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[Drama 2015] Falling For Innocence 순정에 반하다


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First time commenting... I think Im not the only one loving this drama. 
Recaps on ep 3 is out yay!! Esp for those waiting for the subs.  
But anyone like our lead having a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.." (CR dramabeans :)) )

And needs some TLC ??? 

:)) =)) loving the new Min Ho.... so funny. 

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Falling for Innocence: Episode 3 by gummimochi | April 12, 2015 | 3 Comments


If you were afraid that Min-ho getting a second shot at life would come with a complete metamorphosis where he shed his bullying suit and bloomed into a lovesick romantic, then I’m relieved to inform you that it isn’t the case here. In fact, it turns out that following around a bumbling hero who’s still very much an richard simmons, but suddenly loves lollipops, try and piece together his scattered memory is pretty amusing.

All he has is one clue to work off of, and Min-ho will be in for quite a surprised where he finds out where that will lead him. Time will tell if Min-ho and those around him will pick up on any noticeable changes in him, but really all he has to do is one thing: follow his literal new heart. More Dramabeans

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A Haunting

(The Beauty of Lens Flares)

I'm back with a geeky cinematography post.  Lens flares, when used properly, can create a surreal effect in a scene. I found these in Eps 3-4.

Ep 3

Notice how the lens flare starts hovering near Min-ho in this scene


And then it goes through his body in this scene


The lens flares are small in both scenes, similar to halo effects we usually find in ghost-tracking shows.

In the two frames, Min-ho shows obvious signs of Dong-wook's "possession" by approaching Soon-jung in a Dong-wook(ish) way. With  similar mannerism, gesture and even ringtone, what we get there is a crossover of Dong-wook and Min-ho. However, he hasn't changed so utterly as he'll be in Ep 4. 

Ep 4

However, the lens flares are large in these scenes:


The large lens flare superimposes Min-ho, at one point almost obscures his head completely, followed by another flare in the next frame  

Progressing to Ep 4, what we see is a Min-ho who not only changes his hairstyle, but also his fashion taste (the lollipop craving is inseparable from him now). Strangely, although the scene was shot in broad daylight--judging by the brightness--the lens flare magnifies Min-ho's major changes and strengthens the ghostly impression.


A similar technique of lens flare was used in the CW  "Supernatural" series, when a lens flare superimposed Dean Winchester, one of its main characters, lingering on his head.


Since the theme of the series is (of course) supernatural, the presence of lens flare is in line with the characters, including Dean, who was repeatedly killed and revived in the course of the series. 

What about Min-ho, then?

It's much the same. 

Min-ho has literally "died" on the night when his heart had to be replaced by Dong-wook's, so the themes of death and revival also occur in this drama, albeit in a less metaphysical manner. For this reason, lens flares in this drama play a significant role in explaining these themes.

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selenette said:  
larus said:
"I loved Soon Jung narration but it was so sad. Min Ho and Soon Jung are similar, but emotionally, they were and they are now in different stages. Before the heart transplant moment, Min Ho did not have a future...Sung Joon was happy... After the heart transplant, Min Ho discover the life...but he wants a future for himself as well. For Sung Jung, tomorrow disappeared..."

@Iarus I'm sorry I cut your post. I love what you said there so much. I think it was beautifully phrased, well done!. 
("Möbius strip" by David Benbennick - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons )

"The Möbius strip or Möbius band (/ˈmɜrbiəs/ (non-rhotic) or US /ˈmoʊbiəs/; German: [ˈmøːbi̯ʊs]), also Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side and only one boundary" (Wikipedia, 2015)
"What makes this seemingly ordinary construct so fascinating is that, while the original strip of paper clearly had two sides, the Möbius strip seems to have only one"(from https://www.math.hmc.edu/~gu/curves_and_surfaces/surfaces/moebius.html)

So, IMO  Soon-jung and Min-ho are the two twisted sides of the Möbius Strip, they're different and the same. The twist between them are not really a twist. And Dong-wook's heart is the paper boundary that brings them together.  
This view of the three characters as a  Möbius Strip is relevant  to the "mirror stage" theory of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Lacan theorized that we can only discover our true selves from the gaze of others, and vice versa. I'm waiting for the day when these two can realize it, too. 

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I was just watching those short youtube clips of ep 4 and just wanted to say that JTBC is really good with their music/background sound choices in their dramas....so goodThe pieces fit very well with the scenes!!! making me feel the right emotions :D

selenette A Haunting (The Beauty of Lens Flares)

I'm back with a geeky cinematography post.  Lens flares, when used properly, can create a surreal effect in a scene. I found these in Eps 3-4.

Ep 3

Notice how the lens flare starts hovering near Min-ho in this scene


And then it goes through his body in this scene


The lens flares are small in both scenes, similar to halo effects we usually find in ghost-tracking shows.

Ep 4

However, notice how large the lens flare in these scenes:


The large lens flare superimposes Min-ho, at one point almost obscures his head completely, followed by another flare in the next frame  

In the abovementioned scenes from Ep 3, Min-ho shows obvious signs of Dong-wook's "possession" by approaching Soon-jung in a Dong-wook(ish) way. With  similar mannerism, gesture and even ringtone, what we get there is a crossover of Dong-wook and Min-ho. However, he hasn't changed so utterly as he'll be in Ep 4.

