boss and Dr Kang ...Miss them so much :bawling:

Because of DOTS, there is a place called Uruk and there is a beautiful couple, Caption Yoo & Dr Kang, remaining in our memory.

Thanks unnie  @vuhoa1983, I understand SiJin but don't know how to express. Like like like your posts.

Thanks to everyone for always being here with DOTS! :heart:

Waiting for the news about DVD. I don't want Season 2 if SJK and SHK won't join in. 


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On 02/05/2016 at 8:36 AM, themarchioness said:

The reason Shi JIn ended up being punished for extracting the unexploded bomb was because, officially, he couldn't be punished for allowing KMY to operate on the Arab president (prince?).  The other country had asked them to pretend like the surgery had never happened, to once again sweep his health problems under the rug, so since there could be no record of the incident, there could be no record of punishment related to the incident.  So although he wasn't punished for the surgery, he was (in essence) punished for it.  The extraction of the unexploded bomb was just an excuse considering how they'd already allowed him to get away with that incident by just writing a report initially.

I think it's really hard to judge all the military players in this drama.  I think everyone, including YSJ, is just trying to deal with each tricky situation that they're presented with in the best way they know how.  We can't forget that oftentimes, there is a bigger picture at stake.  In the case of the Arab president, for example, the immediate problem was that without surgery, he would die.  The global problem was, if something went wrong with the surgery, a war between countries would break out.  Given that the Arab president's own security team had insisted that he not be operated on, to wait for their own doctor to do the procedure, it makes sense that there were those who thought that was the better way to proceed.  If the President ended up dying while waiting for the operation, it'd be on their hands.  Not South Korea's. 

YSJ took a calculated risk in bucking orders and telling KMY to do the surgery.  He trusted her skills and he also knew without the surgery, there'd at least be a chance of the President surviving whereas with waiting, there'd be no chance at his survival at all.  Everything ended up working out, thank goodness, but it still can't be denied that at the end of the day, he went against orders.  That's why YSJ took his punishment as it was meted out, and that's what he was trying to explain to KMY when she was indignant on his behalf. 

I'm not trying to say YSJ shouldn't have made the choice that he did.  As SDY told him, his every order that day was honorable.  As his own father told him, sometimes being punished is honorable.  Because of his decision that day, the President was saved.  So yes, YSJ is absolutely honorable and noble in everything he does and that's why we love him.  But my point is that doesn't necessarily make the other side any less honorable -- they have their reasons too.

That's why I love this drama so much.  Oftentimes, there are more than one ways to look at things.  And as someone else already pointed out, there are few "bad" people in this drama.  Lt. Rock Fish stood up for his men when warranted (like when dealing with that idiot Plant Manager), but at other times, he just wanted the men to do the basic necessities of their job so that everyone could go home in one piece.  Commander Yoon cared for his people, including SDY, and though he may have given orders as a father sometimes versus as a commanding officer, he later admitted those faults.  We are all human and we all have our weaknesses; his was his daughter. 



@kokodus, I'm so glad you liked my story.  If my muse allows, the next story will be about KMY/YSJ's daughter.  :)  As for their parents, I don't think it'd be quite kosher in Korea either.  But I don't think it'd be against the law?  In any event, though I hinted at a loveline between them, I purposefully kept it vague in the story.  It's really up to the readers' imagination where they'd like to take it.  Maybe YSJ is needlessly worrying over their parents when they really are just friends.  Maybe they were just coming in together the next morning because they happened to arrive at the same time.  Or maybe they had been together, but it was completely innocent.  Or maybe they were spending time together because they're romantically interested.  I leave it up to you to determine how you'd like to imagine that scenarios.  It's similar to my other story -- who do you think called YSJ that night?  His son, to tell him his mother had given her permission, or KMY to tell him she'd given her permission?

@gilaswan, don't worry, I did add it to asianfanfics. I usually wait to put it on there after sharing it here because I tweak it a little bit more before sharing it on asianfanfics.  (And still I found a typo, grrr.) 

@Yoona87, your Dumb & Dumber MV is hilarious.  Well done and hope we see more!

chingu where do i get to read your FanFic? i've been absent here on our thread since dots is done

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7 hours ago, viyra said:

I keep forgetting to mention this - aside from possessing all the above, I believe SJK is lucky enough to have been gifted with that deep voice.  If, with that good looks, he has a thin voice, I think it would be a let-down. 

right.. how could i forget one of my favorite part of him.. his voice. that beautiful deep voice. 

god bless him so much :blush:

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55 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

right.. how could i forget one of my favorite part of him.. his voice. that beautiful deep voice. 

god bless him so much :blush:

Yes, OMG! That voice!!! I love men with deep, mellow voices.

