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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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3 hours ago, kokodus said:

@gilaswan ikr definitely something going on there. I mean the filming ended ages ago and you stilllllll hang out with each other. Yes they are co stars and good friends but dude please know that there is a rumor going around that you two are dating and now you are adding fuel to the fire. 

Damn SJK for choosing that song, all my R1988 feels resurfaced again. I hate you SJK.

Hahaha... "I hate you SJK". Hahahaha... I dun care about the rumours or whatever, as long as they don't troll us like the way LSJ and PSH did. Now that wasn't nice... I'm ok with them consistently maintaining that they're just friends as long as they don't end up doing stupid things like going to each other's homes in the middle of the night, getting caught by dispatch and then denying it all. That would then be... irritating. But I do think both of them are very mature persons... and not newbies in the industry either. Am really just hoping for another collab between them. Maybe all three of them, including YAI. But ah... we know that almost never happens in the Korean entertainment industry. :(

Has ep 3 rewatch started yet? I'm still stuck on ep 1. Argh. Can't move! Too much gazing to gaze at!!

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I watched some of episode 3, but I got the new subs so I'm going to load those up and watch it again! 

I was watching some other scenes too with the new subs, and I found it funny he said he was going to break up with her during the car wash scene since it's cold lol.  But she's too sexy so he won't. :PThough both subs had a the sexy part and the "Should I quit?", but I like the bluntness of the new subs haha

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8 hours ago, kristy86 said:

Have a safe flight @gilaswan and good luck on finding the lipsticks, lol. As for me the PPL that got me must be the candles, I'd love to have them in my room :lol:

So our this week assignment is ep 3 and 4, roger that @phikyl :D But I honestly have watched until ep 7-8, lol. But will watch ep 3-4 again tonight or tomorrow.

While I was watching ep 6 in KBS World I notice the different translation in this scene, KBS version said: He wasn't in his room.



But whichever the correct one, it got me thinking, why did she go to his room/office so early in the morning, what is it that she wants to talk to him that she needs to come to his office/room, she has asked him to apologies to her the night before. 

Could it be that she have thought about it again and have finally changed her mind? I know she regret her decision in the next morning. She looked like she's going to cry here...


They are the same thing as others have said. I do think she wanted to talk to him about everything.  I'm not sure she changed her mind, but she regretted it pretty much instantly.  I wonder what would have happened if he said goodbye?  I actually probably think it's best he didn't since it gave her more time to think.  While she did want to see him, I'm not sure she was in a place to actually accept him just hours later. So him leaving without saying goodbye gave them a second chance to work things out at a better time. It would have made things more final if he had said goodbye and they parted. Maybe that's why he didn't do it?  

Speaking of, I really like how the writer used to earthquake to bring them together again, but it wasn't actually a catalyst for her feelings at all. It was just another chance for them to be together in the same place so they can figure things out. She didn't do the cliched thing of rushing after him thinking he'd died and didn't regret her choice because of it.  She was very worried, but instead of falling apart she kept it together knowing she might have to be the the one to save him if he was hurt. These two didn't ever really need super dramatic moments to come to any realizations about what they felt for each other.  It was always a natural progression. 

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22 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

Re-watching ep 1, and the scene where he accidentally touches KMY's finger... I love how that touch absolutely shocks her. It's like a jolt of electricity that went through her when she jumped!

Do you think that was an accident?  I thought he did it on purpose. :sweatingbullets:

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Just now, melissala said:

These two didn't ever really need super dramatic moments to come to any realizations about what they felt for each other.  It was always a natural progression. 

Sorry to cut your post.

Agreed!!! When some people say, its too cheesy and over the top, i literally had to roll my eyes. After watching so many dramas i can confidently say that dots is the only drama that had portrayed the relationship btwn its leads in a very realistic way. Yes our captain may say the most cheesiest line and we may have scenes like car hanging off a cliff, our captain walking around minutes after a cardiac arrest. 

But those peripheral things, in any way, doesn't contribute to the emotional development of the characters, its always from within them. They sought out the problems in their relationship through a simple conversation. They TALK , people i insist again, they TALK. It frustrates me to no end when a drama drags the misunderstanding btwn the leads for a long time when it could have been solved by a simple conversation.

@gilaswan But i dont think they will ever get caught by dispatch. It seems like dispatch highly respects SHK so if at all anything, they will only try to protect her.Hence I think SJK and SHK are the only ones who can confirm their relationship. But that doesn't seem like a possibility atleast for now. We will have to wait and see, maybe after 2 years.

About the "i hate you SJK" part , i literally mean it. You dont know about the emotional trauma i went through after watching that drama but anyways dots was there to heal my pain but the scars are still there:mellow:

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20 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

OK. Here's a new story set... for the fun of it. Might still edit it here and there but well... this is basically it.



Can't view says it's in draft status 

Works now! I was too eager :P 

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6 hours ago, kristy86 said:

Sometimes I feel KBS World translation is kind of off, well maybe bcos I'm used to the other trans. 

