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[Drama 2015] Angry Mom 앵그리맘


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KYAAAAAA!!! I've been out for almost 24hrs and I read so many good news!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH @fleurofjasmine, @emme85, @valsava, @racheleta, @MaknaeC and others for the BTS pics, vids, articles w/ translations and some insights.. ;)^_^;)


I'm so very thankful and appreciated all of it!!! mwaaaaaah! Without you chingu's, I can't read all of the good news you posted :):):)

so, Kamsa-hamnida, Danke, Gracias, Thank you again!!!

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@emme85 thank you very much for last filming BTS :) I really apreciate all your hardwork, download and uploading to youtube..

@MaknaeC ooppss..sorry..I didn't mean to started an off topic discussion. Thank you for the correction, I think I was wrong. I get that info about her debut movie from video by arirang kpop which I have watched. Thank you very much for inviting me to KYJ's thread. I will visit soon if I have a time :) Nice I can get to know you from angry mom's thread :)

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Guest meti07028

BTS and final greetings from Kim Hee Sun, Kim Yoo Jung, Ji Soo and Lizzy!

*Can't upload Baro's coz MBC keeps blocking every Baro's video.. that's including his first greeting and blooper video~

Cr videos uploaded from iMBC!


​Really? Why?

@meti07028_stv I think Baro's company is really strict on people uploading their artist' material on YT? except for their own YT channel??

Coz last time my videos of him in first greeting, bloopers and now his last farewell were also blocked by MBC globally... right after 100% processed in YT..

If only they give us wrap up party video... hehehe

a bunch of thanks :wub:

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I don't know if there is already a mom here, but I just want to greet.. :):):)

it's already MAY 10 in my country now so, HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all moms here and to your mom and grandmom and great grandmom and great great grandmom!! heheh.. :);)^_^9_9

Enjoy your day with your family and friends.. God bless! ;):)B|


ok, it's already 12:45am here in my country so Good MorNight chingu's! :)

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Hello everyone,

I'm sorry that some of my posts here were annoying. I wrote this oneshot future fic that I hope could be a consolation after this drama has ended.


Dedicated to @Sunset90  who wants to be a teacher, @bebebisous33 who is a teacher, @emme85 my fellow KMHM poster, and other posters of this inspiring thread. I'm a teacher, so excuse the fic's angle.


They'd make these calls or come to his house from time to time, and Park Noah would almost always be there.

Almost, except for that one time when Wang Jung-hee was to ecstatic about her first ad photoshoot and charity project, that she called him at dawn. He simply put the receiver away and let the girl shouted out loud from a safe distance. Humans must sleep, for heaven's sake.

Or that time when another student from her class called Noah simply to tell him that the Japanese Literature professor in his university was less smarter than Noah, at 3 A.M. The kid must have had downed too much soju in one go, but Noah had always been a forgiving teacher: he simply "ooh"-ed and "yeah"-ed along the way until the kid snored on the other end of the phone line.

He still loved this, anyway: keeping in touch with his current and former students. But he always had a soft spot for Class of 2016: the class he weathered the harsh seasons together.

This other night at the week might be his favorite.

Two of the kids  from the class called him. One of them yawned repeatedly, having skipped his meals and been sleepless for days from reading the CPC amendments. The other one cussed on the phone because a senior kicked him in a training session after he misremembered citizen rights in an arrest.

He couldn't help but laughing.

"You chose this by yourself," he said, to each of them separately.

And Hong Sang-tae, the one with the CPC crisis, groaned loudly. "I know, but why?" Noah could hear a very large and thick book being thrown across the room, and a bag of chips being ripped open.

"Let's see. Something about prosecuting?" Noah grinned. He knew the boy too well; Sang-tae was not a quitter. He always said he'd quit, but he never did.

"Yeah, there's that," Sang-tae said, and Noah could see him scratching his head. There were some gray hair in the kid's head these days, sadly. But maybe if you were bent on something because you wanted to right your parents' wrong , you were bound to grow  gray hair here and there.

But Noah was thankful, and truthfully, rather amazed, that Sang-tae survived the ordeal of his adolescence after all. Quiet and serious, now he seemed older than his age, to Noah's eyes. Or perhaps it was the teacher in him speaking.

"Why don't you call Oh Ah-ran to cheer you up?" Noah asked, trying to push the sad realization away.

