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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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19 hours ago, themarchioness said:


Technically true, but I also think he didn't need to say when because the implication was he was talking about, from that moment, YSJ had three hours.  I mean it doesn't make much sense to say, "I'll give you three hours but you get back to me as to when you'd like those three hours to begin and I'll start my clock then."  That's just . . . weird.  And, in fact, we did see YSJ begin making preparations immediately so I think it was understood the clock had already started running.

It's not really a big deal, even if it is an inconsistency, it's just something I noticed -- and it did require multiple rewatches before I even reached that point.  It clearly does not hamper my viewing experience.  ;)

Haha,,, I don't know because thats what I heard. He told Si Jin he will be off for 3 hours tonight and he don't know where he is and what he will be doing. He will not be a member of the Alpha Team for 3 hours but he didnt say when so... oh well

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Title: I Think We Are Stupid

Author: WinterBubbleTea

Gif Credit: descendants-of-the-sun.tumblr

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Introvert, Advice

Summary: There is something to be said about the bromance between two guys that talk and gossip with one another.


Title: You Moron
Author: WinterBubbleTea Genre: Fluff , Humor
Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Seo Dae Young/Yoon Myung Joo, Yoo Shi Jin/Kang Mo Yeon
Summary: Being Comrade, Pals, and best friends mean sometimes you want to kill the other for doing stupid stuff. This was one of those datumblr_o4krcgaKyn1qaaizoo5_500.gifys.


I really do love GIFS...If I get more gifs by my e-mail I most likely end up writing a lot...and I find the subtitles hilarious too!!

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10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

@themarchioness love it! Please do put it on asianfanfics so we can easily return to them for multiple re-reads. :D 

about timeline issues: someone earlier asked about when YSJ met SDY and said that YMJ's story that answered KMY's question was an "error" in logic cos in the episode YSJ was running away from the soldiers mob, he said SDY was his army instructor which meant they met then, whereas YMJ said they met on that rainy day when SDY returned to the unit camp after the wedding. My take is that there is no error her because that's when YMJ knew they met, or at least that's the point from when the guys became friends; the guys however have a different perception of the starting point of their friendship, though strictly speaking they weren't yet friends when SDY was YSJ's trainer. 

But here's a timeline error which I didn't post before but I always thought it could have been better handled:

When Gen Yoon deployed Alpha Team to Urk, they were told it would be an 8mos posting, but when we next see them all in Urk, the caption said "8mos later". Yet we know thar

1. When SDY was posted back, it was considered an early and unfair reposting back - he was not meant to return that soon. 

2. This was the same for YSJ when he returned for his father's discharge from the army. 

3. The rest of the alpha team also showed no signs of seeing the end of their posting yet. 

I think it would've been more reasonable to put it as "7 mos later", though admittedly such "glitches" don't affect the overall enjoyment and appreciation of the show. Just that me being me, such things do but me some. Hahaha. 

AND, Lt Col Park (is that his rank? Dunno) - don't like him! I don't get why people like that can climb to full colonel. Hahaha... I didn't like that he wanted to push the blame of the Arab president Mubarak's potential death (if untreated) on KMY. I actually found that scene a bit illogical, honestly - shouldn't the Korean army's priority be to protect its citizens than place blame on them in such a politically tense situation? I did t like it that YSJ was punished for making such a call. It didn't seem right that such an order came from the army. Can't imagine it being an order from the Blue House actually. 

Many one with any thoughts? Clearly I just finished rewatching ep 3. ;) 

Shi Jin in the end was not punished for the surgery rather he was dock pay for disposing armed missles...when it was in opinion the Americans job...I think 

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10 hours ago, gilaswan said:

@themarchioness love it! Please do put it on asianfanfics so we can easily return to them for multiple re-reads. :D 

about timeline issues: someone earlier asked about when YSJ met SDY and said that YMJ's story that answered KMY's question was an "error" in logic cos in the episode YSJ was running away from the soldiers mob, he said SDY was his army instructor which meant they met then, whereas YMJ said they met on that rainy day when SDY returned to the unit camp after the wedding. My take is that there is no error her because that's when YMJ knew they met, or at least that's the point from when the guys became friends; the guys however have a different perception of the starting point of their friendship, though strictly speaking they weren't yet friends when SDY was YSJ's trainer. 