Progressing to Ep 4, what we see is a Min-ho who not only changes his hairstyle, but also his fashion taste (the lollipop craving is inseparable from him now).

Therefore, the large lens flare against a bright window doubles the haunting effect. This is strange because the scene was shot in broad daylight--judging by the brightness--but the lens flare magnifies the major changes that Min-ho undergoes and strengthens the ghostly impression.

A similar technique of lens flare was used in the CW series "Supernatural", when a lens flare superimposed Dean Winchester, one of its main character, lingering on his head.


Since the theme of the series is (of course) supernatural, the presence of lens flare is in line with the characters, including Dean, who was repeatedly killed and revived in the course of the series. 

What about Min-ho, then? It's much the same. Min-ho has literally "died" on the night when his heart had to be replaced by Dong-wook's, so the themes of death and revival also occur in this drama, albeit in a less metaphysical manner.. For this reason, lens flares in this drama play a significant role in explaining these themes.

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@only1khj I sensed the disjointed narrative in the scene too (the one when Min-ho found a drunk Soon-jung). But in the writer's defense, I think Soon-jung was too drunk to even believe that the meeting was real, so maybe after their short chat, Min-ho made sure she got home safely and then left. 

Only in the latter parts of Ep 4 did she realize that Min-ho really came and sat next to her, etc the way Dong-wook used to do (which prompted her to yell at Min-ho in front of her dream house). 

@sandjh: Thanks so much for reading that weird post. I'll probably write somethjing like that again about Eps 3-4. The music in the drama really helps a lot in capturing the characters' emotions. 

@miriamdream2: I'm also of the same opinion that Soon-jung is a "for the greater good" type of person. I think she must has solid reasons, but personally I dislike this type of person because IMO such reasoning hampers progress. There won't be any revolution if people keep thinking that the masses will suffer. Of course, they will suffer, but sometimes suffering is inevitable if we want to make a bold move. 

I know my logic is faulty because it can't be applied to revenge plans like Min-ho's. I'm just saying that as much as Min-ho might have to backpedal on his bloodthirsty plans, so might Soon-jung, on her neutrality. One day, she'll have to take sides. 

My Mobius Strip post was actually based on @Iarus 's post and a manga I read a long time ago, where its OTP complemented each other like Min-ho and Soon-jung. 

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selenette said:

@miriamdream2: I'm also of the same opinion that Soon-jung is a "for the greater good" type of person. I think she must has solid reasons, but personally I dislike this type of person because IMO such reasoning hampers progress. There won't be any revolution if people keep thinking that the masses will suffer. Of course, they will suffer, but sometimes suffering is inevitable if we want to make a bold move. 

-------------CUT CUT --------------------

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 I finally caught up with the latest eps ( the partially subbed version) and I'm starting to think the writer has something other than the pseudo-science thing in mind when it comes to the way this story will go. As I watched these 2 ep I found myself saying "this is one heck of a ghost story" because every scene involving MH changing his behavior screamed good old fashioned haunting to me and as my Dramaland Hilarious Hyung-nim pointed out cellular memory is kind of ghost story-like. Now for me this works perfectly as long as they stick with this approach and they don't throw in a doctor around ep 13 trying to argue for a scientific explanation.
 Interesting approach to the story aside this series has something really special going for it: the OTP. It's been a while since I watched a drama where the 2 leads are doing such a good job and this really helps out any story no matter how good or bad the writing is. First we have JKH who is down right funny as the wannabe rich bad guy (who knew Paksa could take down criminals and be hilarious at the same time :)) ) and of course the lovely KSY who did a great job at choosing this role, one which allows her to really show her stuff acting wise - typical dramaland role at first glance but with plenty of intriguing nuances as we see more of the character.
 All in all, the story is progressing rather nicely and it shows signs the good stuff is yet to come and the only thing that might need some work is the speed of the subs :))

P.S. This is probably not going to happen but if by some miracle the "best friend" isn't the one who ran over SJ's fiancee I'm hosting a "Jumping to conclusions" party for everyone who is already hating on the scheming pretty boy ( @stuartjmz will of course be the guest of honour) =)) =))

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victorb said:P.S. This is probably not going to happen but if by some miracle the "best friend" isn't the one who ran over SJ's fiancee I'm hosting a "Jumping to conclusions" party for everyone who is already hating on the scheming pretty boy ( @stuartjmz will of course be the guest of honour) =)) =))

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The scene from the police station was wonderful. We had many good scenes in the last two episodes.

I smiled the entire time watching Min Ho trying to apologize. In the end things did not go how it supposed to be.   :)

I put the whole scene because that good it was. He never apologized in his life, isn`t it? 


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Soon Jung: Director, you may have been tired to see me constantly, but to be honest I was tired of you whenever you came as well.

:)) How wrong she is!  Even before the heart transplant Min Ho enjoyed her presence around him. Sure, he did not treat her as a gentlemen, but all that was his way of interaction outside work. How glad he was when he thought Soon Jung came to visit him at the hospital!  All his b*** talk after that was just a defection. He used to do that a lot even before the transplant.

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