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Still on draft. And working on the ending. Most likely a one shot. Here is a little teaser into my first fanfiction ever. Like seriously. Look what DOTS has done to me that I am resorting to play out scenes in my head on paper. 


He gripped the umbrella a little tighter and on his left hand, a bunch of daffodils. And as if on an auto mode, his feet move on its own. Down a too familar path to the cold slab that held no body. 

However, today held a different sight. He paused, stood a little straighter and squint his eyes. 

A woman? She was never there in any of his many visits nor did he recalled seeing any woman, that is not from the army at the "funeral". 


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I read the article on the rumours about SJK not appearing in DOTS2 if there were one, reason being he's upset with the fame he's gotten. I find that to be such an absurd reason. Which actor goes into acting rejecting the potential of fame? He's upset with the invasion of privacy to the extent that people related to him (and not just himself - he's clearly willing to subject himself to fame) including his ex-gf have been inconvenienced. I think it's fair to make such a statement of regret (by him). But I somehow never like how "english" articles of K-entertainment are written, whether originally in English or as a translation. Don't know if anyone feels this way, but very often the way they write make these reactions or responses by Korean actors/idols sound so negative. I cannot imagine them to actually think this way or present themselves as such to the public. "I don't like the attention I'm getting as a star so I won't take up another such project"? How is that even logical? :P 

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huwaaaaa dots thread how are you all??????already move on??????? i am try to stay away from dots things but still i keep missing it and missing it again...when watch RM gowoon couple,yeah i forced myself to watch that show because  of gowoon if not maybe i skip many part because too boring actually...mianhae RM fans...i used to be crazy fans of RM too but not again now,,. that RM makes me want to watch this drama again....they show many cut of this drama but i screamed while watching it  I WANT MORE!!! I WANT FULL CUT i mean I WANT FULL EPISODE!!!! yeah that my reaction when see that cut in RM...yeah just realized that i am still missing this drama so much...though i thought i already move on but no....no...i am still in the same place i think...

11 minutes ago, kristy86 said:

40 minutes for DOTS ep 22!!!

Thanks in advance for all recappers, fighting!


*still can't move on, and I don't want to move on either, lol

*run to a corner to cry...

huwaaaaaaaaaa already ep 22???????? thanks in advance for live recappers too...

*i am joining you......still cant move on.....how many times i tried i came back in the same place...*

*run to cry too*

*still cant believe its already 3 weeks after DOTS ended...almost 1 month but here i am still come to this thread...i am never come to a drama thread after that drama ended as much as i came to DOTS thread...usually i just come in 1st week after the drama ended or not come back at all after the drama ended....but look at DOTS did to me, i am still come here 3 weeks after the drama ended*

*standing ovation*

*miss this thread so much* *miss all people here so much too*

just wow...song song couple thread really take a baton from DOTS thread...i always see their thread in popular one.....just wow its like just yesterday they make it but the comments already more than 10k..wow wow wow...good job song song shipper!!!!!!!!! jjang jjang jjang~~~~~

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9 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

Yes, OMG! That voice!!! I love men with deep, mellow voices.

yes yes yes.. deep yet mellow voice, wasn't like other actor (e.g Ki* W*o B*n) who has deep, and stern voice, JK voice just melt in your ear and really fit to flirting (me and my craziness about his voice). :heart:

But please don't let him start to sing.. doesn't mean his voice is that bad when he singing, it's just me who can't handle my laugh when he do that. good thing he decide didn't become an idol. i'm sorry for JK singing voice lover :P

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Oh, talking about his voice, omg, that's one of his best asset if I may say. His deep sexy voice while saying those cheesy and/or romantic lines to MY, it gives me goosebump each time. Moreover when he speaks in English, he is one the best if not the best Korean actor I ever watched. From the start, especially when they visit the haunted vilage to check in the children, he's so smooth there, up until the scene in Argus mansion when he save MY.

About his height, true that he's not as tall as JIS or other male lead actor, but it really doesn't matter to me. In DOTS he succesfully exude the charm of an alpha male. The director initially wanted to have hunkier actor but SJK prove he can be as though with full of autority aura when needed and can be so gentle that make MY's heart melt. And ours too... 