But here's a timeline error which I didn't post before but I always thought it could have been better handled:

When Gen Yoon deployed Alpha Team to Urk, they were told it would be an 8mos posting, but when we next see them all in Urk, the caption said "8mos later". Yet we know thar

1. When SDY was posted back, it was considered an early and unfair reposting back - he was not meant to return that soon. 

2. This was the same for YSJ when he returned for his father's discharge from the army. 

3. The rest of the alpha team also showed no signs of seeing the end of their posting yet. 

I think it would've been more reasonable to put it as "7 mos later", though admittedly such "glitches" don't affect the overall enjoyment and appreciation of the show. Just that me being me, such things do but me some. Hahaha. 

AND, Lt Col Park (is that his rank? Dunno) - don't like him! I don't get why people like that can climb to full colonel. Hahaha... I didn't like that he wanted to push the blame of the Arab president Mubarak's potential death (if untreated) on KMY. I actually found that scene a bit illogical, honestly - shouldn't the Korean army's priority be to protect its citizens than place blame on them in such a politically tense situation? I did t like it that YSJ was punished for making such a call. It didn't seem right that such an order came from the army. Can't imagine it being an order from the Blue House actually. 

Many one with any thoughts? Clearly I just finished rewatching ep 3. ;) 

That definitely didn't look good in the eyes of a lot of viewers - a big X concerning politics.  That's why Lt.  Rock Fish deserved the bashing from KMY in the hospital.  I was surprised when I heard that from Lt. Rock Fish - blame the doctor for not taking care of her patient.  The dying president was not even her patient.  I just wondered how would it have been had they waited for his own doctor.  Of the Alpha Team, only 1 member didn't agree with YSJ decision - Sgt. Choi.  While SDY feels and told YSJ everything that he said and done were right, Sgt. Choi thinks and told KMY that she insisted on operating on the dying president - which caused YSJ to get detained.  Funny how saving the dying president was an honorable deed and yet, both countries didn't want to get tangled up - politically. 

Another bad thing within the military was, not allowing YSJ to make the rescue - because there is only ONE citizen involved - when KMY was kidnapped by Argus.  Some politicians really are very concerned on what the press would say about them.

I hated and loved Gen. Yoon - hated him for interfering with the love life of his daughter (although he has good reasons behind it) but loved it when, after ordering YSJ to be relieved from his post, he told SDY that Alpha Team (especially YSJ) did a good job and that he is proud of him - making the head of the Department of Temperature (I was laughing at the title of this department) raise his eyebrow.  I also loved it when he called that guy out - 'hey you, dirty politician'.  It's good that politician sits where he is supposed to sit and not at Gen. Yoon's space.  Two different positions - definitely different minds.

Because we kept on rewatching, we keep on finding things to discuss - good and  bad -but it still makes DOTS my favorite drama - to date.

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Morning DOTS Troopers, who's still re-watching the drama?

I do...hehe :D

Asparagus and Lt. Rock Fish, we need to create more nicknames, lol

Back to ep 1 last night and I just realized one more consistency from the writer, lol, so Piccolo is a sniper and Sgt. Choi is specialist in bombs. Why do I only realize it now :lol: In ep 1 when SJ and DY went into the building to negotiate with NK, Piccolo was ready to shot and in the BTS he said he's role is a sniper but bcos the sun has already rise he can't continue the shooting. Then in the last ep he was ready on the roof with his gun while monitoring RV's car, lol. While Sgt. Choi is the bomb specialist from the start, he prepare the bomb during the negotiation with NK in case something' not going right and then during the scene in Argus mansion SJ said there's no bomb he can't disarmed.

Little things that I found while re-watching, it makes me appreciate the drama even more :D I don't know what Harry Potter's specialist tho...or maybe there's no such thing as specialist in the army.