"Well...oh, er...we..." the discomfort in Sang-tae's voice was too loud from miles away.

"...are not talking. Again." Noah continued. The cycle continued with these two. Fight, make up, fight, make up, fight. Oh well, they're adults now, Noah thought. It was too easy for him to forget that the teenager version of these kids had gone.

"You're such a mind reader, saem," Sang-tae chuckled.

"I have to, to be your guys' teacher," Noah shook his head. Maybe he really was telepathic. One or two days from now Oh Ah-ran would come or call him, too and told him her version of the story. Classic pattern.

Noah often wondered if being a teacher meant he had to be a relationship counselor too. Maybe he should just step back and let them grow up.


* * *


"$%#%! D4ng. Basically, I couldn't remember what I had to read when I arrest someone. It's not that *&^$% bad! Why did the @#$% kicked me in the shin?" the other former student told Noah that night, exactly an hour after Sang-tae's call.  "Anyway. Why was your phone busy, hyung? Girlfriend calling? Ex-girlfriend? Somebody's wife?"

"No, no, and no," Noah had to roll his eyes. This curiosity was the side of Go Bok-dong he never thought he'd see 4 years ago, but then again...the kid was a police cadet after all. And he was practically more like Noah's dongsaeng now rather than a student.

With his brother away as a fisherman in the south and Ahn Dong-chil abroad in China after his release, Bok-dong had come back to live with Noah and his father again--the fact that the kid loved to lord over Sang-tae and Wang Jung-hee.

"Anyway, if you ask my opinion, then yes, it's a super very huge mistake for a police cadet to forget the citizen's rights in an arrest."

"Who was it? Was it Jo Bang... Jo Kang-ja?"

Bok-dong wasn't Bok-dong if he listened first. Noah sighed. Did he have to tell the kid that Kang-ja was there an hour ago to cook for him and his father? It had become really awkward to talk about her these days, and to Bok-dong nonetheless. Even though nothing happened. Really.

"No, it was Sang-tae."

"Phew," Bok-dong whistled.  "Why? Has Ah-ran dumped him again?"

Noah could swear these three kids were spying on him and on one another.

"Go ask him. And do study hard, Cadet Go. You've got a judge as your sponsor, you know," he glanced at his passing father, who rose his eyebrows in a, "Why did you mention it?" manner.

Noah shrugged and mouthed, "Sorry, I had to!"

"I know. Am I cool or what?" he must be grinning smugly over there, Noah thought. Ah well, he was helpless, this one.

"I'm sleepy. Bye," Noah sighed and reached for the on/off button on his phone. It was 1 AM and tomorrow was Sunday anyway, but he needed his sleep.

"No no no, wait, hyung," Bok-dong pleaded.

Noah stopped. "Yeah?"

"It's just... I know I owe you and father a lot. I know it... you helped me expunge my juvie record and everything..."

Noah cut him short, horrified at how pained the kid sounded now. "No, please Bok-dong, don't mention it."

"...I mean, I promise I won't let you and father down."

Noah nodded, "Okay." He knew how earnest the kid was. A bit reckless, sure. But still earnest.

"I'm too cool not to know how far I'll go if I try hard."

Noah growled. Heere we go, the Bok-dong ego they all knew and loved.

"Bye, Bok-dong. Just bye."

Go Bok-dong was still cackling on the other end of the line.


* * *


"It's not like he didn't know I had to cram up for exams," yet another Noah's former student said, frowning as she looked at Noah from across the table. Her mother came in with a tray of sliced watermelons some seconds later.

"If this is going to be a Sang-tae story, then no, I don't want to hear it," Noah put his foot down. "You've grown up now, both of you."

Oh Ah-ran massaged her temples. "We sure have."

She had always been more serious than her friends,  although Sang-tae had been catching up to her these last 4 years, Noah noticed.  

"You're both busy with exams," Jo Kang-ja answered, while her daughter sighed. "Still, I think it's not bad if you call each other."

"I had an investigation article to submit, for the magazine," the budding journalist retorted. "That case of bullying at X high school."

Noah had only started to nod, when Kang-ja said, "..which you had finished the day before," completing her daughter's sentence.

"Oh eomma, you're such a spy," Ah-ran shook her head, defeated.

She never yelled at her mother these days, Noah noticed, just exasperated. He must admit he liked this development. One of the signs of growth was when an individual could see how imperfectly humane their parents were.