Btw, they are still discussing season two? I think it's better to just leave the story ends here, it' s the best ending ever. Moreover, no SJK and SHK no DOTS season two :D 

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13 hours ago, Chellsee said:

Goodbye Big Boss? Reports Claim Song Joong Ki Not To Return For "Descendants Of The Sun" Season 2


Reports have started to emerged that the famous Korean actor may not return to the possible second installment after rumors spread that the 30-year-old star is not happy with the publicity and fame he is getting right now.



I think the above statement is mis leading.. there was no such rumors he is not doing dots 2 because he is not happy with the publicity   

He was annoyed because they invaded his personal life  . Not he is not happy because of the publicity ..

Anyway .. forget DOTS 2 .. just do another drama .. with JK n SHK asa the lead.. it will be another MEGA BLOCKBUSTER

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13 hours ago, Chellsee said:

Goodbye Big Boss? Reports Claim Song Joong Ki Not To Return For "Descendants Of The Sun" Season 2


Fans are still screaming and hopeful for "Descendants of the Sun" season 2 and one of the issues associated with it is that Song Joong Ki's character will not be reprising his role as Big Boss.

Reports have started to emerged that the famous Korean actor may not return to the possible second installment after rumors spread that the 30-year-old star is not happy with the publicity and fame he is getting right now.

In his April 15 interview, song said he is disturbed with his fame as his family and privacy is more exposed to the media. Furthermore, a photo of his ex-girlfriend circulated in the online world.

"To say that these are things I need to endure for the sake of celebrity... that's sad," the famous actor was quoted.

KBS drama department president is more likely to pursue this second installment as according to him, talks about the blockbuster hit drama is already on its way.

Despite the wide rumors, confirmation of the second season for the famous Korean drama series is still not confirmed.

"We have to keep discussing whether it will be a story of a soldier or not. We are advancing with projects that the production team and cast can consent to. We also have to think about the aspect of pre-production," Jung said.

Therefore, since nothing has been confirmed yet, fans can relax and still hope for "Descendants of the Sun" season 2 and of course, wish that Song Joong Ki will still be reprising his role.

Meanwhile,  the OST singers and cast of "DOTS" will hold a concert at Kyonggi University in Seoul, South Korea on May 14. 


I don't know if it's just me, but it seems a bit off that SJK would say something like this. Though I've heard that he was really upset when photos of him and his ex-girlfriend were leaked last month, I don't think SJK would consider not coming back for DOTS Season 2 for the reason that his popularity has gone out of hand after starring in the drama. I mean, I'm pretty sure that SJK is nothing but grateful for all the success he has achieved through DOTS and the only reason I can think of for him not to come back to reprise his role is his busy schedule. 

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10 minutes ago, annettegatuslao said:

I don't know if it's just me, but it seems a bit off that SJK would say something like this. Though I've heard that he was really upset when photos of him and his ex-girlfriend were leaked last month, I don't think SJK would consider not coming back for DOTS Season 2 for the reason that his popularity has gone out of hand after starring in the drama. I mean, I'm pretty sure that SJK is nothing but grateful for all the success he has achieved through DOTS and the only reason I can think of for him not to come back to reprise his role is his busy schedule. 

right, i don't think the headline and content connected one to the other. the headline just the news writer self conclusion from SJK PC. if he decide not to involved in DOTS2, maybe it's due to his crazy schedule or the script maybe

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2 hours ago, JackieOnTheRocks said:

chingu where do i get to read your FanFic? i've been absent here on our thread since dots is done


Hi @JackieOnTheRocks!  You can read my fanfics either here in the Soompi forums or on Asianfanfics.com (same username as here).  I'm at work now so I can't link you to the latter website, but the links to the versions posted on Soompi are below.  The versions posted to Asianfanfics.com are cleaned up versions of what I posted initially here.

The Perfect Day: http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/345547-drama-2016-descendants-of-the-sun-%ED%83%9C%EC%96%91%EC%9D%98-%ED%9B%84%EC%98%88/?page=1048#comment-19732951

Yoo Dae Joon's First Mission: http://forums.soompi.com/en/topic/345547-drama-2016-descendants-of-the-sun-%ED%83%9C%EC%96%91%EC%9D%98-%ED%9B%84%EC%98%88/?page=1046#comment-19731045

More will also be on the way!  It's just harder to find time to write during the weekdays.  ;)

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