Poor Sgt. Choi, he got no one to hug... Lt. Rock Fish is there Sergeant, he needs a hug too... :sweat_smile:



I miss Alpha Team and their crazy antics so much  :bawling:

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I can't really hate Rock Fish oppa because he seemed to be a better man towards the end, and he was never really a threat.  He could easily be swayed (or threatened lol) and didn't cause any real harm to anyone.  Plus how happy he was that SJ and DY were back was pretty sweet, and I think how he handled getting MY to sign that NDA was nice of him.  I don't think there is anyone really hateful in DoTS other than Argus and Manager Jin, and even those two are pretty comical.  

Oh that one Doctor lady is the worst in my mind.  She never changed and never got any real payback for her behavior.  I guess Dr. Song mentioned why she was like that though, she was just childish with no worries in the world.  Everyone else had so much going on and no time to be petty.  

Gen. Yoon  I also did not dislike because I felt it was more GooWon's fault for not doing enough more than daddy's fault for keeping them apart.  If those two would have been a united force and worked for approval instead of fighting and breaking up all the time, things could have been settled easily.  If some big softy of a dad  (and general, he went out of his way to help him soldiers, and was so happy they came back alive) can keep you apart you need to work harder to make it work like the sign during one of their many breakups said. 

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1 hour ago, winterbubbletea said:

Shi Jin in the end was not punished for the surgery rather he was dock pay for disposing armed missles...when it was in opinion the Americans job...I think 

The reason Shi JIn ended up being punished for extracting the unexploded bomb was because, officially, he couldn't be punished for allowing KMY to operate on the Arab president (prince?).  The other country had asked them to pretend like the surgery had never happened, to once again sweep his health problems under the rug, so since there could be no record of the incident, there could be no record of punishment related to the incident.  So although he wasn't punished for the surgery, he was (in essence) punished for it.  The extraction of the unexploded bomb was just an excuse considering how they'd already allowed him to get away with that incident by just writing a report initially.

I think it's really hard to judge all the military players in this drama.  I think everyone, including YSJ, is just trying to deal with each tricky situation that they're presented with in the best way they know how.  We can't forget that oftentimes, there is a bigger picture at stake.  In the case of the Arab president, for example, the immediate problem was that without surgery, he would die.  The global problem was, if something went wrong with the surgery, a war between countries would break out.  Given that the Arab president's own security team had insisted that he not be operated on, to wait for their own doctor to do the procedure, it makes sense that there were those who thought that was the better way to proceed.  If the President ended up dying while waiting for the operation, it'd be on their hands.  Not South Korea's. 

YSJ took a calculated risk in bucking orders and telling KMY to do the surgery.  He trusted her skills and he also knew without the surgery, there'd at least be a chance of the President surviving whereas with waiting, there'd be no chance at his survival at all.  Everything ended up working out, thank goodness, but it still can't be denied that at the end of the day, he went against orders.  That's why YSJ took his punishment as it was meted out, and that's what he was trying to explain to KMY when she was indignant on his behalf. 

I'm not trying to say YSJ shouldn't have made the choice that he did.  As SDY told him, his every order that day was honorable.  As his own father told him, sometimes being punished is honorable.  Because of his decision that day, the President was saved.  So yes, YSJ is absolutely honorable and noble in everything he does and that's why we love him.  But my point is that doesn't necessarily make the other side any less honorable -- they have their reasons too.

That's why I love this drama so much.  Oftentimes, there are more than one ways to look at things.  And as someone else already pointed out, there are few "bad" people in this drama.  Lt. Rock Fish stood up for his men when warranted (like when dealing with that idiot Plant Manager), but at other times, he just wanted the men to do the basic necessities of their job so that everyone could go home in one piece.  Commander Yoon cared for his people, including SDY, and though he may have given orders as a father sometimes versus as a commanding officer, he later admitted those faults.  We are all human and we all have our weaknesses; his was his daughter. 


16 hours ago, kokodus said:

@themarchioness Love love love your fic so much. We all got what we wanted from dots, that is , a happy ending. But your story dwell deep into their happily ever after life which warms my heart. 