"Not spying. I found your printed article on top of the restaurant's desktop. Well, Gong-joo did, actually."

Oh Ah-ran leaned on her chair loudly that it screeched. "Okay, maybe I just need some time away from him. Maybe."

"Then just tell him honestly," Kang-ja said, offering the sliced watermelon to her daughter, who took it with no hesitation.

"Yeah, okay. Alright," Ah-ran sighed. "I have to catch this sunbae's journalism photography class downtown in an hour. Can I leave now?"

"Sure, share your photo tryouts to me by email later?" Ah-ran's mother grinned hopefully.

"Eomma, you don't even read emails," Ah-ran grimaced.

"Right, I don't. But it sounds great to say that I'd love to read an email from you, anyway," Kang-ja laughed.

Noah smiled as he took his own watermelon slice in silence. Wasn't it magical how this amazing mother and daughter pair used to be his students? Wasn't it magical how  students seemed to find courage to do something meaningful?

Nothing could ever beat these times. Nothing could erase these back-breaking, sometimes heartrending, yet invigorating and uplifting days and nights.




Dedicated to my teachers, especially Mr M in elementary school, who took me home when I had a fever that day. And Ms A, who paid for my bus fare from time to time when I was in high school.



Author's Notes:

I'm sorry for sending Ahn Dong-chil abroad. I just love to see Bok-dong as Noah's adoptive dongsaeng.

Even before the end of this drama, I had this idea of writing Sang-tae as a law student. So glad the writer decided that the kid wanted to be a prosecutor.

I always felt that it's necessary to expunge Bok-dong's and Kang-ja's juvie records.

The CPC, otherwise known as the CPA (stands for Criminal Procedure Code or Criminal Procedure Act) is one of the statutes of Law of Republic of South Korea.

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I AM HERE SOLELY CAUSE OF WITHDRAWALS. :( I HAVEN'T HAD such a bad withdrawa since Healer ended. :( :(:( :(:( 


I seriously watched ep 15 and ep 16 with like 40 percent subs respectively on the airing nights despite having exams the next Day.. and now that I sm done with exams and, the show is over my life is so .... void... empty... it feels weird. 

I am on episode 3 right now..  rewatching it... I never realised that I wanted to kill that vice principle till now... >:(

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Guest noemia

Please, that KHS  says in the video from a party. She says chtsch something about  hand. And that says Ji Soo about our princess.

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B1A4 Baro on Relationship with Kim Yoo Jung, Discusses Kim Hee Sun’s Love of Photoshop

MBC’s “Section TV” recently visited the after party for drama “Angry Mom,” where the show spoke to members of the cast.

When it comes time for B1A4 Baro’s interview, the reporter says, “We’ll give you an opportunity to get it off your chest and explain,” referring to the recent photos that surfaced of Kim Yoo Jung and Baro at a soccer match and the ensuing dating rumors, for which both actors’ agencies have already given an explanation.

Baro responds to “Section TV,” “[Calling it an explanation] is making it weird, but there’s really no need to see it that way. [Kim Yoo Jung] is a dongsaeng (little sister) I really care for, and we’ve gotten close.”

On the countless amount of photos with the cast Kim Hee Sun has taken, Baro says, “I think Bang Wool [Kim Hee Sun] really likes to photoshop. She’s a goddess even when she doesn’t alter photos,” and jokes, “I think it’s a personal greed of hers.”

“I think she really likes recording memories with everyone.”



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“Angry Mom” Ji Soo Is Adorably Shy and Embarrassed During “Section TV” Interview

“Angry Mom” Ji Soo Is Adorably Shy and Embarrassed During “Section TV” Interview

MBC’s “Section TV” had a chat with new up-and-coming actor Ji Soo at the after party for “Angry Mom,” where he showed that, despite having showed some great acting in the drama, he is still very much green and new to the industry.

“I think it was a string of really lucky events for me. It seems people are taking an interest, so I feel really good about that,” says the actor.

When asked by the reporter about the maximum age difference he could do in a relationship, Ji Soo says that he thinks there’s no limit, if the hearts are there.

The reporter then comments that Ji Soo’s hands are really tightly entwined, and that he seems nervous, at which he unwinds them, and quickly clasps them again with a quiet apology, as he shifts from one foot to another. He explains, “It hasn’t been long since I’ve been doing this, and I’m not used to it, so I think that’s why..”


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