According to the subbing credits on Dramafever, they got their subs from KBS.  If KBS World is using the same subs (and I would assume they are) then yeah, they're definitely off in some places.  The only specific examples I can think of right now are when they translated Choco Pie to something about tire wheels.  I did a double take at that one and swear I'm not making it.  I don't even know why they felt the need to translate that.  The other moment I recall is when YSJ comes out of the earthquake rubble with Kang Min Jae.  According to Dramafever/KBS, he says he shouldn't have saved Kang Min Jae if he was going to hit on a pretty doctor.  But what he's really saying is he shouldn't have saved Kang Min Jae if he was going to keep calling him ajhussi.  It's kind of obvious  there's an error in the translation when you can hear YSJ saying "Ajhussi."  :P

I haven't finished watching DotS on Dramafever but I look forward to seeing what other discrepancies I might stumble upon.  Hee!

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4 minutes ago, kokodus said:

Agreed!!! When some people say, its too cheesy and over the top, i literally had to roll my eyes. After watching so many dramas i can confidently say that dots is the only drama that had portrayed the relationship btwn its leads in a very realistic way. Yes our captain may say the most cheesiest line and we may have scenes like car hanging off a cliff, our captain walking around minutes after a cardiac arrest. 

But those peripheral things, in any way, doesn't contribute to the emotional development of the characters, its always from within them. They sought out the problems in their relationship through a simple conversation. They TALK , people i insist again, they TALK. It frustrates me to no end when a drama drags the misunderstanding btwn the leads for a long time when it could have been solved by a simple conversation.


YES.  This.  I agree wholeheartedly.  I also appreciate that there are no moments of misplaced noble idiocy, missed connections, and similar events that can be so endemic to Kdramas. 

Ah... DotS.  I cannot wait, guys.  In 5 hours I will be done with my work project and then I can finally return and properly participate in the Land of DotS Obsession.  Counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds.  Wish me luck!  ;)

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@kokodus: Oh really?! I think someone might have linked it in the shipper thread but I don't remember seeing it, I’ll have to find the video. Thanks! I’m sorry it made your R88 feels resurface though. :tears:

@melissala: I haven’t seen any episode yet with the new subs but I really want to now. Wanted to finish re-timing them first though. Really excited to see some lines of dialogue that I know my old subs missed! I guess that’s the problem with knowing a bit of Korean: you know just enough to realize subs are off but not enough to watch without subs…

@gilaswan: You know, I was curious about that scene and couldn’t decide if he did that on accident or on purpose. I was leaning towards on purpose though since he was clearly already interested in her.


The cheesy lines are part of the captain’s charm though! He wouldn’t be the same character without those cheesy lines of dialogue and I don’t think MY would be as interested in him if his disposition was more like DY’s: serious to match his serious job.  That contradiction is what makes him so intriguing and loveable!

Adding my vote to the list of people who enjoy the lack of miscommunication and noble idiocy!


I love this thread! It’s the only thread where I can go to sleep and when I wake up, there will be pages for me to read!

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Just now, phikyl said:


How does SJ get the confession recording from MY's phone?! :D

I too want to know this. If i were MY i would have deleted it as soon as i get my phone back. 

Probably daniel would have retrieved the data from her phone for SJ. He said he is good at fixing machines maybe he is also good at techno stuff. Even then, how did he get his hands on her phone without her knowledge????

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And to echo @phikyl's sentiments: Hellooo... Dear friends who are awake while I sleep. Heh. Love waking up to updates from all of you. :D 

Did anyone notice KMY's eyes the very first time SiJin ditches her for a mission? She actually looked worried even though she barely knew him at that point. She certainly was curious about him, but her eyes did show that tiny bit of worry, as did his before he got onto the helicopter. Wonder what was going through their minds at that point. 


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1 hour ago, zashibear said:


It would have been awesome if he sang in the OST. But the OST of Descendants of the Sun rocks nevertheless. 


Indeed it's probably regrettable for singers who declined to be part of the ost, but I was reading some of the comments and one said the actors who declined the role of Yoo SiJin are probably regretting it even more. While that may be true, I honestly cannot imagine how any other actor could've played the role better than SJK. Have said it a gazillion times before, will say it again - that perfect mix of man and boy can only be found in SJK. (My hubby raised his eyebrow at that comment. Hahaha...)

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24 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

Indeed it's probably regrettable for singers who declined to be part of the ost, but I was reading some of the comments and one said the actors who declined the role of Yoo SiJin are probably regretting it even more. While that may be true, I honestly cannot imagine how any other actor could've played the role better than SJK. Have said it a gazillion times before, will say it again - that perfect mix of man and boy can only be found in SJK. (My hubby raised his eyebrow at that comment. Hahaha...)

Halfway through your comment I was thinking "I can't imagine another actor being YSJ". The other half, I was nodding in agreement. Lol!

I just look at it this way: Yes, those singers/actors missed the boat but if they had done it, DotS wouldn't be DotS anymore! Everything from the actors, to the set, to the soundtrack was absolutely perfect and I wouldn't want a single bit changed of it. It doesn't matter who or what might have been changed, to me it wouldn't be the same and might even have been worse. Just imagine an actor who doesn't have the acting range of SJK or SHK playing either of their characters.

There's too much subtlety in their acting and facial expressions for a lot of others to pull it off. And heaven forbid they pull in an idol actor. [No pitchforks! :sweatingbullets:] I know some idols can act but the majority cannot. I'd rather have someone who can pull off the subtlety needed for those roles than another pretty face! SJK is pretty and can act, perfect choice! :phew:

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