Btw, is it okay for their parents to get married coz in my country its considered as a taboo

Anyways, looking forward to your next fic:)


@kokodus, I'm so glad you liked my story.  If my muse allows, the next story will be about KMY/YSJ's daughter.  :)  As for their parents, I don't think it'd be quite kosher in Korea either.  But I don't think it'd be against the law?  In any event, though I hinted at a loveline between them, I purposefully kept it vague in the story.  It's really up to the readers' imagination where they'd like to take it.  Maybe YSJ is needlessly worrying over their parents when they really are just friends.  Maybe they were just coming in together the next morning because they happened to arrive at the same time.  Or maybe they had been together, but it was completely innocent.  Or maybe they were spending time together because they're romantically interested.  I leave it up to you to determine how you'd like to imagine that scenarios.  It's similar to my other story -- who do you think called YSJ that night?  His son, to tell him his mother had given her permission, or KMY to tell him she'd given her permission?

@gilaswan, don't worry, I did add it to asianfanfics. I usually wait to put it on there after sharing it here because I tweak it a little bit more before sharing it on asianfanfics.  (And still I found a typo, grrr.) 

@Yoona87, your Dumb & Dumber MV is hilarious.  Well done and hope we see more!

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I have a different take on the days that they were held captive and actually I think it's funny too how the writers stay true to SDY character. Here's why from my POV...
YSJ: Stand up at the count of three. "One"
SDY: "Three"
YSJ: Is it 3 after 1?
SDY: I am not good at mathematics. You should've counted if you were that good at it.
ME: He missed out "2" in this scene.
SDY: I'll make myself clear...I tell you again...I'm going out with YMJ...it's been a year. (he met YMJ for 1 month but dated her for a year)
YSJ: I might come across a woman I met a month ago and dated for a year also.
ME: He just lost it...totally don't even know what he is saying but still try to make a point.
SDY: We were locked into an unknown prison cell for about 150 to 155 days.
Me: He missed out "200" in this scene. If you add 200 to his numbers it will be about 1 year. If it was YSJ that said these numbers instead of SDY, I have another theory relating to numbers too (like for their jogging punishment  he added "20" to their lapses) as I think YSJ is a smart person whom use numbers to his advantage.
My conclusion: I don't trust SDY when numbers are involved. He is truly bad in maths and he said so himself. Possibly, the reason why he could not enter the military academy.
@Yoona87 Thanks for your lovely video. I created some gifs in this post of mine from it so hope you don't mind.
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Woohoo!  Nominations for this year's Baeksang Awards are out.  Just read that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo have been nominated for Best Actor and Best Actress, respectively, and DotS has been nominated for Best Drama.  Congrats to the team!  I hope they win.  :D

(I believe the ceremony will be held later this month.)

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Good morning friends! If you are celebrating 1 May labour day in lieu today, then here's wishing you all the rest you need!

I like it actually that this thread has slowed down, making it possible to catch up if one is away for a few days (or even a few hours!), and I like that those of us who have remained are not discussing the nitty gritty of the plot and storyline.

1 hour ago, themarchioness said:

I think it's really hard to judge all the military players in this drama.  I think everyone, including YSJ, is just trying to deal with each tricky situation that they're presented with in the best way they know how.  We can't forget that oftentimes, there is a bigger picture at stake.  In the case of the Arab president, for example, the immediate problem was that without surgery, he would die.  The global problem was, if something went wrong with the surgery, a war between countries would break out.  Given that the Arab president's own security team had insisted that he not be operated on, to wait for their own doctor to do the procedure, it makes sense that there were those who thought that was the better way to proceed.  If the President ended up dying while waiting for the operation, it'd be on their hands.  Not South Korea's. 

YSJ took a calculated risk in bucking orders and telling KMY to do the surgery.  He trusted her skills and he also knew without the surgery, there'd at least be a chance of the President surviving whereas with waiting, there'd be no chance at his survival at all.  Everything ended up working out, thank goodness, but it still can't be denied that at the end of the day, he went against orders.  That's why YSJ took his punishment as it was meted out, and that's what he was trying to explain to KMY when she was indignant on his behalf. 

This is the issue I had with the logic of this scene, not that it is an illogical scene, but it surpasses my own logic here and I'm not sure if anyone else also thinks of it the way I do. 

You see,  it would have made sense if it happened the way you put it - that if something went wrong: in this case the president dies because he received no medical treatment - then the Arabs could themselves be blamed because it would be the traditions and protocols (not letting a woman touch the president, not letting a non-Arab doctor touch royalty, etc.) that would have led to the president's death. But this was not the case (as explained through the characters' statements). LTC Rock Fish clearly said (unless there was an error with the translations) that the military would not step in because if the president dies, then they (i.e. the Korean Government) could put the blame on KMY, the supposed attending physician at the Medicube for not having operated. But her not having operated would have been because she was prevented from doing so by the president's aides. So my question is, why would the South Korean military want to pin the blame on a civilian doctor who is a citizen of their sovereign state? This surely cannot be a decision that LTC Rock Fish came to on his own. As Gen Yoon had said before (in a following episode) that the military does not involve themselves in politics, which is why I can imagine they will not shoot unless there are orders to, but at the same time, they would also not deliver an order that would endanger their own people. From the scenes that ensue, you can tell that Gen Yoon actually understood CPT Yoo's decision, which is why he did not actually want to punish SiJin for his actions, but insubordination is not a negotiable factor in the military, especially in an instance when arms are drawn. 

Now if there was a translation error and they meant to pin the blame on the Arab side by refraining from getting involved in the surgery, why would CPT Yoo decide to intervene instead? He is someone who must understand diplomacy and honestly if it were me, under such circumstances, I would protect my own countrymen and say, "Hands off the patient. We will wait until the president's doctor arrives." However, he did not do so because

  1. He believed KMY and the medical team to be under threat of a larger potential political scandal through no fault of their own because his commanding officer said the Korean government will place the blame on the medical personnel at Medicube if the president were to die. (This to me is what does not make sense. Why would a government not protect its own people in such a circumstance?)
  2. He believed KMY when she said the patient could not wait an hour for the designated physician to arrive, hence reason #1 will materialise. 
  3. The only way to save everyone is to ensure that KMY gets to do that operation, and since he trusts in her ability when she says she can save the president, then she must be allowed to carry out that operation.


So essentially, CPT Yoo was protecting his countrymen from his own government. 

But logic fails me because again I ask - why would a government not protect its own people, especially in a clearly political situation such as this? The Arabs chose to land their president at the nearest medical facility which belongs to the Koreans. Yes, Medicube is privately set up, but it is under the care of the Korean military when they are in Urk. So once this happens, it becomes a transaction between 2 sovereign states and not private business entities. What motivated LTC Rock Fish to give the orders he gave? It must have come from the Blue House. 

Anyone with further thoughts on this?

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2 hours ago, Yoona87 said:

I made this funny MV dedicated to our Dumb & Dumber!! I hope you like it :)


what a great videocalp-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774067... i laugh so hard especially when changmin voice come out.. i think SJ & DY realtionship is love hate at the first sight.. :lol:

this is my Monday sick medicine today.. thank u

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hoping for the best in the upcoming 52nd Beaksang Arts Award next month , super happy that Dots team got nominations from Best Drama, Best Actor, Best Actress , Best Director and Best Screenwriter, would love to see them all walking down the red carpet , receive their trophies and walk up the stage for their thank you speech! really hope they will bag all the awards including those in popularity categories coz they are all deserving with their efforts and dedication to this wonderful drama ever , DoTs fighting ! for DoTs fans , we considered you all as grand winners !




Best Drama







Best Actor







Best Actress







btw please share  link that needs  voting for Beaksang awards category if there's one so we can give our support to DoTs team!



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@gilaswan, I think I see what you're getting at now.  This is how Viki and Dramfever subbed the particular scene in question:

Viki: Listen carefully.  Whether he lives or dies is not the matter here.  The point is who will take responsibility for it.  Do what the Arabs want.  So if the patient dies, we can give the responsibility to the doctor for not operating as her personal mistake.  Our force will not intervene at all costs.  This is an order.

Dramafever: Listen to me!  Saving his life isn't our concern.  Our concern is who's responsible.  Do whatever those Arabs want.  Even if the patient dies, it's entirely the doctor's responsibility for not operating.  We shouldn't get involved.  That's an order.

I think there are two different ways to interpret his comment and it depends on the context, which may have been lost in the translations.

The first way in which I think we can understand LTC Rock Fish's command is, he was saying they should do whatever the Arabs wanted.  Even if the President died, the death would be because the doctor didn't operate, and that's still not their fault because she wasn't prevented from operating.  I think this interpretation would make the most sense if there was, in fact, something lost in the translations.  Like they didn't mean "responsibility" in the sense that we understand it, but rather, they meant it in the sense that the failure to operate on the patient would be the cause of the President's death, but the failure to operate would be the result of their (the Arabs') own orders.  Does that make sense?

The second way in which I think we can understand LTC Rock Fish's command (and this is, IMO, what probably happened) is he was calculating the risks involved.  Let's say they didn't operate and the President died.  What would be the accusations and what would be the defense.  The immediate accusation is: how could you let him die?  The defense would be twofold: 1) you didn't want us to operate on him.  2) The doctor chose not to operate.  The first defense would be a strong attack, the second would be the fallback defense to prevent it from being turned into a political issue.  In other words, by shoving the responsibility onto one person, it allows them to avoid having to say, "We (the government) chose not to operate."  If they had to say that, they'd run the risk of having all the Arab nations declaring war on them. 

Is it throwing KMY under a bus?  Absolutely.  While that may sound illogical, I think what they're doing is putting one life at stake versus the entire nation at stake.  Which, yes, does suck for KMY.  But again, it's not about wanting to "pin the blame on a civilian doctor who is a citizen of their sovereign state," as you put it, but a matter of that being (in his opinion) the least offensive choice in this particular scenario.  That was the point I was trying to make in my earlier reply.  A lot of the situations they're faced with, there are no good options, so it's a matter of each person choosing to follow what they think is the least offensive choice.  In this particular situation, LTC Rock Fish thought pinning the blame on KMY would be the lesser  of the two evils.  But YSJ trusted KMY and believed there to be a third alternative, which was to risk the surgery and have the President survive. 

As we would go on to see time and time again, YSJ very much follows the philosophy of leaving no man behind.  For him, even protecting and saving one person is saving the country.  That's why he saved KMY when she was kidnapped by Argus.  Yes, he was saving the woman he loved, but he also thought his duty to as a soldier to his nation.  But that was another scenario where taking the risks and calculations in hand, knowing that the Americans had their own thing going on with Argus, where the military could have easily said, we're just going to sit this one out.  And in fact, that's what the Blue House had wanted them to do. 

YSJ's policy to save everyone he can was also why, dare I say it, Argus got saved way back when.  Knowing how that would eventually turn out, we can say he should've just let his team members save him and then get the hell out of dodge without going back for Argus.  But in that moment, he believed it was the right thing to do: to save a comrade.  I think all these different examples serve to illustrate that in war, there are no right decisions.  Rather, you have to make a decision and then make it into the right one. 

In conclusion (after much rambling -- sorry), I don't know if this explanation will make the situation any more logical for you, but that's kind of how I interpreted LTC Rock Fish's command.  :)

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I am sorry for this...for those that make gifs..could you by chance PM me the gif where Seo Dae Young, Yoo Shi Jin, Kang Mo Yeon, and Myung Joo are in discussion of ...the Doctor guy that the two girls fought over...@_@ I apologize for this...request.

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I may be mistaken,  kindly correct me if I am wrong, but Korean seems not to have a specific pronoun he or she?   Unless it is stated male doctor or female doctor?  

imho, the Arabs who refused to let medicube docs operate, and the Arab doctor, I think, are the ones whose responsibility it will be, if Mubarat dies,  the comment being  "only an Arab doctor can operate...."  and that the Arab doc is on his way. 

MY very clearly stated that time is of the essence;  if the medicube docs keep their hands off (as ordered by the Arab presidential security head). he will die. 

Rockfish Lt Col heard, i believe, the whole convo from the walkie talkie, thus the order of following the Arab instructions;  thus doctor to be blamed must be the Arab doc they insist on.   Lt Col also did mention something to the effect of whether the man lives or dies is not the issue, so MY should stand down and not operate,  to prevent the sensitive international issue to blow up in their faces. 

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@themarchioness @gilaswan  @dhia205Thaaaank you! So glad you like it :)

 @IrisFM No problem! :) Just a question. When he says "I'm not good at mathematics ", I found a different translation by viki, they translated  it as "it's because I only did sports" (that's why he didn' t have time to study ). I understand korean a little bit and I think he says the word "working out/sport", so I used the viki translation for my video, I thought it was the correct one. Anyone know what exactly he says? I know that both translation mean the same thing, it's just to be precise ;)

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Photo from songjoongki_dots_com

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9 Reasons Why It's Hard to Let Go of Descendants of the Sun We're still heartbroken!

The famous Korean drama/action series Descendants of the Sun just officially ended last week, and you can't blame us as fans why the sepanx hit us so hard. We just can't let go Big Boss's charming smile or Dr. Kang's cuteness and even Myeong Joo's beauty as well as Wolf's fight for love.

We rounded up 10 things we will forever treasure even if we won't be having episodes of DOTS to watch this week anymore.

1. The adrenaline rush.

The beginning of the series immediately caught our attention when handsome guys fought North Koreans and we realized that there's more to those biceps than mere modeling. Unlike other series, DOTS is a mix of love and kilig and action and thrill and humor. The rollercoaster of emotions will make you want more!

2. The principle of profession.

Gone are the days of high school heartthrobs and snob princesses. This series is realistic and we appreciate the characters standing up for the principles of their professions. Big Boss will protect his country even if it means taking someone's life away, while Dr. Kang believes that life is should be preserved and that o value or ideology is above it. Even if they differ in beliefs, love made it work.

3. The bromance.

Friendship among men, even through fist fights or teasing, mean that they will protect each other, be there for each other, and die for each other in the name of loyalty. Isn't that sweet? Team Alpha showed us that on or off duty, when on the edge of death, they will shed blood to save their brothers' and even strangers' lives.

4. The breathtaking places.

From Urk to South Korea and even the last scene in Canada, DOTS taught us to venture out and explore the world beyond our country's borders. Suddenly we want to visit that wrecked ship with someone as cute as Big Boss and spend time waiting for a shooting star.

5. The other stories.

Why does Myeong Joo and Wolf’s story is always breaking our hearts? Even Dr. Song ad Dr. Jae Ha’s ‘older’ version of love makes us laughs our hearts out! We fell in love all over again in so many different ways and reminded us that every person has its story to tell—and worth listening too!

6. The love.

We hate it when Big Boss needs to go to the department store, because it made us worry endlessly and broke Dr. Kang's heart. Remember when he was struggling to keep his promise and responsibility to stay alive, and how we cried buckets? Still he came back. Big Boss and Wolf have this power to break and mend your hearts at the same time. It's a good thing these men know how to keep their promises.

7. The love for your profession.

Men in uniform make our hearts skip beats, but while watching DOTS, our respect and understanding for their job grew deeper. These men die and get injured just to protect the country they took an oat for. Even the doctors will see no religion, race, or culture as long as they save the lives of people especially their brothers and sisters. Taking an oath is not just a mere recitation but an obligation to keep no matter what and when and how.

8. The stares, tears, jokes, bullets, and blood.

Oh, the many times we squealed with kilig every time Big Boss stared at Dr. Kang. Oh, the shrieks we made when Dr. Kang told Big Boss that her blood type is "your ideal type." Oh, the hundred times we replayed that scene where Big Boss and Wolf were jealous of the guy Dr. Kang and Myeong Joo were arguing about. And oh, that time our hearts were breaking whn the two ladies received the sad news that their boyfriends passed away. 

9. The belief in happily ever after.

Like any other drama series, who hates a happy ending? Chi-Hoon was narrating its end when reality of volcano erupting in Canada found its way to ruin the scene. But isn't that what life really is, full of surprises? But still, we find ourselves believing in happy endings.



@Yoona87 I only know a few Korean words so watching I wouldn't know their conversations like a native Korean speaker would so I rely on various translations when watching K-dramas. It's not from Viki that I got that translation from but will PM you the site. Chingus in here have also commented that the translations varied too from watching at different sites...  Like Argus said I should also learn Korean someday for the sake of understanding word for word...

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